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Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Tang Yi, the Prince of Loyalty

Both of them are officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Shen Ao is currently serving in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Naturally, more attention should be paid to the conversation about them. Especially according to the records, what are the people from these two departments involved in? , and it seems to be aimed at something. And the person targeted, both inside and outside the words, may very well be referring to himself.

"Send someone to find out what's going on?" Shen Ao became serious. If he wanted to defeat his opponent and become invincible, he needed to understand his opponent's dynamics. Just from the records, and There is no too specific trust, which he does not allow.

"Nuo." Bai Qiutong stood up after receiving Shen Ao's order, then raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "We have arranged for people to investigate. There should be many people who know about this matter. It will not take long. You can get the news."

"Okay." Shen Ao was still very satisfied with Bai Qiutong's answer. He could take the initiative to do everything without having to give orders. Such thoughtful subordinates were what Shen Ao needed. Otherwise, he would have to obey his own orders in everything. Even if there are ten of them, I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it.

He held the rice paper and continued to read. When he found nothing that caught his attention, Shen Ao put the paper aside, pointed towards the hall on the first floor and asked Bai Qiutong: "What is the identity of that person?"

Bai Qiutong quickly walked to Shen Ao, feeling the masculinity of Shen Ao, her face turned red, and then she looked along her fingers, and when she saw the young man sitting alone, she said smoothly, "Young Master, he is Tang Yi, the son of King Zhong. He returned to Daliang City from the land of King Zhong three days ago. He became a member of Guochanglong on the same day and has come here to eat every night since then."

Hearing Bai Qiutong speak so skillfully, Shen Ao knew that this was her responsibility for the work, and all the guests were kept in mind. She was satisfied and said in her heart: "Is the son of Prince Zhong disabled? Details Let’s talk about it.”

"No." Bai Qiutong nodded and reported in detail.

King Zhong, one of the important vassal kings of Daqian, is responsible for guarding Jizhou and Liaozhou to the north of Daqian. He has 50,000 soldiers of King Zhong.

Prince Zhong's original name was Tang Qingchuan, and he was the younger brother of the current emperor Tang Qingshan. It was rumored that the empress dowager liked his younger son more than his eldest son Emperor Qianwen. A while ago, Shen Ao injured the former prince Tang Xin, and the empress dowager threatened him. If Emperor Wen did not punish him, he would ask King Zhong to lead his troops back to Daliang City. This shows that King Zhong might listen to the Queen Mother even more.

On the occasion of the Empress Dowager's 60th birthday, King Zhong had appeared in the palace together with Zongzheng Tang Qinghe of the Zongren Mansion. It can be said that, as one of the vassal kings with military power, King Zhong also had considerable actual power. I just didn't expect that for a lifetime of heroes, my son was a cripple. Compared to Prince Qing, Tang Yi's right leg was more serious. It was completely cut off from the knee down, so that he couldn't walk at all. He usually only If you can walk with a crutch, you are completely disabled.

Tang Yi, who was estimated to be the most important and the only one whom King Zhong valued most, and who was also the focus of training, became a waste without legs, so he was ridiculed in the hearts of many people. King Zhong's face was also dull because of this matter, but he When he was young, practicing martial arts injured his body, so that he could no longer have children, so he gave all his love to Tang Yi.

The man could no longer fight on horseback, so King Zhong taught him the art of war. Perhaps because he knew that he was disabled, Tang Yi studied very hard. Over the years, he had some moral integrity when commanding soldiers and horses in battle, and was gradually recognized by the generals of the Zhong army. It has the image of inheriting the mantle of King Zhong.

Recently, Beidi has been on the verge of making some moves. King Zhong wrote to Emperor Qianwen several times to teach them a lesson, but he never got approval. Not only that, the emperor suddenly issued a decree, saying that it was to facilitate Tang Yi's physical recovery and invite him to come. Recuperate in Daliang City.

There is news that Emperor Qianwen did not do this to treat Tang Yi, but to keep him in Daliang City as a hostage, in order to prevent the loyal king from disobeying the holy order and sending troops to Beidi, which would bring disaster to the Daqian Dynasty.

Speaking of which, Emperor Qianwen had the same idea as Chang Kaishen, the later generation, that when dealing with foreign affairs, one must first settle the domestic affairs.

If you do not take back the power of the vassal king, you will not have any conflicts with foreign countries. If you do this, the result is likely to be defeat for the foreign countries and the world, and hand over your own emperor to others.

King Zhong's personality is relatively stubborn, and he is a master who will not bow his head easily. If Beidi offends too much, it is very likely that troops will be sent out without orders. Just in case, King Zhong needs to be caught. In his hands, Tang Yi became the most suitable proton candidate.

As the only heir of King Zhong, Tang Yi has never been married even though he is twenty-three years old. Perhaps because of his disability, he did not think about this aspect. In this way, He immediately became the only hope for the loyalty to the king. While he was in Daliang City, Emperor Qianwen was very assured of the 50,000 loyal troops.

Bai Qiutong also said a lot, and Shen Ao remembered them all in his heart. He also became curious about the loyal prince who dominated the table downstairs, and finally understood why he could still enjoy the table to himself despite the tight seats. table, and no one said anything aloud.

Even Emperor Qianwen attached great importance to Prince Zhong's identity as the crown prince, and no one else would dare to offend him easily. Once the crown prince's anger was really aroused and the matter became serious, how could Emperor Qianwen not give an explanation? Otherwise, wouldn't he be in trouble? Forcing King Zhong to go berserk?

The reason why the former prince is a prince is that he has the King of Jin behind him who supports him.

The reason why King Xiang is so domineering is because he has King Qi who supports him.

The seventh prince Tang Jian, who has not yet grown up but already has a certain reputation, is so rampant in the palace that even his teacher has been beaten once. He can do such a famous thing at the time. Isn't it because he had the support of the King of Shu behind him that he violated the teacher's principles?

Shen Ao didn't know that he was a prince, but if he could get the support of the loyal king, wouldn't he have the ability to be arrogant? Even though Shen Ao never wanted to use his power to bully others, he had a With the support of a vassal king, at least others will not provoke you for no reason.

Shen Ao, who was thinking about it, wiped the corner of his mouth with a smile that was not being investigated, "Find out all the things related to Prince Zhong, and report them all. I want to study them carefully."

"Promise." Bai Qiutong promised repeatedly. The master gave the order, so of course she would try her best to do it and do it well to show her kindness.


The Hall of Nourishing Heart.

The Minister of Hubu and the two ministers were standing respectfully, waiting for the emperor's arrival.

They received the oral instructions yesterday, so in the morning the Yamen simply handled some official duties and then went to the Yangxin Hall to listen to the holy teachings.

Among the three people, Shangshu Rui Butong stood at the front, looking thoughtful. Behind him, the left minister Qiu Xu and the right minister Jiang Dai stood with different expressions. One had a calm expression, while the other had a somewhat expression. Excited.

Last night, Jiang Dai almost didn't sleep at all. But even so, his energy was not bad at all. Just before leaving the Ministry of Household Affairs, the land statistics finally came out. More than 140 officials from various departments of the Ministry of Household Affairs finally came out. With their concerted efforts, it took less than a day to complete the statistical results that originally took ten days for the Ministry of Finance to obtain.

Among them, Jiang Dai, as the new right minister, naturally made a lot of efforts, and he was personally responsible for the deployment of manpower. Fortunately, he did not live up to his expectations, and the final result was calculated. As expected, it was the same as before Jiang Dai. As expected, it was completely different from the result reported by Shen Ao. It was a difference of more than 11,000 hectares, which was equivalent to a difference of more than one million acres of farmland.

The difference was so big that Jiang Dai was a little excited when he got the result. Shen Ao had just become the head of the Finance Department, and there was such a big flaw in the first job he did, which can be called fatal. Once it's done, it's totally fine. Use this incident to dust it off.

Naturally, there is no personal hatred between Jiang Dai and Shen Ao, it is just that the other party's appearance gave him power. As long as Shen Ao withdraws from the household department and hands the power back to his hands, he will be satisfied. As for whether he wants to cure He didn't have too many demands for Shen Ao's crime, everything depended on the emperor's will.

Jiang Dai also told the result to Shangshu and Zuo Shilang, and then the three people showed different expressions.

Rui Butong, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, originally admired Shen Ao. For more than a year, Guo Changlong had been making money every day, and most of his income was sent to the Ministry of Revenue. This made him, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, unable to do anything. , the confidence has naturally increased a lot. There is also the Daqian Bank this time. If it is according to Shen Ao's statement, it can bring countless benefits to Daqian. The moment it really succeeds, he, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, You will rarely worry about money matters.

It was precisely because of his appreciation that Rui Butong had too high expectations for Shen Ao. However, even the land acreage statistics were so inaccurate, with a difference of more than one million acres of land. This result really made him He couldn't accept it. Such carelessness made him have to doubt whether Shen Ao had the ability to run the bank well. Otherwise, if the accounts were not clear and he left himself with a mess, it would be a headache.

I don't know whether I should support Shen Ao or oppose Shen Ao next. For a moment, Rui Butong was very hesitant in his heart, and there was no result. In contrast, Zuo Shilang Qiu Xu was much calmer. He was not a minister, not a minister. The first person in charge of the Ministry of Revenue, Shen Ao's matter, whether handled well or not, has little direct relationship with him. Maybe, the minister did not handle it well, and something went wrong, and he, the Zuo Shilang, had a replacement. possible.

When things are done well, he will have merit; when things are done badly, he may be replaced. This detached status makes his mentality extremely relaxed. This time when the emperor summoned him, he also came with the mentality of watching the fun. .

This chapter has been completed!
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