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Chapter 536: The secret method of driving the coffin, the Bodhisattva of Wonderful Dharma

[You read the "Evil Light Mahakasyaparatta Jewel Sutra"...]

[The records in the scriptures are all meaningless content praising Kassapa Buddha. You read to the end of the scriptures and found a page of handwriting mixed in. 】

[The handwriting is very new, I guess it was written in the past few days.]


[The beloved thing of Kassapa Buddha was lost for unknown reasons. The Buddha searched for it without success and issued a decree. If the thing can be found and returned, you can ask the Buddha for magical powers or secret treasures. ]

[Kasyapa Buddha is a direct disciple of the Buddha, and the rewards flowing from his hands are all supreme treasures. Who can not be jealous? 】

[The treasure is called the ‘Coffin of the Reincarnated Spirit of Miao Xian’, and it is the coffin of the Buddha’s deceased Dharma companion ‘Miao Xian Bodhisattva’...]

[After I heard the news, I was very excited. I took the initiative to ask Ying to meet Kasyapa Buddha and accepted the mission to find the coffin. 】

[Assured that the coffin will be found within three days, I asked Kassapa Buddha for the secret method of moving the coffin.]

[With the help of this secret method, not only can the position of the coffin be sensed within a radius of thousands of miles, but also the coffin can be ingested out of thin air after sensing the position.]

[The secret method of driving the coffin is as follows...]


[After learning the secret technique, I was ordered to search for the Western Paradise.]

[It’s just that for some reason, the boss, the third and the fourth also knew about this and insisted on searching for the coffin together. 】

[Alas, in this way, I can get a reward from the Buddha in exchange for finding this thing, and the reward will be divided into four parts...]

[What is unexpected is that our brothers used the secret method to search the entire Western Paradise, but we did not sense the location of the coffin. 】

[The three-day deadline has expired, and we have no choice but to return to Kasyapa Buddha, stating clearly that our search has yielded no results.]

[I thought that Kasyapa Buddha would definitely criticize us, but unexpectedly, the Buddha advised us not to lose heart. If we cannot find the coffin in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, we might as well try to go to the mortal world...]

[And he also made it clear that as long as he finds the coffin, he will teach us the great magical power 'Dinghui Shuangkong Blessing Method' given by the Buddha. 】

[We are so grateful that Kasyapa Buddha is indeed as compassionate as the legend says.]

[I don’t know why, but I always feel that the way the Buddha looks at our four brothers is a bit weird and hard to describe...]

[After leaving the Buddha’s monastery, I felt uneasy and uneasy. After thinking about it, could it be that there is some mystery hidden in the coffin? 】

[I vaguely feel that there may be another mystery to this matter, and it is not as simple as simply finding a treasure...]


[The content of the handwriting ends abruptly...]

[After browsing the information and props, you have learned the secret method of driving the ‘Miao Xian Soul Reincarnation Coffin’! 】

[You can now use the true function of the ‘Miao Xian Soul Reincarnation Coffin’! 】

As the game text pops up, the description text of 'Miaoxian Soul Reincarnation Coffin' in the inventory changes.

The original text description of the prop is, 'The Coffin of the Reincarnation of Miao Xian's Divine Soul' (special prop):... After learning the 'Lust and Empty Lucky Method', using this prop, both the body and the soul will undergo wonderful changes for a short period of time.

After learning the secret method of driving, the current prop text description is...

[‘The Coffin of Miao Xian’s Soul Reincarnation’ (special prop):… When a person who has learned the ‘Luxury and Empty Luck Method’ enters the coffin, you can perform the confinement operation. 】

[The shortest duration of imprisonment is 300 seconds, and the longest duration is 7749 days.]

[The body and soul of the imprisoned person will temporarily become the 'Miao Xian Bodhisattva who removes obstacles to desires and saves them'. The imprisonment lasts for a quarter of an hour, and the changing duration can last for 24 hours, and so on. 】

[If the imprisoned person's strength is lower than yours, after transforming into the 'Miao Xian Bodhisattva', he will completely obey your instructions and be at your mercy.]

[If the imprisoned person is stronger than you, after transforming into the 'Miao Xian Bodhisattva', he will practice double cultivation with you under the control of lust. Afterwards, the transformed state will be released, and all memories during the transformation will be forgotten. 】

"This..." Lin Xun twitched the corners of his mouth, his face looking a little ugly.

It turns out that the 'Lust and Desire Double Empty Happiness Method' is a bait sown by Kasyapa Buddha, and the 'Miao Xian Soul Reincarnation Coffin' is a remote control used to control people who have learned the dual cultivation method.

Fortunately, he has obtained this prop now. Otherwise, if he encounters Kasyapa Buddha in the future, he will be locked in a coffin by the enemy after his unfortunate defeat and manipulated by the remote control...

He couldn't help but shudder, thinking about it was a great terror.

If the four heavenly kings really found the coffin and handed it back to Kasyapa Buddha in exchange for the "Luxury and Empty Joy Dharma", then the fate of the four brothers might be even more miserable than if they were killed by him.

That is a four-brother lotus. No wonder Kassapa Buddha would find the four brothers.

"Thanks to me, you can escape and die in advance, so you don't have to suffer this disaster."

After Lin Xun completely captured Luoyi, he drove all the evil monsters in the city to the vicinity of the pagoda one by one, and asked the monsters to pay homage to the pagoda and contribute their own incense.

The level of the body of the Son of Evil is increasing rapidly, and it is approaching the level 250 mark in just one day.

The body level of 250 is the threshold for immortal gods. If you level up monsters step by step, you will have to practice for a long time before you can reach such a high level.

The next stop, 'Bingzhou City', is the last county town before reaching the capital city on the way east. Further east from the capital city is the 'Pingjin Ferry' leading to Dongfang Xuanhai.

Bingzhou City belongs to the boundaries of Yongning Prefecture, and the "Tianlong Grottoes" that produce "Bixia Corundum" are located on the boundaries of Yongning Prefecture.

This is the last material Lin Xun lacks. After collecting the 'Bixia Corundum', he can build the Dragon Watching Altar and go to the 'Yuanlong Shrine'.

The territory of Yongning Prefecture is very large, and the 'Tianlong Grottoes' is a place that has no records or clues even in Zhu Chi's geographical annals. It is not easy to find and collect the last piece of material.

After Lin Xun and the White Elephant Demon arrived in Bingzhou City, they found that this place was just like Luoyi. The land was full of ruins and desolate, and there were extremely evil monsters everywhere. The number and level of monsters were even greater than those in Luoyi.

It is a good thing for him that the quantity and quality of extremely evil monsters have increased, because the improvement of both can bring more incense and evil thoughts, but Lin Xun frowned at this time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! […]

[Bingzhou City is devastated. Except for a Buddhist temple that is still intact, there are only rubble ruins left in the city. 】

[Countless monsters who have fallen into extreme evil are wandering in the city. The evil thoughts lingering here are so strong that some extremely evil monsters have undergone horrific changes. 】

[Nourished by evil thoughts, the bodies of some wandering monsters have been glued together, and tree-like black branches and leaves have grown out of the intertwined limbs. 】

[Looking from a distance, these monsters seem to have merged into twisted and weird trees.]

[The aggregation of tree-like monsters moves extremely slowly. Some ‘big trees’ have completely taken root and cannot move. You can clearly feel that these twisted monsters are still producing a steady stream of incense and evil thoughts...]

[No, this power of evil thoughts is purer and more filthy than the original evil thoughts of incense. If we say that the extremely evil monsters transformed from ordinary people, the power of the incense they contribute is also mixed with wishes, desires, and thoughts...]

[What the polymer monster produces is pure ‘evil’! 】

[Looking around, about half of the extremely evil monsters in the city have turned into aggregation, and they are all sending incense and evil thoughts towards the Buddhist temple in the center of the city.]

[Although the original extremely evil monster does not have much intelligence left, at least it still retains the human body. However, the large tree-like aggregate monster in front of us is pure distortion and distortion, and no longer looks like the spirit of all things in the past.

[Their only function is to produce food for evil thoughts and increase the power of extremely evil gods.]

[In the end, no matter whether it is a god or a mortal monster, all the evil thoughts in the world will provide the "extremely evil consequences". 】

If the extremely evil monsters in the mortal world are small puddles and small streams, then the gods in the Western Paradise are like magnificent rivers.

Streams flow into rivers, and the water in rivers will eventually converge into the vast sea of ​​"extreme evil consequences".

Those gods and Buddhas that fill the sky may eventually turn into monsters like tree-like aggregates, becoming dead creatures that only know how to contribute to the evil gods.

[The White Elephant Demon opened his mouth, looking shocked and confused, with a hint of fear in his eyes...]

[It couldn’t help but say, I thought the cities it passed through had turned into hell on earth, but compared to the ‘Bingzhou City’ in front of me... Damn it, when did the world become like this? 】

[How come the gods and Buddhas in the Western Paradise of Paradise don’t care about this!]

[The power of the incense offered by these monsters is so filthy and filthy that even the gods and Buddhas did not notice the difference. Did they accept it all? 】

【How could...how could this be the case.】

[You look at the White Elephant Demon, and look directly into Senior Brother Bai Elephant’s eyes. When you see his eyes, you will know that he has been walking with you for a long time, and the ‘glazed pure fire seed’ has purified most of his evil thoughts. 】

[Since the White Elephant Demon is not the true owner of the ‘Glazed Purifying Fire Seed’, this kind of purification can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. If the White Elephant Demon leaves you, it will not be long before it turns back into that extremely evil monster. 】

[Only by removing the source of all evil, the ‘extreme evil consequences’, can you hope to eradicate the evil in this world. 】


[You and the White Elephant Demon arrive in front of the temple in the city.]

[This Buddhist temple that gathers strong evil thoughts is called "Zizai Temple". There is a towering "big tree" growing in the temple courtyard, which can be seen from a distance through the outer wall of the temple. 】

[There are some extremely evil monsters wandering in the courtyard of the temple, but neither the extremely evil monsters nor the tree-like aggregates actively attack you, but they stare at the White Elephant Demon with increasingly evil eyes.]

[You and the White Elephant Demon ignored the monster, came to the main hall of the temple, opened the main hall door, and saw a statue of a female Bodhisattva.]

[The Bodhisattva has a crown on his head and holds a lotus lantern in his hand, looking at ease and happy.]

[Amid the strong evil thoughts, the Bodhisattva’s compassionate demeanor actually gives people a sense of beauty and charm.]

[You have discovered the statue of the ‘Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva’! 】

[You look at the white elephant brother next to you and ask him if he knows the origin of this Bodhisattva?]

[But I saw Senior Brother Bai Xiang frowning and saying solemnly, Junior Brother, we are going to have a hard time this time.]

[‘Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva’ is not very powerful in itself. He is just a Bodhisattva who has achieved the third level of fruition. But the backer behind him is great. You also know that backer, it is Kassapa Buddha...]

The Bodhisattva Wonderful Dharma is at the side of Kassapa Buddha's seat.

Acolytes, also known as acolytes, are disciples who stand on both sides of the Buddha and assist the Buddha in teaching and transforming sentient beings.

For example, the Bodhisattva of Great Darkness and Infinite Delusion is the left flanker of Yama. Although its strength is not as strong as that of the three Buddhas, its actual status in the Western Paradise is no less than that of the three Buddhas.

The status of the acolytes is much higher than that of the ordinary disciples. Basically, they can be understood as the right-hand men of the gods and Buddhas. Therefore, the acolytes will appear in the Buddha's thangka portraits, standing on the left and right sides.

Being a sidekick is also an important relationship second only to the Dharma couple. Senior Brother Bai Xiang does not have this status. Although he is a great disciple of Bodhisattva, he is still far from being called a sidekick.

Reminiscent of Kassapa Buddha's behavior, I estimate that this 'Bodhisattva of Wonderful Dharma' is probably also the object of the Buddha's dual cultivation.

For Lin Xun's strength, it is not difficult to kill the 'Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva', but removing this Bodhisattva will most likely arouse the wrath of Kasyapa Buddha, who will descend to earth to eliminate evil.

Lin Xun's current cultivation level (body level) has just touched the threshold of immortal level gods. Against Kashyapa Buddha, a disciple of Buddha, although the two are at similar levels, his chances of winning are very small.

If he hadn't obtained the Luoyi City Incense, which had just strengthened his body by a large amount, and also obtained the 'One Heart and One Body' combined ultimate move, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a small chance of winning, but no chance of winning at all.

Countless characters flashed in his eyes, and as he thought, a plan emerged in his mind.

Since this 'Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva' is a disciple of Kasyapa Buddha, he will probably also learn the 'Luxury and Empty Bliss Dharma'.

The ‘Coffin of the Reincarnation of Miao Xian’s Divine Soul’ is a weapon used to deal with people who have learned the method of dual cultivation, but whose strength is lower than themselves.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, the 'Miao Xian Soul Reincarnation Coffin' requires the other party to actively enter the coffin before its confinement and manipulation functions can take effect.

This requires some kind of showmanship...

[If you are dealing with the White Elephant Demon, you can eliminate the 'Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva' without disturbing Kassapa Buddha. However, this method requires the other party to voluntarily descend to earth, and it is best not to be defensive or hostile.]

[The White Elephant Demon thought about it carefully and said that it does not have a detailed understanding of this ‘Wonderful Dharma Bodhisattva’. It only knows that he is an attendant of Kasyapa Buddha and has a third-level cultivation realm. 】

[Hearing this, you can only take the White Elephant Demon to leave the main hall first and go to the Sutra Collection Hall of the Buddhist temple to read the scriptures to see if there is more information about the ‘Miao Dharma Bodhisattva’. 】

[If you want to implement a comprehensive plan, you must first know yourself and the enemy...]


[You push open the door of the Sutra Collection Hall, and rows of tall sutra cabinets appear in front of you.]

[You vaguely hear an old voice chanting silently, the voice is very familiar...]

[The White Elephant Demon was startled when he heard the silent chanting, and then his whole body tensed up and became fully alert. It clearly did not sense that there was anyone in the hall, but it could hear the old man's silent chanting. ]

[This can only show that the voice owner’s magical power far exceeds it! 】

[It flipped its wrists, grasped two lotus hammers tightly, and said solemnly, Junior Brother, can you sense this person’s realm and cultivation level? 】

[Hearing the familiar voice of silent chanting, you raised your eyebrows, and then replied with a smile, senior brother, there is no need to be on guard, this person is an old acquaintance of yours, and you can call him a ‘fellow countryman’.]

[You lead the white elephant demon through the layers of sutra cabinets and follow the sound, and soon you see an old man lying on a wicker chair, wearing a red red suit. ]

[The old man with a pair of monocles on his face is holding a scripture in his hand and reciting some words silently. 】

[When he saw you coming here, he greeted you eagerly, Apostle, this is the fourth time we have met.]

[Your strategy is really fast. It’s only been a while since we reached Chapter 8...]

[The ‘librarian’ was about to put down the scriptures in his hands and stand up, but suddenly stared at you and froze in place. 】

[He blurted out with disbelief on his face, you, you...you have been promoted to eternity?!]

This chapter has been completed!
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