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Chapter 333 Zixiao, the beginning of death

Lin Aolong got it right and told part of the truth.

Yan Anqing uses the function of the life creation interface to create a special "super code strain" and implants it into the bone marrow of qualified people.

This super-encrypted code strain will transform the human heart into a limited energy organ, with levels ranging from the 1st level peak to the 4th level peak.

The so-called cultivation method is the password to unlock the password.

Recite it silently with all your concentration, and you will unlock one in one hundred thousand. The super code strain will unlock one in one hundred thousand functions and simultaneously transform the human body.

In this way, after reciting the "Proud Dragon Inner Canon" silently and intently one hundred thousand times, the lucky ones who have been transformed by the devil can easily reach the fourth level peak.

The super cryptographic strain is what Lin Aolong calls the "spiritual root".

No matter how big the gap between its essence and logic is, at least from the outside, it looks exactly the same as the legendary "cultivation".

Judging from the speed of normal human concentration and silent recitation, one million minutes is 16666.667 hours, 694.44 days, which is equivalent to 1.9 years of non-stop sleep.

There may not be many people among the seven billion people in the world who can "cultivate" to the fourth level in about two years.

In the early stage, Yan Anqing did not intend to impose too many restrictions on this kind of cultivation path, and regarded it as a benefit.

After all, it is difficult to meet the prerequisite of "full concentration" alone.

Wait until a few years later before imposing various restrictions.

The first batch of people who were granted spiritual roots numbered 100,000 people.

One hundred thousand people seems to be a lot, and it sounds exaggerated.

But compared with the total population of 7 billion on the earth, it seems very small.

Once the numerator and denominator are weighted, it is equivalent to one "spiritual root owner" out of 700,000!

This is more exaggerated than picking one out of a hundred or one out of ten thousand.

Yan Anqing thought: "I have a small mission. If you have enough computing power, come over."

Two Lord rulers appeared in front of him at the same time.

The other eight, because they have their own tasks that have not yet been completed, can only use part of their computing power to transform into Q-version villains, looking cute next to Yan Anqing.

"Have seen God the Father."

Lai, the ruler of lies, and Knightnis, the ruler of night, who have been more active recently, looked at each other and looked at the third extraordinary ruler who came to the scene sourly.

A young man wearing a dark purple robe suddenly appeared.

His eyes are like stars, his hair is jet black, his nose is high, his lips are red and his teeth are white.

Knightnis said in a faint tone: "Young Master, long time no see."

Although the top ten rulers of Lord have heavy tasks, they often exchange world-building experiences with each other in "Lord Planet OL".

Only Yan Shaojun never participated in the discussions between the rulers.

He has no desires and desires, and will not do anything else without receiving instructions from Yan Anqing.

The only meaning of His existence and the supreme pursuit of life seems to be the mission issued by Yan Anqing.

To be honest, Knightnis doesn't really want to call the extraordinary ruler by his full name right now.

Yan Shaojun...

Back when this guy's code name was Yan Shiyi, he didn't care much about it. He even had some sympathy and felt sorry for this autistic little brother.

Now, at the mention of this name, he felt a little jealous.

Lai, who was standing nearby, smiled and said nothing.

Yan Anqing rubbed his chin and said in a calm tone: "Now, how many extraordinary people are there in total on the earth?"

"Including the holders of the Immortal Cultivation Spiritual Root you just created, the number is 931,130."

The extraordinary ruler had a serious expression: "It is expected that the number of visitors will exceed two million before the fourth blood moon."

This number is somewhat different from Yan Anqing's initial calculation.

But the impact is not big.

Everything is under control.

On the earth, the extraordinary is prominent, but the society has been forcibly stabilized. There is no increase in crime rate, and there is no major trend of public opinion that regards ordinary people as inferior human beings.

Although there are a few extraordinary people in some remote tribes in Africa who call themselves gods, they have no impact on the overall situation.

Anyway, the rights of those local emperors will not change because of this. If any chief becomes ambitious, Yan Anqing does not even need to take action himself.

In the sys secret society, if you post a reward of points in a numerical sequence, someone will travel across the ocean to take the head of the ambitious person.

"I'll give you a small mission."

Yan Anqing felt that Lin Aolong should have another achievement to gain, so he said: "The name of this operation is tentatively named [Purple Sky Palace]."


City of Cologne.

It is the fourth largest city in Germany, with a population of 1 million. After Berlin, Hamburg and Munich.

It is a metropolis with a strong modern atmosphere, with high-rise buildings lined up in rows.

Leon, male, 29 years old, graduated with a master's degree in metallurgy, and is now an ordinary resident in this city.

He is like a German man produced on a standard assembly line.

Serious, indifferent, and unsmiling. Every day when I go out, I have to keep my hair and suits neat and tidy.

But recently, Leon has been having a very bad time.

It is not the unemployment issue that other colleagues are worried about.

He has enough ability and a very good resume. No matter how the company lays off people, it will not fall on him.

Leon's only problem is physical strength.

He hates exercising and sweating.

This is a trait that has been present since childhood.

Therefore, Leon's health was not good and he did not become a lion as his parents expected.

Body, his body looks very thin and thin.

He is 1.9 meters tall and weighs only 56 kilograms. If he goes out every day without concealer, his cheekbones will look too protruding, making him look like a villain in a horror movie.

The company's business has become increasingly busy recently. As a workaholic, Leon strives to achieve perfection in every job.

Every night, he would feel a dull pain in his heart, as if something was pressing on his heart.

"Wait until this Saturday and find a time to see the doctor."

That day, after getting off work, Leon made a decision.

He took out half a sandwich from the refrigerator, swallowed it whole with cold milk, and suddenly felt his eyes darkening, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

After the heart beat violently for a while, it suddenly stopped working!

sudden death!

This word came into Leon's mind.

"Oops! I'm going to die!"

"I'm only 29 years old! I don't want to die so early!"

Leon tried his best to open his eyes, but sadly found that his vision and consciousness were quickly blurred.

There was a very loud noise coming from upstairs.

He was a twelve-year-old kid next door who dreamed of becoming an "immortal cultivator" and was reading the "Ao Long Nei Jing" on a daily basis.

Leon's heartbeat and breathing had stopped, and he seemed to be declared dead.

Sadly, he ended up reading along with the noise unconsciously.

Every word was incomprehensible, but it seemed to be accompanied by some mysterious power flowing through Leon's body.

After a while, the blurred vision gradually became clearer, and the heart resumed beating.

Leon opened his eyes suddenly.

"I'm not dead!"

"I... am a person with spiritual talent!"

"I can 'cultivate immortality'!"

These three sentences emerged in his consciousness.

Leon immediately logged into the international section of the official forum of Integrity World and searched for a certain post.

"I wonder what level my spiritual root talent is? It seems that there is a complete set of numerical calculation methods here..."

This chapter has been completed!
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