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Chapter 213 The Fruit of Evil Thoughts, Rare Seafood Restaurant

[You look at the black crystal in your hand, and the memory of your body is slightly revived...]

[The Fairyland is not only a place to collect intelligence for the General, but also a place where evil thoughts gather. The statue of ‘Canggu Tianyan’ at the bottom of the Fairyland is the container for collecting evil thoughts. 】

[There are countless people venting their evil thoughts in Fairyland every day, so it’s no wonder that evil thoughts gather here.]

[As the manager of the Wandering Girl House, Fantou only knows that this statue has existed since the establishment of Xianxiang.]

[Every few years, the evil thoughts absorbed by the statue will materialize. They are ordered to guard the statue. When the evil thoughts mature, they will pick the fruits and hand them over to the general...]



This is the second time Lin Xun has heard this title.

At the ninja, he learned that the thieves were searching for envoys on the sea, and the "signal" was the order given by the general.

[You put the black crystal in your bag, turn around and leave this place...]

[You go up the stairs, and when you are about to open the small door, you feel a warning sign in your heart, so you quickly retreat!]

[A bright sword light splits open the wooden door and comes straight to you!]

[You pulled out the sword to block it, but was knocked down the stairs and couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.]

[The tiger's mouth holding the knife is torn apart, and a large gash has appeared on the blade.]

【You are slightly injured!】

[You look up and see the ‘Fire Worshiping Master of Xianxiang’ walking down the stairs with a few people. 】

[The poster stares at you with an unkind expression and asks you why you want to take the ‘fruit of evil thoughts’ privately. If you don’t hand it over to the general at the appointed time, both you and it will die. 】

[You raise your sword and take a stance, remaining silent. The cold light reflected from the sword's edge is your only answer.]

"Don't be cool at critical moments!"

Lin Xun quickly pushed the novice Fantou back to the body column and replaced him with the dragon boss.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[The poster saw your changed appearance and suddenly realized, no wonder you want to steal the ‘fruit of evil thoughts’ privately, it turns out that you have secretly taken refuge in the ‘evil god’...]

[Although you look powerful like this, you seem to have forgotten that the karma fire given by the true god is your biggest nemesis! 】

[‘The Fire Worshiping Master of Xianxiang’ chanted quickly, “There is nothing like evil in the sky and under the world, and there is nothing like it in the world in the ten directions. I can see everything in the world, and there is nothing like evil...]

[The stone statue behind you suddenly turns into a raging, burning black karma fire!]

[While the fire of karma is burning, endless evil thoughts burst out from the bottom of your heart, and everything you look at is covered with a layer of ink-colored gauze...]

[The poster and the fans have a lot of time to watch you, waiting for you to be burned to ashes by the fire of karma. 】

[You raise the chain blade uncontrollably and kill with the blade in front of their shocked eyes!]

[Endless evil thoughts are like finding a vent, with your blade waving, blood splashes everywhere...]

[You defeated the ‘Fire-Worshiping Xianxiang Fantou’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

【You defeated...】

[The poster watched his subordinates die one by one under the strange blade. The dark dragon flame burning on the blade made him sluggish. He murmured to himself, how could the evil demon not be afraid of the karmic fire? How could the evil demon control the karmic fire... You

Not the devil, you, who the hell are you!】

[The chains of flesh and blood wrap around the poster layer by layer, and the raging dragon flames ignite from the depths of your blood, burning along the chains to the blade! 】

[The person trapped in the chain let out a shrill scream, and then the blazing dragon flames burned him into a pile of stinky pus...]

[You defeated the ‘Fire-Worshiping Xianxiang Host’, and your experience points increased significantly. 】

[You have obtained the ‘Law Owner Order of Fairyland’ (prop)]

Lin Xun couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You didn't expect it, but I'm actually a copycat demon."

Looking at the situation just now, it is obvious that the poster thought he was an authentic evil spirit, so he used secret methods to drive the evil thoughts inside the statue and ignite the fire of karma.

I thought I could kill him without bloodshed, but I didn't expect that the fire of karma did not burn him to ashes. Instead, the dragon man's body was filled with evil thoughts, just like taking drugs, killing several people one after another.

[The deaths of several people are not enough to fully vent your evil thoughts. You wander around the basement uncontrollably, but you can never find anyone to kill. 】

[Evil thoughts are surging freely, you look crazy, put the chain blade on your neck and slash it hard! 】

[Blood spurts out, and you twitch and fall to the ground...]

【you are dead!】


[The powerful wandering soul is reborn in the dead port...]

Lin Xun's face was covered with black lines.

When it comes to cool operations, the underworld game has to be the leader.

He opened the inventory and checked the props he had just obtained.

[Xianxiang’s Host Token (Prop): A token made of metal, which not only shows one’s noble status, but also has unexpected and wonderful uses...]

[With this item, you will be welcomed by the highest-level wandering girls in the Fairyland without having to pay spiritual power.]

"...This thing has a purpose!"

Lin Xun was speechless and could only put away the props silently.

Spend a little soul strength to reshape the body of the dragon man.

The exploration of Xianxiang Yukuo has been completed. Not only did we get some clues about the ‘Wuzhi Shrine’, but we also obtained an epic divine item. The harvest was pretty good.

"Let's go to the 'Fish Market' next..."

Possess the chuunin body and continue the process.

[You follow the signs on the sign and set off for the ‘Fish Market’...]

[The quiet night is eerie, the hazy moonlight is obscured by clouds, and the occasional wild cat howl like a child's cry comes from the streets and alleys, making it even more terrifying and penetrating. 】

Lin Xun walked halfway and met another group of wanderers who were watching with their karma fire lit.

Even if the chuunin's body cannot control Karmic Fire, it is still more than enough to deal with these miscellaneous fish.

The chuunin, who was controlled by evil thoughts, killed all the ronin and finally vented his evil thoughts.

[The karma fire in the corner is still burning. Do you want to leave directly, or try to put out the karma fire? 】

"If you don't extinguish the fire of karma, you will have to kill monsters every time you pass by to vent your evil thoughts."

It is a good thing that experience points and spirituality will be dropped when killing monsters, but this kind of miscellaneous fish monster can only be killed three times at most before it will refresh again.

When the time comes when I encounter karmic fire while passing by, and if I don’t find someone to vent my evil thoughts to, wouldn’t I have to commit suicide again?

If you pass by the fire of karma, you will have to kill yourself. This cycle is no different from being stuck in a barrier.

"Hiss...it turns out that the pit of the underworld game is located here!"

Lin Xun suddenly realized it and clicked the option to put out the fire of karma.

[The burning black flames firmly lock your sight, making you unable to look away.]

[You even try to close your eyes and not look directly at the karma fire, but you still can't stop the evil thoughts from growing. It seems that as long as you are illuminated by the fire, you will fall into the quagmire of evil thoughts. 】

[You open your eyes, glance at the corpse of a ronin, raise your foot and kick the corpse towards the flames...]

[When the fire dims, just when you thought you were extinguishing the fire of karma, the fire suddenly becomes brighter!]

[The fire of karma uses corpses as fuel and burns even more vigorously!]

[Endless evil thoughts surge from the bottom of your heart...]

[You are looking around uncontrollably, but you can’t find a way to vent your evil thoughts...]

[You raise the raptor claw...]

"Damn, you're not going to die again, are you?"

Lin Xun tried to switch bodies again, but the underworld game still showed that he could not switch.


【you are dead!】

He took a deep breath and felt his blood pressure rising slightly.

The game of the underworld is still the same as the underworld.

After reshaping his Chuunin body, he chose to try it out with Banto's body this time.

We did not take the path of the ‘fish market’, but the path to Fairyland.

The karma fire on the two paths is not in the same place. Use Xianxiang to try and make mistakes, and you can still take another path even if you fall into an endless loop.

However, this time the monster killing operation went very smoothly, but it still could not extinguish the fire of karma.

He tried various methods, but found that the dark flames could not be extinguished by ordinary means.

The only way now is to kill monsters to vent evil thoughts, and run away before new evil thoughts gather.

As I watch the fire for a long time, evil thoughts come back like a tidal wave.

[The powerful wandering soul is reborn in the dead port...]

"This is equivalent to the number of challenges set by the underworld game."

If every path has karma fire halfway, that means there are only three challenges at each location.

Because the fourth time you will be in a situation where you have no choice but to kill yourself.

The underworld game once gave a hint that he was unable to resist evil thoughts because the weight of karma fire he was infected with was too low.

At present, the number of his karmic fires is increasing slowly, and he has never mastered the method to control the karmic fires.

“How can we control the fire of karma?”

For a moment, he thought of the huge stone statue of Ye Huo at the bottom of the Immortal Township, which was the statue of the god 'Canggu Tianyan'.

The second option when encountering a god statue is to make an oath and join the oath of 'Canggu Tianyan'.

He suspected that if he wanted to obtain the method of driving Karma Fire, he would probably have to join the oath camp of the 'Canggu Tianyan' first.

"The underworld game is forcing the apostles to take sides."

Lin Xun shook his head, he did not want to be at the mercy of the underworld games.

Moreover, the specific situation of the 'Evil God' camp has not yet been determined. If you rush to join the team and rebel against the camp, you will probably become an oathbreaker who is hunted down again.

"Haha...you think you can restrict me in this underworld game?"

While thinking, he had already thought of a way to bypass the number of challenges.

Set foot on the road to the ‘Fish Market’ for the second time.

This time, he didn't bother to take care of the karma after killing the prodigal, and left before new evil thoughts gathered.


[The dark alley suddenly opens up, and a strong fishy smell pours into your nose...]

[In front of you is a dense collection of stalls, one after another, simple temporary stalls built with dilapidated canvas as the roof and four rotten wooden piles as the pillars. 】

[It is already dark, and there are only a few stalls with people in them.]

【You strode forward and came to a stall.】

[This stall is a bit different. It is not accurate to say that it is a stall. To be precise, it is a wooden trolley. There is a sign on the cart that is not found in other stalls - 'Rare Seafood House'】

[The goods on the cart are covered with a layer of greasy canvas, preventing you from seeing what treasures are covered underneath.]

[The 'special fishmonger who worships fire' raised his dark eyes and saw the two magatama painted on your mask, and he suddenly became energetic. ]

[It quickly opened the canvas, revealing a pile of smelly fish and rotten shrimps, and introduced them to you one by one.]

[Fang tiger fish: a deep-sea carnivorous fish with sharp fangs, small in size but ferocious in temperament. After eating, the strength attribute of the body can be temporarily increased slightly. Spiritual value: 1000, remaining quantity: 5]

[Saltwater eel: a shallow-sea carnivorous fish. Due to its extremely developed fins, its swimming speed is extraordinary. After eating, the agility attribute of the body can be temporarily increased slightly. Spiritual value: 1000, remaining quantity: 5]

[Segmented Placoderm: A deep-sea predatory fish with a bullet-shaped head bone armor and an extremely hard skeleton. After eating, the defensive properties of the body can be temporarily increased slightly. Spiritual value: 1000, remaining quantity:


[Purple-finned bonito: a migratory fish that belongs to the middle and upper layers of the ocean. Due to its unique physiological structure, it needs to swim fast throughout its life to survive. This characteristic makes its body extremely strong. After eating, the body can be temporarily slightly improved.

Life attributes. Spiritual value: 1000, remaining quantity: 5]

[Cartilaginous cone shark:...]


Lin Xun's eyes suddenly lit up after looking at the fish for sale at the stall.

"This is the welfare part of the underworld game!"

At this point, he is no longer a newbie and knows that there are some unique 'specialty props' in certain chapters.

These specialty props are not widely available, they are only sold in specific chapters, and their quantities are limited.

The fish on the stall at this time are ‘specialty props’.

Although these props are of little use to him, he can make a lot of money by selling them in the library.

It's just that this kind of trading NPC businessman is a bit difficult to get free sex...

Lin Xun suddenly had the idea of ​​killing people and stealing goods.

[The 'Special Fire Worshiping Fishmonger' seems to have understood what you are thinking, and reminds you with a smile that it is more than welcome to buy seafood if you want to buy seafood, but if you want to go to the 'Fish Selling Market' for nothing,

The door will always be closed to you.】

[Next time the fishermen come back from fishing, you won’t be able to buy these rare fish. 】

Lin Xun thought about it and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​having sex for free.

It seems that the goods here can be refreshed, and you can't buy them again after buying them once.

For 'specialty props' that can be refreshed, long-term flow is the way to make money.

Moreover, he has enough intelligence in his pocket to purchase all these specialty fishes.

In a rare act of quickness and enthusiasm, he emptied all the fish stocks in the stall.

[The ‘special fishmonger who worships fire’ will pack all the stock for you with a smile. 】

[Seeing that the goods are sold out, the fishmonger is about to close his stall and leave. He is in a good mood and will give you a secret message. 】

[It is the only one in the entire fish market that sells rare fish. The rest of the stalls sell only smelly fish and rotten shrimps. Chuunin-sama, please don’t be fooled by unscrupulous traders.]

[Of course, this is not considered secret information. Anyone who frequents the ‘fish market’ will know it. 】

[The real secret is that there is a special merchant deep in the fish market. The items he sells are of extraordinary value and will only be sold to nobles. Therefore, ordinary people do not know that there is a special shop hidden deep in the fish market. ]

[If it weren’t for your generosity and good status, it wouldn’t have revealed this news to you. 】

['The special fishmonger who worships fire' quietly comes to your ear and whispers the location of the secret shop to you...]

[Before leaving, it will put a wooden charm into your hand and wave goodbye to you.]

[You have obtained the ‘Communication Wooden Talisman’ (prop)]

[The cart of the ‘Rare Seafood Restaurant’ quickly disappeared around the corner of the market...]

"Is this a good reward for good people?"

Lin Xun smiled and shook his head, opening the inventory to check.

['Communication wooden talisman' (prop): A special talisman made by Onmyoji, with a tadpole-shaped incantation drawn on it. With this prop, you will receive a wooden talisman notification when the 'Rare Seafood Yatai' is replenished.


The location of the ‘Communication Wooden Talisman’ and the special shop should be rewards that can only be obtained after spending a certain amount of money.

Free prostitution has the advantages of free prostitution, and it seems that you can also get good returns from serious transactions.

Lin Xun looked at the more than ten kinds of fish in the inventory, and put these specialty props in the library for sale, which could at least double the principal.

This chapter has been completed!
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