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Chapter 569 A conspiracy across the endless starry sky

[As the evil god descends, boundless evil thoughts spread and fill the entire void wherever he looks.]

[A vast net that can only be perceived by the soul consciousness encompasses all evil thoughts, and strange human faces appear in the net.]

[The expression on the human face may be evil, violent, angry, or lustful...]

[Each node of this ‘network of consciousness’ is composed of infinite amounts of negative consciousness, and then endless evil thoughts are woven into threads, connecting each node in series, forming an unprecedentedly huge ‘network of consciousness’! 】

[You understand that the ‘Extremely Evil Fruit’ has gained the power of the Great Dao to capture the world’s divine thoughts.]

[This strange power combined with the "extremely evil power" can make this main god who controls all evil thoughts transform into the most terrifying existence in the world! 】

[Even if the Dragon God and Yama God join forces in their heyday, they can no longer be the opponent of the evil god. What's more, only one of the two main gods has completely fallen into extreme evil. At present, he can only be temporarily saved because of the purification of the glass fire.

And after a moment of sobriety, the other person, although he has not completely fallen, is only the last step away from falling into extreme evil.】

[Now that the Evil God has returned in full force with the 'Consciousness Network', neither the God of Hell nor the Dragon God has any room for resistance and struggle, and even caused them to fall into extreme evil in an instant. It is easy for the Evil God!

[The huge strange face laughs strangely, and the huge network of consciousness silently snares the Chaos Source Dragon and Canggu Tianyan!]

[Dense threads composed of endless evil thoughts tightly entangle the two. At every node of the network, countless faces full of negative emotions roar and roar with excitement...]

[They know that there will soon be two supreme beings integrated into the 'consciousness network', becoming the same existence as them and becoming the two most powerful and solid nodes in the network! 】

[The glazed pure fire that can burn the sky shines brightly, trying to burn through this big net, but this will undoubtedly shake the tree. The evil thoughts contained in the giant net... are boundless!]

[Just like a flame burning the sea without knowing what it can do, it will only be mercilessly extinguished by the waves of the sea!]

[The pure white flames were uncontrollably dyed pitch black, and in the blink of an eye, most of the glazed pure fire was infected into the karmic fire of misfortune! 】

[Not only Canggu Tianyan, Chaos Source Dragon is also unable to escape the extremely evil infection of the consciousness network. His dragon scales that have restored their brilliant golden color have once again turned pitch black...]

[The remaining clarity in Dragon God’s eyes is gradually dissipating, and will soon be filled with endless vicious thoughts!]

[Like two insects trapped in a dense spider web, they cannot escape no matter how hard they struggle. The spider that has already laid the trap will spin silk to wrap the two in layers, and then...devour them completely!]

[A bone-breaking fear sweeps through your body, because the evil god has not forgotten you, a tiny ant, and you are also trapped in this huge web of despair.]

[Endless evil thoughts corrode your soul. Even if you keep driving the "Chaos Power" to define the evil thoughts infecting the soul as "nothing", you will still be unable to escape the extremely evil fate in the end. 】

[The essence of your soul’s power is top-notch enough, surpassing countless powers and authorities seen in the world, but the power of your power is still too weak. It has not even reached the level of authority. How can you resist the extremely evil consequences at this moment? 】

[Just like a glass of water can help a car, isn't it ridiculous that you try to use a glass of water to extinguish a car of burning firewood?]

[Now you can do nothing but close your eyes and wait for death!]

【You have suffered from the ‘extreme evil consequences’! 】

【You are about to fall into extreme evil!】

The evil god's "extremely evil power" is blessed by the consciousness network, making the two powerful gods like weak domestic animals that can only be killed at the neck, and even resistance and struggle seem ridiculous.

The combination of the two powers of extreme evil and the consciousness network is more terrifying and terrifying than he imagined. It cannot be resisted by the purification power, not even the purification power of Canggu Tianyan!

Just like wearing protective clothing can resist weak radiation, but when a real nuclear bomb explodes in front of you, any protective clothing you wear is useless, and it is impossible to resist the penetration of nuclear radiation.

If Lin Xun originally had the idea of ​​using the power of omniscience to break the situation, at this moment he knew that this would only kill the omnipotence.

Even if he overcomes all difficulties and allows the Almighty True Knowledge to come and take action, causing the evil god to perish and be destroyed, the Almighty True Knowledge will still fall into disorder and become a more terrifying existence than the Evil God...

After the evil god obtained the consciousness net, he was now qualified to fight the omniscient one to the death!

The current situation is extremely desperate, and there is no possibility of a comeback at all...

Lin Xun even had the idea of ​​giving up.

It is better to interrupt the terminal event immediately and stay out of it immediately than to have the soul completely infected by evil thoughts and fall into disorderly madness.

Even if interrupting this unknown terminal event will force him to continue developing in his remaining form, when his soul returns to the real world and the library, it will be protected from extremely evil erosion.

This is the eighth chapter of Hell Difficulty, and it is also a desperate situation where the plot has completely changed to become more difficult. Isn’t it normal to get stuck and fail?

There is no shame in running away and admitting defeat. Stopping losses in time is the wisest choice.

This is just one of countless chapter worlds. Even if the surrender fails, it will not prevent him from continuing to improve himself and strengthen his strength in other chapter worlds.

His emotions are full of unwillingness and unwillingness to admit defeat, but his rationality tells him: there is no chance, the evil god already knows everything, whether it is you or the dragon god and the god of hell, under the control of the extremely evil consequences, they are like chess pieces.

There is no longer any hope.

It's not your fault, you did your best...you did your best.

Because no one else would be able to break the situation when the evil god knows everything!

The ending is determined the moment you enter the chapter world...!

Lin Xun lowered his eyelids and loosened his tightly clenched fists, leaving only a feeling of powerlessness.

At this moment, he clearly possesses the powerful strength of the Eternal True God, but he seems as weak as a dog.


[Boundless evil thoughts are rushing along the threads and nodes one by one.]

[Countless weird faces are howling and roaring madly with excitement. In the giant black net, Canggu Tianyan and the Chaos Source Dragon are about to completely fall into extreme evil, becoming the same existence as them, and becoming loyal slaves of the extremely evil consequences. 】

[The glazed pure fire has dimmed and is about to be extinguished like a candle in the wind...]

[The familiar supreme will is once again poured into your mind...]

【Agent, this is not a dead end! 】

【You still have the last glimmer of hope!】

[With the infusion of will, the weak glazed pure fire suddenly shines with a dazzling light, struggling out from the surging evil thoughts.]

[Pale flames rush towards you quickly along the threads of the consciousness mesh, and are chased by boundless evil thoughts and flow to your side...]

[The flames burn and shine hard, purifying the dark mesh around you into white.]

[Although the flames are very weak, we still try our best to purify a small grid that can only accommodate you and Him.]

[At the same time, your soul and will are pulled into a pure white space. 】

[The pure white space is extremely vast, time is frozen and stagnant here, and space is boundless here.]

[This is the world of consciousness, the world of consciousness of Canggu Tianyan!]

[There is no concept of time here, it can be a moment in a snap of a finger, or it can be hundreds of years.]

[A human figure whose entire body is burning with glass flames appears in front of you. You can’t see his outline clearly. You can only see the eternally burning glass pure fire. 】

[Canggu Tianyan said to you, agent, the current situation is not a dead end, there is still a last glimmer of hope. 】

Where is the hope?

He has done everything he can, and the God of Hell and the Dragon God have also tried their best, but there is no hope of breaking the situation.

[The Canggu Tian Dao, the extremely evil consequences are born from Him, more precisely, they are born from His evil thoughts.]

[The Avenue of Purification is the rarest power of the Avenue in many worlds. Mastering this Avenue can purify all inner demons and evil spirits, and get rid of all obsessions, delusions, and evil thoughts...]

[Many foreign gods in the world cultivate their lives instead of cultivating their nature. As a result, they all end up crazy because of their desires and inner demons, and become evil demons and foreign gods. 】

[He has traveled through several worlds, and all the gods among them have become possessed by evil spirits.]

[Only He, who controls the purification avenue, can purify all evil thoughts, and is not afraid of inner demons, nor does he need to worry about the breeding of evil thoughts.]

[At this point, He made a great vow to save all sentient beings.]

[By purifying the Dao, He has eliminated evil thoughts and evil thoughts in several worlds one by one, and restored peace and clarity to the world.]

[Because of this, His avenue of purification has been elevated to an extremely powerful level.]

[As the power of the Great Dao increases, complex evil thoughts also arise from the heart, but they are all dispelled and dissipated by Him as always.]

[But this time, instead of completely purifying the evil thoughts, He caused the purest evil to be born! 】

[Purifying the Great Dao is like removing the waste to retain the essence, dispersing the miscellaneous evil thoughts, but it cannot purify the purest evil thoughts.]

[When all the complex evil thoughts disappear, the purest accumulation of evil thoughts explodes... thus giving birth to the 'extremely evil consequences'! 】


[At first, He did not notice the birth of the ‘extremely evil consequences’. Instead, he purified the world because of the numerous evil thoughts in order to enhance the power of his own path. 】

[When He became aware of the extremely evil consequences, the extremely evil consequences had already grown strong enough to exist independently of Him. Even if He committed suicide, he could not get rid of this great inner demon. ]

[Now, even though he and the 'Chaos Source Dragon' have joined forces to fight against the enemy, there is still no hope of winning. 】

[Therefore... hope is not in him, nor in the Chaos Source Dragon. 】

【It’s on you, it’s on the powerful being behind you!】

Lin Xun was startled.

The powerful existence behind him, does Canggu Tianyan refer to the almighty true knowledge or the book of salvation?

[Canggu Tianyan continued, you are a visitor from outside the world. The existence that cast you into this world is an existence that has surpassed Him, and is also a great existence that has surpassed the extremely evil consequences. 】

【Only that person has the power to remove the evil consequences of delusion.】

[Please forgive him for doing some tricks on the three divine objects and spying on your every move, but it is also because of this that he found hope of winning. 】

[You have twice briefly and massively increased the power of the avenue in this world. This is something that no god can do. 】

[Even if your soul is unique and you are born with the magical power to conceal the secrets of heaven, it is impossible to do this. 】

[Even if you pay the price of heavy damage to your soul, it is impossible to exchange for such a huge increase in the power of the avenue! 】

[This huge improvement that comes out of thin air does not rely on the power of your soul, but on the power of the great being behind you...]

Isn't it the two short and huge increases in the power of the avenue that he used the 'Beginning of the Holy Spirit' twice?

At the beginning of the chapter, Lin Xun used the beginning of the Holy Spirit to improve his analytical power in the Western Paradise, cracked the Great Dark Bodhisattva's formation, and thus obtained the 'Glazed Pure Fire Seed' given by the Bodhisattva in his past life.

Later, during the Battle of Xuanhai at the end of the chapter, he used the Beginning of the Holy Spirit to enhance the authority of his flesh and blood, reshape Emperor Wu's physical body, occupy Emperor Wu's body, and complete a desperate comeback.

According to Canggu Tianyan, the ascension of the Holy Spirit did not come out of thin air, but came from the blessing of the Book of Salvation.

This secret of the soul is actually not a stimulant produced by himself, but the extra power given to him by the Book of Salvation with its own great power.


[Cang Gu Tian Dao, because his power is weak, his purification path alone is far from being able to eliminate the extremely evil consequences. 】

[But if you use the power behind you to raise the avenue of purification to its peak, you can have hope of killing the evil god! 】

[With the help of him and the Chaos Source Dragon, it is enough to pay the price of your soul, enough to give your soul unlimited possibilities.]

[It is also enough to make the glazed pure fire burn throughout the entire void, causing endless evil thoughts...dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust!】

[Then...the hope of killing the evil god and purging all evil thoughts from the world is left to you.]

[With the soul power of him and the Chaos Source Dragon...]

【Go, agent...】



[After Canggu Tianyan tells you everything, the boundless pure white space quickly disappears...]

[In the blink of an eye, you are back in the giant web full of evil thoughts, and your sarcastic smile with extremely evil consequences is still weird.]

[At this time, the pale flame suddenly turns into a sky-burning flame, burning all the soul power and pouring it into your soul!]

[He is not strengthening your ‘purification authority’, but increasing the strength of your soul!]

[Not only does Canggu Tianyan burn the power of the soul to increase the strength of your soul, even the Chaos Source Dragon that still has the last trace of consciousness also lets out a dragon roar that shakes the world. 】

[The body and soul of the Dragon God are disintegrated and annihilated inch by inch, and the golden dragon soul turns into countless radiant lights and pours into your soul...]


[Due to the infusion of unknown power, your soul strength has been temporarily increased! 】

[Current soul strength 4/4(7)]


[Due to the infusion of unknown power, your soul strength has been temporarily increased! 】

[Current soul strength 7/7(7)]



[Finally, the golden dragon soul and the sky-reaching glazed fire burned out, and bits of golden and pale ashes drifted away, bringing a grand and sad rain to the cold, dark eternal void. 】

[This rain drained everything from Canggu Tianyan and Chaos Source Dragon...]

[Your sworn main god, ‘Chaos Source Dragon’, has died! 】

[Your friendly main god ‘Canggu Tianyan’ is dead! 】

[Due to the infusion of unknown power, your soul strength has been temporarily increased! 】

[Current soul strength 99/99(7)]

[Your soul strength has been increased to its current limit! 】

Four points of soul strength are enough to increase the power to an incredible level. If ten points or even dozens of soul strength points are used, what kind of terrifying state will the power be raised to?

Many prompts popped up like crazy. Lin Xun took a deep breath and activated the secret of the soul - the beginning of the Holy Spirit!

[You used the ‘Mystery of the Soul—The Beginning of the Holy Spirit’! 】

[You currently have four kinds of power and authority, please choose the authority and power you want to improve!]

[You choose to enhance the ‘soul power—chaos power’!]

【Unknown error occurred!】

[You cannot use this soul secret to enhance the ‘Chaos Power’! 】

"As expected, the out-of-nowhere improvement brought about by the beginning of the Holy Spirit does not come from my own power, but from the Book of Salvation!"

Lin Xun no longer hesitated and immediately chose to purify authority!

[You choose to enhance the ‘Supreme Power—Purification Authority’! 】

[You have consumed 98 points of the upper limit of soul strength as fuel to increase the power of authority!]

[Current remaining soul strength: 1/1(7)]

[Your ‘supreme power—purification authority’ has been greatly improved beyond measure!]

[In an instant, pure flames that are enough to incinerate the void of stars will burn fiercely around you!]

[The brilliant light shines to see through all the darkness in the void. With you as the center of the circle, the huge black net that I am trapped in spreads and burns into a raging flame that cannot be extinguished! 】

[The sarcasm and ridicule in the eyes of that weird giant face finally dissipated, turning into thick fear and panic!]

[Such an extremely powerful and powerful authority is enough to burn everything and purify everything!]

[Even if you have obtained the extremely evil consequences of the Consciousness Network, this is no exception!]

[The giant net that fills the void suddenly shrinks, and the surging evil thoughts turn into claws to tear the void, and the extremely evil consequences rush in and escape...]

[But the glazed pure fire burned away the threads and nodes in an instant, and countless strange faces were purified and evaporated amidst howls of terror.]

[In an instant, the glazed pure fire melted the dark giant net with the force of burning the sky, and burned the weird face on the top of the giant net like gangrene attached to the bones! 】

[At this time, it was already too late for ‘Extremely Wicked Fruit’ to abandon the giant net and cut off its tail to escape! 】

[Endless evil thoughts melt and dissipate like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun. The huge strange face drives the raging evil thoughts in front of you, but it cannot stop it for a moment. 】

[The unstoppable sky-burning flames swept through everything, and even a few huge stars that were slightly closer ignited with raging fire, melting and evaporating in an instant. 】

[As soon as the devil’s claws tore through the rift in the void, the huge strange face was engulfed by the raging flames!]

[Countless negative thoughts such as anger, violence, fear, resentment, etc. are purified and dissipated by the burning of the flames. 】

[In the sky-reaching flames that light up the void, you can vaguely see a huge strange face twisting and struggling, but in the end, like those evil thoughts, it can only dissipate into nothingness... Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth! 】

【When all the firewood is used up, the pure white flame finally goes out.】

[Everything in the void that you can see has no evil thoughts left!]

[You defeated the ‘Ultimate Evil Fruit’! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Firefly Torch’ (special prop)! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Flesh Altar’ (special prop)! 】

【You got...】


[You look at the distant ‘Yuanlong Shrine’, your eyes penetrate all barriers, and you see the white elephant who has survived the disaster, you see Lu Wu with a complicated expression, and you also see Yuecheng Ziye with tears streaming down his face. 】

[The extremely powerful power of authority fades away like a tide, and you smile and turn into dots of stars, dissipating into the void.]


[The special end event ‘The Conspiracy Across the Endless Starry Sky’ is completed! 】

[You are being transferred to the library...]



"It turns out that the name of the terminal event is 'The Conspiracy Across the Endless Starry Sky'."

"The evil god traveled across the endless starry sky to the world of fireflies, gained the authority and power of the consciousness network, and monitored all corners of the evil god's world. He used this layout to set traps. It seems that it can indeed be called a 'conspiracy across the endless starry sky'...


Lin Xun only felt relieved that he had finally completed the end event, and finally succeeded in killing the evil god and saving the world.

Although all conspiracies were shattered with the help of the Book of Salvation, it is extremely difficult to achieve such an ending.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If the evil god has known everything for a long time and has been monitoring every corner of this world, then can Canggu Tianyan know that he has the "Beginning of the Holy Spirit", and will the evil god not know it?

The evil god must know!

If the evil god also knew that he had the beginning of the Holy Spirit and knew that he could use the power of the Book of Salvation, then he would not give Canggu Tianyan and Chaos Source Dragon a chance to make a comeback.

So...how could the Evil God be overturned by the Jedi?

The evil god probably 'died' on purpose!

All of this is still part of the evil god’s conspiracy!

"The conspiracy across the endless starry sky...I know!"

Lin Xun suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't help but shuddered: "Grass!"

"The evil god's conspiracy is not with me, but with the book of salvation, in the library!"

"The last time the evil god attached evil thoughts to me, trying to locate the coordinates of the real world, he was finally purified by the librarian... This time he was definitely prepared!"

The evil god wants to go to the library and infect the book of salvation!

The Book of Salvation has the power of preview and knows the coordinates of many worlds!

The evil god already has extremely evil power, and also has a consciousness network that can quickly infect the entire world, but he only has the ability to slay dragons, but he has no dragons to slay.

Because the evil god does not know the coordinates of other worlds, no matter how powerful he is, he can only happen to encounter a vast world like those exiled evil gods who spend thousands or thousands of years relying on luck.

And the many world coordinates possessed by the Book of Salvation are what He needs most at this moment!

This is the conspiracy that spans the endless starry sky, and this can be called the ‘conspiracy that spans the endless starry sky’!

[At the same time, while you are being teleported, the seeds born in your soul due to the incorporation into the ‘Lotus of Glazed Pure Fire’ have sprouted dark and extremely evil buds! 】

[You are so frightened that you want to interrupt the transmission, but you can't terminate it, you can't stop it!]


【Transmission successful!】

【You have returned to the library!】

This chapter has been completed!
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