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Chapter 167: The Assassination of the Grandmaster

Chen Hou walked in front to lead the way. When he noticed that Shen Ao was following behind him, a smile of successful conspiracy appeared on the corner of his mouth. He only needed to lead Duke Zhong to the prince's car, and just shout out that there was an assassin and he could arrest him. Man, in this case, Shen Ao has no choice but to explain anything, so he can be labeled as unfavorable to the prince, which will be impossible to argue with.

When Shen Ao is dead, who will stand up for a dead man, and who will hold him accountable?

Shen Ao was thinking about his uncle and didn't think too much about it. The main reason was that he didn't have enough understanding of the prince's shamelessness. After all, there were two hundred of his guards here and thousands of people watching the fun behind him. In front of so many people In front of others, how shameless can the prince be?

A group of seven people arrived in front of the prince's carriage at a leisurely pace. Chen Hou deliberately chose the best position to stand. Then he respectfully clasped his fists into the carriage and said: "Your Highness, Duke Zhongguo has been escorted over. You Let’s see how to deal with him.”

"Huh?" Shen Ao and Shi Lei both heard the word. The former frowned, while the latter was furious. However, their reactions were not as fast as Chen Hou's. They saw that after he finished saying this, He drew his sword and shouted, "There are assassins, protect your highness."

squeak squeak...

The monkey also screamed suddenly at this moment. Shen Ao suddenly felt a creepy feeling. He felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, and even heard the monkey's warning.

Animals are always more sensitive to external things than humans, otherwise it would not have continued like this. The monkey's cry made Shen Ao involuntarily move back, although he did not know what would happen next. , but his intuition told him that he must not stand still.


A dagger the size of a palm appeared without any warning where Shen Ao had been.

The dagger landed on the ground, emitting silver light and cold light under the sunlight, and penetrated three points into the ground.

It is conceivable that if Shen Ao hadn't taken two steps back just now, he might have been killed by a dagger in his body.

"Protect Your Highness!"

"Protect the prince!"

Chen Hou and Shi Lei shouted almost at the same time. Along with their shouts, the nearby guards of the East Palace and the guards of the Zhongguo Palace also rushed towards the field from all directions. But there was a figure who was stronger than anyone else. Quickly, the man in gray robe suddenly appeared with his face covered, only revealing a pair of sinister eyes with full murderous intent. He was staring at several people in the field with a look of disdain in his eyes. .

The visitor obviously did not take Shen Ao and the others seriously. The daggers in his hand flew out continuously, forcing Chen Hou and Shi Lei, who had discovered him and rushed towards him with knives, to retreat.

The dagger was sent out and fell in front of Chen Hou and Shi Lei. They tried their best but could not avoid it. They just met each other and both of them were injured one after another. They were hit by the dagger and died.

Fortunately, the main target of the men in gray robes was not them. The two of them were only injured and their lives were not in danger.

Two silver lights flashed, and one guard captain and one guard captain were all injured. The other four East Palace guards were shocked, but their duty still made them shout at the gray robe who was about to fall to the ground. Rushed over quickly.

Bang bang bang bang!

With four consecutive kicks in mid-air, the four East Palace guards came and flew out even faster. One by one, they flew backwards like kites with broken strings. Before they even landed, they already spit out a mouthful of air while they were in mid-air. Blood from the mouth.

In front of the man in gray robe, there was no difference between the four East Palace guards and the ones made of paper and mud.

As the four East Palace guards were kicked away, the gray-robed man fell less than a foot in front of Shen Ao, and then a ray of silver light shot out.

squeak squeak...

The warning sound of the monkey sounded one step ahead of time, and Shen Ao's footsteps continued to retreat involuntarily, dodging away just before the dagger appeared.

The man in gray robe was not angry or discouraged after failing to hit the target. He moved his steps to continue chasing. In his eyes, Shen Ao was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He could take him down at any time if he wanted to, no matter what. No matter how much he can hide, in the face of his own powerful strength, he is nothing more than a mantis trying to use his arms as a chariot.

"Fire the arrow!"

A burst of bows and arrows came from afar, and they were aimed at the place where the gray-robed man was. This sudden attack forced the gray-robed man to change his body, temporarily give up chasing Shen Ao, and dodge the bows and arrows. After all, he was also a man of flesh and blood. Even if you are hit by a bow and arrow, you will be injured and bleed.

The people who shot the arrows were the guards of the East Palace. As the guards to protect the prince, they were equipped with arrows and crossbows only available in the army. This was one of their privileges. The appearance of the men in gray robes made it difficult for them to distinguish who was coming. The real purpose was that when they saw the scene where Xu Hou, the captain of the guard, was injured and four brothers were knocked away, they took it for granted that the man in gray robe was someone who wanted to harm the prince.

Taking advantage of the man in gray robe's ability to dodge the bow and arrow, Shen Ao quickly retreated. At this time, he was shocked in his heart, not only surprised by the man in gray robe's personal fighting power, but also surprised by the sharpness of the bows and arrows of the prince's guards.

He thought that after studying at Hanshan Temple for a month, he should be considered a master. The appearance of the man in gray robe clearly told him that his strength was still far behind others. There were also arrows from the East Palace guards. If the target is placed on him, he will definitely not be able to dodge it, which means that if the prince wants to kill him, he can still do it easily.

This also served as a reminder to Shen Ao that he would need to make multiple preparations when facing the prince in the future.

The man in gray robe leapt forward several times, leaving his bow and arrow behind. He raised his head and looked forward, with anger in his eyes. What he saw was that the target, Shen Ao, had come together with two hundred guards.

In the eyes of the man in gray robe, the attack on Shen Ao this time was a task that could be easily accomplished with ease. It only took one move and it could be done in minutes. Unexpectedly, there were constant complications.

But it doesn't matter, he will get serious next. With two hundred guards, he can't stop him. There isn't even a master of energy among these people, so how can he be his opponent?

The footsteps are stepping on the ground, the footprints are getting deeper and deeper, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Although the man in gray robe is only one person, he has created a force of thousands of troops, giving people the impression that he is invincible and that he can It felt like he could easily take the head of an admiral out of thousands of trees.

"Protect the master!" Feng Xun and Geng Liang shouted loudly while staring at the gray-robed man flying past with extremely serious eyes. The hands holding the steel sword couldn't help but exert more force.

Experts will know if they are there as soon as they make a move. Whether it is speed or strength, the gray-robed man gives people an unmatched power. Feng Xun and Geng Liang, who are not as strong as others, but still have some discernment, can naturally see clearly, especially The captain of the guard, Shi Lei, who was even better at martial arts than them, was injured in just one encounter, which further confirmed this suspicion.

The shouts of Feng Xun and the other two fell in the ears of the guards. They also shouted in unison, and then they held their swords and faced the enemy. The so-called taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, even if they get the money, they become heavy people. The proud guards, then their duty is to protect their master with their lives, and there is no room for any retreat.

The feeling of having two hundred guards gathered together is still very shocking. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is absolutely unrivaled. In the eyes of the gray-robed man, it is nothing at all. They saw it flying down to the guard. In the middle, he rushed left and right, and with his right fist and left leg, the guards fell to the side one after another. Of the two hundred guards, no one was the enemy of the gray-robed man.

Seeing that in a short period of time, more than 20 guards were hit by the attack and knocked to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, Shen Ao's face showed anger. Although he didn't know who this person was, why he had to do it. He wanted to put himself to death, but if he wanted to kill himself, he would not sit still and wait for death. At worst, they would both die together.

He turned back to look at the bullock cart behind him. There was a sky thunder there. At worst, he would flee there and trigger the sky thunder. He wanted to see if this master whose strength he could not see was not even afraid of explosives. As for whether he would die from this, Shen Ao no longer cared about that. After all, he had already died once. Now that he had earned an extra day of living, what was there to fear?

Shen Ao has always been a master who refuses to suffer losses. Even when he was plotted against in his last life, didn't he still drag Qian'er and jump off a building to his death? How can he let the people who want to kill him live freely now?

Just when Shen Ao had made the decision to die together, more and more guards of the Zhongguo Palace fell to the ground, reaching nearly fifty people. This attitude made everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel ashamed. Is this man in gray robe still a human? How does he have such powerful fighting power?

"Everyone get out of the way!"

Just when everyone was thinking about whether the guard was an opponent and whether they could stop the gray-robed man, a bald man wearing monk robes suddenly appeared. After a roar like a lion in Buddhism, people quickly moved towards the gray-robed man who was surrounded by guards. People rushed over.

The person who came was none other than Awakening, the eminent monk and master who taught Shen Ao martial arts for a month. Ever since Shen Ao left the temple, he had followed him in order to protect Shen Ao's safety. Although doing so would be a bit pricey. , just think about it, for the safety of the monks in the temple, this is worth it.

Master Awakening appeared, and many guards heard his shout and gave way, allowing him to reach the man in gray robe smoothly.

When the man in gray robe saw the appearance of Master Awakening, his originally complacent eyes couldn't help but shrink. After looking at Awakening carefully, he shook his head and said for the first time: "You! You're not someone opponent."

"That's right, but I still want to try the benefactor's skills." Master Awakening naturally saw that the strength of the gray-robed man was far superior to his own. But so what? He thought that he had already learned from the more powerful Aoxue, although He was defeated miserably, but he had no intention of avoiding the battle, not to mention that the person in front of him killed the person he was protecting.

This chapter has been completed!
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