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Chapter 534 Powerful [Seeing the Ancient Eyes]! Re-engraving the domineering high-level characteristics! Seeing the color is promoted to A!

Enel's questions did not receive a response.

Not believing in evil, he activated the ability of [Thunder Fruit] again, but it was not the lightning that he had just changed, but a more subtle form of free electrons.

With a faint sound of thunder, Enelu's figure completely disappeared on Shuixian Star Island.

At least from an ordinary person's perspective, that's the situation.

But the physical changes of Aniru's [Thunder Fruit] can be hidden from the naked eye, but not from the [Heaven's Lock]!

The silver chain of [Lock of the Sky] sank into the space, directly bringing Enel out with a bewildered face.

"What the hell kind of chain is this!?"

Enel finally believed that his lightning body had no effect on the strange silver chain that the captain took out.

No matter how he flashes and moves, [Heaven's Lock] will always be able to find his location immediately and then restrain him.

After taking a look at the captain whose expression was still calm, Enelu no longer used the ability of [Thunder Fruit].

Devil Fruits have limits!

Enel has known this for a long time.

[Thunder Fruit] There is no way to avoid the shackles of this silver chain...

Then just break it free!

Enel took a deep breath.

Enel musters up his strength.

Enelu's arm was trapped by the [Heaven's Lock], leaving a clear and deep bright red dent.

Enel gave up.

Although when the light curtain described [Lock of the Sky], it said that its material itself was only equivalent to an A-level supreme sharp knife.

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But a weapon of this grade and material cannot be broken free by Enelu's strength!

Ding ding——

With a faint and crisp tinkling sound, the [Lock of Heaven] was taken back by Cui Ze.

Enelu, who had been entangled with the "Lock of Heaven" for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the disturbing silver chain finally disappeared.

"Captain, what kind of chain is this?"

Enelu frowned and looked at the silver chain in Cui Ze's hand with some fear.

In addition to sea water, sea tower stone, and Haki, this is the fourth ability item that Enel has encountered that can directly touch his lightning body.

There are always people in the sea who say that nature type devil fruits are the strongest among the three types of devil fruits.

Even the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" says that [Natural Type Thunder Fruit] is one of the few devil fruits that can be called invincible!

But I stayed with the captain for a long time.

Enelu always has the illusion that the thunder fruit is weak...

'Could it be that...it's not the Thunder Fruit that is weak, but myself?'

"The name of this chain is [Heaven's Lock]."

Cui Ze shook the silver chain in his hand.

"The legendary binding chain specially used to restrain the gods."

Cui Ze will naturally not disclose the origin, effects, etc. of [Lock of Heaven].

But Cui Ze didn't mind telling Enelu some basic information.

After hearing the captain's words, Enel's expression improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"A chain that specifically restrains gods? Yeah hahaha!"

Enelu crossed his arms and looked up to the sky, laughing.

"No wonder this Thor—ahem, no wonder I was caught by it!"

Cui Ze shook his head and didn't care that Enel's "true colors were revealed".

[Lock of Heaven] can bind Enelu only because of its own binding properties.

As a genuine artifact, if it can be freed so easily, what kind of artifact would it be?

As long as the [Heavenly Lock] hits the target, and the target itself cannot break free with absolute brute force, then this "binding nature" is absolute!

As for Enelu’s “name of the gods”…

See a ghost.

What kind of thunder god is Enel!

There are no rumors or legends about gods.

At best, it’s just a hilarious comic with an explosive head!

"Once the island is cleared of pirates, we can go back to the coast where everyone is having a picnic."

Cui Ze reminded Anilu, and then disappeared in front of the latter.

The effect test of [Heaven's Lock] is completed.

And just now, Cui Ze's [Eye of Jianjigu] also witnessed with his own eyes how Enelu used his "Thunder Body".

But something is strange.

Cui Ze can use his own [Qi] to use lightning attacks.

But there is no way to directly turn yourself into an "electro-optical person".

"Is this a limitation of the Devil Fruit itself? Or is it a limitation of the [Eye of Jianjigu]?"

"[The Eye of Jianji] is fished from the [Imitation Fruit]. Its essence is the ability to observe, learn, and imitate. You must 'see it with your own eyes' before you can imitate it..."

"And at the same time, does it also have to be 'personally owned' in order to imitate it?"

"For example, when it comes to existences like Devil Fruit, I am a non-skilled person. I can use [ki] to imitate lightning attacks, but there is no way for [ki] to directly transform my own physique!"

"It seems we need to find a few more reference targets..."

After several more tests, Cui Ze basically understood the limitations of the [Eye of Jianji Ancient] ability.

First, you must "see with your own eyes the process of the other party using their abilities."

Second, you must "have the basis to display your abilities."

for example.

Cui Ze can use the [Eye of Jianjigu] to watch Huang Mu grow trees and watch Robin cultivate flowers, but he himself cannot grow trees or flowers out of thin air.

Because Cui Ze himself is not a plant-type ability user, and he does not have the ability to grow plants among his abilities!

But because [Qi] has the characteristics of [Sun].

After Cui Ze observed Huang Mu and Robin using their abilities, he could also use [Qi] to increase the growth rate of plants.

In addition, [Jianji Ancient Eye] can also imitate or even replicate the target's physical ability.

This has no effect on natural devil fruits such as "Thunder Fruit" and "Sensen Fruit".

But it is not difficult for reindeer, carcharodontosaurus, and Spinosaurus.

Cui Ze has not thoroughly explored the scope of application of [Jianji Ancient Eye], but this does not prevent him from using [Jianji Ancient Eye] to imitate and transform into reindeer, dinosaurs, etc.!

After basically confirming the effectiveness of [Jianji Ancient Eye].

Cui Ze simply found a reason and exchanged some experience with Fat Hu on the use of [Information Color Haki], and then successfully mastered the advanced characteristics of Inspection Color possessed by Fat Tiger.

[Your EX-level ability entry [Eye of Jianji Ancient] is taking effect...]

[You obtain the B-level ability entry [Emotional Perception]!]

[B-Level Ability Entry: Emotional Perception]

[Description of the entry: One of the high-level characteristics of seeing, hearing, and domineering]

[Effect of the entry: All targets within the range of the perception of one's own knowledge and color haqi can clearly sense the target's emotional changes as long as the sight and sound haqi senses its aura]

[You obtain the A-level ability entry [Over-range Perception]!]

[A-level ability entry: Over-range perception]

[Description of the entry: One of the high-level characteristics of seeing, hearing, and domineering]

[Effect of the entry: The sensing range of the domineering power of the self-sightedness is super wide. It can easily understand the movement of clouds in the sky, and can accurately capture meteorites in space, satellite positions, etc.]

[Comment on the entry: Behold, your death star shines in the sky]

[It has been detected that you currently have three high-level characteristics: [Future Prediction], [Legilimency], and [Extra-Range Perception]. Your [Visual Color Haki] has been raised to the A+ level! 】

[Current domineering attribute: A]

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