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Chapter 212 The Unselected Witch, Canggu Tianyan

[You try to wake up the wandering girl, but what you get in return is a louder snoring.]

[Looking at the orange light of the oil lamp on the table, what you think of is that dark and raging flame, and you can't help but have evil thoughts in your heart.]

【Are you going to kill it?】

Lin Xun pressed 'No'.

Not every body can revive its memory. Even if the wandering girl's body has memory, the probability that it can directly point to the 'Wuzhi Shrine' is too small and can be ignored.

[You throw away your hands and leave the single room, walking towards the attic floor.]

[The excitement on the first floor is a bit more lively than when you arrived. Dozens of distinguished guests can be seen taking their seats, and a woman covered with gauze is dancing gracefully on the viewing platform. 】

[The woman's upper body is made of snow-white sleeves, and her lower body is made of bright red crimson hakama. She is holding a cypress fan, and her dancing posture is swaying and beautiful. 】

[The opening of its skirt is slightly lower, and there is no lining. It sometimes reveals its rounded charm when dancing. Whenever this happens, the guests in the audience will clap and praise it. 】

[Jian Shifan popped up from beside you at some point. He looked surprised. It seemed that he didn’t expect you to move so quickly this time. It seems that the older dispatcher is indeed experienced. 】

[Jian Shifan bows and salutes, waiting for you to pay the spiritual fee of 10,000 points. 】

[You couldn't help but became furious, and slapped it in the face, causing it to spin three times.]

[You point your finger in the direction of the single room on the second floor, signaling the world to scroll up and check it out.]

[It covered its face and trotted all the way up to the second floor...]

[But after a while, I hurried down again, knelt down and apologized to you repeatedly. I was so drunk that I failed to serve you. This is the fault of the fairyland. It will choose a beautiful travel girl for you and waive the fee as an apology. 】

【Do you want to accept the apology from Mianshifan? 】

[You shake your head and point to the beautiful lady dancing on the stage.]

[Seeing Seban’s expression look troubled, I would like to explain to you that although this girl is a shrine maiden who was eliminated from the Barren Mountain Shrine and no longer has the status of a priest, she is not comparable to ordinary wandering girls, and she does not sell herself as a performer...]

[You became furious again and slapped Shifan again, making Shifan spin around in circles.]

[It covered its face, swallowed two broken teeth, and gestured with a number with tears in its eyes, indicating that the witch’s fee was 200,000 souls.]

【Do you agree with the quotation of the world-viewing fan? 】

"It's really expensive...it seems I can only do it for nothing."

Lin Xun didn't want to, but he had no money in his pocket, so he had to resort to this last resort.

[Seeing you nodding in agreement, Mianshiban trotted all the way up to the viewing platform, and soon he led the beautiful young miko to you. 】

[The witch shyly leads you to the top floor of the attic and enters a luxurious bedroom. 】

[It took off its thin veil, revealing its delicate face, and asked the samurai whether he wanted to watch the dance first, or go directly into battle to kill.]

[You shake your head, pick up the sake on the table, and pour it into its mouth...]

[Not long after, the witch was so drunk that you made her eyes blurry and her cheeks turned red.]

[You take the opportunity to interrogate him about his origins and insert questions about the ‘Wuzhi Shrine’. 】

[The witch was so drunk that she did not doubt that he was there and revealed everything she knew...]

[It grew up in a poor family, and the only thing it could use was its beauty. By chance, I heard that a small shrine outside the city was recruiting shrine maidens, so I participated in the shrine maiden selection. 】

[Although it is a small shrine with little popularity, the requirements for selecting shrine maidens are extremely strict. 】

[One has an extraordinary status. If you are a commoner, even if you have the appearance of a heavenly being, you will not be able to be selected. 】

[Secondly, the shrine maiden must be a virgin who has not yet left the palace. If you have already participated in the 'Yeza' (tradition of sleeping with someone), you will never be selected. 】

[It didn’t meet both requirements, so as expected, it failed to become a miko. It’s just that the family has been unable to uncover the truth recently, so it had no choice but to come to Xianxiang to perform under the guise of a miko.]

[As for the 'Wuzhi Shrine', it has heard from others who participated in the selection that it is a shrine with strong incense and can be called a big shrine. It is only one step away from the 'Shrine'. 】

[It doesn’t know the specific location of ‘Wuzhi Shrine’, but it only knows that it is not in this city…]

[After the witch finished speaking, she began to undress and take off her belt, serving you carefully...]


[After a long time, you put on your belt with a happy expression, feeling even more relaxed.]

Lin Xun frowned.

"Wuzhi Shrine is not in this city... It seems that the hidden mission is quite difficult. Just finding the shrine will take a lot of effort."

[You roughly push away the miko who is gentle with you, and in the face of its frightened gaze, you pull out the short sword Wakizashi and thrust it into its chest. ]

[You defeated the ‘Failed Witch of Fire Worship’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

[You obtained the ‘Shenryu Dance Fan’ (waste product)]

[You look at the corpse of the miko who fell to the ground dead in front of you...]

[The body of the 'Failed Miko who worships fire', a failed Miko. Strictly speaking, it cannot be counted as a Miko. It is just a wandering maiden who uses the name of a witch to increase her social status. It is a pity, because a certain samurai

Pulling out the

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

【You have been contaminated with the third level of karma fire!】


Lin Xun originally thought that the body of the fake witch might be useful in the future, so he wanted to keep this body in his pocket. Unexpectedly, the weight of the Karma Fire increased at this moment.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Karmic Fire to increase multiple times, but he has not yet understood the growth mechanism of Karmic Fire and the method of using Karmic Fire.

Put the miko into the body column and open the panel to view.

The witch's attributes are very limited and she has no skills. She has no use other than a skin.

After Lin Xun finished his business, he switched to his chuunin body and began to search the entire attic in stealth mode.

There are many guests in the attic, and some single rooms have guards guarding them at the door.

He found a few unattended rooms, but after missing a few guests, he did not get any other useful information.

Instead, I killed a wandering girl and learned some secret information from its memory.

There is also a basement level in the attic of Younu's house, which is usually closed to people. Only the owner and a few people can enter.

[The bright sword light struck again, and the black flames flashed past.]

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[You block the sword edge with one hand and throw out the chain blade with the other hand. The sharp dagger is completely buried in its chest, leaving only the handle outside. 】

[Fantou looked at you in disbelief, muttering the word "evil" in his mouth, then slowly fell to the ground, his face turned black and he died...]

[You defeated the ‘Fire-Worshiping Xianxiang Fantou’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained the ‘unyielding chunk of spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘Border Wood Talisman’ (key)]

[You look at the dead body in front of you...]

[The body of the ‘Fire Worshiping Senxiang Fantou’...]

Lin Xun knew that the movement just now was not small and would definitely attract others' attention.

I didn't have time to check the text carefully, so I quickly selected Possession.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Fire Worshiping Senxiang Fantou’! 】

[The shoji door was opened, and the temporary replacement was seen leaving and returning. The room was in a mess, and you were the only one standing there holding a sword.]

[It was about to ask, but you spoke first. Your interest was interrupted just now, and the evil thoughts in your heart had not yet been vented, so you couldn't help but wave your sword to calm it down. Now you feel much more at ease. 】

[The fan glanced at you with his dark eyes and warned you in a cold voice, if you don’t hurry up and go underground, if the host later discovers that you left the house without permission, both you and the temporary dog ​​will be punished. 】

[You nodded in agreement, and after he left, you took out a new set of clothes from the cabinet and put them on...]

Lin Xun opened the panel and found that the attributes of this fan were greater than those of the previously possessed samurai.

It also masters the use of ‘Qi’.

You must know that the samurai are responsible for public security in the city, and their own strength is not bad. It is hard to imagine that the strength of a turtle boss can exceed that of the security personnel.

From this, we know that there is something hidden under the Younu's house, and it must not be simple.

[After getting dressed, you take the ‘Wood Talisman’ and leave the room...]


[It is still extremely dark behind the viewing platform. You go around the screen again and push open the small door. 】

[You are carrying the ‘Boundary Wood Talisman’ and can pass through the barrier here without any hindrance! 】

[You only feel that you have passed through the barrier of a layer of water curtain, and there is nothing strange about it. 】

[You go down the stairs behind the small door...]

[The space opened under the attic is very huge, covering an area far larger than an attic. It seems to be a huge basement built by opening up the underground of the wandering girls' houses on the entire street. ]

[The basement is brightly lit, and a huge statue of a god is erected in it. 】

[It is a stone statue of pitch-black flames, just like the statue you have seen before, except that this statue has been enlarged countless times.]

[The strangeness of the statue goes beyond that. When you look at the ceiling of the basement, you can see wisps of black smoke seeping down from the upper level. 】

[The statue is like a magnet, sucking in all the black smoke, and the dark color becomes deeper.]

[When you look at the statue and the black smoke, you can’t help but have evil thoughts in your heart.]

[Although this evil thought is not as powerful as looking directly at the burning fire of karma, and you are driven by the evil thought and cannot resist it, but it still lingers in your mind and will not go away for a long time.]

[You know in your heart that the evil thoughts contained in the idol are far better than the burning fire of karma. It is only because it keeps the evil thoughts inward and does not expose them that you do not fall into madness.]

[You suddenly notice that a trace of black light flashes from the tip of the flame on the top of the statue.]

[You quickly get closer and observe, and you see that part of the stone on the top of the statue has crystallized into fist-sized black crystals, reflecting black light under the light.]

[The black smoke inhaled by the statue rushes toward the black spar on the top, making the spar even darker and more shiny.]

[Apostles without faith are like duckweeds without roots. What is your next move?]

[1. Switch the body of the earth giant, use the giant stick to destroy the statues, and eliminate all evil thoughts in the world. 】

[2. Pay homage to the statue of the God sincerely, and long for God to grant you devout faith, and make a vow.]

[3. Take off the crystal of evil thoughts condensed by the statue, take it as your own, and escape quietly, hiding your merit and fame. 】

"Hey, why does this scene seem so familiar? Could it be..."

Lin Xun remembered something and decisively pressed the third option.

[You hold the scabbard with one hand and the handle with the other, holding your breath and concentrating...]

[Suddenly, you shouted loudly, jumped up, and followed Iai with a sharp sword slash! 】

[The jet-black crystal stone fell from the top of the statue.]

[You put away the knife and stood up, slowly exhaling a breath...]

[You have obtained ‘Tianyan’s evil thoughts’ (epic level item)]

[Tianyan’s evil thoughts (epic-level props): Countless evil thoughts are absorbed by the statue, causing the sculpture of ‘Canggu Tianyan’ to condense a weird and twisted divinity, forming a black crystal. After using it, you will gain 1 point of divinity. 】

"Canggu Tianyan...is this the god of this chapter?"

This chapter has been completed!
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