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Chapter 855: This is unscientific!

The so-called low-temperature zone experiments are based on the standard room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius that was used in the initial experiment and decreased downwards.

Targeted test experiments are not complicated. The superconducting electromagnetic testing system in the laboratory can intelligently adjust temperature, pressure and other test intervals through a computer.

The moment the experimental data came out, everyone in the laboratory rushed forward anxiously.

Strictly speaking, the standard room temperature is not actually 25 degrees Celsius, but is defined as 23 (±2) degrees Celsius.

From 21℃ to 25℃, they all fall within the scope of standard room temperature. This range ensures that the indoor temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, thereby providing a comfortable living and working environment.

But this is for the living and working environment of humans, and for the working environment of ‘equipment’, it is much more than that.

The area from minus 40 to 50 degrees Celsius to about 100 degrees Celsius is the working environment of machinery and equipment.

If room temperature superconducting materials are to be widely used, it is inevitable to adapt to this working range.

On the computer screen, data in tabular form came into view.

This time the test is still based on 25 degrees Celsius and has been reduced to minus 40 degrees Celsius.

This range is enough to cope with most working environments on the planet.

At a standard room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, the value of the superconducting critical pressure of the copper oxide-based chromium-silver system room-temperature superconducting material is 318.651kPa, which decreases downwards.

"At 24 degrees Celsius, the critical pressure value is 306.901kPa."

"At 23 degrees Celsius, the critical pressure value is 297.078kPa."

"At 22 degrees Celsius...289.123kPa..."


"0 degrees Celsius..."


Looking at the data in front of them, several people in the laboratory frowned again.

Once again, something happened that they couldn't understand.

Compared with the experiments in the high-temperature zone, the experimental data in the low-temperature zone once again exceeded their expectations.

Calculated based on the experimental data in the high-temperature area, the experimental data in the low-temperature area should have similar reductions in pressure values.

In other words, for every one degree Celsius decrease, the demand for external energy, that is, the intensity of the pressure, should be around 30 kPa.

This is an experience summarized from experimental data in high temperature areas.

But now, it's obviously not right.

Judging from the experimental data in the low-temperature zone, 25 degrees Celsius is a very obvious dividing point. If you lower it by one degree Celsius, the pressure will only decrease by about ten kilopascals.

Although this data is still within the positive correlation between superconducting pressure, temperature and pressure, it also clearly violates the laws of thermodynamics like the data in the high-temperature region.

Staring at the experimental data on the computer screen, Song Wenbai frowned and said, "The experimental data in the low-temperature area is completely different from that in the high-temperature area..."

On the side, Gong Zheng nodded, with some thought in his eyebrows, and said: "Obviously, based on 25 degrees Celsius, the pressure at which this material reaches the critical point of superconducting transition at different temperatures is divided into two parts.


"But this shouldn't be..."

Whether judging from the experimental data in the high-temperature region or based on the laws of thermodynamics, the experimental data in the low-temperature region are wrong.

According to the first two, every time the temperature decreases by one degree Celsius, the energy required to maintain superconductivity should decrease by thirty kilopascals.

Ten thousand pascals is too little.

On the side, Fan Pengyue stared at the data on the screen for a while, and then his eyes suddenly shifted to Xu Chuan.

The experimental data of the low-temperature zone have come out. How should this junior brother explain the almost completely different situations of the high-temperature zone and the low-temperature zone?

Being stared at closely by several people, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "As for the paper "Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" that was sent to you before, I must have read it many times in the past month.


Hearing this, whether it was Senior Brother Fan, Song Wenbai, or Gong Zheng, they all nodded subconsciously.

Fan Pengyue even smiled and said, "I've seen it before, and I know it by heart!"

"Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" contains Xu Chuan's speculation on the mechanism of room temperature superconductivity. Their experimental research over the past month has been based on this theory.

Not to mention having read it several times, this paper can be said to be familiar to them by heart.

"The seventh line of page 16 begins. Then recite the content." Xu Chuan smiled, his eyes fell on Senior Brother Fan with a hint of ridicule, and he said with a smile.

Since you say you know it by heart, let me memorize it.

Hearing this, Fan Pengyue scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled coquettishly.

I just boasted something awesome and was immediately exposed.

Although "Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" is not a long academic paper, it still has about thirty pages.

If you ask about the knowledge points of this paper, he can guarantee that he can definitely answer them.

But when it comes to reciting the entire paper completely, he only wants to say one thing.

I can’t do it!

Smiling and shaking his head, Xu Chuan looked at Song Wenbai and Gong Zheng and asked, "What about you, do you remember them?"

This can be regarded as a small assessment. The theory of localized structure of condensed matter electrons, a paper that contains part of the mechanism of room temperature superconducting materials, is of vital importance to the physics community and materials science community.

Reading and memorizing are two different concepts.

In the laboratory, Song Wenbo frowned and thought for a while, then said: "...The electron delocalization effect is an effect produced when electron spins exchange and spin transfer, which can significantly change the properties of matter.

Electromagnetic properties such as density of states, capacitance and magnetostriction coefficient..."

He remembered some of it, but he couldn't recite the entire paper completely.

Of course, for them, it is not important that they cannot completely write down the entire paper. What is important is the knowledge points and core theories in the paper. It is enough to be familiar with these things.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! On the side, Gong Zheng added a part, but he was also unable to write down the entire paper.

Xu Chuan shook his head. Although it was an assessment, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just spoke on the basis of the two people.

"Electron localization construction mainly involves electrons occupying a state with a specific energy at a specific position in a solid material. It is an electronic state with a specific energy associated with a specific position in the solid material."

"And when an electron occupies this state, it is bound near a specific position with a specific energy. In disordered solids, due to the destruction of periodicity, a band-tailed localized state will be produced. Defect states or donor-acceptor impurities in the material

The electronic states on the top, or the band tail states in strongly doped semiconductors are also localized states...."

"The physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials depend greatly on their electronic structure. When the size of the material is reduced to the sub-nanometer scale, its electronic structure will change significantly, and it has extremely strong size-dependent characteristics...


Without too much thinking, the memories in my mind trickled out like water.

In the laboratory, Fan Pengyue looked at Xu Chuan, who was still describing "Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" in front of him, as if he were looking at a monster.

After staring blankly for a long time, he suddenly remembered something and quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. It was the kind without Internet connection and was specially used to store some important information and record some important things.

After all, he now controls the entire Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute, which is a laboratory closely watched by the United States. Many important things are kept secret.

Just like the paper "The Theory of Localized Structure of Condensed Matter Electrons" that Xu Chuan sent to them a month ago, this paper would not have been published online without Xu Chuan's consent.

However, it is no problem to record it on a mobile phone that is not connected to the Internet and use it to browse and view questions in daily experimental research.

Quickly clicking on the paper, Fan Peng turned to the corresponding position and started reading it against Xu Chuan's recitation.

On the side, Song Wenbai and Gong Zheng also came over.

"Hi~, that's every word!"

“Is this something a human can do?”

A paper of about thirty pages, and it is an extremely complex academic paper, yet the person in front of me can actually recite it word for word.

Even if he wrote the paper, isn't this a bit exaggerated?

After Xu Chuan stopped reciting the paper, Fan Pengyue looked at him in surprise and couldn't help but ask: "It's word for word, how did you do it?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said lightly: "Only familiar."

Fan Pengyue gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "This beta is very good at pretending, I give you full marks!"

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head without saying anything.

For him, reciting this kind of theoretical paper is no different from a high school student reciting ancient poems such as "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" and "Shi Shi Biao".

Although the former is much longer than the latter, for scholars like them, familiarity with papers can only be said to be a basic talent.

Just like learning a foreign language, it may take an ordinary person two or three years to learn a foreign language before he can communicate with others proficiently.

But for top scholars like them, learning a foreign language only takes a few months.

For example, at the CERN institution, because it is established at the border between France and Geneva, the lingua franca is not only English but also French.

The vast majority of physicists are not French, and the first thing they do when entering CERN is to learn French.

According to the online UNESCO's list of the world's top ten difficult languages ​​to learn, French ranks tenth (the first is Chinese, and English is not in the top ten).

In terms of pronunciation and grammar, French is more complicated than English. If we really want to put it in terms of difficulty, learning French is almost twice as difficult as English.

But even so, it usually only takes a few months for many physicists to go from knowing nothing to being able to speak French proficiently with other scholars.

In his previous life, he only spent less than two months learning French.

Talent is something that everyone has, for scholars like them who can be said to be at the forefront of academia.

Learning a language is easy, and reciting a paper is not difficult.

However, for others, being able to write down a thirty-page academic paper verbatim is an understatement.

To be honest, apart from the legendary hyperamnesia, they really can't think of any other possibilities.

It brought a little memory shock to several researchers in the laboratory, and Xu Chuan did not dwell too much on this matter.

He said: "About this room temperature superconducting material, why there is such strange experimental data, the principle lies in what I just said."

Hearing this, the three people who had read "Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" frowned and started thinking.

Although they are unable to recite the entire paper word for word like Xu Chuan, they definitely have memories of the key points in the paper.

But the explanation for this abnormal experimental data situation is not found in the entire paper, at least in their memory.

Of course, since the person in front of them has clearly told them that the relevant explanation mechanism is in the paper, they must believe it.

Then the only possibility is that this mechanism is not clearly described in detail in the paper, but is just mentioned in passing or hidden in a certain theory.

Looking at the three people who were frowning and thinking hard, Xu Chuan chuckled lightly, without directly explaining the mechanism or interrupting their thinking.

The mechanism behind the abnormal experimental data of room-temperature superconducting materials is indeed hidden in the paper, but it is still difficult to find it without mentioning it.

After all, the paper is more than thirty pages in total, and it is pure dry information, with almost no experimental data or charts.

However, he has now clearly told the three of them which specific section the mechanism is hidden in. I believe that with the abilities of the three of them, it will not take long for them to discover it.

Sure enough, as Xu Chuan expected, after waiting for a while, someone reacted.

"Electron delocalization effect!"

In the laboratory, Gong Zheng looked over with bright eyes and asked for the answer.

On the side, Fan Pengyue and Song Wenbai looked over, with some surprises and questions on their faces that they had not yet reacted to.

Gong Zheng took a deep breath and explained: "Strictly speaking, the electron delocalization effect is not a theory of physics, it is a concept in chemistry and organic chemistry."

"Simply speaking, it refers to the effect of changing molecular properties due to the formation of conjugated π bonds. This effect causes the movement range of π electrons to no longer be limited to between two atoms, but to expand to a larger area.

region, thereby affecting the chemical and physical properties of the molecule."

"For example, in H2C=CH2, the movement range of π electrons is limited to between two carbon atoms, which is called localized movement. In CH2=CH-CH=CH2, it can be regarded as two isolated double atoms.

The bonds overlap and the movement range of the π electrons expands to between the four carbon atoms. This is the phenomenon of delocalization."

"In the theory of localized structure of condensed matter electrons, there is a short relevant description in the paragraph mentioned by Academician Xu. If I guess correctly, it should be this one."

"It's just... what I don't quite understand is how on earth you apply the electron delocalization effect that normally only applies to organic chemistry to metallic materials."

Having said this, he looked at Xu Chuan with doubts in his eyes. He hesitated for a while and then continued.

"This unscientific."


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