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Chapter 1023 - Rushing for time

"...This is my star system defense battle plan. Do you have anything to add?"

Chen Fei's voice fell for a long time, and the conference room was still silent.

The military leaders of the "Atlan" city management committee looked at each other. Before they could discuss a one, two, three, four, five, the king of "Atlan" who always didn't care about serious things directly threw out a six or seven.

Eighty or ninety, this wave of big cunt caught everyone off guard, this kid really pretended to do it.

No one spoke in the conference room. After a long time, a military leader of Europa Sovereignty raised his hand hesitantly.

"Well...what should we people do?"

Chen Fei's combat plan has no place for humans from beginning to end. It is all unmanned and automatic combat. All combat units are disposable consumables. Therefore, many logistics units have been streamlined. This design has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can

The combat effectiveness is formed in a short period of time. The attack rhythm is fast and fierce. There are not many worries. The shortcomings are also obvious. There is no way to fight a protracted war. Once the time goes on, the combat effectiveness of both enemies will be reversed. When the situation changes suddenly,

It's hard to recover.

Just because they were not assigned to the battlefield, the military leaders of the city management committee suddenly felt that they were no longer needed, and a sense of loss suddenly arose, just like a group of kittens and puppies that had been abandoned.

Okay! We are redundant.

"Of course there is work to do. Help me collect various materials, especially the production lines of various electronic equipment. AI can do only a limited number of things, and my special skills are not omnipotent, especially for complex production designs, which require more

With additional assistance, everyone will be very busy. I will make a list of material requirements later. These plans must be completed within the scheduled time, otherwise there will be loopholes in the star system defense combat plan."

The five combat weapon plans designed for the defense of the star system, excluding ammunition and tactical jets, have more than 10,000 complete combat units, and the total mass of materials required reaches 3.3 billion tons, and there will only be more, not less.

Chen Fei's current reserve of energy points is not enough to complete all the projects of the entire star system defense operation plan. After all, his personal abilities are limited, and it is impossible to really defeat the military of the entire "Sagali" civilization on his own.


The reserve materials in "Space Brand" were not originally prepared for this star system defense war. Even the boss Louis Langdon could not predict in advance that Chen Fei would one day need to fight against 439 biological space carriers.

A powerful fleet, and the total length of each biological space carrier is at least 5 kilometers, it will definitely be a fierce battle between all giants.

Therefore, although everyone in the "Wall of Sighs" operation force will not appear on the front line, they need to participate in heavy logistics work and assist in the resource collection and production tasks of artificial intelligence. Even "Nest" McNee cannot escape being a cow horse.


As McNee said, the "Seed Nest" is the "Seed Nest", and the "Sachari" is the "Sachari". Today's "Sachari" civilization will never exist because of the birth of their ancestors.

Any mercy.

So if you don't want to die in vain or unexpectedly, you have to fight hard.

"Please give us the list, and from now on, we will fight for time together."

Huang Xiulun naturally knew very well that he should race against time now, otherwise it would not be enough to complete all preparations in less than two months.

As for the military leaders' combat plan, not to mention that so far, they still have no clue. What's more, if they don't have the support of Chen Fei's supernatural skills, all their plans will be just words on paper and unrealistic.

Now that the "rookie" has come up with a complete plan, and at first glance, it is indeed somewhat feasible, how to fight against the "Sagali" space fleet is not the most important thing now. The most important thing is what to fight with.

When fighting against the opponent, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. It is better to take action than to talk a thousand times. You should first complete those combat units from scratch. As for tactics and so on, they have enough time to make adjustments.

"'Adam', send the basic material plan list!"

Chen Fei raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Although he lost the computing power support of planet-level computing nodes and was returned to his original shape, the computing power resources provided by his brain are still enough to support the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" to complete a large amount of computing work.

The basic material plan list of the star system defense combat plan was completed as soon as possible and sent to every member of the city management committee.

Immediately afterwards, there was a ding-ding-dong-dong, and various prompts sounded. The military leaders present quickly took out their respective terminal devices, some were mobile phones, some were tablets, and some were AR glasses, and used various methods to extract information from

Newly received files in the local cloud.

"This, this is really a lot!"

"There are so many, it's not enough to just rely on construction machinery! You have to use people with abilities."

“It does get very busy!”

"Do you have a complete set of semiconductor industry production lines? It is indeed the civilized backup of the 'Ark Project'!"

"'Atlan' can be deployed just right, with all six urban areas, one area carrying a type of combat unit, and a dedicated sector reserved for the semiconductor industry production line."

"I can be responsible for mineral collection, but all earth-type ability users and metal-type ability users must be handed over to me."

"We can't give you all those with metal-type abilities. The industrial production line needs them, especially those with metal-type abilities. We must take on more work as much as possible, and we can't just push it all to 'rookies'."

With the star system defense operation plan as a ready-made guideline, the military leaders present immediately began to divide the work. Everyone was very clear about Chen Fei's role in this operation plan. If they relied too much on it, they would lose the battle.

Calm and comfortable in the middle.

Just like playing chess, once you are pressed hard at every step and there is no room for turning, you will lose the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "In half an hour, half an hour at most, all plans on the list must be allocated. If there are any left, I will force the allocation!"

Huang Xiulun pounded the table hard amid the noise and conveyed his words to everyone.

The venue was only quiet for a few moments, and then it was like a water and land dojo, with constant arguments and shouts.

Finally, within the first four minutes of the time limit, the basic material plan list was divided among these military leaders.

"Is everything okay?" Huang Xiulun looked around and asked again: "Confirm the plan again and execute it immediately!"

With a shout, the military leaders of the city management committee dispersed, using their respective communication terminals to issue orders, recruit manpower, and prepare for war with all their strength.

Looking at the conference room that was quickly becoming empty, Huang Xiulun let out a sigh of relief, came to Chen Fei, and said: "'Rookie,' you are right, this city needs a dictatorship!"

If there wasn't only one voice, maybe when the biological space carrier battle group of the "Sagali" civilization arrived on the planet Antalu, no one would come to a conclusion.

It was precisely because Chen Fei made the final decision straightforwardly and came up with a complete plan that everyone unanimously gave up their own ideas and the next most likely meaningless quarrel, and surprisingly unanimously unified their opinions.

"No, no, no, 'Atlan' has never been a dictatorship, but a centralized democracy!"

Chen Fei waved his hand, he was most familiar with democratic centralism.

If it is really the so-called dictatorship, then what is the matter with the city management committee?

With his character and ability, he simply couldn't play "dictatorship" and tire himself to death. Think about how Zhuge Liang died.

"Start work now, don't be idle any more."

Huang Xiulun saw that Chen Fei was still looking leisurely, so he couldn't help but urge.

In the following time, apart from setting up positions, just collecting basic materials will take at least one and a half months, and it cannot be stopped. The more the merrier.

Chen Fei stood up and said: "Don't worry, according to the plan, the starlight cannon and gravity slingshot will be completed within a week and put into operation as soon as possible."

Just as he was speaking, the artificial intelligence AI "Adam" had already assisted in completing the design of the starlight cannon. It didn't involve much technology, but mainly the matching of the spell array.

The gravity slingshot has no technical content. It mainly uses the precise calculation of the planet's gravitational field to eject the prepared physical material and make "contact" with the "Sachari" space fleet within a predetermined time.

This chapter has been completed!
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