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Chapter 29: A Good Start

Chen Mo kept his word and left everything in charge of the charcoal shop to Mrs. Wang. Naturally, he would not steal the limelight when he opens today.

Despite Mrs. Wang's repeated humility, Chen Mo still refused to show up in public. Not only this time, he will also keep a low profile when he gets involved in other industries in the future.

The guys at Yahang are happy these days. Every meal time, they take the money given by Mrs. Wang and go to various restaurants to order hot pot.

In just a few days, this trend has really taken off.

People all over the city not only knew about shabu-shabu hot pot, but also knew that it goes best with peach charcoal, so they searched everywhere to have an authentic meal.

This search revealed the story of Chen Mo selling high-priced charcoal that day.

For a time, paper was expensive in Luoyang.

Unlike the people who wanted to feast their eyes on it, in the eyes of the shopkeepers of major restaurants, this was a huge business opportunity. After searching to no avail, they all went to the tooth shop to inquire about it.

Mrs. Wang followed Chen Mo's instructions and sold it to the restaurant owners. As long as they come to support the opening today, they will definitely get what they want.

It is precisely because of this that the current Tan Store is bustling with people and extremely lively.

Looking at the crowd in front of her, and then at Chen Mo sitting in the corner talking to Huamei Shu, Mrs. Wang was once again glad that she made the right choice.

Not to mention the relationship with the new county magistrate, Chen Mo's brain alone cannot be bought with a lot of money.

"Wang Po, the time has come." The waiter stepped forward to remind.

Mrs. Wang nodded, smiled and stood in front of Tan Xing's door.

"Everyone, Wang's Charcoal Store is opening today. Please come and support us in the future."

"The old lady knows in her heart that you are all here for Tao Charcoal, so let me show my sincerity and make a fortune together after unveiling the red plaque."


As Mrs. Wang took off the red cloth, warm celebrations erupted from the scene.

The dark and shiny plaque symbolizes the charcoal itself, and the golden "Wang's Charcoal Line" symbolizes the light of the rising sun.

These are all done by Chen Mo.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was already rising, Wang Po gave instructions to the waiter.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gongs, two carriages arrived in front of Tanhang Gate.

Even if it is covered with oilcloth, you can still smell a bit of smoky smell.

"Wang Po, charcoal is not a very valuable thing, why does it need to be so grand?" a restaurant owner joked.

"Hey, as you said, Shopkeeper Li, compared with other places, the charcoal from our Wang's Charcoal Store is completely worthy of the word "Jingui"." Mrs. Wang responded with a smile.

"Wang Po, don't be too tight-lipped at this time and open it quickly." Another person urged.

"Guanzi still needs to be sold, and it needs to be a big one."

After Mrs. Wang finished speaking, she got busy with several tasks.

A table was moved out and a Wen Ding was placed on it.

"Everyone, there has been a trend of hot pot shabu-shabu in the city recently. I believe many of you here have tasted it. Now I want to ask, how does it taste?"


Everyone said in unison.

"Then let me ask again, after a hot pot meal, do you feel anything is bad or lacking?"


This time, everyone fell into silence.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that there are areas that need improvement, but I couldn't tell them at the moment.

"It's charcoal." Mrs. Wang raised her hand and pointed to the charcoal plate, "The charcoal inside is ordinary charcoal on the market. You might as well check it out and see if there are two flaws?"

"I know, it's too smokey."

"That's right, and you can't help but cook it. If it takes a little longer to eat, you have to add charcoal."

"Exactly." Mrs. Wang nodded and looked at the shopkeepers of the restaurant. "After talking about the diners' problems, it's your turn now. The problem the restaurant faces is that if there are too many charcoal in the stove, it will

It causes waste, and if there is less, the supply cannot be renewed in time, right?"

"Yes, if the charcoal is not ignited in advance, it will not only be time-consuming and laborious to light, but it will also easily smoke people. Does Wang Po have any good solutions?"

"Of course." Wang Po smiled and nodded.

"Say it quickly."

All the shopkeepers showed anxious expressions asking for advice.

Seeing that the time had come, Mrs. Wang ordered the waiter to bring a tray covered with red cloth.

"Everyone, please control your eyes."


As Wang Po opened up the red cloth, several fist-sized pieces of hollow carbon appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


After a brief silence, a loud exclamation broke out.

"Is this charcoal?" someone asked suspiciously.

"It's charcoal, but not ordinary charcoal." Someone confirmed.

"It's square and smooth, how on earth is it made?" Someone was curious.

"The most bizarre thing is the hollowness. If nothing else, this is the key." Someone hit the nail on the head.

"Xiao Dongzi, light up the charcoal." Wang Po ordered Xu Lidong, "This time, I am not holding the eyes, but asking the shopkeepers to open their eyes."

Xu Lidong took out four charcoal blocks, smeared one side with grease, placed three finished charcoal blocks at the bottom, and placed one at the top to ensure air circulation.

As soon as the fire was ignited, it immediately burst into flames.

Then the charcoal blocks were turned in sequence, and soon all traces of fire were visible.


Seeing this scene, not only the shopkeepers, but also the people who were watching took in the air-conditioning.

Without him, shocked.

Charcoal is easy to light and produces very little smoke.

The most important thing is that the smell of smoke is not that strong.

"Wang Po, what kind of wood is this made of?" someone asked anxiously.

"Peach wood." Mrs. Wang raised her hand triumphantly and pointed to the southwest of the county. "All the wood comes from Baijiazhuang, thirty miles away, where there are peach trees like the sea."

"Okay, okay." Shopkeeper Li said excitedly, "In recent days, there have been rumors in the city that peach charcoal is best matched with hot pot. Now it seems that it is indeed true. No, no, no, it should be said that it is the best match with Baijiazhuang's peach charcoal.

It doesn’t match. To be more precise, it matches best with Baijiazhuang’s hollow peach charcoal.”

"That's right, Granny Wang just said that there is a sea of ​​peach trees there, so you don't have to worry about supply shortages in the future."

"Wang Po, in that case, can the price of this charcoal be negotiated?"

In the end, it came around to business.

This is what Wang Po was waiting for. She built up momentum a few days in advance and now performed it on the spot. Everything she did was for one purpose.

make money!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang glanced at Chen Mo again.

Today's good start was all planned by the other party.

The price naturally has to be determined by Chen Mo.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the quality of charcoal. It is said that you get what you pay for, and vice versa, so the entire vehicle of charcoal costs ten taels of silver."


The scene was once again in an uproar. Is this selling charcoal or rice?

All the shopkeepers who were originally in high spirits also became silent.

"Well, I'll just say the price is too high." In the corner, Huamei Shu shook his head while reading, "No matter how big and gorgeous the scene is, it can't change the fact that charcoal cannot be put on the table."

"You are wrong."

Chen Mo also shook his head, but with a smile.

"Ms. Hua just wait and see. Not only will the shopkeepers not find it too expensive, but they will also fight for it desperately later."

This chapter has been completed!
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