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Chapter 274 The Twins Warning

Hagrid has been teaching the Care of Magical Creatures class for a year and a half. If there is any class that satisfies all the students, it is undoubtedly today's class.

It's not that he teaches well, but the golden coins are so attractive.

As a "treasure hunter", the Niffler instantly replaced the Phoenix and became everyone's favorite!

Justin was not even willing to give Sniff back to Hagrid. He couldn't help but ask:

"Professor Hagrid, can I buy this Sniff as a pet?"

"No." Hagrid shook his head and said with a smile, "Sniffing this animal will destroy your Hufflepuff College lounge. Professor Sprout will not agree to it."

Not just Justin, many students looked disappointed.

"Okay, it's time to count the gold coins to see who can win this game." Hagrid said loudly.

The students took out all the gold coins they had obtained, and after Hagrid counted them, Neville won the first prize and became the champion.

As a reward, Hagrid gave Neville a set of exercises on theoretical knowledge of magical beasts, and he was so happy that he almost cried.

The other students laughed happily, but they were not happy for long when they heard Hagrid remind:

"It's okay to take these gold coins away. They are just the leprechaun's gold coins and will disappear in a few hours."

Everyone was speechless after hearing this, and they were busy working together in a class. Are you kidding these idiots?!

Although the gold coins are fake, Xiu Xiu’s treasure-detecting ability cannot be faked. With this thing, he can still pick up money even while walking on the road!

As a result, Niffler quickly became popular at Hogwarts, and many students were asking where they could buy it.

At dinner time, Rolf was sitting at the Hufflepuff table, and saw Justin and MacMillan whispering together.

After a while, the two sneaked over.

Justin lowered his voice and asked: "Rolph, we just bought two sniffer cubs, but they are not eating. Please help us find out what's going on."

Rolf nodded in agreement, and was secretly surprised at the same time. Can Nifflers be still available at Hogwarts?

They really sell everything!

Justin raised his head and glanced at the faculty's seat to make sure that the professors were not looking this way, and then quietly put a black cub into Rolf's arms.

Luofu looked at the cub. He just glanced at it and almost stopped:

The body shape is streamlined, the body is round, without any sharp corners or flat places, sharp eyes, long and thin abdomen... What the hell is this Xiu Xiu?!

Are you sure it’s not a rogue?!

Luofu picked up the creature named Xiuxiu, which was suspected to be a "earth marten" and looked at it again and again, and suddenly there was a ding in his mind:

[A marten cub was detected, triggering a side mission:]

Help the marten to treat skin diseases, reward:

【Listen attentively】

[Your hearing will be as amazing as that of a marten, able to hear very subtle sounds within three hundred meters. (Mission not completed)]

"How's it going?" Justin asked impatiently.

"It's sick." Rolf pointed at the marten's mouth and eyes and said:

"Look here... there are round protrusions and ring-shaped hair loss areas, and the surface is covered with gray-white scales. This is a typical skin disease infected with Microsporum fungus."

"Sick Sniff?" Justin shouted: "Then if we buy one for ten galleons, wouldn't we make a loss?"

"If you want to buy a Niffler, you will indeed lose money." Luofu said with a smile, "A net loss of ten Galleons each."

Justin and McMillan looked at each other in confusion, and Roof didn't show off and said bluntly: "This is not a sniff at all, it's a skunk."

"Impossible!" MacMillan said in astonishment: "I have seen marten in my garden. Isn't it snow white?"

"That's right." Luofu pulled out a hair from the marten, sniffed it gently, and said with disgust: "It smells like cheap dye."


"Also... the marten in the Magical Creatures Shop only costs five galleons a piece, but he sells it to you for ten galleons." Rolf laughed and said, "Who is so black-hearted as to sell it to you?"

"Gartrey from Slytherin House," Justin said.

McMillan gritted his teeth and said, "He is my cousin."

Luo Fe shrugged. "Scammers always start from relatives."

"I want to argue with him, this profiteer!"

Macmillan angrily ran towards the Slytherin table, followed closely by Justin.

After the two of them ran away, Gabrielle came over, looked at the marten curiously, and asked, "Is its illness serious?"

"It's not too serious." Luofu said thoughtfully: "Gabriel, do you still remember how I taught you how to treat microsporal mycosis?"

The little girl thought for a moment, then suddenly her eyes lit up and she said: "Tincture of iodine and Lysol...mix it at a ratio of 1:1 and apply it on the affected area!"

"That's right." Luof nodded with satisfaction, then opened the box, used the flying spell, summoned two bottles of magic potion, handed it to Gabrielle and said:

"Come and give it some medicine."

"Me?" Gabrielle excitedly took the bottle and began to apply medicine to the marten.

Luofu took this opportunity to whisper to Fleur about the Triwizard Tournament, and asked her to go out for a "night tour" at night.

Fleur agreed with anticipation.

Looking at the girl's expression, Luofu secretly wondered.

He remembered that the first time he asked Furong to go out for a night outing, she was still a little resistant. Unexpectedly, in just six months, she had learned to taste the essence and became more and more aware of the benefits of night outings.

Gryffindor table,

Harry picked up a piece of Norwegian sausage and took a bite. As he chewed, he whispered:

"Ron, when I just entered the auditorium, I met Hagrid. He asked us to come out tonight and he took us to see the contents of the third project."

Ron was happy at first when he heard this, but then he said with a sad face:

"Can we go out? It's very dangerous outside. There are dementors everywhere, and we may encounter Crouch who has escaped from prison."

"It's okay, Hagrid is here." Harry said, "He will definitely ensure our safety..."

"Hagrid may be able to keep you safe outside the castle." A joking voice suddenly sounded.

Another voice continued: "But he certainly cannot guarantee your safety in the castle."

Harry and Ron were startled, turned around and saw that it was George and Fred.

Harry asked: "What do you mean?"

"You two must not have gone out for a night out recently." George said with a smile: "I didn't know that this great undertaking is facing a terrible contradiction."

"What contradiction?"

"The professors are patrolling more and more frequently, and the students are more and more yearning for freedom." Fred sat on the chair and whispered:

"The two of us went on a night trip the day before yesterday, and we met four professors along the way. This has never happened before."

"It must be to prevent Crouch." Ron said thoughtfully.

"Maybe." George shrugged, "But it also brought a heavy blow to the night tour business."

"So, you must be careful, little brother." Fred patted Ron on the shoulder and said:

"It's not dangerous outside the castle, but if you want to leave the castle without being discovered by the professors... it's very difficult."

"Yeah, even we both were spotted by Mad Eye several times." George agreed: "His magic eye is really scary."

"It's okay, we both put on the invisibility cloak, so he can't see it." Harry said confidently.

George and Fred looked at each other and finally said with a wicked smile: "Then I wish you both good luck!"

This chapter has been completed!
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