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Chapter 446 Facing God, Dark Abyss

[You who have not seen the appearance of the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’ understand that the gazing ritual may be dangerous to other demons, but for you who have the secret support of the ‘Servant of Knowledge’, there should not be much danger. 】

[Even if there is a certain danger, it will not make you irreversible, otherwise the divine servant of knowledge who has insight into everything would have sent the 'Beast of Disordered Knowledge' again to correct your mistakes. 】

[After thinking about this point, with a slightly relaxed attitude, you follow the 'Devil Shaman' and the demon kings to the place where the ceremony is taking place...]


[In front of you is a cliff that cannot move forward, and a dark and bottomless abyss is at your feet.]

[The cold wind blowing from the bottom of the abyss is like the roar of demons and monsters, making you teetering on the edge of the cliff, as if if you are not careful, you will lose your footing and fall into eternal darkness. 】

[You try to look down at the bottom of the legendary abyss, but there is nothing there except endless darkness and darkness. 】

[Staring at the bottom of the abyss and facing the endless darkness will give you a creeping feeling of terror from the bottom of your heart. 】

[Reason tells you not to take any further steps forward, otherwise your body and bones will be shattered and you will never recover...]

[But you can't help but have the thought of jumping down. In the deepest part of the bottomless abyss, there seems to be some kind of voice that is constantly calling you and bewitching you...]

[The words of ‘Devil Shaman’ bring you back to your senses...]

[Noble ‘Son of the Abyss’, in front of you is the entrance to the bottom of the abyss. 】

[The process of the ceremony is very simple, just jump down...]

[The only thing you need to pay attention to is that when you plunge into the abyss, remember not to use any flying power... Even if you use flying power, you will be horrified to find that you can't fly and can only keep falling. ]

[Because only by falling to the bottom of the abyss with the most primitive and instinctive fear can we see the statue of the great ‘abyss’. 】

[Gazing at the statue...you will be able to complete all the steps of the ritual.]

[Your expression froze when you heard this. Simply looking down at the abyss from here gave you great fear.]

[Without being able to fly, risking one's life and throwing yourself into the bottom of the abyss to gaze into the deepest and darkest abyss... It is an extremely scary thing to think about. 】

[You suddenly remembered something and asked quickly. After gazing at the abyss statue, you can complete the ritual. But if you can't use the power of flight, how will you come back after everything is over? 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' spreads its hands, indicating that it does not know. If it can know all the details of the process, it may become the fourth demon to pass the ritual after the three demons. 】

[All answers about staring into the abyss need to be found by yourself...]

[You turn around and look at the demon kings behind you. They are all looking at you expectantly. Their sincere eyes make you feel that if you don’t jump, you will become a sinner of the demon clan. ]

[Apostle, do you want to take the first step of the ritual and jump into the abyss? 】

At this point, Lin Xun no longer hesitated and pressed 'yes' decisively.

[You strode to the edge of the cliff, then turned around and leaned against the bottomless abyss, facing a group of expectant demon kings and said loudly...]

[This is a small step for you, but a giant leap for the entire demon race!]

[Speaking, you take a step back, tilt your head towards the endless abyss, and fall into the deepest darkness...]

[The moment before you plunge into the abyss, you see countless eyes of awe and adoration...]

[A strong feeling of weightlessness sweeps through your body instantly, and the shrill wind roars in your ears. You twist your limbs and try to turn around. Because you are falling with your back and cannot see the things under your feet, you will have a strong feeling of helplessness and panic. 】

[The speed and wind resistance caused by the violent fall make you almost unable to open your eyes. You finally control your body and turn over to face down, only to find that you can't see anything except endless darkness. ]

[In the bottomless abyss, there is nothing but endless darkness. All light and everything seems to be swallowed up by this deepest darkness.]

[At this moment, great fear arises from the bottom of your heart. You can’t help but want to switch bodies, use the power of flight to stay away from the darkness, and escape from the swallowing of the abyss. 】

[You try hard to control your thoughts and emotions, and then you forcefully resist this instinctive urge to survive.]

[The rapid fall continues, as if the abyss has no end at all...]

[Fear ferments from the bottom of your heart, growing crazily. As you continue to fall, this uncontrollable fear fills your whole body! 】

[It's like losing your footing and falling into the depths of the sea at night. You can't float, swim, breathe, and see everything around you clearly. 】

[You can only feel the increasingly intense suffocation and despair in the darkness, letting your body continue to sink until it sinks to the bottom of the deep sea. 】

[This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that in a trance, you seem to feel that there seems to be some kind of huge and terrifying existence at the bottom of the deep sea. It is bigger and more ancient than anything you know.

, and...even more terrifying!]

[It only shows a few claws in the darkness, and it makes you lose all reason when you see the real fear, and you fall into endless sinking while howling like crazy.]

[The crazy fear makes you suffocate and struggle. You want to get rid of it all, but find that you can't do anything. You can only continue to sink, getting closer and closer to the indescribable, indescribable and terrifying existence. 】

[When endless fear occupies all your thoughts, when boundless terror dominates all your feelings... you finally see the 'abyss'! 】

[You are still falling uncontrollably, but you have glimpsed the deepest darkness, which is called the ‘Dark Abyss’! 】

[You cannot describe His shape and form, you can only feel that He is the deepest darkness you have ever seen in your life.]

[You cannot truly gaze into the abyss. Just being close to Him will make you surrounded by boundless fear, and a feeling of suffocating despair will fill your heart.]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [If you really stare at Him and face Him directly, you will have no doubt that you will be tortured into a madman by this endless fear.]

[‘Dark Abyss’ does not seem to be actively spreading this extreme fear. He is unconsciously emitting fear while sleeping. 】

[No, He is not sleeping. To be more precise, He is in a chaotic state of neither life nor death. 】

[Just like the original fetus conceived in the mother's body, it is about to become a life but cannot yet perceive itself.]

Lin Xun couldn't help but curse at his mother at this moment.

"It was agreed that just by looking at the statue of the abyss, or even gazing into the abyss, the ritual would be completed... What the hell is going on now?!"

What he saw at this moment was not the statue of the abyss, but the real abyss, a main god who was about to be resurrected and return!

Lin Xun knew that he couldn't sit still and wait for death now, he had to do something.

He tried to control the body, but found that it was still falling and could not fly autonomously, so he could only continue to fall...

[You want to stay away from the 'Abyss of Darkness', but find that you can't do anything but get closer and closer to the boundless darkness...]

[In the end, you are swallowed up by the darkness of the abyss...]


Lin Xun was just like watching a cartoon, unable to control his body and could only watch everything happen.

Only when facing the main god with only his own strength can he truly feel how weak he is.

"Why didn't the servant of God correct my mistakes before? Is this all still under the control of the servant of God..."

"No, there is another possibility!"

"That is, the abyss is about to resurrect, and its power and authority are far greater than those of the servants of God. As a result, even if the servants of God want to correct my mistakes, they cannot do so."

"After all, the servant of God can only control a small part of the power left by the 'Almighty True Knowledge'..."

"If this is the situation I'm facing now, what should I do?"

Lin Xun felt like the woman who cooperated with the servant of God to set up the Immortal Jump. 'Abyss' was the one who fell into the trap, and he, the bait, came to the hotel as promised and took the first step of the Immortal Jump.

Originally, when he finished taking a bath and his clothes were half undressed, the servant of God should have rushed over, knocked open the door, told Abyss that he had fallen into the trap, and obediently handed over the money.

However, I don’t know what the reason was, which caused the servant of God to delay arriving, leaving him as the bait alone to face the eager gaze of the ‘abyss’.

"Servant of God, if you don't save me, I will be finished!"

The servant of God seemed unable to hear his cry for help and never appeared.

Faced with the tardiness of the divine servant and the thunderous speed of the abyss, the immortal did not jump up after all...


[You have been swallowed up by endless darkness and merged into the ‘dark abyss’...]

[Just when you thought you were about to be doomed, a huge will grew out of the boundless darkness, transmitting primitive wave thoughts to you...]


[Outsiders, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you.]

[Remember, this is where the greatest authority of the abyss lies.]

【Everyone will surrender to the abyss, and you are no exception.】

[Go and take a look at the sacred monument again. You will witness the birth of the ‘Son of the Abyss’...]

[After the vast will transmits thoughts, it returns to silence again and returns to chaos.]

[And you, pure black teleportation light covers your whole body...]




【Transmission successful!】

[You open your eyes and find that you have returned to the place where you jumped off the cliff before. Large numbers of demon kings have not left yet. They have been waiting here for the return of the ‘Son of the Abyss’. 】

[Seeing you returning from the bottom of the abyss so quickly and becoming the fourth demon to pass the gazing ceremony after the three demon gods, they shouted and roared with excitement...]

[As expected, you are the ‘son of the abyss’ that everyone has been waiting for. Only you can complete the gazing ritual so quickly...]

[The ‘Devil Shaman’ on the side could not suppress his excitement, and then asked you...]

[Great Son of the Abyss, have you completed the new oracle on the monument, communicated with a group of demons and gods, and received their support? 】

[If everything goes well, then the demon clan will become the masters of the world again, which will no longer be a beautiful illusion...]

Lin Xun was still in a confused state at this time.

"What's going on?"

The abyss didn't kill him, it just sent a thought into his mind.

The thoughts expressed by Abyss to it were a bit vague. I don't know if it was because it was still in a state of chaos, so the expression was not very clear and clear.

Lin Xun carefully scanned that piece of thought information, pondered its meaning over and over again, and seemed to have tasted something.

The last two sentences are easier to understand.

‘Everyone will surrender to the Abyss, including you.’ It seems to express that he will eventually join the Abyss camp and become a member of the Abyss.

And 'Go, take a look at the sacred monument again, you will witness the birth of the 'Son of the Abyss'...' The meaning is even more obvious.

"...Could it be that what is recorded on the monument is the inheritance from the abyss?"

"As long as I can interpret the new oracle on the stone tablet, can I become a true 'Son of the Abyss' and gain unimaginable power?"

Lin Xun felt that this was very likely the case.

The reason why he was able to draw such a conclusion was because of the first two sentences.

Compared with the last two sentences, the meaning of the first two sentences is a bit vague. What is the greatest authority of the abyss? "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you"?

"What kind of authority is this?"

Lin Xun possesses the "authority of flesh and blood" and has a thorough understanding of the authority of flesh and blood, and he also understands the "omniscience authority" about omnipotence and true knowledge through the explanation of the servant of God. "Omniscient authority" can understand or analyze everything.

But the power of authority expressed in the mind...let's call it 'the authority of the abyss' for now. What exactly is its power?

Why did Abyss tell him about the effects of authority and power?

"There is only one reasonable explanation at the moment. The Abyss wants me to inherit his supreme authority, become the true son of the Abyss, and help him kill the Almighty True Knowledge..."

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Although he didn't get the hidden coordinates of the demon god this time, he seemed to have gotten something even more remarkable.

"The authority of the abyss...gazing..."


[The ‘Devil Shaman’ asked several questions from the side. When he saw you frowning in thought and lost in thought, he stopped making any sound, for fear of disturbing your thoughts. 】

[It even made all the demon kings quiet down and not disturb the great plan you were really brewing. 】

[You come back to your senses and realize that no matter what the intention of the abyss is, you need to go to the sacred monument and decipher the unclear text to get the answer you want. 】

[You told the 'Devil Shaman' that you need to go to the sacrificial site alone to be quiet and think about how to work for the great revival of the demon clan. 】

[The 'Devil Shaman' suddenly stood in awe. It ordered all the demon kings to disperse, and then took out a small horn and handed it to you, indicating that it would no longer disturb your revival plan. When you want to find it, use this

You can summon it with your horns...it will definitely be there when you call it!】

[A group of demon kings and 'devil shamans' attached great importance to your revival plan, and they did not dare to disturb your thoughts, and they quickly dispersed. 】

[You obtained the ‘Demon Shaman’s Summoning Horn’ (prop)]

[When you see no one around, you immediately rush to the sacrificial site...]

This chapter has been completed!
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