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Chapter 221 Looking for trouble for Shen Ao or asking for trouble

The three of them each had their own thoughts and expressions. A high-pitched cry like a shrill duck came to their ears, "The Emperor has arrived!" Emperor Qianwen, accompanied by Yan Fu, the chief eunuch, walked into the Yangxin Hall and came to the top of the hall. He sat down on the golden dragon chair.

"I see you, Your Majesty, long live long live, long live long live." Rui Butong and the others waited until Emperor Qianwen was firmly seated, then they all knelt down and sang and drank loudly.

"I love you." The sitting Emperor Qianwen said casually. After witnessing the three important ministers getting up, he nodded lightly to Yan Fu who was standing beside him. After receiving the signal, Yan Fu then Taking the folder that Shen Ao presented yesterday, he walked towards the three ministers.

The fold was first delivered to Rui Butong's hands. After taking it and reading it briefly, he closed his eyes. Then he looked at it carefully. After remembering some key points, he handed the fold to Qiu Xu, the left servant. in hand.

After completing the same action, Qiu Xu then handed the memorial to Jiang Dai. Emperor Qianwen did not pay attention to the actions and reactions of the three people. He sat there and reviewed the memorial sent this morning. After a while, he felt When the time left was almost up, the three important ministers should have understood what Shen Ao said, so they put down the memorial they had just reviewed and looked at the three of them and asked: "My dear friends, have you read the memorial? Whatever your opinion is, just say it."

As the saying goes, one person is short of skill, but everyone is strong in skill. Emperor Qianwen approved the establishment of Daqian Bank and was willing to invest 100 million taels of silver. But after all, it involved a big deal. This time he called three ministers of the Ministry of Revenue, just to listen to them. Is there anything I haven’t thought of or considered?

Emperor Qianwen spoke, and the first thing he looked at was Shangshu Rui Butong. After all, when it came to money matters, this person was an authority, and his ideas must be listened to.

Rui Butong naturally saw Emperor Qianwen's eyes falling on him, and he knew that he couldn't hide, so he had no choice but to stand up. He first cupped his fists and saluted, and then said: "Your Majesty, please follow the memorial of Chief Shen. As written, this is naturally an excellent thing and can greatly alleviate Daqian’s financial pressure.”

"Yes." Emperor Qianwen nodded with satisfaction and appreciation on his face.

"It's just..." Rui Butong hesitated when he thought of the results reported by Jiang Dai. Can a person who can't even calculate the accounts and who is so unserious about his work be able to manage a bank? Don't end up doing it. If the bank lost money, the final result would be that it would not even be able to recover the principal. If that were the case, it would be even more difficult for him, the Minister of Household Affairs, to be the Minister of the Ministry of Accounts.

"Huh?" Originally, he was waiting for Rui Butong to continue speaking, or even express his agreement directly. Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly became silent. In the eyes of Emperor Qianwen, his expression froze, and there was something more in his eyes. Confuse.

To say that he is worthy of being a minister, his mind started to spin quickly. Seeing that the emperor seemed a little unhappy, he immediately made a decision in his mind, "Your Majesty, let Mr. Jiang decide the specific matter."

Putting the matter on Jiang Dai, if something happens like this, it will be the other party who will bear the responsibility. If he has merit, he, the minister, will also benefit. Moreover, it was Jiang Dai who was doing the thing. He only found out about it early this morning. The credit should have been It’s just someone else’s, isn’t it?

Jiang Dai, who was standing aside, had been waiting anxiously for a long time. He was afraid that Rui Butong would take away all the credit. After all, he was a Shangguan and a minister, so he had such power. Just when he was anxious, Rui Butong After giving himself the right to speak, Jiang Dai quickly cast a grateful look, then took out a newly written memorial from his arms, lowered his head and raised it respectfully, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have you I want to play."

"Well, bring it up." Emperor Qianwen saw that what was written in this memorial should be what he wanted to ask, so he ordered without any hesitation.

Yan Fu walked down the main hall, walked to Jiang Dai, took the memorial, turned around and trotted to Emperor Qianwen and presented it respectfully. The memorial was quickly opened, and Emperor Qianwen's expression followed the reading of the text. The speed began to undergo various changes.

Soon after, Emperor Qianwen closed the memorial and looked at Jiang Dai with a bit of sternness in his eyes, "Is what Aiqing said true?"

In fact, Emperor Qianwen heard about this matter from Yan Fu, and said that it usually takes ten days to count the acres, but this time only five days were given to Shen Ao, which was intended to make things difficult for him. After hearing this, he Just smiled, after all, this is not a big deal. Even if Shen Ao can't complete it within the stipulated time, it is not a big deal. At most, it will only dampen Shen Ao's arrogance. This is also a good thing in Emperor Qianwen's opinion. Young people are too Being able to do something is not a good thing. Someone pouring cold water on it can actually make Shen Ao recognize the reality and be less proud and impetuous when doing things.

I just didn't expect that Shen Ao would perfunctory the matter and give a wrong result.

The question then arises. Is this intentional by Shen Ao, who randomly reported a number based on the number of acres in previous years, or is it really a miscalculation?

If it's the latter, then how can someone be entrusted with a big job if he doesn't even know how to calculate accounts correctly?

At least I am incapable of managing Daqian Bank, which deals with gold, silver, and numbers.

When asked by the emperor, Jiang Dai, who had been prepared for a long time, patted his chest and said: "Your Majesty, this is the result of all the outstanding talents from the Ministry of Revenue gathered together and worked hard for more than ten hours. You can never go wrong.”

"Yes." Emperor Qianwen nodded, indicating that he recognized Jiang Dai's statement. If this is the case, then he should find Shen Ao and ask him what he meant. "Yan Fu, it is said that Shen Ao has entered the palace. Bar. "

"No." Although Yan Fu did not see the memorial, he roughly heard what happened. After receiving the order, he quickly left the palace and went straight to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Shen Ao was taking a class at the Ministry of Accounts. He called three students from Ning Feng and was explaining to them what Daqian Bank would have to face once it opened, as well as the calculation problems of various accounts. This included not only addition and subtraction, It involves higher arithmetic such as the associative law of multiplication, the commutative law of multiplication, the distributive law of multiplication and the properties of division.

Shen Aozuo was talking there, and the content he taught was completely new to Ning Feng and others, but even if it was their first time, they had to admit that using the method taught by the teacher would not only make the process faster, but also make the process faster. It takes less time, and the answer you get will be more correct, because you only need to count it in reverse to know whether the answer is right or wrong.

Shen Ao's arithmetic opened a new window for Ning Feng's three students. They were like sponges, constantly absorbing water, thereby increasing their own strength.

The teacher taught carefully and the students studied seriously. It was at this time that Yan Fu came and interrupted the teaching process, which made Ning Feng and others unhappy. When he was so strict with Eunuch Fu, he didn't dare to show the slightest displeasure. He quickly stood up to greet him.

Compared to Ning Feng and the other three who were respectful and even a little trembling, Shen Ao was much more natural. After a simple salute with a cup of fists, he casually asked, "Eunuch Yan, why do you have time to come here? But Passing by?"

Seeing Shen Ao speak so casually, Ning Feng and the other three were filled with admiration in their hearts. Their teachers were awesome, and they could face the emperor's personal eunuchs with such ease. With this, they were the three students. Nothing can be compared.

"Mr. Zhongguo, our family is not just passing by. We are here to see you. The emperor has summoned you." Yan Fu was not as relaxed as Shen Ao. Instead, he spoke a little anxiously. He seemed to be afraid that Shen Ao would suffer a loss. , walked forward very simply, whispered for a while, and told what happened in the Yangxin Hall from beginning to end.

The emperor did not disclose Shen Ao's identity as a prince, but subconsciously he treated him as a prince and would not let him suffer any harm.

The emperor thought like this, so how could Yan Fu, as Emperor Qianwen's confidant, not know what to do? Not to mention, if something really went wrong with Shen Ao, Master Xue couldn't explain it. He was just injured last time. A leg, I really don’t know what it will hurt next time.

Yan Fu spoke very carefully and vividly, basically showing the performance of Jiang Dai, the right servant, again. Shen Ao saw it in his eyes and listened in his heart, and his expression was still very calm.

The Ministry of Household Affairs was checking the results of his own field statistics. He knew it last night. But he didn't take it to heart. He was the one who said that if you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow.

Unexpectedly, the results obtained after the calculations by both parties were different, which made the matter bigger. If you can't find out the matter clearly, wouldn't it mean that you have no knowledge and skills? How can you do something as important as a bank? Feel free to leave it in your own hands?

From now on, will there be people who want to publicize this matter? Will there be people who say that they are illiterate? Will there be people who question their abilities because of this, and then extend it to the matter of Guochanglong? Is this the reason for excluding myself?

Often big things are caused by a small and inadvertent thing. Any carelessness or inadvertence may lead to unimaginable results.

Things like capsizing in the gutter have happened frequently since ancient times. Even with so many lessons learned from the past, Shen Ao certainly would not capsize in such a thing. This is also something that his character does not allow to happen.

In other words, this time he was forced into a corner. Unless the matter was clarified, he would not be able to be cleared. At this time, even if someone wanted to reverse the story, he could not allow it. He had to demand justice. .

Before that, Shen Ao first had to have a good idea of ​​the results calculated by the three students. After putting Yan Fu aside, Shen Ao turned around and looked at Ning Feng, Ren An and Su Zhen with very serious expressions. , the questioning voice immediately sounded, "Are the statistical results of the number of acres correct, do you three know it well?"

This chapter has been completed!
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