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Chapter 334 MR True Solution, Yan Anqing's Spiritual Needs

Recently, most of the topic posts about cultivating immortals have been very popular, and Leon quickly found the post about "Spiritual Root Talent Numerical Test".

After some testing, Leon came up with a data.


This is his spiritual root talent attribute.

Leon felt a little confused.

What unit is mr?

What exactly does it mean?

Curiosity prompted him to continue browsing the forum.

The throbbing of the heart and the feeling of exhaustion faded away like the tide.

A mysterious power circulated endlessly in Leon's body, making him energetic, as if he had drank double the caffeine drink, and seemed to have endless physical strength.

Leon found many relevant explanations on the Integrity World Forum and Lord Planet OL official forum.

"Magi, magic. Aeptane, receptive ability. So... mr means 'magic factor receptive ability'!"

"You are obviously far-fetched. The so-called spiritual root is the talent of cultivating immortals. What does it have to do with magic?"

"There are cultural differences between the East and the West... Maybe magic and cultivating immortality are the same thing..."

"No, no, no, there is obviously a serious deviation in your understanding. m is main, the main one; r-radar radar. When combined, it is the 'entropy gas receiving main radar'! This is the true meaning of the mr value!"

"Mr. Doomsday? It feels irrelevant..."

"I think...mr, maybe it means Ma Ran? Did the Black Dragon Earth Immortal regard Ma Ye as a unit of measurement, and then maliciously lowered the average value? After all, if it is real data, it is estimated that everyone is only a few tenths.


"What you said upstairs makes sense. I remember that Lin Aolong was in the fierce battle of the double-star qualifying match..."

"Fart! You are talking nonsense! I, the Black Dragon Earth Immortal, am the living Taoist ancestor, how can I be so petty!"

"That's right! I still remember that during the first Earth Ranking Tournament, Daozu actually abstained from voting in order to ensure that Ying Kai entered the top ten!"

"Maybe this is true friendship and courage..."

Leon was also a little emotional when he saw this.

If he could have a friend like Lin Aolong, he would have no regrets in his life.

He shook his head and no longer dwelled on the problem.

After closing the forum page, Leon used the Google search engine and quickly found the text and audio files of "Aolong Neijing" and paid to download them to his computer.

"I must learn Chinese."

Leon took out the post-it note, silently tore off the latest page, and re-wrote a string of text to remind himself to learn Chinese and Mandarin.

Leon has not forgotten what happened to him just now!

Life and death are an eternal and terrifying proposition.

Every person who is infinitely close to death and survives will respect life and love everything in life.

Only now did he realize that living is the foundation of everything, one, and career, money, reputation and everything else are just zeros behind one.

If there is no one, no matter how many zeros follow, it will be meaningless!

Leon wants to live, live for a few more decades, or even live for a hundred more years as many netizens on the Internet who love to cultivate immortality hope!

He is a lucky man.

If you have talent and want it, why don’t you put in more effort in this area?

At this moment, Leon has realized that there may be some mysterious power hidden in the Chinese language.

After all, up until now, he only knew common Chinese characters such as "草木马" and "ganliliang", and could not understand a single sentence in the "Aolong Neijing".

But Leon discovered that as long as he listened with all his concentration and chased these words in his consciousness, the heat in his body would become stronger and stronger!

Now, some people on the Internet have called Lin Aolong "Tao Ancestor".

In Leon's understanding, the meaning of these two words should be "the first person to successfully practice and be willing to teach others how to practice".

Very great and selfless.

The light is so dazzling that it almost makes you feel ashamed.

But now, what Leon really cares about is the "sermon" that Lin Aolong will give in a month.

Leon spent two months of his salary on the human resources website to find an international student from China and hired him to be his private Chinese teacher.

This international student seems to really have something. In the past two years, he has made a lot of money as a part-time language instructor and has an excellent reputation.

If Leon hadn't been generous enough, it might have been difficult to make an appointment with this person.

He noticed that under the other party's personal page, the "Chinese Language Mastery Level" was even divided into five levels, from low to high, in order:

One paragraph: Understand common sentences in Chinese.

2nd paragraph: Entry level, mastering a thousand Chinese characters, able to perfectly distinguish between "I will feed you below" and "I will feed you below", as well as the meanings of "god sister" and "god sister" in different language atmospheres

the difference.

Third paragraph: master two thousand to three thousand Chinese characters, take the Chinese college entrance examination mock test paper, and get a score of more than 125 points.

Paragraph 4: Use Chinese like your mother tongue, with all kinds of idioms and vocabulary at your fingertips, and can conduct fluent bargaining interactions with Chinese vegetable market vendors.

Fifth paragraph: Proficient in poetry, lyrics, and poetry, and able to write a 10,000-word autobiography in classical Chinese.

Seeing this, Leon set a small goal for himself.

"You must master at least 3,000 commonly used Chinese characters within a month, and have a basic understanding of classical Chinese!"

“That way, when the time comes, I can listen to the sermon!”

After being on the verge of death, he embraced life again. Leon felt that his life was full of fighting spirit and passion.

In order to achieve this goal, he is willing to work hard!

Leon is just one of the 100,000 lucky people around the world who have been implanted with spiritual roots, an insignificant microcosm.

There are many, many people like this.

However, now Yan Anqing is struggling with a problem.

In the Zixiao plan, the person in charge of preaching is Lin Aolong.

And I was just behind the scenes, silently paying attention to everything and guiding everything to happen.

Theoretically speaking, after the complete success of this plan, I should be able to obtain two to three achievements.


"Why can't I feel excited?"

Yan Anqing frowned slightly and looked solemn.

quite a while.

A look of realization flashed across his eyes!

"I see!"

"There is no need for me to participate in this operation."

“So there is no sense of immersion!”

"No wonder I always feel like something is missing recently..."

After figuring out the crux of the problem, Yan Anqing immediately said: "Xiao Shiyi, slightly modify Zixiao's plan. I also want to pretend... well, to show myself as a saint in front of others!"

Yan Anqing has never been a god with no desires or demands. He has his own likes and dislikes.

If you can't show your holiness in front of others, what's the difference between it and salted fish?

Seventy-five seconds later, the brand new Zixiao plan appeared in front of Yan Anqing.

Lin Aolong is still the protagonist, but here, there is a special immortal character who appears as a background.

This chapter has been completed!
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