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Chapter 461 The filth under the stargazing platform, the eternal status of ancient dragon

[The observatory is the only entrance into the mountain. The door is open without any guards. You can't help but feel a little confused...]

[Lona leads you into the observatory. It has a complicated expression and sighs slightly...]

[The Star Observation Deck has a watcher, and the cage of the Abyss of Despair also has a separate administrator. The one who enslaves the dragon clan and imprisons the ancestor of the dragon clan is the ‘Golden Herrscher Ancestor’. 】

[It’s ironic, isn’t it? He was the ancestor of the Herrscher who was once loyal to the Almighty True Knowledge. He was the ancestor of the Herrscher who killed countless enemies side by side with several ancestors on the battlefield of gods. 】

[The friendship between the ancestors of the dragon clan can even completely entrust each other with their backs on the battlefield, to the point of trusting their lives. 】

[But this ancestor of the Herrschers, after betraying his own race and rebelling into the embrace of the stars, became the most ruthless being in enslaving his fellow racers. He also became a being who personally imprisoned and even cruelly tortured his former comrades. 】

[At this moment, the ancestor of the Herrscher is not directing the enslavement of the stars on the observatory. He must be at the bottom of the mountain, torturing the ancestors of the dragon clan...]

[You take the ascending and descending astrolabe that leads to the center of the mountain, all the way down to the bottom where the ancestors of the four dragon clans are imprisoned...]

[As the altitude continues to decrease, the pungent stench of rotting flesh and blood gradually becomes stronger...]

[Lona’s voice is low and she continues to tell you...]

[The four imprisoned Dragon Ancestors endured torture day and night, and their blood was squeezed countless times, but they still maintained their original beliefs and refused to give in. 】

[Because of this, all of them, without exception, have been eroded by disorder, and have become deformed and twisted monsters many years ago...]

[You have seen the ‘Hermit Ancestor’ who was eroded by disorder, you should understand what kind of tragic situation this is. 】

[The founder of the Herrscher rebelled into the embrace of the stars to avoid Discord... It is true that his oath-breaking temporarily resisted the erosion of Discord, but that was only temporary. 】

[The terror and terror of disorder are far beyond anyone’s imagination...]

[As you land at the bottom of the mountain, the rotten stench has filled your nose. The rich and strong disgusting smell makes you extremely nauseated, and you have an uncontrollable urge to vomit. 】

[This is a manually-excavated tunnel inside the mountain. The slightly narrow tunnel is soaked in a layer of black-purple liquid.]

[The liquid that covered the ankles and shins was extremely viscous, with a lingering pungent rancid odor.]

[What depresses you the most is not the narrowness of the corridor, nor the dirty, sticky dragon blood covering the ground, but the sound echoing deep in the corridor. 】

[It was the sound of frequent collisions between flesh and flesh, accompanied by the woman's painful and hoarse groan, and the man's heavy breathing.]

[Hearing such a noise, you already vaguely understand what is happening at the end of the corridor...]

[As the frequency of the impact gradually accelerated, the man's crazy roar, almost wild beast-like howl and roar resounded throughout the entire corridor...]


【Do you think you are the most pious and loyal?!】

【No! You are the stupidest!】

[Look at your disgusting look now, haha, what kind of green saint? You are just a bitch who can be played with!]

【Open your eyes and take a good look!】

[These twisted and disgusting lumps of flesh and blood are the ancient ancient dragons, your former companions, and the sad end of your foolish loyalty!]

[Only He, only His ‘Golden Herrscher’ made the most correct choice! 】

[The man's crazy roar came to an abrupt end as the frequency of collisions reached its peak.]

[With heavy hearts, you and ‘Lona’ walk quickly towards the end of the corridor...]

[The man's maniacal laughter sounded again, why didn't you watch? Why didn't you watch and analyze it carefully with those green and beautiful eyes of yours? That is the favor given to believers by the omniscient evil god...]

[Oh, I’m so sorry, he accidentally forgot that you can’t see, because the ancestor of the majestic saint turned out to be a blind man! 】

[How did you become blind? Let Him think about it...]

[By the way! He remembered! He dug out your eyes with his own hands... Hehe, haha]


[Suddenly, it suddenly dawned on me that at the end of the corridor was a hollowed-out cave. The cave was so huge that it almost encompassed the entire hollowed-out mountain. 】

[Three huge, twisted shadows stand faintly in the deepest part of the cave. Their bodies, which can be called deformed ‘meat mountains’, are not only covered with sarcoma, but also have ferocious bloody mouths scattered irregularly. 】

[They work hard to use their deformed mouths to suck the filthy blood at their feet, and continue to vomit out more filthy and turbid dragon blood. 】

[They turn a blind eye to everything that happens in the cave, and only know how to mechanically repeat this useless effort of 'purifying' the bloodline in an attempt to get rid of disorder. 】

[And there is a large bed placed unexpectedly in the corner of the cave. 】

[The foot of the bed is soaked in dirty dragon blood. The originally white velvet bed quilt has long been covered with filth, taking on a disgusting black and yellow color. The soft and hazy bed curtain has also been crawled with scattered squirming maggots. 】

[The shackles and iron chains fixed on the ground and extending from the dirty dragon's blood are connected to the woman lying on the bed...]

[Its green hair was soaked in dirty blood and stinky body fluids, and there were large areas of rotten abscesses on its face. Only two terrifying holes were left where its eyes were. From the gaps between the large areas of sores, you could vaguely feel this...

How holy and beautiful this face once was.]

[It was naked and most of its skin had ulcerated, and its lower body was covered in blood. 】

[The rusty iron chains pass through its collarbone, hands and feet, binding it to the bed. It can do nothing but stare blankly at the ceiling of the hollow with its empty eye sockets. 】

[This iron chain has trapped it for who knows how long. It has been so long that the chain has adhered to its festering flesh and blood, indistinguishable from each other...]

[When you see this scene, the anger in your heart gradually fills your chest bit by bit! 】

[A blond man stands in the blood stained clothes next to the bed. Looking at its upright back, one can feel the majesty and majesty like thunder from the sky. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [That is the ancient dragon who controls the golden thunder and strict laws, and is the great ancestor of the Golden Herrscher clan!]

[You can feel that the power contained in this body is still sealed at the demigod level. Even if you have fallen from 'immortality', you are still confident that you can defeat this ancient dragon! 】

[It seems to sense your arrival and turns around...]

[You would have thought that a person with such a majestic figure must have an equally majestic appearance...]

[But that horrible face that looked like melted wax oil was mostly rotten and still dripping with stinky blood and flesh juice, but its owner didn't notice it at all, which made you feel a chill down your spine. 】

['Lona' is ready for battle. It looks at the blond man coldly and explains to you that the oath-breaking of the 'Herrscher Ancestor' did temporarily resist the erosion of Discord, but that is only temporary. 】

[Today, he is wandering on the edge of disorder without knowing it. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, he will be completely eroded by disorder like other ancient dragons. 】

[When the blond man saw you, he let out a flattering laugh that was completely inconsistent with his solemn figure. It seemed that he had completely forgotten his former noble status...]

[It turns out that the Executive Officer is back. It is really happy to see that you have recovered from your injuries. 'Torture' the green ancient dragon to absorb the power of the saint's blood is indeed the best way to heal. 】

[My lord, are you still a little unfinished and want to taste the taste of the ‘Saint Ancestor’ again to consolidate your recovery from the injury? 】

[No wonder you have gone and come back again. Although this ‘ancestor of the saint’ is ugly and covered in abscesses, his figure is alluring and his taste is really fascinating...]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Green Saint’ who is lying on the bed seems to be able to sense your words. It twists its body crazily and causes the chains to jingle. When it opens its mouth, it can only make incomprehensible babbling words. 】

[If you look carefully, it turns out that its teeth have been pulled out long ago, and only half of its tongue is left...]

[Seeing this tragic situation, you let out a deep breath of hot breath, and the furious flames that had been suppressed in your chest for a long time... instantly erupted! 】

[You are determined to make this ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ pay an extremely painful price to repay the sea of ​​blood debt! 】

[You raise your hand and point at the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’, and the raging and violent magic power is released...]

[You activated ‘Dark Star Eclipse’ (mythical skill)! 】

['Dark Star Eclipse' (mythical level skill): An immortal star spell created by integrating part of the 'Dark Abyss' power system, with devastating single-target destructive power. Due to unknown reasons, this skill has temporarily dropped to the mythical level.


[This skill does not require chanting and can be released instantly!]

[The dark and deep starlight gathers at your fingertips, and the violent and surging magic power wanders around at your fingertips...]

[The dark starlight containing destructive power is compressed sharply, and in the blink of an eye, it blooms with the black light of death, just like the eternal stars being swallowed up!]

[The terrifying power of ‘Dark Star Eclipse’ explodes towards the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ alone! 】

[The 'Rona' beside you has been preparing for a long time, waiting for you to take the lead in attacking...]

[It raised the staff high, and the secret of the star spell, 'Supernova Explosion', was released...]

[The shining stars gather in one place to form an extremely dazzling star!]

[When an eternal star reaches the final point of its life, it will erupt with unimaginable destructive power!]

[Two extremely powerful star spells were released instantly, completely submerging them under the horrified gaze of the 'Herrscher Ancestor'...]

【You are not an executive!】

[It only had time to say this sentence before it was swallowed up by the violent magic power...]

[When the light of the spell was extinguished, the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ had turned into pieces of flesh and blood all over the ground. Faced with the joint attack of two top demigods, even it would definitely not be able to survive. 】

[Lona put down her staff and said coldly, it would be an advantage for him to die like this. He should be thrown into the 'time prison' and let him experience the pain of torture...]

[Halfway through the words, the voice of the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ echoed in the cave...]

[Little girl, although it is only a demigod now, it was once an ancient dragon at the level of 'Eternal True God'. As a junior, you should have considerable respect, otherwise you will be tortured and punished...]

[As for you, the sinner who pretends to be an executive, you will bear the punishment of the Thunder Law!]

[As the words fell, the broken flesh and blood foam all over the floor gathered together and transformed into the appearance of the blond man again...]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ swept away its previous flattery, its golden eyes filled with incomparable majesty. It roared angrily, and the golden thunder surged together, turning into a thick thunder spear in its hand. 】

[The thunder spear is thrown at you instantly, and the strong pressure coming towards you makes your hands and feet sluggish, making it difficult to dodge...]

[At this moment, it looks like the powerful ancient dragon that controls the golden thunder and strict laws! 】

[Starlight flashes all around you, and you use ‘Star Jump’ to escape into the void, successfully avoiding the enemy’s thunder gun attack. 】

[When you reappear, you are already behind the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’! 】

[You point your hand at the enemy, and the destructive power of ‘Dark Star Eclipse’ is released with full force again! 】

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ faced such a powerful spell attack, but he did not dodge, but opened his arms in a hug...]

[Subsequently, it used another devastating spell to blast into pieces and blood foam all over the ground. 】

[The sneer of the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ echoed in the empty cave...]

[It’s useless! Although the omniscient evil god has sealed the power of the ancient dragons, leaving them with only semi-god-level power, the ‘true god status’ of the ancient dragons cannot be changed. 】

[Do you know what ‘true godhood’ means? 】

[That is the true ‘eternity’ that transcends ‘immortality’, that is the eternal existence of immortality. Unless it voluntarily gives up its ‘eternity’, you cannot kill it! 】

[After saying that, the flesh and blood on the ground rolled and pieced together again...]

[With a sharp look in your eyes, you immediately commanded the authority of flesh and blood to prevent the ‘resurrection’ of the ancestor of the Herrscher...]

[However, your flesh and blood authority control is too low, and it is far from being able to take effect on the ‘eternal grid’. 】

[In the blink of an eye, the corpse's blood foam condensed into the appearance of a blond man again...]

[You and Lorna look at each other and see the solemnity in each other’s eyes.]

[You work together, although you can easily kill the ancestor of the Herrscher, you cannot prevent the resurrection of the 'eternal' nature. 】

[A bad prediction appears in your mind. Could it be that the resurrection with the ‘eternal grid’ is free of consumption and unlimited? 】

[If this is really the case, then in the end, you will either retreat and escape, or you will be eaten alive by the ancestor of the Herrscher here.]

[Take a deep breath, it’s not time to give up yet!]

[Lona saw the look in your eyes and understood what you were thinking, and raised her staff again to attack...]


No matter how he and Lorna attacked, they even jointly released the most powerful move to evaporate the body of the ancestor of the Herrscher, but he could still be resurrected immediately by virtue of his 'eternal' status.

Moreover, the ancestor of the Herrscher was killed again and again, and he seemed a little angry, so he gave up fighting in human form and showed his true ancient dragon form.

The ancestor of the Herrscher in the form of an ancient dragon, both his attack power and defense power were instantly increased by a large amount.

It suddenly became much more difficult for him and Lorna to kill the Herrscher Ancestor. They had to cast the most powerful spell many times to kill the Herrscher Ancestor once.

The two men's mana was consumed rapidly, and soon the blue bar was reduced by half.

Lin Xun still has a few top-level demigod bodies in his body column, so he doesn't have to worry about his mana level reaching the bottom. After running out of mana bars, changing to another body can still maintain top-notch combat effectiveness.

However, Rona will be in danger after she becomes blue...

Thinking of this, Lin Xun remembered that there was a prop in the inventory that could come in handy at this time.


[You took out a bottle of sparkling starlight potion and threw it to Lorna beside you.]

[Lona took the ‘Star Sea Source Potion’, her eyes lit up, and she raised her head and drank the potion without hesitation. 】

['Star Sea Source Potion' (prop):... After taking this potion, you can release star-like spells that are not higher than the mythical level in a short period of time without consuming mental energy. 】

This item was looted from the Pole Star Society branch (Chapter 412). After use, it is equivalent to having unlimited mana for a period of time.

After drinking the 'Elixir of the Star Sea', Lorna no longer conserved spell power, and instantly transformed into a spell fort, specializing in the use of powerful star spells without considering mana consumption at all.

With Lorna's full firepower output, Lin Xun changed from the main force to the auxiliary, and only needed to occasionally fire two spells to compensate for the damage.


[Lona suddenly took two steps back, came to your side and said solemnly, 17 times! You and it have killed the ancestor of the Herrscher 17 times! 】

[The resurrection speed of the Herrscher Ancestor has not slowed down at all compared to the first death, and the attack strength after resurrection has not weakened at all. 】

[If this continues, the person who will be consumed in the end will definitely not be the ancestor of the Herrscher, so we must think of other ways.]

[It signals you to step forward for a while, then take a few steps back, raising a thin curtain of starlight to protect itself. 】

[According to the instructions, you resume your position as the main force and launch an indiscriminate bombardment at the ancient dragon that should have been golden but now has mottled and rotten scales...]

[Dense characters appear all around the ‘Rona’ behind her, obviously using the ‘analytic power’. 】

[This time, there are a large number of characters appearing around it, and they flicker for a long time. Compared with the previous analysis, it seems to be extremely difficult. 】

[As the parsing time increases, more and more characters appear around it, becoming more and more dense...]

[It is not analyzing the demigod-level ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’, but is analyzing the method of annihilating ‘eternity’! 】

[While you are constantly releasing spells, you suddenly have a bad premonition in your heart...]

[You immediately turn to look at Lorna...]

[At this moment, the extremely powerful pressure was released from the center of the circle and exploded instantly! 】

[Countless flashing characters around it approach, gather, and overlap, and finally evolve into an extremely complex and profound character, printed on the center of ‘Rona’s’ eyebrows...]

[That character seems familiar to you. You remember that it is the mark of the Servant of the God of Knowledge. It is exactly the same on the chest of the robe of the Servant of the God of Knowledge, as well as the teleportation character used by the Servant of the God to summon you. 】

[‘Lona’ opened her eyes suddenly and said word by word, only ‘eternity’ can erase ‘eternity’! 】

[But ‘Herrscher Ancestor’, you seem to have forgotten that there are four ancient dragon ancestors here who also have ‘eternal status’! 】

[‘Lona’s’ eyes are cold, without a trace of warmth or emotion. Looking at any living thing is like looking down at an ant. This kind of look is very familiar to you, because you have just experienced it not long ago. 】

[This is a symbol of promotion from myth to immortality...]

[Rona used her analytical power many times, and finally became an immortal god on this most wrong path...]

【It has become a god destined to be corrupted by Discord! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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