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Chapter 14 Dad, we're in big trouble

Bai Hao came up with an idea.

John and Jeff looked at each other and suddenly jumped up. Everyone gave Bai Hao a hug: "Bai, you are a genius. We promise to give you a super gift. We can use this idea in

In many places, you will get creative fees, believe me, believe in the sincerity of our beautiful Chinese people."

Bai Hao breathed a sigh of relief, finally resolving the embarrassment just now.

Jeff also said at this time: "Our order is the same as Fleischer's. John didn't say just now that we require that no less than 20% of the goods be put on our shelves before Black Friday."

John added: "So do we."

"More money." Bai Hao said this subconsciously.

"More money?" John didn't understand.

Bai Hao rubbed his forehead: "For such an urgent order, the workers need to pay more."

"This is a small matter. Speaking of bonuses, in addition to a check, our two companies plan to give you a gift together. Do you like the car?"

"Of course, all men like it."

Jeff also asked: "What car do you like?"

Bai Hao couldn't believe it was such a big deal to give away a car.

John also asked: "What car do you like?"

After thinking for a while: "What about Ford?"

"Ford? You look down on our Best Buy too much." Jeff looked disdainful.

In this era, Ford is the representative of ordinary national cars in the beautiful country. Since the two companies want to issue incentives, they must not use such ordinary models. They also want to save face.

"Dodge, Ram?"

Bai Hao asked again.

Jeff said directly: "Cadillac, a very luxurious car, you deserve it."

Bai Hao asked: "Eight-cylinder diesel engine?"

"It seems you know a lot about cars."

Bai Hao smiled: "If you come back next year, I will slash the price of the toaster by 20%, at least 20%. I will also launch one or two more disruptive products to ensure low prices and cost-effectiveness.

It’s so high that it will make the entire beautiful country’s electrical appliance retailers tremble.”

"Okay." Jeff shook hands with Bai Hao.

Bai Hao said to John again: "I'm really not joking. Your order is too urgent, so we need to pay more. I ask for an increase in price for one TV set for every thousand units. Just the black and white TV set you have in stock will be fine."

John shook his head: "We don't have backlog of inventory. I will buy hundreds of TVs from Wadao in the name of our company and give you an emergency production reward of one TV for every two thousand orders. This will be very good."

Arrange the shipment to be delivered to your port in Shanghai and Hong Kong soon. But please pay attention! I will see our goods in the third week of November."

"Trust me, it's no problem."

Bai Hao knew in his heart that it was 100% impossible for him to complete this order.

Just kidding, for an order of only 300,000 toasters, even in this day and age, my adoptive father Zhang Jianguo’s small factory would not be able to complete it within a year even if he worked 88 hours of overtime every day.

What's more, there's jam that who knows if it can be mass-produced.

"Very good, then let's sign a memorandum, a letter of intent, and make notes on the contract we discussed. We will send a fax to the company in the evening. After our company goes to work tomorrow, we will formally sign the contract."

Although Bai Hao knew that he would definitely not be able to complete the order, he had no choice but to do it. He couldn't be cowardly, so he immediately discussed the preliminary opinions with three parties, wrote them down, and then signed.

After Jeff and John put their portions in their pockets, Bai Hao raised his glass.

"Now let's have a drink, and then I will confirm the details of the production. Tomorrow we will discuss the detailed prices, payment methods, product specifications, additional conditions, etc., and then sign the contract. Right?"

"That's right." John gave Bai Hao a very positive reply.

"Of course, let's drink now." Jeff raised his glass happily.

He had a need to celebrate. His boss originally sent him to Xia Country to cause embarrassment, but who would have thought that Jeff promoted a big plan, which made him mentioned many times at the top of the company's management.

Promotion and salary increase are a must.

Although Jeff doesn't care about money, he does care about promotion.

Bai Hao's drinking capacity was pretty good. When John and Jeff were supported by the waiter and staggered back to the room, he could still stand up and walk a few steps on his own.

As for Bai Rui, her heart went from surprise to shock to shock.

After listening to the entire conversation, she believed that Bai Hao had not deceived the beautiful Chinese people, but had captured the selling point of the beautiful Chinese market. This was a very typical success story.

She had never thought about how Bai Hao could complete the order of 300,000 toasters alone.

However, Bai Hao couldn't think about it and hurried back to make a phone call.

Zhang Jianguo only heard that someone was looking for Bai Hao. Bai Hao hung up the phone and didn't know what was going on. Bai Hao said he would call again tomorrow.

I was drinking wine with Hao Tie in the office, calculating how to complete the order of 20,000 units while ensuring quality.

Zhang Jianguo is a senior skilled worker who has never been a real leader. It is not a big deal for such a small and run-down factory. The deputy director and workshop director embezzled and escaped. After the old director fell ill, he managed production seriously.

There is no need to go out to pick up the work. They are a repair shop. In addition to the large factories nearby, small factories that need to repair machines and process parts will naturally come to their door.

Zhang Jianguo was unable to arrange the production task of 20,000 units.

Hao Tai had actually been the director of a factory. Although it was a casting factory affiliated with the railway and arranged for the families of railway workers, its scale was much larger than Zhang Jianguo's small repair and maintenance factory.

When it comes to arranging production tasks, Zhang Jianguo still learned some knowledge from Hao Tao.

"I said Jianguo, this job is really coming, and you have to really turn around. Just with the orders to earn foreign exchange, you will be given a formal deputy director. From now on, you will be a real cadre, no longer a worker brother.


Zhang Jianguo smiled: "It would be better if my third and fourth children could be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees."

Because there is no school in the small factory, the children of the industrial and electric power plant are arranged to attend school. Zhang Jianguo pays more than the children of the industrial and electric power plant. Although it is not much, it is only a few yuan per semester, but a few yuan is still money.

While the two were chatting, the call came.

The two of them had the same reaction, looked at the phone at the same time, and stood up together.

There was a phone call at this time. Could it be that things have changed?

Zhang Jianguo clenched his fist and picked up the phone: "I'm Zhang Jianguo."

After the transfer, Bai Hao's voice came: "Dad, I think we are in trouble."

"It's okay, dad is here." Zhang Jianguo's first reaction was to comfort Bai Hao.

Bai Hao smiled bitterly and flicked the lighter to light the cigarette: "Dad, you can't solve this problem. This time it's a big deal. The order from Beautiful Country has been confirmed, and the quantity is a bit large."

The order was huge. When Zhang Jianguo heard this, he turned around and glanced at Hao Tiao.

This chapter has been completed!
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