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Chapter 535: The treasure-vomiting rat, the magical power of fate with four bodies in one heart

Divinity props dropped by low-level monsters, such as the epic divinity dropped by the Mysterious Abnormality. Collecting three of them in exchange for a legendary divinity can be regarded as an exchange of almost equal value.

However, it is different when it comes to high-level monsters. The higher the level of the monster, the greater the difference in divine power between the two realms. The decomposition of three immortal-level divine props by the immortal level is a loss for the apostle.

Because the divine power contained in the immortal-level divinity greatly exceeds that of the three immortal-level divinities.

If you can gather three immortal-level divinities to exchange for eternal divinity, it will be profitable for the apostles, but the underworld game will basically not give the apostles the opportunity to earn blood.

Low-level deranged monsters are a large number of monsters, and you can collect props of the same name through monster farming, while high-level gods are each unique existence, and the divinity dropped by each god is different.

, it is basically impossible to gather props with the same name.

Therefore, there is no possibility of losing money in the underworld game, and there is no opportunity for the apostle to make a profit. The apostle can only decompose most of the high-quality divinity by default, and let the underworld game deduct the price difference.

The operation of the Book of Knowledge to analyze the Book of Salvation is still in progress. After the omniscient analysis progress bar has accumulated enough, Lin Xun will be able to use the Book of Knowledge to decompose half-level divine props such as the immortal level, thereby bypassing it again.

The deduction of the underworld game.

Lin Xun is going to give the Nine-tailed Fox his newly acquired immortal-level divinity. With the blessing of divine props and the "endless joy" effect of the dual cultivation method, the Nine-tailed Fox can be promoted quickly!

In addition to the divine props, among the trophies harvested, there is an immortal piece of equipment called the 'Bishamonten King Flying Divine Shoes'. This equipment can increase the flight speed and also improve the agility attribute.

The little dragon man already had a set of exclusive equipment, including foot equipment, so Lin Xun put these shoes on the son of evil.

He estimated that the treasure umbrella magic weapon in the hand of Lord Destroyer might be an immortal weapon, but after the explosion rate was increased, the weapon was not exploded, and only a pair of shoes were exploded.

The Obstacle Destroyer King also dropped a very interesting item.

['The Tantal Silver Treasure-Spitting Rat's Kit' (Immortal Level Item): The kit carried by the King of the North Demon Heaven Destroying Barriers. There is a 'Tandal Silver Treasure-Spitting Rat' in it. The treasure-spitting rat can swallow endless treasures.

This is the origin of the name of the God of Wealth, the King of Destroyers and Protector of Dharma.】

[You can feed the material props to the 'Treasure Rat'. When the Rat's satiety reaches a critical point, you can choose to continue feeding, or let the Rat regurgitate and spit out certain items at random. 】

[When the vomiting rat's satiety is full, it will definitely vomit out some very valuable item. 】

[The current satiety level of the spitting rat is 0/1000, and the critical point of spitting is 100, 500, 1000]

Lin Xun has a lot of idle materials in his pocket. Now that he has achieved a certain degree of spiritual freedom, he can basically become a wealthy businessman and create exclusive suits from the Book of Artisans. The need for materials and props has been greatly reduced.

Now that you have obtained the treasure-spitting rat bag, you can use all the idle materials in your pocket.

While thinking about it, he fed the 'Void Secret Meteor Iron' exploded by the Lord Destroyer to the treasure-vomiting rat, which was regarded as the original food in the original soup.

[You have fed the ‘Void Secret Meteor Iron’ to the ‘Treasure-vomiting Rat’! 】

[The satiety level of the Tubao rat has increased by 271 points! The current satiety level is 271/1000!]

[The current satiety level has met the rumination requirement. Do you want the treasure-vomiting rat to regurgitate the treasure? 】

Lin Xun chose No without thinking and continued feeding.

[You have fed the ‘Vajra Sea Mother’s Flesh Lotus’ to the ‘Spitting Rat’! 】

[The satiety level of the Tubao rat has increased by 96 points! The current satiety level is 367/1000!]

[The current satiety level has met the rumination requirement. Do you want the treasure-vomiting rat to regurgitate the treasure? 】

[You have fed the ‘broken star ring debris’ to the ‘baby-vomiting rat’! 】

[You have fed the ‘minions of destruction’ to the ‘baby-spitting rat’! 】

[You have fed the ‘vitreous body that looks up at the stars’ to the ‘baby-vomiting rat’!]


[You have fed the ‘Sin Dragon Dagan’s Broken Horn’ to the ‘Bao-vomiting Rat’! 】

[The satiety level of the Tubao rat has increased by 29 points! The current satiety level is overflowing!]

[The belly of the 'Spitting Rat' was so round that it burped, and after a long time it vomited out a sparkling object. 】

[As the treasure was spitted out, the ‘Treasure-vomiting Rat’ returned to its original palm size.]

Lin Xunxin said that it's no wonder that King Destroyer still kept the 'Meteor Star Iron' and didn't feed it to the Baby Rat. It turned out that this stuff is so edible. If he didn't have a lot of ingredients in his pocket, he wouldn't even be able to feed the Rat.


After saving 1,000 satiety points, the inventory in his pocket was depleted. Most of the remaining materials were low-grade junk, and the satiety level would not increase much after feeding.

"After eating so much material, let me see what good things you spit out."

[You have obtained the ‘Stone of Innate Wisdom’ (special prop)! 】

[‘Stone of Innate Wisdom’ (special prop): This object is a treasure that the treasure-vomiting rat gathered countless treasures to breed and regurgitate. 】

[With this item, before you abandon the old body, you can store the body level of the old body in the ‘Stone of Innate Wisdom’. 】

[When you get a new body, you can completely inherit the level of the old body to the new body. When the level of the new body is greater than the old body, this prop will not take effect. 】

[Remaining number of uses 3/3]

After Lin Xun saw the description of the props clearly, he fell into a long silence.

This prop must be said to be rubbish. A large group of apostles will jump out to refute it and are willing to pay a huge price to get this item from him.

But if you think this thing is useful, it is indeed of no use to him.

Ordinary apostles usually stay in the same difficulty for a long time. When their equipment, level, skills and other combat capabilities are improved to a high enough level, they will be promoted to the next difficulty.

This leads to the fact that after the difficulty is upgraded, the shell level of the apostle will usually be much higher than that of the monsters in the new difficulty. As a result of the promotion to the new difficulty, the quality of the shells of elite monsters and BOSS will be much higher than that of the previous difficulty.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Relatively speaking, the apostle uses the difference in the level of the body to make up for the quality gap between the body and the monster.

Therefore, when the apostle defeats the BOSS and discovers compatibility, abandoning the old body and possessing the new body will bring about a double improvement in potential and strength, but the level of the own body will not increase but decrease compared to the original.

Moreover, this decrease continues to increase as the difficulty of the chapter increases, because the higher the level of the monster's body, the greater the level difference required for the apostle to make up for the strength gap between the two sides.

This means that after the apostle obtains a new body, he needs to repeatedly spawn a large number of monsters to increase the level of the body, so that he can continue to accumulate strength and advance to the next difficulty level.

The 'Stone of Innate Wisdom' can inherit the level of the old body to the new body, and its effect is no less than a magical tool for other apostles.

Even if there are only three body level inheritances, it cannot conceal the precious value of this item.

Lin Xun thought for a while and thought about keeping this item, either as a gift or in exchange for resources in the future.

He looked at the next piece of loot.

['The scriptures that record the skills - the great magical power of four bodies with one heart and fate' (immortal-level props): The great power of four bodies with one heart and fate is based on one of the three thousand avenues passed down by Canggu Tianyan, the 'great power of fate with one heart and one body'

The latter technique is a version specially modified by the Great Buddha for the Four Heavenly Kings.]

[Using this prop, you can learn the ‘Four-Body Concentric Destiny Power’ (immortal-level skill)! 】

[Remaining number of uses 4/4]

['Four-body concentric destiny great magical power' (immortal-level skill): This skill needs to be used with a person who has learned the skill of the same name, when the realm and strength between the performers are similar (the quality of the body is the same, the difference in the level of the body is at most 20 levels)

, to successfully cast it.】

[The more people who use this skill together, the more powerful the skill will be. Up to four people can use this powerful combined attack skill together. 】

[When the compatibility of the casters' bodies with each other is greater than 95%, the mysterious magical power (special effect) of 'one heart and one body' can be triggered, causing the casters' bodies to fuse in a short time, and their strength is greatly improved! 】

[This skill can only be used once, and the skill cooldown can be reset when the body dies or is refreshed. 】

"This... this skill seems incredible!"

Lin Xun's eyes flashed with countless characters, and he couldn't help but sigh.

This skill is completely opposite to the "Stone of Innate Wisdom" just now. This skill is not of much value to other apostles. After all, only one person can conquer the game in the game, and the prerequisite of "similar strength" is quite strict.

Moreover, "similar strength" can only trigger more powerful combined attack skills, and is used as a one-time ultimate move.

Only when the mutual body compatibility is over 95% can the powerful special effect of 'one body and one heart' be triggered.

Note that it is not that the compatibility between the soul and the body of the individual reaches 95%, but that the compatibility between the casters' bodies reaches over 95%, which is basically impossible to achieve except for twins.

But Lin Xun is an exception to the bug. All the bodies in his body column are blessed with ‘chaos power’, and their compatibility is ∞!

This also means that the extremely difficult to achieve 'one heart and one body' is easy for him!

According to the unspoken rules of the underworld game, the more stringent the conditions for releasing a skill, the more astonishing its power will be. Moreover, judging from the information revealed by the Four Heavenly Lords, if four people can be "one body and one heart", they can exert their combat effectiveness across realms!

After the Four Heavenly Lords become "one mind and one body", they can even rival the eternal level gods and Buddhas.

He has the appearance of a queen bee and can control two bodies at the same time. Although it is impossible to combine four people, the combination of two people will most likely be successful.

Lin Xun killed four guardian gods in a row, which improved the quality of the Son of Evil's body again. With the blessing of Xiangxing, he reached the eternal level like the little dragon.

The quality of the two bodies is the same, and the level of the bodies becomes the same due to the effect of the 'leader's appearance', which not only meets the prerequisite of 'similar strength', but also meets the stringent requirements of meeting the standard of similarity.

As soon as he thought about this, he asked the Son of Evil and the Dragonite in the body column to learn this skill.

[Your body, ‘The Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’, has learned the ‘Four-Body Concentric Fate Great Divine Power’ (immortal-level skill)! 】

[Your body, the "original ancient dragon seeking knowledge", has learned the "Four-Body Concentric Fate Divine Power" (immortal-level skill)! 】

[You activate the 'Queen Bee Phase', holding a vajra, and the son of evil with flying shoes appears immediately behind you. 】

With a thought, Lin Xun asked both of them to activate the 'Four-Body Concentric Fate Divine Power'!

[The six-color light covers your dragon body, and the dark evil thoughts completely cover the son of all evil. The two light auras are entangled and twisted with each other...]

[The bodies of the ‘Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’ and the ‘Primordial Ancient Dragon of Knowledge’ have similar body strength, and the similarity between their bodies is greater than 95%]

[You have triggered the special effect ‘One body and one heart’! 】

[In the white elephant demon's surprised gaze, the two rays of light completely merged into one, and the unparalleled powerful momentum instantly broke out and wreaked havoc!]

[When the light goes out, a strange god with two heads and four arms is born. 】

[The whole body of the god is covered in dark purple armor, holding a ferocious dragon spear in one hand, a vajra in the other, and flying divine shoes on its feet, standing here like a demon god coming to the world! 】

[White Elephant Demon suddenly realized that you had learned the great magical powers of the Four Heavenly Kings, and you did not know what method you used to learn the realm of 'one heart and one body' that the four brothers had only achieved after practicing for many years.

Lin Xunda's 'One Heart, One Body' skill is still inferior to the original skill, because the 'Queen Bee Phase' summons the conscious body, not the real physical body, so its power is weakened.

In the "One Heart, One Body" state, the same body inherits all the skills of the dragon man and the son of evil.

All passive skills and equipment special effects have been inherited. The same body has the infinite physical characteristics of the Son of Evil, and can also use the "Oath of the Ancient Dragon" to transform into a giant ancient dragon state.

Moreover, 'One Heart and One Body' can also superimpose the effects of the equipment worn by the two. In this state, the strength of the body can be greatly improved.

"I don't know what will happen if I let the little dragon transform into an ancient dragon now."

[The white elephant demon's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he looked a little eager to try. He couldn't help but said, little junior brother, what does it feel like to be of one mind and body? Can you bring your senior brother to play with you? 】

[You can only shake your head. Senior Brother Baixiang is far from your two bodies. They are neither similar in strength nor meet 95% of the compatibility requirements. 】

The quality of their shells must be the same, and their shell levels must be at most 20 levels apart to meet the requirement of 'similar strength'. Therefore, Lin Xun did not let other bodies in the shell column learn this skill.

More importantly, Queen Bee Phase can only summon one conscious body. Even if other bodies learn it, if they cannot be summoned and combined, learning it will be a waste of the remaining two skill slots.

"If I can summon a few more consciousness bodies and bring the four bodies together, wouldn't I be able to exert cross-realm combat power like the Four Heavenly Kings?"

It’s a pity that the special ‘Queen Bee Aspect’ is already very powerful, and the function of the exclusive props cannot be upgraded again in the game.

The last trophy is a piece of information and props called the "Bad Sutra of Ugly Light Mahakasyapa."

Lin Xun couldn't help but frowned and said: "How could the Four Heavenly Kings reveal the scriptures of Mahakasyapa Buddha? Is there any relationship between these people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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