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Chapter 215 Underground Duel at Chongtuna Restaurant

[You return to the port, follow the signs and set foot on the road to the ‘Onion Tuna Winery’. 】


On the way, as expected, we met the ronai sitting around the karma fire again.

Lin Xun easily dealt with the prodigals, but this time he did not choose to leave.

Instead, stay a little away from the fire of karma and not be illuminated by its fire, so as to verify the guesses in your heart.

He tried to use karma fire to test the reaction of the three-headed lion and the Valkyrie.

He ordered the three lions to come forward and get close to the karma fire. As a result, the three lions, as flesh and blood creatures, were unable to resist evil thoughts and would also be driven into madness by evil thoughts within the radiation range of the karma fire.

However, the three-headed lion, unable to find its target, did not attack him, but began to mutilate itself to vent its evil thoughts.

"What a kind baby..."

Lin Xun took back the three lions and then summoned the Valkyrie to continue trying.

The Valkyrie stepped forward and circled around the Karma Fire like a normal person, showing no signs of being controlled by evil thoughts.

He pondered for a moment and came to a conclusion.

Perhaps because the Valkyrie is made of fine copper, things like evil thoughts cannot take effect on her.

Suddenly Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he thought of a sexy operation.

If the Valkyrie can stay awake, it may be an opportunity to eliminate the influence of evil thoughts.

He has thought of ways to avoid the effects of karma fire.

One is to fly across the terrain regardless of the terrain, so that you can change the path and no longer be illuminated by the fire of karma, nor controlled by evil thoughts.

However, the flying method can only deal with Karmic Fire in open terrain, and this method can only be avoided if you know in advance that there is Karmic Fire here.

If you encounter karmic fire in an unexpected situation and are unable to switch bodies when evil thoughts surge, you will inevitably waste your soul strength.

The second method is very simple. It is not about avoiding but solving evil thoughts.

The best way to vent your evil thoughts is to kill. Once you have vented all your evil thoughts, you can leave quickly before new evil thoughts grow and develop.

If there are no mobs to kill to vent your evil thoughts, you can try this method.

To be on the safe side, Lin Xun planned to try it first to see if this method would work, so as to avoid accidentally overturning the car in a crisis.

Give the special equipment to Valkyrie and ask her to use the 'Little Devil Shikigami Rattle'.

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ took over the ‘Little Devil Shikigami Rattle’, and she gently rang the bell. The clear ringtone was particularly harsh in the silent night. 】

[The sound of the ringing bell continued, but no 'little evil spirit shikigami' appeared. The Valkyrie looked at the ringing bell in her hand in confusion, and shook it harder...]


[Your Watcher does not yet possess spirituality and cannot sacrifice spirituality to summon special summons.]

[Please give your watcher spiritual props first.]

Lin Xun slapped his forehead.

"How could I forget this?"

The ringing bell can sacrifice up to 10,000 points of spirituality to summon the evil ghost shikigami. There is an upper limit for the sacrifice, but there is no lower limit in the underworld game.

He just uses this piece of equipment to vent his sexual desires, so he doesn't need to waste so much savings.

[You take out the ‘weak spirituality that is about to disappear’ and give it to the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’. 】

"Five points of spirituality, spend them, don't be too little."

[The Valkyrie rang the ‘Little Devil Shikigami Bell’ again, and the crisp bell sounded...]

[An inexplicable dark wind blew by, and dozens of black shadows quietly emerged! 】

[They are as short as children, but they have green faces, fangs, and ferocious expressions. They may hold knives, sticks, or forks...]

[The form of powerful 'evil ghosts' is often as dark as a quagmire, insubstantial, but the eighteen 'little evil ghosts' in front of you have erratic shapes, as if they will be blown away by the wind. You can even see through their translucent

Sparse form, see the alley wall behind it...]

"It's just a tool to vent your desires, don't worry about these details..."

[You bring eighteen 'powerful' little evil spirits forward and approach the Karma Fire...]

[Your eyes can’t help but be attracted by the dark flames. Looking at the distorted firelight, evil thoughts quietly grow in your heart...]

[Evil thoughts burst out, and you uncontrollably drew the knife, trying to kill to calm the evil thoughts in your heart, but you couldn't find the enemy...]

[Your eyes are locked on the group of thin little devils behind you, and evil thoughts are pouring out...]

[The sword in his hand is waved, and the bright sword light flashes...]

[Your special summoned creature ‘Little Evil-Eight’ is dead! 】

[Your special summoned creature ‘Little Evil-3’ has died! 】

[Your special summoned creature...]


[When you finally vent your evil thoughts, only half of the eighteen ‘little devils’ remain.]

[Looking at the burning fire of karma, do you want to continue to stay here, or leave directly?]

"It sure works!"

After using the Sao operation to complete the production and sale of evil thoughts, the body successfully regained consciousness.

Now, as long as you carry the Valkyrie with you at all times, you can turn the Valkyrie into an autonomous awakener. At critical moments, you don't have to worry about committing suicide and returning to the city due to the gathering of evil thoughts.

In fact, there is another way to vent evil thoughts, which is to use the self-healing and immortal characteristics of the three-headed lion to vent evil thoughts on it...

"Forget it, I'll just be a human being..."

Lin Xun, who found out his conscience, continued to the next stop.

[You are heading towards the ‘Onion Tuna Winery’...]


【You will arrive at your destination soon.】

[The wine house has an exquisite entrance and a large area. From the noisy voices coming from inside, you can tell that the business here is booming. 】

[You walk into the ‘Onion Tuna Restaurant’, which is full of diners, making it a lively scene.]

[If you look carefully, you will see that there are all kinds of diners, including ronin, sailors, ashigaru samurai, etc...]

[The ‘fire-worshiping tavern owner’ saw you coming and hurriedly greeted you, bowing to you frequently. 】

[It quietly stuffed a money bag into you, and came closer and whispered, Samurai-sama, this is this month’s ‘security material’. With the care of the adults, the business of the duel field has become more and more prosperous recently. 】

[As a samurai responsible for public security in the city, you accept the protection money from the shopkeeper.]

[You have gained 30,000 spiritual points!]

[The ‘fire-worshipping hotel owner’ sees you nodding with satisfaction and quickly invites you to a private room nearby…]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Not long after, the bartender served exquisite food and two glasses of sake. The owner kept reporting on the operating conditions of the 'Duel Ground', which reminded you of relevant information. ...]

[Due to the ‘war cessation order’ issued by the General, even if the daimyo had frictions and disputes among themselves, they did not dare to raise troops to resolve the disputes with war. 】

[Under the influence of the ‘war stop order’, the shogun used a simple way to resolve the conflicts between the daimyo, that is - the ritual of duel. 】

[The daimyo cultivated their trusted samurai or recruited swordsmen with strong martial arts skills to defend their reputation and interests with duels. 】

[A duel between samurai requires only two people and two swords, which not only distinguishes superiority from inferiority, but also determines life and death.]

[When samurai duels, they would often invite a group of nobles to watch. The winner would naturally be the most beautiful, while the loser would not only lose face, but also lose a small life. 】

[However, the 'Duel Ceremony' can only be participated by warriors, and the nobles invited to watch the ceremony are often big shots. Even nobles with slightly lower status cannot watch the 'Duel Ceremony', let alone ordinary people...]

[The general's martial temperament has a huge influence. Even if they are not proficient in martial arts, the common people and wealthy businessmen love to watch bloody duels between warriors. However, because the threshold for viewing the 'Course of Decision' is too high, they can only look back and sigh...]

[As time goes on, some people secretly open dueling venues underground for civilians and wealthy businessmen to watch duels... and bet.]

[Orthodox samurai value their reputation and often do not participate in underground duels. Underground duels are mostly filled with ronin, wild swordsmen or Ashigaru samurai who do not have samurai status. 】

[The 'security material' comes from the bets and viewing fees of the underground dueling arena. The 30,000 souls handed over to you by the shop owner are used to cover the costs of the underground dueling arena...]


[The 'Fire Worshiping Tavern Owner' sighed deeply. This month I can still hand over to you thirty thousand souls of 'security ingredients', but next month I'm afraid it will be greatly reduced. 】

[When you heard this, you became furious and slapped the table and asked why.]

[The shopkeeper tells you that the majority of the dueling arena's income comes from manipulating the outcome of duels to win bets. Of course, the bets lost by the small nobles who occasionally come to the dueling arena will be returned in full, including wealthy businessmen and common people. Taken advantage of.]

[But recently, a swordsman with superb swordsmanship has appeared in the duel arena. He has won many battles and never lost, so there is no longer any suspense about victory or defeat, and the income of the duel arena has naturally been greatly reduced. 】

[The shop owner has been running the dueling arena for several years and has a lot of private tricks, but somehow the ordinary dirty tricks cannot be effective against this swordsman. 】

[The shop owner suspects that this swordsman may have been sent by another dueling arena in this city in order to destroy its dueling arena. 】

[After saying this, it bowed its head, burst into tears, and spoke with sorrow, begging you, the master of martial arts, to take action, defeat the swordsman in the duel, and eliminate a harm to the duel field! 】

[As long as you can get rid of that swordsman, the shop owner is willing to offer another thirty thousand souls! 】

[As a samurai class, you naturally know that participating in underground duels will damage the reputation of samurai, so you hesitated for a while. 】

[Apostle who cherishes feathers, what should you do?]

[1. ‘It’s just a wild swordsman. What kind of level is it? How can it stand on a duel stage with me?’ Decisively reject the shop owner’s request. 】

[2. ‘He’s just a wild swordsman, can’t he be captured if I attack him?’ He decisively agreed to the shopkeeper’s request. 】

[3. ‘I am just a wild swordsman. There is no suspense about victory or defeat. I not only want to take action, but also place a bet!’ I decisively agreed to the shopkeeper’s request and made another bet. 】

"Isn't this sending money to your door?"

Lin Xun immediately pressed the third option.

[You hold the katana at your waist, your dark eyes filled with murderous intent, and you nod slightly.]

[The ‘Fire Worshiping Hotel Owner’ was overjoyed and was about to take you out of the private room, but you stopped him. 】

[Throwing the money bag back to it intact, he uttered two words coldly: Place a bet!]

[The ‘Fire Worshiping Tavern Owner’ hurriedly took the money bag, bowed repeatedly, led you out of the single room, and walked towards the back door of the Tavern...]

[It was beaming with joy, and while leading the way, it murmured softly in its mouth, Your Excellency has superb martial arts skills and is so confident that he will be able to kill this wild swordsman with his sword...]

[The back door of the wine house is connected to a courtyard. The 'fire-worshipping wine house owner' takes you to the corner of the courtyard, lifts up a camouflaged stone slab on the ground, and reveals the steps below. 】

[The roar of people came from the passage, and you could tell from the sound that there were a lot of people in this underground duel ground.]

【You walk down the steps and soon enter an open basement.】

[The strong smell of alcohol and sweat hits my face, there are people gathering on the seats, and a wooden dueling platform is built in the center of the basement. 】

[Some people are dueling on the stage. One of them is a warrior wearing a belly armor. The belly armor is sleeveless and only has a chest and abdominal armor on the front for protection. It looks tattered. This warrior is obviously the lowest level of foot armor.

Light Samurai.]

[The other person is wearing a loose straight robe, with a black sheath sword tied around his waist. He is thin but has a straight waist. The weapon has not yet been unsheathed, and you can vaguely feel the sharp sword intent on it. 】

[Amidst the cheers and applause of the crowd, the Ashigaru samurai shouted, kicked off the ground and jumped into the air, holding the sword in both hands above his head, and struck it down hard!]

[The wild swordsman closed his eyes, holding the scabbard with his left hand, and lightly holding the handle with his right hand...]

[I saw a flash of dazzling sword light, and the black flame disappeared in an instant!]

[The wild swordsman exhales softly, and the sword has been sheathed...]

[The figure in the air split in two and fell down, and the sprayed blood dyed the duel stage red, like a ghostly painting. 】

[The audience was silent, everyone was shocked by the sharp sword light. After a long while, deafening applause and cheers broke out. 】

[The Wild Swordsman glanced at the people in the audience and spoke softly, but his words echoed throughout the audience: Next.]

[Its cold gaze sweeps over you and stays on you for a moment. You only feel that there is no human emotion in that gaze, but only deep indifference. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [You discovered the ‘fire-worshiping Wuxin-ryu swordsman’! 】

"Hiss...this guy can really show off."

Lin Xun sighed more than that.

In Ronin's memory, he once learned of the existence of the 'Wuxin-ryu Kendo Gym'.

This swordsman is not a wild swordsman, but a disciple of the ‘Wuxin-ryu Kendo Gym’.

The samurai body he possessed at this time was not as strong as a chuunin in terms of real strength, and was only slightly stronger than a genin.

If you use this body to fight on stage, you will most likely end up with the same fate as the Ashigaru Samurai.

Lin Xun had a vague hunch that even if he used Ban Tou's body to fight, he might be killed by this Wu Xin Ryu disciple's sword.

"Damn, I'm at a disadvantage if I can't drive the karma fire."

[The ‘Fire Worshiping Tavern Owner’ looks at you, his eyes full of expectation. 】

【Do you want to go on stage to duel immediately and kill this man with the sword? 】

[You hold the sword at your waist and say in a deep voice, your belly is bloated after just a few glasses of sake, so you need to relieve yourself before the duel. ]

[After that, you walk towards the hut in the corner...]

"If we capture the swordsman's body, we will probably be able to join the 'Wuxin-ryu Kendo Gym' line..."

It's called Wushin-ryu Kendo Hall, and there must be many powerful swordsmen's bodies and swordsmanship skills there. If you miss this place, you will lose more than a little bit.

If you want to win the duel, you may not be able to win using the bodies in this chapter. You can only use the three main bodies.

The earth giant is too violent. If one is not controlled, the swordsman's body cannot guarantee the integrity of the body and cannot be possessed.

The skill of looking directly at the president is too eye-catching here and is not applicable.

All that's left is the dragon-man's body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[You used the ‘Nishang Seashell’ (item)! 】

[The mist of ‘Neon Shang Sea Shell’ evaporates, temporarily transforming the abnormal shape of the body into a normal human appearance! 】

There is still a lot of Nishang seashells left, so it is just right to use them here.

Lin Xun took off the warrior's clothes, put them on the hermit's body, and then left the toilet.

[Another person on the stage accepted the challenge, but was soon cut into pieces by the ‘fire-worshiping Wuxin-ryu swordsman’. 】

[The words ‘next’ spread throughout the audience again. 】

[The shopkeeper is still anxiously waiting for the return of the samurai-sama in the audience. You go up and pat his shoulder and tell him that the samurai-sama just had a bad stomach and is currently going to the toilet. 】

[As the samurai-sama’s friend, help him with this duel.]

[After saying that, I ignored the shopkeeper’s astonished eyes and jumped onto the duel stage...]

This chapter has been completed!
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