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Chapter 1040 Cruel battlefield


Following Shen Ping'an's order, the red flag suddenly fell, and the artillery was ignited. On the principle of three guns firing, the shelling began in batches towards the rushing slave army.

Boo hoo hoo... hoo hoo hoo...

After the cannonball drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, it then slammed forward. As soon as the cannonball fell, a deafening sound rang out, bringing up a lot of dust and countless dust. The slave soldiers were drowned in it.

The explosion sounded and fell into the camp of the slave soldiers, and there was a large sound of howling ghosts and wolves. The slave army, which was even equipped with less than a quarter of the iron weapons, had never seen such a formation. In their opinion, their own people Many, as long as they can rush over and get in front of the Chinese army, they can beat their opponents to death even if they have wooden sticks in their hands.

They were completely unprepared. The South Vietnamese army had never told them about the Chinese army's long-range artillery before. Now such a blow to the head completely stunned them.

So many slave soldiers who were still at the center of the explosion were not thinking about escaping at this time, but were standing there stunned, or lying on the ground, looking stunned. In short, just one sentence, in the ear-splitting Amidst the sound of cannons, they even lost the courage to escape.

"This is God's punishment. We must have helped the tyrants and attracted God's dissatisfaction..."

"God, please spare us, we didn't mean it, we were forced..."

"God, stop fighting. I admit defeat. I admit defeat. I won't fight anymore..."

Superstitious people were lying on the ground at this moment, and all kinds of begging for mercy and prayers were heard endlessly.

However, perhaps their voices really moved the heavens, and the sound of the cannons really stopped. When the battlefield fell into silence again, many slave soldiers were seen standing up from the ground, then turning around and running away. .

They ran back in the direction they came from.

Those thunderous explosions were so terrifying, especially when many of them saw the broken limbs and broken arms falling next to them. The bloody scene like hell deeply stimulated them. The result of killing half of their companions also frightened them.

The beaten slave soldiers, who had lost all morale, were no longer thinking about attacking, but how to escape back, to this place of right and wrong, to escape from this hell on earth.

Shen Pingan, who gave the order to stop the bombardment, put down the telescope in his hand. He did not pity these slave soldiers. When they rushed towards him with weapons, they were destined to be enemies.

The reason why he stopped bombarding was that he needed to preserve his strength. Now that he had beaten this enemy group into fear, there was no need to continue the bombing, which would only be a waste of artillery shells.

"Each regiment, battalion and company quickly inspected the artillery and prepared artillery shells." After giving an order behind him, the telescope was again held by Shen Ping'an. He knew clearly in his heart that this was not the end, but just the beginning.

The 1st Firearms Brigade is actively preparing here, and the slave soldiers on the opposite side who are lucky enough to survive are running back desperately. But the luck is just that, when these thousands of slave soldiers who have just escaped from the tiger's mouth run back to South Vietnam. In front of the army, bursts of bows and arrows fell like heavy rain. At that moment, thousands of slave soldiers fell to the ground with arrows.

Then groups of South Vietnamese cavalry rushed out, rushed in front of the retreating slave soldiers, and slashed with their swords.

From beginning to end, not even a single question was asked, there was just ruthless killing.

When more and more slave soldiers were killed, and soon there were no slave soldiers left standing on the battlefield, the voice of the South Vietnamese general rang in everyone's ears, "Those who retreat without orders - behead!" That's it!

Coldness, that's how ruthless it is. Killing people is as simple and easy as trampling an ant to death. This is the attitude of the South Vietnamese army towards the slave soldiers who fought for them.

This scene was seen by more slave soldiers, but all of them seemed to have lost their emotions and just stood there indifferently, watching all this with cold eyes.

From the moment they were captured by the South Vietnamese army, their families were destroyed, and they became slave soldiers, they had no life, no so-called hope, only how they could survive in such a difficult environment.

If they can live one more day, they can live one more day, and if they can eat more food, they can eat more food. This seems to have become the meaning of their lives now.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

When thousands of slave soldiers fell to the ground, covered in blood in a pool of blood. Following an order, the second batch of 10,000 slave soldiers launched a charge.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, the spirit of preferring to go to the mountains with tigers is sometimes tragic, and it can also represent unyielding and resistance. It is a pity that the slave soldiers charging now are not in this state at all. They seem to only know how to follow orders.

Generally speaking, robots do not have their own judgment, or they dare not make their own judgment.

If you don't rush, you will definitely die. If you rush, you may die, but at least there is a glimmer of hope, right?

Just for this so-called glimmer of hope, all everyone can do is fight for it with all their strength. As for right or wrong, let's leave it to future generations to judge.

When a person doesn't even have the freedom to live, don't even think about telling him what is right or wrong. That is not playing the piano to a cow, but just a waste of breath.

"Here we go again, order, according to the previous fighting method, from near to far, when the enemy enters two and a half miles, carry out free artillery fire in battalion units." After putting down the telescope, Shen Ping'an immediately gave the command

Power was placed in the hands of battalion-level officers.

The charge continued, and after two and a half miles, the sound of artillery sounded again, followed by another burst of dust, bringing with it countless corpses and blood.

It is said in history that the Germans used 400 Mark Qin heavy machine guns to kill and injure 60,000 British and French allied forces in one day. Compared with the war in front of us, it was simply weak. Facing the intensive charge of slave soldiers,

Or maybe they don't know that they should disperse at all, but simply think that it is safer for everyone to stay together, so that every time a shell falls, it can easily blow up a group of people.

A slave army of 10,000 people was killed by just one head-on bombardment, and thousands of them were killed, and countless others were injured.

On this battlefield, it is fully proved that human life is indeed the most worthless thing.

In the South Vietnamese army, Qiu Suisui watched the roar of cannons and the slave soldiers they sent suffered heavy losses again, but there was no trace of heartache on his face. On the contrary, in his opinion, letting these slave soldiers die in

Among the artillery, for him, it was a cheap thing.

Qiu Suisui believed that if they wanted to, they could capture more slave soldiers in the Daqiannan area they already controlled. Then he wanted to see if the Chinese army's artillery shells were also endless. "Come on. People, order the third slave army to charge."

The general gave an order, and the fate of 10,000 slave soldiers was sealed. Another 10,000 people held various weapons and rushed forward with loud noises. From a distance, it looked very tragic. They were really facing the artillery fire. go ahead.

"Order the rear to speed up the delivery of artillery shells." The corners of Shen Pingan's eyes trembled involuntarily.

Although these slave armies were already their enemies, after all, they were all Dagan people before. Now seeing these people dying in batches like this, he felt uncomfortable. But there was nothing he could do, because he It is clear that once these slave soldiers rush in front of you, it will be one of your own who will die.

The rumbling sound of artillery has not stopped. Some artillery barrels have long been red, and one or even two barrels have been replaced. More firearms brigade soldiers are even more tired and sweating profusely. The weather was originally The heat, coupled with the mental tension, the continuous firing of the artillery requires constant reloading of shells. The ammunition that seemed not to weigh much in the past also seems to be much heavier at this moment.

The reserve of artillery shells is also rapidly decreasing, thanks to the sufficient preparations made by the First Firearms Brigade. Otherwise, I am afraid that we will really be faced with a situation where there is no ammunition available.

The firearms brigade was so tired that it was conceivable that the slave soldiers who were on the charging side would suffer heavy losses. Just at noon, the fourth batch of 10,000 slave soldiers had already rushed out. And in the fight with their lives, Amidst the fire of firearms, some slave soldiers finally rushed through the shelling zone at the risk of being killed and arrived two miles in front of the Dahua army's formation.

There was no longer any artillery fire coverage here. The slave soldiers who rushed here seemed to see hope, but when a flash of excitement flashed in their eyes and they stepped forward, the bang sounded again, and the mines that had been laid long ago were heard. At this moment, their praise began.

Another batch of slave soldiers were sent into the air by the air waves, and their bodies were completely broken when they landed on the ground.

A counterattack scene like this would be daunting in any army with flesh and blood and soul. But in the eyes of the slave soldiers, they seemed not to be afraid at all, or in other words, they had no choice. , still continuing to charge forward.

Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...

As more and more landmines were stepped on and exploded, the openings on the front line were being torn open. At this time, the 5,000 archers each from the First and Fourth Field Armies who had been prepared for a long time also arrived. The front line entered the trench.

The third line of defense is also the last line of defense prepared by Deputy Commander Wei Chao for the South Vietnamese Army. Once this is broken through, the only things left will be hedging and close combat.

"Are all these slave soldiers going to die?" Zhou Qian, the division commander of the First Field Army standing in front of the Chinese army tent, put down his telescope and sighed like a sigh.

"They will die if they go back. If they rush up, they might still have a chance. If it were you, what would you choose?" Lei Ming also sighed. Obviously, he knew the thoughts of the slave soldiers. As a former Dagan man, he Of course, I don’t want to see my comrades die in my own hands, but what can I do?

This chapter has been completed!
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