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Chapter 445 Dangerous Ritual, Staring into the Abyss

Of course, there is no need to hesitate too much with the three options in front of you. Just choose the third option, cutting leeks.

What made Lin Xun think deeply was not the options, but why the new oracle on the stone tablet was unclear.

Judging from the performance of the 'Devil Shaman' and many demon kings, this is the first time that the text on the stone tablet has become unclear.

Under normal circumstances, when a new oracle appears, it should be announced to everyone in the same way as the first three paragraphs.

Even if there are uninterpretable phenomena, according to the words of the demon shaman, as the 'son of the abyss', he should be able to see the words clearly and interpret the oracles.

"Has Abyss realized that this poaching failed? That's why he hid the oracle that was originally made public to avoid being discovered by the servants of the gods again?"

Lin Xun felt that this was probably the case.

If the Abyss in a state of chaos could see clearly what was happening at this time, it could realize that the 'Messenger of the True God' could not truly become the 'Son of the Abyss' it needed.

Of course He will not reveal the follow-up plan, lest He steal the chicken but lose the rice.

"The abyss covering up the oracle means that he already knows that the rebellion has failed and that everything I am doing now is just acting."

"Concealing the oracle is only the first step. He will definitely take action against me. It seems that I have to hurry up and cut the leeks..."

Although the main god "Almighty True Knowledge" is backed by him, he can still lift up the abyss and hit him several times. He can strategically despise the enemy, but tactically he still has to pay attention to the enemy.

After all, Lin Xun himself has not even reached the level of 'immortal' pseudo-god.

A main god just wants to control him, and it's not easy.

Lin Xun thought of this and immediately pressed the third option.

[You stand next to the sacred monument, look down at the demon kings in the audience who are looking forward to it, and say loudly...]

[The new oracle appeared when the demon clan recognized your identity as the ‘Son of the Abyss’. Of course you know what the content of the new oracle issued by the abyss is...]

[But before you announce the oracle, there is one more thing you must do...]

Cutting leeks is a profound knowledge. If you want to squeeze out the most valuable oil and water from the abyss demon camp, starting from these poor demons is not the best solution.

The optimal solution is to find the remaining gods among the demon clan, that is, the demon gods.

As long as you can obtain the hidden coordinates of the Demon God, you can find the Servant of the God of Knowledge in exchange for rewards.

Even the body of the 'Fallen Lord' can be allowed to be lifted by the servant of God from the restrictions or seals on it, and the true ownership of the body of the demon god can be obtained.

If he can catch all the demon gods in one go, let alone the body of the ‘Lord of the Fallen’, even if he asks the servant of God for a few more ready-made demon god bodies, it is not impossible...

[You turned your head and asked the ‘Devil Shaman’ next to you in a test tone...]

[May I ask Shaman, after the defeat of the God War, where are the remaining gods of the demon clan now? 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' was stunned, and then replied with some shame, the omniscient evil god was the winner of the battle between gods. After the battle between gods, the evil god fell into a deep sleep, but his persecution of the demon clan and the star spirit clan did not stop. 】

[The servants of the evil god rule the world in place of the evil god, constantly suppressing and capturing the surviving ‘stars’ gods and ‘demon’ gods...]

[With the loss of the leadership of ‘Abyss’, the gods have no ability to resist and can only hide and dare not appear in the world, lest they be suppressed by the servants of the evil god. 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' paused after saying this, his expression not very good. The demon kings under the altar also looked angry and unwilling. None of the demons would forget the humiliation brought to them by the omniscient evil god. ]

[Even many demon kings roared in a low voice, showing their fangs, as if they were indignant to return to the ground and massacre human scholars.]

[The 'Devil Shaman' changed the subject and continued, but this is by no means greedy for life and fear of death. Both the star gods and demon gods are waiting for the abyss to come again. 】

[They retract their fists not out of fear of the enemy, but in order to punch more powerfully next time!]

[Now that the ‘son of the abyss’ that all demons are looking forward to, that is, you, has appeared, it means that the abyss will eventually return, and the omniscient evil god is destined to die! 】

[The more the ‘Devil Shaman’ spoke, the more passionate his tone became, changing his previous shameful look. 】

[Many demon kings under the altar also roared and howled loudly, raised their arms and shouted! 】

[You nodded with satisfaction and continued, the new oracle of the Great Abyss is about the demon gods and star gods hidden in the dark.]

[You turned around, looked at the vague words on the stone tablet, and solemnly announced...]

[After the birth of the ‘Son of the Abyss’, after a series of tests, he finally gained the recognition and allegiance of the demon clan. 】

[But this is only the first step to a great victory!]

[He will gather the remaining demons and star gods, gain their support, and face the head of the evil gods and the source of disorder in full glory!]

[The Great Abyss will revive and descend in the final battle between Him and the Evil God, and finally defeat the Omniscient Evil God!]

[The ‘Abyss’ is destined not to die, and the demon clan is also destined to become the masters of this world again! 】

[As you read out the new oracle, the demons under the altar were extremely enthusiastic. They seemed to have seen the great victory that had been waiting for countless years.]

[They clenched their sharp claws, and some even couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.]

[The demon clan has lived in the oppressive and dark underground for countless years. Bearing the huge humiliation of the defeated, they have forgotten what the sunlight on the ground looks like. 】

[Even the powerful beings who have become gods in the ethnic group can only hide like bereaved dogs, fearing all day long for fear of leaking some traces and being captured and suppressed by the servants of the evil god. ]

【Now...this period of humiliation and shame will finally become a thing of the past.】

[In the days to come, there will be no omniscient evil god and no servant of the evil god. The world will return to its original state, when the demon clan ruled the world. 】

[Because the ‘Son of the Abyss’ has been born, the ‘Abyss’ is about to revive and come! 】

[After listening to the oracle, the ‘Devil Shaman’ fantasized about the beautiful life after defeating the omniscient evil god, and couldn’t help but tremble with excitement.]

[You quietly look at the expressions of the demon kings and are very satisfied with your improvisation just now.]

[After waiting for the 'Devil Shaman' to regain its composure for a while, you continued to it. You understand their feelings, and you also bear the humiliation of the defeated. 】

[In order to end this period of humiliation as soon as possible, you need the help of demon gods and star gods...]

[Only after getting help from the gods, will you have the strength to complete the great plan in the oracle...]

[Speaking of this, you look directly into the eyes of the ‘Devil Shaman’ sincerely and wait for it to tell you the hidden coordinates of the demon gods and star gods...]

[The 'Devil Shaman' blinked and took a while to react. He said with some embarrassment, the noble 'Son of the Abyss', he doesn't know where the Demon God is hiding. 】

[Your sincere expression suddenly froze on your face, and you turned your head to look under the altar...]

[Many demon kings have just recovered from their joy. When faced with your inquiry, they fell into silence for a long time. Their expressions are exactly the same as those of the 'devil shamans'. Apparently they don't know where the gods are hiding. 】

"...Is it true that my acting for so long has been in vain?"

Lin Xun was speechless and couldn't help but complain.

[The 'Devil Shaman' next to you looks displeased when he sees you, and he signals you not to worry, there is always a way...]

[It pondered for a long time, and suddenly its eyes lit up and said, yes! There is a way that may be able to communicate with the demon gods. 】

[It’s just that this ritual has not been used for a long time, I don’t know if it can still work, and this ritual...]

[The ‘Devil Shaman’ hesitated a bit when he said this. 】

[You signal the ‘Devil Shaman’ to stop being so pretentious and tell him the methods and rituals. 】

[At this time, a demon king under the altar seemed to realize something and exclaimed, does the shaman want the son of the abyss to perform a 'gazing ceremony'? 】

[As soon as these words came out, many demon kings also thought of the legendary ‘Gaze Ceremony’, with different expressions on their faces.]

[Soon a demon king loudly said, how can this be done? The gazing ritual is too dangerous. According to records, only three demons have been able to pass the gazing ritual since ancient times, survived the ritual, and received the favor of the gods...]

[Those three demons were eventually promoted to become the most powerful demon gods among the demon clan, and they were none other than the 'Lord of the Fallen', the 'Demon of Slaughter', and the Pillar of Darkness'...]

['Devil Shaman' glared and yelled loudly, 'The Son of the Abyss' is the designated successor of the great Abyss, and he is the abyss of the future! What the three demon gods can do, can't the 'Son of the Abyss' do?


[The 'Devil Shaman' ignored the noise under the altar and explained to you that the 'Gaze Ritual' is indeed an extremely dangerous ritual, but it is only for ordinary demons. You are the 'Son of the Abyss' and you will definitely be able to pass it.

Staring ceremony.]

[According to records, only the bravest and most potential demons can obtain the favor of gods through the gazing ceremony. 】

[Before the war between gods, demons who pass the gazing ceremony can often get an interview from the main god's 'abyss'...]

[And now the abyss has...according to its inference, if you can pass the gazing ceremony at this time, although you will not be able to see the abyss in a chaotic state, there is a high probability that you can communicate with a certain demon god and obtain his support.

[As long as you pass the gazing ritual a few more times, you will be able to see all the remaining demon gods.]

[Presumably, the 'son of the abyss' mentioned in the oracle is supported by a group of gods, and it should be completed through the gazing ceremony. 】

The 'Devil Shaman' spent a long time trying to figure out the dangers of this 'gazing ritual'.

Lin Xun had a bad premonition in his heart.

Can he pass the ritual that only the three demon gods of the past can complete?

[Under your constant urging, the ‘Devil Shaman’ spread his hands, indicating that he did not know the specific dangers in the ‘Gaze Ritual’. 】

[According to records, the gazing ceremony requires entering the bottom of the abyss, facing the statue of the great 'abyss', and truly gazing into the abyss...]

[However, the only ones who can return from the ritual alive are the ‘Lord of the Fallen’, the ‘Demon of Slaughter’, and the Pillar of Darkness who have not yet become the three demon gods...]

[It is precisely because they dare to gaze into the abyss that they can be favored by the abyss and become the three demon gods in the future.]

[As for the other demons who tried the ritual, none of them could return from the bottom of the abyss...]

[The demon gods have been hiding for many years, and they will not reveal their traces easily unless something truly important happens.]

[There is no other way except to attract their attention through the ‘gazing ritual’. 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' saw the hesitation on your face, and seemed to be trying to cheer you up, and said to the many demon kings under the altar...]

[Of course ordinary demons cannot pass the gazing ritual, but don’t forget, this time the person who is performing the ritual and gazing into the abyss is the noble son of the abyss! 】

[If the children of the abyss cannot pass the ritual and will all die while staring into the abyss... wouldn't that be a big joke? 】

[A group of demon kings carefully considered the words of the ‘Devil Shaman’ and found that what they said was very reasonable. The Son of the Abyss is the successor of the will of the abyss. How could something unexpected happen while staring at the abyss? 】

[Just like an ordinary person looking in the mirror, how could he be scared to death by himself in the mirror? 】

[For a time, many demon kings have changed their minds, thinking that it is natural for you to pass the gazing ritual. There are even many impatient demon kings loudly urging you to go through the gazing ritual immediately. 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' beside you nodded with satisfaction and said, noble Son of the Abyss, holding the gazing ceremony now is what all demon kings are looking forward to. Look...what are you still hesitating about? 】

[Apostles who are chasing ducks, do you want to perform a gazing ceremony? 】

Lin Xun felt a little regretful at this time.

He just wanted to get the hidden coordinates of the Demon God and give them to the servant of the God of Knowledge in exchange for rewards, but he didn't want to gaze into the abyss.

If the abyss has really seen through that he is acting, then going to the bottom of the abyss and truly staring into the abyss, wouldn't it be an act of committing suicide?

"No, think about it from another angle. The Servant of the God of Knowledge sent the 'Beast of Disordered Knowledge' before, which means that the Servant of the God is watching me at this time. If I choose the wrong option of death, then He will definitely correct my mistake again."

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, already making a decision in his heart.

If the 'Beast of Disorganized Knowledge' appears next, he will have to escape from the abyss even if he commits suicide.

If no error correction occurs, it means that everything is still under the control of the servant of God and there is no need for him to panic.

And facing the abyss is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe the servant of God really plays an unimaginable game...

If it turns out to be as Lin Xun expected, and the servant of God is plotting against the abyss, then this journey to face the abyss will yield a huge reward that far exceeds expectations!

"I've done it! If it weren't for the big boss behind me, and the fact that this time the camp gods only have an absolute advantage in strength..."

[Facing the expectant expressions of many demon kings and ‘devil shamans’, you smiled confidently and announced loudly...]

[You feel the same as all the demons, and you have had enough of such a humiliating and oppressive life... You are not willing to delay for another minute, you want to end it all as soon as possible, get the support of the demon gods as quickly as possible, and fight the all-knowing evil god


[You will definitely make all demons become the masters of this world again as the oracle said! 】

[You decide to go to the bottom of the abyss immediately and perform the ‘gazing ritual’! 】

[Many demon kings cheer enthusiastically, and the demon shaman beside you also excitedly raises the bone staff in his hand, leading you and the many demon kings to leave the sacrificial site and go to the place where the ceremony is taking place...]

[You are tense, but you haven’t seen the arrival of the ‘beast of disordered knowledge’. 】

[You secretly breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that your choice is correct, or that everything is still under the control of the servant of knowledge...]

This chapter has been completed!
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