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Chapter 153 Pursuit

The team began to move again.

The Yan family's bullock cart was filled with cubs.

The one on top is bigger, Da Ya takes care of it.

The one below is dragging his little shoes and crawling around.

Li Xuemei told the story for a while, and then started to play games with the children, hiding a small handkerchief here and there, and the little cub who was caught would be carried to the upper bunk.

The big cub on top was replaced.

The children were all having so much fun, being hugged up and down and laughing non-stop.

But Yan Xiangheng, who was suffering from the pain of holding the child back and forth, tensed up and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Before noon, the children were sleepy.

Rubbing his eyes, he didn't want to fall asleep.

Li Xuemei arranged the positions for them and commanded them in a soft tone. She put her little hands on both sides, stretched her calves and legs, bent and rolled like a caterpillar...

After a while, the pups fell asleep peacefully.

The clinging Hu Xiaoni finally closed her eyes.

Yan Yu slipped away quietly.

Liang Fengnian had been walking near her oxcart. When he saw her coming down, he hurriedly walked up to her.

"Little brother, when will our Boy Scout rewards be distributed?"

"Someone asked you?" Yan Yu asked him, turning her head.

"No!" Liang Fengnian whispered: "I just want to know who is the winner."

Yan Yu smiled slyly and said deliberately: "Of course it's me! Thanks to my good command, hahaha!"

Liang Fengnian thought for a while and nodded seriously: "Yes, you must be the first to win."

Yan Yu felt embarrassed because the child was so serious.

"It's all thanks to everyone. Let's not be busy for now. We are in a hurry and can't take care of this. When we walk six hours a day like before, we will greet everyone and discuss it together."

She explained patiently: "The adults in each family have divided the meat. Now we don't have enough meat to eat. Let my family have it here, so that they don't have to carry it themselves."

"My father also shared the meat." Liang Fengnian lowered his head and murmured softly.

"Uncle Liang is so powerful. Look at how many people don't dare to rush forward, but Uncle Liang dares!" Yan Yu said the truth. Although Liang Manshan didn't kill the enemy, he did help a lot.

Picking arrows all over the place...stealing her father's job.

At that time, unarmed, the choice of auxiliary attacker was very wise.

Without the cooperation of these people, Lao Yan would not have achieved such brilliant results.

After all, there are only ten arrows.

"My father is actually very scared." Liang Fengnian said: "When he came back, his face was very ugly, and he was talking in his sleep..."

Yan Yu looked at him in surprise and said: "Isn't that normal? Who is not afraid? All uncles, including my father, are afraid, but they know that even if they are afraid, they will rush forward for the sake of the whole family. They do

Here we are! Protecting us all!”

Liang Fengnian looked up at her, and the stars in his eyes turned into little smiles.

"Little brother, you know so much."

"Hahaha! My uncle taught me this." Yan Yu put the hat on Lao Yan without any psychological burden.

"Sir, this is where our brothers fell into trouble."

A group of more than a hundred people came on horseback.

The leader's eyes were as sharp as a razor's edge, and he pulled the reins sharply, causing all the cavalry behind to stop.

He looked around, first taking a clear look at the surrounding terrain, then turned over and dismounted, threw the reins to the people around him, held the knife with one hand, and looked around.

The few people following him closely behind him had cold faces and said nothing. They were still on guard against the surrounding area and did not dare to relax.

"Come here." The leader pointed at the man who was leading the way.

The man swallowed his saliva and ran over nervously.

"How many horses have you bred in total?"

"Except for our Master Qin who rode his own horse, all the horses in the camp were provided."

"Someone, dig this place up."

"Yes, sir!"

A group of people quickly ran behind him and quickly dug up the location he pointed to.

The unpleasant smell spreads.

Neither the leader nor his subordinates frowned.

The man who was waiting to dig the soil reported the quantity, and he nodded.

He then looked at the few horses recovered along the way and had a rough estimate.

"The unruly people you mentioned have returned to officialdom." He said coldly: "Once you get involved in officialdom, it will be difficult to investigate."

"Sir! The leader is a scholar..."

The man who was called "Sir" interrupted him and sneered: "There is no basis for it. Those victims said they were scholars? I don't know their names at all. I can't tell where the accent is. It's not that those victims deliberately concealed it.

, this group of people deliberately hid their identities and lied about their fame."

"He...then who are they?"

"You said this group of people carried bamboo crossbows and wooden sticks, but there was one person holding an iron crossbow?"

"That's right, my lord, that iron crossbow is so powerful that if a man or horse shoots it, it will kill him."

"With such powerful crossbows, the only weapons available are ordnance." He looked to the northeast, the direction in which Yan Huaiwen and his party originally planned to travel.

"They are going to Guanzhou Prefecture. They are tall and strong, carrying weapons and abducting the victims... Haha, maybe Guanzhou has the same idea as us. Have you heard that there are private mines in Guanzhou that are being concealed?


"Never, sir."

"Is that called a soldier?" He rolled his eyes and waved. The man holding his horse immediately stepped forward and respectfully handed the reins to his hand.

After getting on his horse, the gentleman turned the horse's head and shouted: "No matter what the reason is, if you ruin our important affairs in Xizhou, don't let it go easily. Follow the official road and chase!"


One ride goes first, and the others follow.

Under the scorching sun, smoke and dust billowed.

Only the exhumed bones were left, exposed to the scorching light...

Yan Laoer looked at the road ahead and kept comparing it with the picture in his hand.

Yan Huaiwen shook his straw fan and sat in the driver's seat with him, describing him as uninhibited and romantic.

"God bless, how about it?"

"Come on, brother!" Yan Laoer pointed to a point on the map and said, "The line we are taking should enter from the west side of Guanzhou.

The mileage map doesn’t say where this is. It’s okay. I guess if I walk further, I’ll be able to see their house. I’ll go down and ask about it then.”

Yan Laoer was very excited. Finally, they were finally there!


They have been traveling so fast these days, and they don’t know what kind of perseverance they use to persevere!

Thanks to the horsemeat and the water supplies along the way.

With a constant supply of water and food, everyone rested day and night, only resting for three hours a day, and spent the rest of the time on the road.

This allowed them to arrive a few days ahead of schedule.

Guanzhou is right in front of you!

"Guanzhou...to the west..." Yan Huaiwen recalled something and said firmly: "It should be Beirongtou."

"There shouldn't be many people near Beirong Station. There are many military garrison areas nearby, so it may be difficult to find the way."

"Brother, this Beirong station? Is it to guard against barbarians outside the pass?"

Yan Huaiwen hummed and said: "The term "barbarians" is the general term used by the prefectures within the Guan for people outside the Guan. They have many tribes and live in separate clans. Xirong and Beirong are for the convenience of distinction.

Outside is Beirong."

This chapter has been completed!
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