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Chapter 523: In the quagmire of time, picking up stones to make up for others

 Fang Mingyuan still saw too little and was easily struck, falling into self-denial.

Examiners are different.

This is divine pollution, and its intensity has definitely reached above 8.0. Now that I can find a way to avoid the pollution of the rules, I can say that I am extremely lucky.

It's like wasting a life in vain.

Everyone cherishes it.

Without anyone urging them, they stood in the quagmire, trying to catch the pot-bellied clay man as quickly as possible.

There were obviously not many pot-bellied clay figures, and I didn't know if there would be enough for each of the remaining people to get one, so they were all quietly trying their best.


Xia Hongyao caught another one, and with a smile, he walked up to Lin Baici and handed it to him like a treasure.

"Give it to Qingqiu or Xiaoyu!"

Lin Bai was not in a hurry to resign.

"Stop caring about us all the time!"

Gu Qingqiu knew that Lin Baici didn't like him. It was purely a matter of friendship, otherwise he would have thought he was a licking dog: "Alumni, if you encounter rule pollution in the future, you don't have to help us."

"You try your best to survive, even if we die, we will be very happy!"

For Gu Qingqiu, purifying rules and pollution is like playing a game. Death is not scary, but you must pass the level.


Hua Yueyu nodded hurriedly: "Use it quickly!"

Having said this, Lin Baici was not polite, took the clay figurine, held the bronze sword in his backhand, and struck it on the belly with the tip of the sword.


A line of blood burst out.


The clay figurine struggled violently.

Puff puff!

More than 20 clay figures jumped out of the black mud around Lin Baici and pounced on him. They wanted to bite him with sharp teeth and sharp mouths.

Xia Hongyao stood guard beside him, holding a black-edged dagger, and immediately began to kill.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Just like playing Fruit Ninja, the clay figures were beheaded and those with missing legs and arms fell to the ground.

Squeak! Squeak!

The remaining mud monsters screamed and got into the mud.

Lin Baici squeezed hard with his left hand, and most of the fetus in the clay figurine monster's belly was squeezed out. When it started to cry, Lin Baici placed the clay figurine he squeezed next to the fetus.

The clay figurine immediately opened its eyes, and like a mad dog that had been hungry for more than ten days, he grabbed the fetus and pulled it in front of him, then bit it.

Click! Click!

The sound of chewing raw meat filled my ears, which was horrifying.

After the clay figurine ate the fetus, it was not satisfied. It also ate half of the clay figurine monster's smaller body. Only then was it satisfied. Then it suddenly struggled, trying to escape from Lin Baici's grasp.

But Lin Baici had already expected it.

The clay figurine didn't run away, so it started scratching like crazy.

Lin Baici took a rope, tied it up, and then carried it in his hand.

"Brother Lin, I caught one too!"

Long Miaomiao held up a clay figurine and shouted happily.

The clay man monster moves quickly, but for people like Zhang Hao and Xie Yangchun, it is not difficult. The problem is that the number of these monsters is too small.

Xie Yangchun heard Long Miaomiao calling and took a glance.

"If it were someone else who caught the clay figurine, Deng Mingyu would have snatched it away!"

Zhang is very sarcastic.

"Lin Baici's deterrence is still great!"

Xie Yangchun sighed, how outstanding is it to be able to scare a half-step dragon level? "When he gets out, let's invite him to come to Shangjing for a seven-day trip to have a good time and connect with each other!"

At times like this, Xie Yangchun always envied Zhang Hao, because as a beautiful woman, it was much easier for her to make friends with men than it was for him.

"I think Lin Bai is too serious about his feelings. Let's try to win over his companions!"

Zhang Hao has a high emotional intelligence and thoughtfulness, so she took the initiative to separate from Lin Baici, otherwise she would be too embarrassed to snatch the clay man monster if they all get together.

"What are you doing? I discovered this clay figurine first!"

"But I caught it first!"

"If you don't catch it, it's mine!"

"Fart, it will run away if I don't catch it!"

Someone was struggling.

Although everyone belongs to the Kyushu Security Bureau, they are actually from different branches. We have not known each other before, so we have no feelings for each other.

When traveling to scenic spots, there are usually fights between people for jumping in line, let alone grabbing clay figures now. This thing can be a matter of life and death. Who doesn’t want to get it first?

Deng Mingyu caught the clay figurine, otherwise he would have grabbed it himself.

Xie Yangchun and Zhang Hao are not that shameless, but they will not discourage others from arguing.

In the pollution of rules, whether you can survive depends on your personal strength, and if you think about it in a darker way, since they have robbed others, they should not complain when they are robbed by others later.

So who is most qualified to rob others?

Of course it is Xie Yangchun and Zhang Hao who are the strongest.

"for you!"

Long Miaomiao kept his promise and gave up the clay figurine to Fang Mingyuan.

Fang Mingyuan didn't have the nerve to say: "Eat it quickly before anyone takes it away."

"You're kidding, I'm Brother Lin's loyal little brother... Uh, little sister, who dares to rob me?"

Long Miaomiao snorted proudly and pushed the clay figurine to Fang Mingyuan: "Stop arguing, I can catch it faster than you!"

Fang Mingyuan clutched the clay figurine tightly, and was so moved that he couldn't help but cry.

As time goes by, everyone has gained something.

When the clay figurine eats the fetus, the scene is a bit too scary.

"Do you have everything?"

Gu Qingqiu looked around: "You can go and make a sacrifice!"

"Let's go!"

Long Miaomiao was already impatient with waiting and wanted to go out for a big meal as soon as possible.

There are still about ten people who are relatively unlucky and have not caught the clay figurine so far. When they saw Lin Baici and the others were about to leave, they immediately became anxious.

"Lin Shen, don't leave us!"

"Can you help me?"

"I beg you!"

Because those who have obtained the living sacrifice have not left yet, they are just waiting for Lin Baici. As soon as he leaves, everyone will leave.

Then he would be alone.


"Xiao Bai, give the sacrifice to the goddess first, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Good advice.

"That's right, after giving the sacrifice, you can come back to help them!"

Auntie doesn’t recommend delaying it any longer. What if it’s too late to go back and make the goddess angry, or the clay figurine dies as a sacrifice?

"You guys catch him first, we'll come over later!"

Xie Yangchun comforted him, took Lin Baici and left.

As soon as Lin Baici came ashore, everyone quickly followed.

Within a few minutes, all the dirty people with mud on their bodies returned to the stone statue of the goddess.

Deng Mingyu knelt devoutly in front of the stone statue. After kowtowing three times, he placed the living sacrifice at the foot of the stone statue.

Seeing this, everyone rushed to offer sacrifices to the clay figures, fearing that they would be punished by the goddess if they were too late.

Lin Baici did not kneel down and put down the clay figurine.

The goddess's stone statue didn't respond, which made everyone a little uneasy.

"Why is there no movement?"

The eldest aunt is worried.

"You should have passed the test, right?"

An Yixian quickly raised her head, glanced at the stone statue, and quickly lowered her head. She didn't want to meet the monster's eyes.

Everyone looked at Lin Baici, waiting for an explanation.

Lin Baici shrugged his shoulders.

He doesn't know either.

Suddenly, the clay figurine sacrifices that everyone had put down kowtowed three times to the stone statues, then jumped up and trotted towards the quagmire.

"Quick, follow up!"

"What the hell?"

"Sure enough, there is still more!"

The examiners exclaimed and wailed, knowing that the next session was coming again.

The people who made sacrifices to the mud ran back to the quagmire, plunged into it, and dived into the black mud.

"Lin Shen!"

"Thank you, Captain!"

Seeing Lin Baici and others coming back, the dozen or so people who had not yet found the clay figurine were very excited.

After a while, the sacrificial clay figures who had burrowed into the black mud suddenly jumped out from beside these people and launched an attack on them.


An Yixian's face changed drastically.

"what to do?"

Xia Hongyao looked at Lin Baici, waiting for attention.

"What else can we do? Kill them!"

Xie Yangchun looked embarrassed.

"That's right, we can't let these people kill our clay figurines, right?"

Zhang Hao is helpless. Who knows what impact the sacrifice clay figurine will have on him after he dies?

"Lin Baici, you don't want a woman's kindness!"

Deng Mingyu roared and rushed into the quagmire: "Kill them, or your clay figures will be killed!"

"Damn it, this pollution is too serious!"

"There is no other way. Either they die or we die, so we have no choice but to take action!"

"God's pollution is so terrible!"

The examiners hesitated for a moment and then started taking action.

Facing Deng Mingyu and others, the dozen or so people were dumbfounded. Some turned around and ran, while others surrendered, but it was no use. Everyone's sacrificial clay figures were attacking them.

Everyone can only follow what the clay figures do.

Ten minutes later, these dozen unlucky guys were all killed.

Lin Baici did not take action, not because he was arrogant, but because the others started too quickly, especially Deng Mingyu. He intended to use this killing to frighten others, so he used all his firepower.

"Half-step dragon level, quite powerful!"

Long Miaomiao was amazed.

When all these people were dead, the sacrificial clay figures got into the black mud and disappeared.

Everyone can only wait silently.

"The Qin Palace should be more difficult than this Divine Ruins, right?"

Zhang Hao lamented that she had actually planned to explore the Qin Palace, but now she gave up completely.


The eldest aunt nodded. The total number of dragon-level deaths there was much greater than that of the seven towns in Luoyang.

"Where do you think the remains might be?"

Xie Yangchun stared at the quagmire: "Is it down here?"

"This is not a lake, you can't find it down there!"

After An Yixian finished speaking, a sacrificial clay figurine appeared, dragging a thin stone slab in its hand, as big as a 19-inch monitor.

The eldest aunt's heart suddenly lifted because the sacrificial clay figurine belonged to her.

The sacrificial clay figure came ashore and came to the eldest aunt holding the stone slab.

People gathered around to watch.

The slate is a thin layer, and there should be a certain pattern on the front, but now one piece is missing in the east and one piece is missing in the west, just like a tile wall that has peeled off over time, a lot is missing.

"Could it be that this scene is for us to find the fragments and complete the slate?"

Good analysis.

"Where to find the fragments?"

After Fang Mingyuan asked, everyone turned their attention to the quagmire in front of them.

"Damn it, it can't be here, right?"

The auntie had a big head: "What's the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?"

The sacrificial clay figures emerged from the mire one after another, each dragging a stone slab in their hands, some large and some small.

Lin Baici's sacrificial clay figurine came back. It was a slate the size of printing paper. It was full of holes. He counted and found that twelve small pieces were missing.

[In the quagmire of time, pick up stones to make up for others!]

[This slate is like your life. As you get older and move forward, human beings will be hurt more and lose more. Only by making up for it can we return to perfection! 】

【Go pick up stones and complete your life!】

Nagami review.


Lin Baici's frown could kill a nest of sea crabs. He understood what the god meant, but was it too difficult to operate?


A loud bang was heard.

In the mud pool, about 100 meters away at the 2 o'clock direction, there is a pillar of mud rising into the sky like a volcano erupting. In addition to mud dots, you can also see many small, shiny stones.

Wow! Wow!

A layer of rocks quickly accumulated on the ground.

"I understand, just pick rocks from these!"

Xie Yangchun hurriedly got off the mudflat: "Hurry up, or the stones will sink into the black mud!"

Everyone rushed over in a hurry, one was worried that the rocks would sink, and the other was hoping to get ahead of others.

"Let's go!"

Lin Baici wondered if there was a shortcut.

Everyone rushed to the eruption site of the "volcano", bent over to pick up stones, and then compared them with the defects on their respective stone slabs.

"Don't throw away what you don't need. What if someone else needs it?"

Zhang Hao saw someone throw the stone out in a ventive manner because they found a suitable stone.

"When will this be found?"

"too difficult!"

"There must be a trick!"

Everyone looked embarrassed.

"Brother Lin, I found a piece!"

Long Miaomiao happily showed her slate to Lin Baici.

In the upper left corner, there is a gap as big as a thumb, which was filled with a stone, making it smooth and smooth.

"You are lucky!"

Xia Hongyao encouraged: “Keep up the good work!”

Seeing the little fat girl find the stones proved that it was feasible, and everyone finally became more motivated.

About ten minutes later, there was a bang, and not far to the right, another mud pillar volcano erupted, and then mud dots were mixed with stones of different sizes, and they fell down like hail.

Everyone held their heads in defense, and some people thought that the newly erupted volcano would have a greater chance of finding suitable stones, so they ran over.

"Go over and have a look!"

Gu Qingqiu wanted to study the location of the burst to see if he could find some useful information.

"me and you togather!"

Xia Hongyao follows up.

"Old Bai, after passing this level, is there anything left?"

Fang Mingyuan looked depressed.


Lin Baici was not sure.


Fang Mingyuan wanted to chat and picked up a stone. As soon as his index finger touched it, the stone exploded like a firecracker.


Stone powder, gravel, dregs, and mud splattered.


Fang Mingyuan screamed immediately, and his right index finger was blown off.

This scene shocked the people nearby.

"Be careful, these rocks will explode!"

Just as Xie Yangchun finished shouting, someone else was hit by the bomb.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and everyone suddenly did not dare to move. It felt like stepping on a minefield.

Lin Baici rushed to Fang Mingyuan's side.

"Old Bai!"

Fang Mingyuan couldn't stop crying, his finger was blown off, he couldn't play basketball now, and his career dream was shattered.

"It's okay, this kind of injury can be recovered!"

Long Miaomiao comforted.

"I knew it was not easy to be polluted by gods!"

The eldest aunt sighed.

I would like to recommend a book, "Justice from Heaven at the Beginning, I Was Targeted by the FBI"!

This chapter has been completed!
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