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The five hundred and sixtieth chapters of joy give birth to sorrow

"That's right." Emperor Qianwen breathed out again, thinking about how Zhongcheng Hou blocked the city gate tonight, and asked Yan Fu: "Tonight's battle, I heard that it is extremely dangerous? Is Zhongcheng Hou okay?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Marquis Zhongcheng was fine, but in order to deal with the sudden change, he pressed all the remaining 5,000 silver-armored guards in his hands, and then closed the city gate before the main force of the Liaozhou Army arrived. However, he also suffered losses as a result. We have three thousand Silver Armored Guards, and now there are really not many veterans left in the hands of Marquis Zhongcheng." Yan Fu had already received the report, and also received Marquis Zhongcheng's request for additional reinforcements, mainly about the transfer of Golden Armored Guards, and he was worried. He knew how to speak, but now that the emperor asked him, he spoke out without hesitation.

When he received the task of defending the city, Marquis Zhongcheng only had 15,000 silver-armored guards and 30,000 recruits who had no combat effectiveness. If Prince Zhong retreated after gaining two states, he would use these recruits to bluff the city. Those who were restless could still do it, but when King Zhong led his army to the city and was joined by an additional 60,000 troops from Guzhou Commander Sang Doubei, it was not enough.

Facts have also proven this. After several sieges, the loss of new soldiers was particularly serious. There were less than 10,000 new soldiers left from 30,000. This was because Marquis Zhongcheng deliberately disrupted some of the silver-armored guards and new soldiers. Together, the old and the new played a role. If not, the city would not have been able to be defended solely by the new soldiers.

Even so, under the fierce attack led by King Zhong, the losses were still huge. The 10,000 silver-armored guards sent to join the new troops were all killed or wounded. Zhongchenghou only had 5,000 veteran silver-armored guards in his hands. He originally wanted to rely on They could hold on for a while, but they never thought that they would flee the city. In order to block the gap and ensure the safety of the south city gate, all five thousand silver-armored guards pressed forward, and then they regained control of the city gate. However, another three thousand troops were lost as a result.

Now Zhongchenghou only has 2,000 silver-armored guards and 10% of the new soldiers with mediocre combat effectiveness. With this strength, if he wants to defend the four gates of Daliang City, he will have insufficient troops. Zhongchenghou has decided to invite reinforcements. , this was also the first time he asked for help.

The wise Emperor Qianwen never said anything, but with the Emperor's Guard in hand, he was well aware of all these situations. Otherwise, he would not have asked Yan Fu about this question. "Hey, here is the order, and the military department is ordered to continue in the city. Recruit troops and tell the people that once the loyal king enters the city, everyone will not end well. In addition, the treatment of the soldiers should be improved. For those who died in battle, the pension will be increased from the original twenty taels of silver to fifty taels of silver. Yes. Also, allocate five thousand golden armored guards to Marquis Zhongcheng. No matter what, Daliang City cannot suffer any loss."

In desperation, Emperor Qianwen finally made a huge concession. Only if Daliang City was saved could his throne be saved. Only then could he wait until King Qin's army appeared to make a comeback.

"Order the government offices near Cangzhou to open the granaries and urgently adjust the grain and grass. It is really not enough. Let the powerful people come to help. Later, you can consider giving them some official positions and power. Let the tens of thousands of troops parked there rush to Daliang City as soon as possible. "After thinking about the uneasy situation in front of him, Emperor Qianwen added to Yan Fu on the side. He believed that enough benefits had been given, and as long as the powerful people were willing to help, food and grass would not be a problem.

"According to the decree." Yan Fu had already put down his pen at this time and sent the written imperial edict to Emperor Qianwen. After no mistakes were found, he stamped the jade seal representing the emperor's identity.

Under the imperial edict, five thousand golden armored guards arrived on the city tower before dawn and were placed under the unified jurisdiction of Marquis Zhongcheng. This made Shen Yunyi breathe a sigh of relief. The city also started recruiting new soldiers, and the pension was fully doubled. There are more, but still very few responders.

Knowing that the situation was critical and that they might die if they climbed the tower, there were very few people willing to join the army. Besides, what fifty taels of silver could do was really limited. After the siege of Daliang City, The things inside can't get out, and the things outside can't come in. Prices have doubled. How much can fifty taels of silver buy?

At this moment, some people began to miss Tang Aolai, the Duke of Zhongguo. They thought that when Duke Zhongguo was still in Daliang City, the living standards of the people had improved several levels. No one in the city had starved to death, even beggars. They were much less. That is to say, since Tang Ao became King Ji and left Kyoto, more and more people have become unemployed. After the houses were built and the roads were repaired, they suddenly found themselves unemployed again.

Without the opportunity to work, it means that there is no money in the account, and many people can't even get the loan money to buy a house. The rich and powerful have seen this opportunity, and they have begun to take action, and they will have no money to pay the remaining balance. The people who had borrowed money were forced to build new houses, leaving unknown numbers of people homeless. Begging teams reappeared on the streets, and the number was getting larger and larger.

The common people have already complained about this. Unpopular, if they are asked to work for the emperor, how many people will respond. Even the common people shout out that their property has been taken away by the powerful. This is the time. It's time for the powerful to stand up and climb the tower, not for ordinary people like them who have nothing to pick up swords and guns to fight for their lives.

It's just that such slogans are just shouting, so the powerful people will not put themselves in danger. For them who have power, even if one day King Zhong captures Daliang City and replaces Emperor Qianwen, it will not matter. What will happen to them? After all, anyone who wants to be an emperor must get the support of powerful people like them, right?

The unfavorable conscription made Cheng Bolin, the Minister of War who was in charge of the matter, very distressed. He had sent all the officials the Ministry of War could send to the streets to do propaganda and persuade the people, but now it seems that the effect is not good.

In the final analysis, all of this was caused by the greed of the powerful. They forced the people to lose their new home. Who would be willing to sacrifice their lives for you if they are resentful?

Although Cheng Bailin knew this, he could not take any countermeasures. He did not have the ability of Tang Ao, who could do things without looking forward and backward and dare to take food from the hands of the powerful. He also did not have the courage to become an enemy of all the powerful. All he can do is recruit as many new soldiers as possible and send them to the tower. As for whether they will live or die, win or lose, everything depends on God's will.

There were not enough new soldiers to replenish the army, which made the city defense of Daliang City more and more dangerous. It seemed that the loyal king outside the city had already known the situation inside the city and began to increase the intensity of the siege. Only three days later, Xin More than half of the five thousand gold-armored guards who were supplemented were killed or injured. In desperation, Emperor Qianwen ordered another five thousand gold-armored guards to be mobilized and boarded the tower. At this point, there were only 10,000 elite troops left around the dignified emperor.

The situation seemed to be getting worse and worse. Emperor Qianwen had a sad look on his face all day long. He didn't know why King Qin's army hadn't arrived yet. This might be because Daliang City was already an isolated city and could no longer receive the news. There is news from the outside. If this continues, once the last 10,000 golden armored guards are sent to the tower, perhaps it will not be far before Daliang is breached.

So? Who will save him? Who will be the one to turn the situation around, and who will be the hope for a new era?

The reason why King Qin's army was delayed was because the other vassal kings took action. They seemed to see that this was a good opportunity to severely injure Emperor Qianwen. Each vassal king sent large armies to the border, forcing them to Those state soldiers who obeyed Emperor Qianwen did not dare to act rashly. They were afraid that once the army left the state, they would fail to serve the king and instead lose their original territory. In that case, they would really become sinners.

With the deliberate cooperation of other feudal lords, King Zhong looked very good these days and was more energetic than before. At this time, he seemed to have seen the scene where he was sitting on the golden dragon chair in place of his brother.

The battle is still raging on the tower of Daliang City, and the intensity of the attack has not diminished. Several times, the Liaozhou army climbed onto the tower, but was eventually beaten back by the additional Jinjiawei. The two sides fought back and forth every day. The number of casualties is increasing, and both sides have suffered a heavy price. But in general, the loyal king's side who attacked the city still has the advantage. At least they have the initiative on the battlefield and can attack whenever they want. You can rest when you are tired. It is far different from waiting passively in the army.

Hope is in sight. Not only King Zhong, but also the generals of the King Zhong family are very excited. They all want to see the day when King Zhong ascends the throne and becomes emperor. As the earliest followers, their status will naturally rise. Isn’t it?

This is even more true for King Zhong, even though he has received some unfavorable news in recent days. For example, the reinforcements of Qianjun are preparing to march to Daliang City. For example, other vassal princes are still sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight. No one has yet Preparing for the real end, the pressure now is all on him. But these circumstances are nothing in front of the victory of being able to capture Daliang City.

Extreme joy brings sorrow!

Just when he was looking forward to the wonderful future, his general Le Ming came to the main tent and told a very bad news. General Sang Doubei was gathering troops and escorting grain and grass. It seemed that he was not preparing to attack the city. Yes, but leaving.

"What's going on?" King Zhong looked surprised. He thought he treated Sang Doubei well and took good care of him when he attacked the city. Of course, people will die in war. After many sieges, Sang Doubei The Liaozhou army suffered more than 20,000 losses, but didn't the Liaozhou army also lose more than 10,000 people?

Could it be that because the Liaozhou Army did not have as many casualties as the Guzhou Army, he thought he was excluding dissidents and had the idea to leave. Do you really think that war is a child's play? If you want to fight, fight, if you don't want to fight, then fight Walk?

This chapter has been completed!
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