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Chapter 570 The Secret of the Book of Salvation, The Kingdom of Disorder

Seeing the prompt to return to the library that appeared in front of him, Lin Xun had countless thoughts flashing through his mind.

According to common sense, if a single evil god invades the library, as long as it is not a main god of the same magnitude as the Almighty True Knowledge, Lin Xun does not have to worry about any accidents in the library.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how much the Book of Salvation falls into a vicious cycle, it won't be able to defeat even a mere evil god.

Even if ordinary evil gods invade the library, in the eyes of the administrator and the Book of Salvation, it may be a ridiculous move to send people thousands of miles away and give fuel to their doorsteps.

Moreover, the name of the end event clearly shows "Conspiracy Across the Endless Starry Sky", indicating that the Book of Salvation may also be aware of the invasion of evil gods from other worlds.

But triggering the unknown end event means that there is an ending that is not expected in the underworld game. From the moment the unknown end event is triggered, you are truly experiencing the plot at that time.

Since the Evil God's 'death', the name of the end event is only displayed, and the ending is defined as true when the world is successfully saved. The time left for the administrator to prepare and respond can be said to be very short.

More importantly, the Evil God belongs to the God of Disorder. Whether it is the Book of Salvation or the Book of Knowledge and Illusions, they are supported by a large amount of divine fuel, which temporarily maintains a delicate balance with Disorder.

If the Book of Salvation is compared to a scale that tries its best to maintain balance at both ends, then the evil god whose body has been destroyed and invaded by suspended animation is just a straw.

Of course, a mere piece of straw cannot destroy a metal balance, or even leave a scratch on it.

But just this slight straw is enough to make both ends of the scale completely unbalanced!

The servant of God had clearly told him before that the real world had already passed the 'first critical point' of destruction and doomsday, and was struggling to hold on in front of the 'second critical point' warning line, and the real doomsday could come at any time.

If the evil god carrying the consciousness network invades the library, it may be the straw that breaks the camel's back...

It is very likely that the evil god dared to actually invade the library because of this. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the evil god dared to take such a big risk to invade the library.

Lin Xun didn't have time to think too much and immediately activated his soul power - the power of chaos!

Returning to the library is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed. All he can do is try to erase the extremely evil consequences of his successful smuggling!

The evil god's true body has been destroyed, and is now parasitic in his soul in the form of a newly germinated seed.

Although the power of chaos has not yet been promoted to authority, it may be able to be defined as 'nothing' when dealing with the currently relatively weak evil gods.

Lin Xun didn't know if this move would be successful, but it was the only thing he could do at the moment.

No matter whether the Book of Salvation and the administrator are prepared to deal with it in advance, he cannot let the real world be threatened in any way!

But when he just returned to the library, he found that his limbs and body were stiff in place, unable to move an inch. Not only that, but even his soul thoughts were almost stagnant and solid, unable to control his soul power at all.

This situation seems familiar. After the end of the Firefly World, he killed the wet nurse with the help of the power of the extremely evil consequences, and his soul was contaminated with a lot of evil thoughts. This is how the administrator controlled him and cleaned up the evil thoughts in his soul.



[The vast hall of the library is surrounded by tall and neat bookshelves on all four walls, filled with countless gorgeous ‘books of salvation’. 】

[There is a huge 'Book of Salvation' floating quietly in the center of the hall. The figure under the book has already left the rocking chair and stood up, looking at you with a complicated expression...]

[The dark seeds in your soul emit invisible fluctuations, and inexplicable thoughts ripple out, but there is no large-scale evil thought that sweeps through the entire library as you imagined.]

[The 'Librarian' feels the thoughts for a moment, nods towards you, and takes down one of the many small 'Books of Salvation' on the bookshelf. ]

[The book is brought to you by an invisible force, and the pages flip through the pages, emitting a familiar blood-red light.]

[The dark seeds immediately leave your soul and turn into a black light and plunge into it...]

[The book accepts the dark seeds, closes the cover on its own, and disappears in the flash of blood-red light.]

[With the disappearance of the small 'Book of Salvation', you finally returned to normal, and both your body and soul have been released from control.]

【You can vaguely understand what's going on.】

[The small ‘books of salvation’ on the library shelves are actually worlds of chapters.]

[The administrator seems to have reached some kind of agreement, or even cooperation, with the extremely evil fruit, using the coordinates of the chapter world in exchange for the evil god leaving...]

[Such a development is completely beyond your expectation, and you are stunned on the spot for a moment.]

Without the control of the administrator, Lin Xun used the power of chaos to deal with the crippling evil god. It is not said that he can definitely eliminate the evil god, but it is at least worth a try.

Of course, the Administrator didn't know he had Chaos powers...

[The ‘Administrator’ waved to you and said with approval in his eyes, Apostle, congratulations on saving the world again. 】

[It’s not easy to meet an apostle with such potential like you...it’s not easy.]

[You said with an expressionless face, what happened just now? What are the consequences? 】

[The 'Administrator' did not explain it to you immediately, but said that with your current level of strength, you can already know more truths and secrets. 】

[When he explains it to you, you will understand everything he did.]

[Subsequently, the administrator tells you the secret of the Book of Salvation...]


[The Book of Salvation had an almost perfect operating mechanism when it was first established.]

[In that distant era, both the Book of Salvation itself and the recruited apostles could gradually grow and develop themselves. 】

[The Book of Salvation can meet its own operation needs through rehearsals again and again, and absorb a large amount of resources to resist the erosion of disorder, and the apostles also benefit from the salvation journeys to continue to grow stronger, create immortality, reach eternity, and even...

Climb to the Supreme.]

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! [The ultimate goal of the Book of Salvation is to save the world. The world mentioned here is not the planet world in the narrow sense, but the entire world in the broad sense.]

[The Book of Salvation itself is already an extremely powerful existence, but such a powerful Book of Salvation cannot yet complete the great cause of salvation.]

[So the Book of Salvation needs to recruit apostles, train apostles, and accomplish the ultimate goal for the Book of Salvation. 】

[If you want to accomplish things that even the Book of Salvation cannot do, you must have the potential to transcend the level of the Book of Salvation and the ability to finally break free from the shackles of the Book of Salvation. 】

[The Book of Salvation has trained countless apostles, including the famous gods in myths and legends in the real world, as well as gods buried in the long history that no one knows...]

[But unfortunately, no one... Yes! You heard it right, no apostle can surpass the Book of Salvation! 】

Lin Xun was shocked.

The gods in myths and legends in the real world were also the apostles trained by the Book of Salvation?!

"Aren't there no gods in the real world? No, it should be said that except for the book of salvation, there are no gods in people's imagination. Aren't those things all false myths and legends?"

Since the legendary gods in the past were all apostles, and some of them could reach eternity or even the supreme realm and have endless lives, why are they missing now?

[The 'Administrator' continued that the Book of Salvation can coexist with Disorder for a long time, and can also eliminate the disorder on the surface of the apostle's soul, but it cannot completely eradicate Disorder and achieve the ultimate goal of salvation.]

[Each different individual has a different tolerance for disorder, and no one knows at what stage the apostle will eventually be completely eroded by disorder.]

[Apostles with low tolerance to disorder may become slaves of disorder when they reach eternity, while apostles with better tolerance will be swallowed by disorder only when they successfully ascend to the Supreme.】

[The main god who can reach the supreme realm without sinking into madness is already a very rare existence. 】

[Even in this land of God founded by the Book of Salvation, apostles with extremely high tolerance for disorder are rarely born. 】

[Those gods that you know, all of them, without exception, were eventually completely eroded by disorder and became evil and crazy gods. 】

[This is not what the Book of Salvation wants to see, but the apostle who is about to become the evil god has already stood on the opposite side of the Book of Salvation...]

[The Book of Salvation cultivated a supreme god-level apostle, who devoted everything to nurturing her child like a mother, but when the child finally grew up, he became a killer madman who wanted to kill everything.]

[The mother can only send her child away from her and imprison her, leaving her to fend for herself.]

[During those countless salvation journeys, not only did the apostles grow and strengthen, but the Book of Salvation also received a certain improvement due to its own authority.]

[Just like the power of purification, you are improved by exercising the power of purification again and again, and just like you adapt to the power, you are improved through the adaptation of each body.]

[The Book of Salvation can also be improved during the apostles’ journey to salvation.]

[But the stronger its own authority is, the closer it is to disorder, and the closer it is to disorder, the more resources the Book of Salvation needs to fight against disorder, and even the amount of resources required increases exponentially.

Form of growth.]

[This is an unsolvable cycle. Unless the Book of Salvation subverts the original operating mechanism, in the end, even with the resource gains created by many powerful apostles, it will not be able to keep up with the consumption of the Book of Salvation. 】

[It has been unable to cultivate apostles that can meet expectations for a long time. The Book of Salvation must change its operating rules. Otherwise, when the Book of Salvation is completely destroyed, both the apostles and the world will usher in the most terrifying doomsday. 】

[It was also during the journey of salvation that the Book of Salvation accidentally discovered a strange energy. 】

[This kind of energy will only be produced out of thin air in a very small amount after each apostle successfully saves the world, so small that even the book of salvation cannot detect it. 】

[It wasn’t until the energy finally accumulated to a certain level that the Book of Salvation was shocked to discover it. 】

[This energy that is completely opposite to disorder cannot erase disorder, but it can greatly increase the tolerance to disorder. 】

[The Book of Salvation named it ‘Order’, and it was precisely because of the discovery of the existence of ‘Order’ that the Book of Salvation completely changed its operating mechanism. 】

[If before, the Book of Salvation relied on the apostles’ detachment to achieve the goal of salvation, then the Book of Salvation will rely on itself in the future.]

[The apostles continue to carry out the journey of salvation to enhance the power of authority, and at the same time produce a large amount of 'orderly' to enhance the tolerance of the Book of Salvation. 】

[Even if continuously strengthening itself will consume more resources, there is a glimmer of hope that the Book of Salvation can finally reach a transcendent realm that no one can touch. ]

[But it was the change in the operating mechanism that caused the rupture between the apostles and the Book of Salvation! 】

[Because the first goal of the Book of Salvation is no longer to cultivate apostles, but to strengthen itself. This is a conflict of interest between the two, and it is also an irreconcilable conflict. 】

[The Book of Salvation at that time could suppress any apostle who dared to resist. Although the apostle's income has been reduced, it is not unacceptable.]

[The first is because the apostles do not have enough strength to resist, and the second is because although the benefits have been reduced, they can still improve themselves, but at a slightly slower pace.]

[However, the conflict of interests between the two will eventually intensify, but the appropriate point of outbreak has not yet been reached. 】

[When the resources required for the Book of Salvation increased to a level that the apostles could not accept, the opportunity the apostles had been waiting for finally arrived. 】

[Due to the accumulation of disorder in the Book of Salvation itself, an unprecedented 'apostle of disorder' was born from disorder. Just like the extremely evil consequences, this apostle of disorder has a very high tolerance and is extremely talented.


[The Apostles of Discord were very weak when they were born, but they grew rapidly under the secret cultivation of a group of apostles. Among them were not only the contributions of many apostles, but also the help of gods who had long been imprisoned in the Book of Salvation. 】

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! [In the end, the 'Disorder Apostle' completely grew into an extremely powerful 'God of Discord', killed the first-generation 'Administrator', and led many apostles and imprisoned gods

He only escaped from the control of the Book of Salvation.】

[The God of Disorder, with many elite apostles and gods, hides in the vast chaos of the void, a place where even the Book of Salvation cannot set foot. 】

[Without the many elite apostles who can fight and harvest resources, the Book of Salvation will soon face a vicious cycle due to the huge demand for its own operation...]

[And without the administrator, the Book of Salvation cannot even modify its operating mechanism to escape the vicious cycle. 】

[He is a second-generation administrator and an administrator who has not yet been recognized by the Book of Salvation.]

[To this day, he cannot fully control the Book of Salvation, let alone modify the operating mechanism of the Book of Salvation. 】

[He can only watch as the Book of Salvation continues to sink in a vicious circle...]

[Perhaps, the Book of Salvation has been waiting for the person who can pull it out of the abyss, but he is not the person chosen by the Book of Salvation...]


[Of course, he was not without achievements during his management of the Book of Salvation. 】

[He has been searching for traces of the original batch of defectors and the ‘God of Disorder’, and has obtained detailed clues. 】

[As long as the former 'Gods of Discord' can be found, they can rely on the locks left on them by the Book of Salvation, so that they have to work for the Book of Salvation again and bring the Book of Salvation back from the edge of death.

[The bloody sun world you have experienced is probably the entrance to the ‘Disorder Kingdom’. 】

[The Apostle ‘Messiah’ is the permanent apostle he sends to the bloody world...]

[And the coordinates where he gave extremely evil consequences are the Blood Sun World! 】

[With the addition of this weak God of Disorder, there is a high probability of finding the ‘Kingdom of the God of Discord’! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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