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Chapter 1041 Flattery

There have been suggestions before, to see if we can persuade them to surrender on the battlefield, so that the lives of more slave soldiers can be saved.

But this suggestion was eventually rejected. Because no one can guarantee that once the slave soldiers come to them, they will suddenly take action?

After all, compared with the numbers, the Dahua Army is at a disadvantage. Once the slave soldiers really rush in front of them and slash with their swords, their front line will naturally waver, and then this battle will be really dangerous. .

"Your Majesty is wise." Deputy Commander Wei Chao suddenly sighed as if he had thought of something.

The other generals were confused at first, then thought of something, and then nodded in agreement one after another.

Before the war, relying on themselves to be the defensive side and relying on the help of the entire First Firearms Brigade, no one actually took this battle too seriously. In their view, they had too many advantages to control the entire field. , enough to make the opponent tremble with fear. After seeing the powerful power of artillery, the South Vietnamese army had only two options: retreat or a stalemate.

But now, the cruel battlefield has taught each of them a lesson.

If the attack of the slave soldiers without regard for their lives continues, the battle line will collapse sooner or later. And it seems that their Majesty has seen this a long time ago, and then came in a hurry with an army of 120,000. But if it were not for Tang Where is Ao leading troops to help?

How long can they hold on with more than 100,000 troops?

Apart from anything else, there must be a moment when the shells are fired. At that time, facing the charge of hundreds of thousands of slave soldiers, how many people can they kill?

Once this is done, you may be able to retreat while fighting, and then withdraw from the entire Xiangzhou after paying some losses.

If you don't do it well, once you are entangled by the opponent or even disrupted, the more than 100,000 Chinese troops may die.

They couldn't see this, but Tang Ao seemed to see it. Isn't that enough to show His Majesty's wisdom?

"There are still archers in the army. Send them all. No matter what, before His Majesty arrives and we launch a counterattack, we must not let the slave army rush into our camp." Wei Chao thought of what would happen next. The overall situation has given such instructions again.

"No." Both Zhou Qian and Lei Ming agreed immediately. They did still have archers in their hands, but their abilities were not very strong. But they didn't care much now, if they couldn't even stop the charge of the slave soldiers. , then what’s the point of talking about counterattack?

In this way, another full 10,000 archers were sent out to supplement the third line of defense to ensure the stability of the battle line.

The Great Chinese Army is taking action here. In front of the main tent of the South Vietnamese Army, Qiu Suisui is sitting on a big chair with a golden sword, drinking wine and eating meat, admiring the blood and flesh on the distant battlefield. Fight.

He didn't seem to take what was happening in front of him seriously at all. Even when someone came from below to report that the fourth batch of 10,000 slave soldiers had basically been lost, there was still no change in his expression.

"Send the fifth batch." Qiu Suisui said casually after taking a sip of hero drunk, as if he had no idea that his words might cost the lives of ten thousand people.

"The general is wise." Tang Cong stood beside him and quickly slapped him away.

"Oh, how wise is this general?" Qiu Suisui raised his head slightly and asked with squinted eyes.

"The general uses the lives of slave soldiers to consume the artillery of the Great China Army. In this way, no matter the victory or defeat, the actual loss is the strength of the Great China itself. And if we wait for the opportunity, we can naturally launch a charge. If we cannot wait for the opportunity, we only need to

Just order the rear to continue recruiting slave soldiers to the front. In this way, no matter what, we will not suffer any loss."

Tang Cong's explanation made Qiu Suisui laugh out loud, "That's right, you can see it very clearly. Come on, bring me a cup."

"Thank you so much, General." Tang Cong quickly clasped his fists in thanks, then sat down at the lower end of Qiu Suisui's bed, and acted like a servant pouring wine for others.

On the battlefield, the fifth group of slave soldiers launched a charge. The sound of artillery was no longer as dense as before. Both the artillery shells and the people who fired the artillery were very tired and their energy was not as good as before.

For example, many gunners who had previously thought that they did not have enough opportunities to fire and could not show their strength closed their mouths at this moment and stopped talking. That is to say, today's facts told them that firing a gun with great force is also a thing.

Physical work will be too much for their bodies over time.

After the suppression of the artillery fire was not as strong as it was initially, more of the fifth batch of slave soldiers rushed through the artillery area, following the footsteps of their predecessors and arriving in front of the trench smoothly.

All the landmines planted on the frontal battlefield were stepped on, and this became a temporary safe area. Then more and more slave soldiers gathered here and launched a charge when they thought they saw a chance to survive.

"Fire the arrow!"

After the three-foot trench filled with water, a total of 20,000 Chinese archers saw that the enemy was less than forty steps away from them. They could already see clearly what the people at the front looked like.

Ya then released it ruthlessly.

Under the bursts of arrows, the slave soldiers who rushed forward fell to the ground one by one, and soon the corpses were covered with a thick layer. But this did not stop the charging pace of the slave soldiers behind, they were still

One after another rushed out, just to refute the very slim chance of survival.

From morning until almost dark.

A total of six groups of slave soldiers rushed out, but in the end no one returned. In other words, in just one day of battle today, the slave soldiers killed and injured nearly 60,000 people.

There were 60,000 casualties in one day, which shows how fierce the battle was. There are few comparisons in history.

When it was getting dark, Qiu Suisui finally issued a "merciful" order to stop the attack. Speaking of which, this was not because he had any good intentions, but because he knew that all these slave soldiers were malnourished.

It is dark, and the vision is blocked. You can only see within a dozen steps in front of you. From a distance, it is like being blind with your eyes open.

To launch a continuous night attack against such an army would really be to risk death, and it is completely unnecessary.

Stopping the attack now is just to lay a better foundation for the continued attack tomorrow. In view of the fact that Tang Cong was attacked by the Chinese army at night last time, Qiu Suisui made preparations in advance tonight, for example, in the camp

More than 200,000 slave soldiers were arranged to guard the perimeter of the army. In this way, even if the Chinese army dared to attack at night, only the slave soldiers would be injured. He and the 50,000 South Vietnamese cavalry would not be harmed at all.

In line with the idea that a dead Taoist friend should never die a poor Taoist, as soon as it got dark, Qiu Suisui returned to his tent with a young woman in his arms, hoping to become a general who could continue to gallop.

On the periphery of the South Vietnamese Army, Tang Aozheng was slowly approaching with 120,000 elite Chinese troops.

Although Tang Ao was already pressing down on his speed, the elite Dahua Army arrived outside the battlefield one step ahead. They arrived at the previously designated location at noon.

The reason why he did not launch an attack was that Tang Ao had no intention of launching a charge during the day. The scouts and birds sent out had already reported what happened on the battlefield. It was beyond expectations that the slave soldiers were so brave. Tang Ao's surprise.

Thinking that even if the South Vietnamese army suffered heavy losses during the day, they still had more than 200,000 slave soldiers in hand. If these people were as ruthless and unsanitary as the 60,000 people, he would lead the 120,000 people to rush out. , I’m afraid it won’t have the effect that is determined by the first battle.

Tang Ao then gave up the idea of ​​destroying the enemy during the day, and instead decided to attack at night, taking advantage of the opponent's lack of mental preparation and the slave soldiers' supposed night blindness.

Of course, if the attack was launched at night, the target Qiu Suisui would probably be able to escape. Regarding this, Deputy Commander Ye Fan, who was accompanying him, expressed concern. However, Tang Ao still decided to launch the charge at night, which would have a better chance of winning.

Although Tang Ao also wanted to kill Qiu Suisui in his heart, he would never put everyone in danger just because of his personal grudge. Such a person is just a martial artist, not a qualified and outstanding person. The commander-in-chief.

Tang Ao sympathized with the soldiers below, and the soldiers below also knew what His Majesty was thinking. They were all gearing up, thinking that if there was a chance, their priority would be to find Qiu Suisui.

Everyone was holding back a surge of energy, which invisibly increased the morale of the army. When the sky turned completely dark, Tang Ao, dressed in black armor, jumped onto the Snow-Stepping Jade White Dragon.


The first to carry out the counterattack were the First Field Army and the Fourth Field Army on the frontal battlefield.

They had been on the defensive during the day, mainly watching the Firearms Brigade go to show off their power, but they didn't get any credit. Now it was finally time for them to praise them. When Deputy Commander Wei Chao gave the order, the first Fifty thousand people from the First Division of the First Field Army, 55,000 people from the First Division of the Fourth Field Army, a total of more than 100,000 people, stepped on strong wooden boards one by one, crossed the three-foot water-filled trench, and headed towards the opposite direction ten miles away. The South Vietnamese Army camp arrived.

When they were only two miles away from the main camp, more than 100,000 people could no longer hide their figures. They shouted the word "kill" loudly and charged forward.

The South Vietnamese general in charge of the night watch tonight is Tang Cong.

He had suffered the loss of being attacked at night before, so this time he was naturally extra vigilant and careful. Now he heard the shouts of the Great Chinese Army to kill again, and he immediately showed disdain on his face, "I made a profit last time. Do you still want to make a profit this time? Humph, order a counterattack!"

Yes, Tang Cong has made some preparations. For example, the slave soldiers on the periphery have been notified that the Chinese army may attack at night tonight, so that they can prepare for it. Once they can kill people and seize weapons, they will make a decision. Great achievement.

This chapter has been completed!
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