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Chapter 267: The gate of hell opens, and thousands of ghosts come out

The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month.

Ghost Festival.

More than 600 ghost gates scattered across the human territory of Liaozhai World were opened at the same time on this day, and countless evil ghosts behind the gates rushed over from the ghost world.

As soon as these evil spirits appeared in this world, they began to wiggle their noses greedily, gently sniffing the sweet smell of life of flesh and blood that emanated from the air.

That is their prey, and the human world will be their hunting ground.

At ten o'clock in the evening, in a small mountain village at the foot of Weiyin Mountain, an old man in his sixties had just finished a hard day's work and returned home from the fields to prepare for dinner.

As soon as he approached the door of the house, a little boy of five or six years old who was looking forward to it ran out.

"Grandpa!" He shouted loudly, his tone full of expectation.

"My dear grandson...!" The old man also had a smile on his grooved face. Although he was very tired, he still picked up his little grandson.

"Let's go home for dinner!" The old man's voice was loud and powerful, and he was about to open the door with his grandson in his arms.

But at this moment, boundless black mist suddenly rose from the western sky where there was still some light.

The fog was so thick that it completely blocked the only sunlight in the sky in an instant, and the sky suddenly became dark.

The old man turned around and looked at this scene blankly, not understanding what happened.

The same was true for the little grandson in his arms. Both of them stared at the black mist billowing in the distance with their eyes wide open, and they were stunned for a moment.

"Hoo!" The dark wind roared past, and countless evil ghosts stretched out their scarlet claws from the wind and began to harvest lives wantonly.

But when the evil wind passed, no one in the entire village of more than 300 mortals was spared, and they were all harvested by the evil spirits.

Zhu Biao lowered his head and glanced at the corpses of his grandfather and grandson.

The flesh and blood on their bodies had completely disappeared, and even their souls had been devoured, leaving only two skeletons, one large and one small, hugging each other.

Even this skeleton seemed extremely fragile. When a gust of wind blew by, the skeleton turned into dust and scattered directly between the sky and the earth.

It was as if they had never appeared in this world before.

"Sister, are we just watching and not doing something?" Although Xiao Qing was asking her sister, her eyes were actually looking at Zhu Biao.

Obviously she understands that Zhu Biao's opinion is more important than her sister who is barely trying to protect herself.

After all, standing behind Zhu Biao was a great empire comparable to this world.

"This is a tacit agreement reached by all forces in the entire Liaozhai world, and no one can change it."

"The ghost world and the demon world want to use this to quickly increase their own strength, while the Buddhist and Taoist sects must have enough motivations and excuses to destroy demons and ghosts. At the same time, they also need the orthodox recognition of the will of this world."

"There is no more perfect excuse for ghosts to plunder the world." Bai Suzhen opened her mouth to explain for Zhu Biao.

As a snake demon who has been practicing for thousands of years, and whose backing is Buddhism, although Bai Suzhen doesn't know the twists and turns behind what is happening now, she can make a rough guess.

"One more thing you didn't mention is that the population of this world is almost reaching its limit. Maybe they still have the idea of ​​​​eliminating some of it with the help of the ghost world and the devil world."

"After all, using ordinary people to refine magical weapons and spiritual weapons is a demonic act, but if you use monsters and ghosts to refine magical weapons, it is killing demons and demons." Zhu Biao added.

"That's not possible!"

"Are those powerful people in the immortal world really as bad as you say?"

"Are you trying to trick my sister and me into joining the Ming Dynasty?" Xiao Qing said with doubt on her face.

Zhu Biao glanced at Xiaoqing and shook his head in a funny way.

Sometimes things are so magical. As a green snake demon, now he has the idea of ​​​​rescuing ordinary people, but those powerful Taoists and Buddhist strongmen who usually kill demons seem to have suddenly disappeared at this moment.


Zhu Biao absolutely did not believe that even the Ming Dynasty could detect the specific world where the gates of hell were opened, and those people from Taoism and Buddhism would not know.

But if they knew it, but now they didn’t react at all, it couldn’t be that they were asleep and hadn’t woken up yet!

"You, I've protected you so well all these years!"

"I don't understand how evil people's hearts are in this world!" Bai Suzhen sighed.

"In the extraordinary world, the law of the jungle has always been strong. Order is established by the strong. Naturally, the strong also have the ability to modify the order."

"The peace and stability that lasted for thousands of years in this world are actually not the true face of this world. Now, ghosts are plundering and demons are rampant."

"This short-lived stability and prosperity of ten thousand years has disappeared, Xiaoqing, now you are welcome to face the real world."

A truly extraordinary world where the jungle prevails.

"Let's go!" Zhu Biao waved his hand and quietly left Weiyin Mountain with the two sisters.

He had no other purpose in coming here today, he simply wanted to see what the scene of the hell gate would be like, and at the same time, he also wanted to see if the Buddhist and Taoist gates in this world could stop this.

To be honest, Zhu Biao is not disappointed with the current situation.

Even such a situation of great chaos in the world would be more beneficial to Ming Dynasty.

In fact, no matter what the final choice between Buddhism and Taoism is, it will be acceptable to Zhu Biao and Ming Dynasty. For this reason, Ming Dynasty has already made sufficient plans.

No matter how the situation in Liaozhai World develops, they can get what they want from it.

"What will you do next?" Bai Suzhen asked curiously.

"Since the gods cannot be relied upon and the Buddha and Taoist ancestors cannot hear the pitiful howls of mortals, then mortals can only rely on themselves."

"Let's go, let's take you to Hangzhou City first!" Zhu Biao did not answer Bai Suzhen directly, but smiled and let it go.

Soon the group of three people arrived at the head of Hangzhou City.

Compared to the small mountain village at the foot of Weiyin Mountain, Hangzhou at this moment clearly understands what they are going to face. The entire city of Hangzhou has been shrouded in a faint defensive light curtain.

The Song Dynasty in this side of the world is an extraordinary dynasty. Although it is just a puppet of Buddhism and Taoism, Hangzhou City also has extraordinary organizations similar to the Ming Dynasty Dragon Protection Division, and the current defense of Hangzhou City is built by these extraordinary organizations.


However, this kind of defensive power can also resist ordinary ghosts. It is still useless against those old ghosts and fierce ghosts.

Of course, such defense is useless against Zhu Biao and others.

The three of them quietly entered the city of Hangzhou. Under the leadership of Zhu Biao, the three of them soon arrived above a house.

This family is just an extremely ordinary household in Hangzhou.

Just when Bai Suzhen and Bai Suzhen looked at Zhu Biao with doubts on their faces, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy walked out of the house in the courtyard of this house, grabbing a wooden knife.

The young man looked determined, stood still in the yard, and began to wave the wooden knife in his hand.

"Martial Arts...!"

"Did you pass it on to him?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"That's right!"

"In the entire city of Hangzhou, we have printed a total of 100,000 copies of various martial arts secrets and distributed them on a large scale. This little guy is just one of them, and he is the most talented among them."

"He has only been practicing for two months now, but his cultivation has reached the peak of the seventh level, and he is probably not far away from breaking through to the sixth level."

"One hundred thousand copies?"

"Doesn't that mean there are at least 100,000 warriors hidden in the city of Hangzhou now?" Xiao Qing said in surprise.

"You can say that too!"

"But there are definitely not 100,000. After all, most people have only been practicing for a short time. There are probably not even one-tenth of those who have truly reached the level of martial arts!"

"But even if there are only a few thousand warriors, they are still a force that cannot be underestimated. With these warriors protecting Hangzhou City, they can at least restrain the marauding evil spirits a little."

"The reason why mortals have always been reduced to pawns is because mortals cannot control power. If mortals control power that makes even immortals tremble, then no matter whether they are immortals or demons, they will not dare to underestimate mortals anymore."

Hearing what Zhu Biao said, Bai Suzhen's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

"I always thought that you wanted to completely occupy this world, but I didn't expect that you would be willing to give the martial arts training method to the mortals of our world without reservation."


Zhu Biao smiled and shook his head: "We will not take the initiative to start a war. You have been to the Ming Dynasty and you should have some understanding of the Ming Dynasty. Now the Ming Dynasty's territory is large enough, and there are still many places that have not been digested, at least for a while.

There will be no need to conquer other worlds within a thousand years."

"I hope that in the future we and Liaozhai World will become friendly neighbors, learn from each other's strengths and trade with each other. This is what we want."

"It's just that the immortals in this world are too arrogant. If they knew that there were no immortals in our Ming Dynasty, it's hard to guarantee that they wouldn't have other ideas. The reason why we concealed our existence from them is just to guard against the prying eyes of those immortals.


"When we have the means to resist the immortals, we can naturally reveal our identities completely."

Bai Suzhen nodded. To be honest, as she has learned more about the country of Ming Dynasty recently, she agrees with Zhu Biao's words.

This country has an extremely upright and peaceful temperament, from the emperor and prince to the common people.

Such a country will not engage in conspiracy. What they usually use is conspiracy, which is to let you clearly know that this is their strategy, but you still have to obey orders.

Just like a large number of martial arts skills given away for free, people in the Liaozhai World cannot prohibit ordinary people from pursuing extraordinary power. And if people in the Liaozhai World are allowed to start practicing martial arts without reservation, then for the great Ming Dynasty that martial arts spreads

, these warriors will definitely yearn for them, and in a subtle way, Ming Dynasty turned them into their own.

Bai Suzhen, who has lived for more than a thousand years, can naturally see this, but so what if she sees it. In this situation, practicing martial arts is to save lives. Those fierce ghosts with their claws and fangs are plundering everywhere with their bloody mouths. Mortals cannot practice it.

Xi Qihai, apart from practicing martial arts and opening Dantian to enhance his own strength, there is no other way.

Besides, Bai Suzhen now lives in Nanjing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Although he has lived in the Liaozhai world for more than a thousand years, he does not have a strong sense of identification with this world.

In the world of Liaozhai, in addition to betrayal, she felt the cruelty of the weak and the strong. It is indeed difficult for people to identify with such a world.

What's more, Bai Suzhen is not even a human being, he is just a monster with no foundation.

Another twenty years have passed.

Martial arts secrets are still spreading in full swing in the Liaozhai world, and as the War of the Six Realms gradually spreads from the fairy world to the six realms, martial arts becomes more prosperous.

Especially during the Song Dynasty, countless martial arts schools sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, leading ordinary people who were interested in martial arts into the supernatural realm one after another.

"Holy Emperor, this is what our sect master asked me to bring to you."

In the sacred city of Luoyang, Lu Bu once again met with the Holy Emperor of the Song Dynasty and gave the Holy Emperor a secret book of martial arts written by Zhu Yuanzhang himself.

"This is the Zixia Divine Art..."

The Holy Emperor of the Song Dynasty was stunned at first when he saw the content in the issue, and then he couldn't help but feel happy.

This is a set of martial arts techniques that can lead directly to martial arts.

The Martial Saint is equivalent to an immortal, and this kind of skill is a priceless treasure. I didn't expect that the mysterious sect master I had never met would have such courage to give it directly to me.

"Thank you for me, your sect master!" the Holy Emperor said.

When he said this, he couldn't help but ponder for a moment and then said: "As for his desire to establish the Martial Saint Pavilion in the capital of God, I have no problem, but I am afraid that the two national masters will have objections."

"We will contact and coordinate both Taoist and Buddhist sects. I believe that these two people will not refuse such a thing that enhances the overall strength of mankind." Lu Bu said calmly.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Buddhism and Taoism to allow a brand new force to appear within their sphere of influence, not to mention that this force still has great room for development.

But as Lu Bu said, now the human race, demon race, and ghost race have begun to engage in all-round fierce battles within the six realms. Although the human race has more powerful people from both Taoism and Buddhism than the demon and ghost races.

, but the middle-level combat power of the two races is greater than that of the human race.

These middle and low-level ghosts are rampaging across the six realms, constantly killing the living forces of the human race.

Although the Buddhist and Taoist families have begun to encircle and suppress these ghosts and monsters, the manpower is still insufficient. If a large group of warriors appear at this time, the pressure on the entire human race will be greatly reduced in an instant.

Of course, if the human race finally defeats the ghost race and the demon race and completely becomes the master of this world, I am afraid that the martial arts will still be suppressed by then.

But after all, that hasn't happened yet. Now let's build up our power and use the Ming Dynasty's blood transfusion to rapidly develop and grow. As for what it will develop into in the future, and whether it can directly dominate a world, it is unknown.

But as Zhu Yuanzhang said, they need to leave their own voice in the world of Liaozhai.

Wusheng Pavilion is the first such sound. Of course, this is only the first one. There are many arrangements that have not yet been unfolded.

When all the arrangements are unfolded, Ming's influence in the world of Liaozhai will be extraordinary.

This chapter has been completed!
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