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Chapter 170: Big Wedding (Part 1)

Three months later, it’s the eve of the wedding.

Feng Shuiqing lay on the couch, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, her face turned red. Her heart was beating faster and faster in her chest, making her breathing quicken.

Even though she had been lying down for two hours, she was still not sleepy and could not sleep.

Tomorrow, she will get married to Xuanchen Mandrill.

Marry her devil.

According to the rules and etiquette, the bride and groom are not allowed to see each other three days before the wedding, so the intention is auspicious.

In the past three months, Hyun Chen has been personally handling the wedding arrangements, and they have only seen each other very rarely.

The wedding day is approaching.

Maybe I miss you very much, or maybe I am too excited.

Feng Shuiqing pulled the quilt up to her head, hid in the quilt and sobbed softly, but there was a smile on her lips, full of happiness.

While tossing and turning, the sky was getting brighter, and the noise outside the boudoir began to get louder and louder, with people's footsteps pounding in and out, and there was order in the chaos.

Feng Shuiqing stood up from the couch, wrung the handkerchief in her hands, and looked at herself in the mirror with trepidation.


Coming to pick her up.

Coming to marry her.

After serving tea to the elders and offering sacrifices to the ancestors, the feng shui is clear and I feel that my heart is full of excitement and it is difficult to calm down.

She returned to the boudoir, spread her arms, and was served by the wedding ladies to put on a bright red wedding dress.

The inner layer of the wedding dress is made of brocade silk, phoenix, hidden flowers, gold silk, double-layer Guangzhou silk skirt with wide sleeves, and the skirt is embroidered with mandarin ducks and melon patterns with gold thread, which means that the couple is made in heaven and the melons are endless.

The chest is embellished with red gold and ruby ​​collar buttons, which are sparkling and emerald.

The wedding dress is covered with a bright red phoenix pattern and gold jewels. The phoenix embroidery is lifelike and shines with brilliant golden light.

Feng Shuiqing couldn't put it down and touched the phoenix wedding dress on her body. According to the rules, the phoenix pattern cannot be used in the wedding dress specified by the princess, only the queen can.

In addition, her mother died young and there was no one to sew her wedding dress.

And this phoenix wedding dress was given to her by an imperial edict from the emperor himself.

It is both the ultimate congratulatory gift and the most revered blessing.

It also gives them blatant preference.

Dressed appropriately and feng shui, she sat in front of the dressing mirror and had her makeup applied by the makeup artist from the palace.

While tying her hair into a bun, Grandma Zhangzhuang was combing her hair with a comb and reciting happily:

"One comb, comb it all the way to the tail. Two comb it, comb it until your children and grandchildren are all over the place. Three comb it, comb it until your white hair reaches the level of your eyebrows."

An hour later, Feng Shuiqing finally saw herself finishing dressing up in the mirror.

The delicate face is covered with crimson clouds, and the red lips are evenly rosy.

Her dark eyebrows stand out like a jade belt, and her hair is dyed spring-like with a wind-blown bun and misty temples.

Aunt Zhuzhuang nodded with satisfaction, equally excited and happy, her eyes as red as Feng Shui Qing's wedding dress.

"Princess, on the day when you were enthroned as princess, it was your slave who put on the makeup for you, and now it is your slave who is here to serve you. You and His Highness King Qinglin have finally come to the end of their hardships. I am sincerely happy for you! I wish you and His Highness hold hands.

To the end of the world, we will stay together forever."

"Thank you, mama."

Feng Shui Qing smiled sweetly, and sent Chun Zao to wrap her in a big red envelope.

In order to attend the wedding banquet, Xia Ying came from Dongchang two months ago.

Looking at Feng Shui Qing's charming appearance, Xia Ying covered her slightly cool hand, her soft eyes turned into a clear spring, "Miss, my lady is finally married to His Highness."

"Sister Yuhu..." Feng Shuiqing was very moved by the title she said and almost shed tears.

Chunzao hurriedly raised the handkerchief and carefully wiped away her tears, "Princess, you must not cry and ruin your makeup. What if you missed the auspicious time? Your Highness must be waiting impatiently!"


Chun Zao and Xia Ying put a hijab on her face together, and her eyes were covered with a layer of red shadow, which was hazy.

Now that he was about to see him, Feng Shuiqing's heart was in her throat, and she couldn't help but whisper: "Is there anything I haven't dressed up properly?"

Chun Zao and Xia Ying looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "Princess, you are extremely beautiful today! Stunning!"

Excellent manners!"

Outside the courtyard, there was a sound of joy.

The officer in charge of the ceremony shouted loudly: "After three reminders of makeup—Chen Zheng! I respectfully invite Princess Qinglin to come out as a bride!"

Feng Shuiqing was supported by Xia Ying and Chun Zao as she stepped out of the threshold. Through the Xipa, she could vaguely see her father's figure with his head held high.

She stepped forward and gently held her father's arm.

Feng Lushan had mixed feelings at this moment. The moment his daughter took his elbow, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Once upon a time, his beloved baby girl was still a little girl who followed behind her all day long, calling "Daddy, Daddy"!

Now my daughter has grown into a tall and graceful girl and is about to get married.

And that man was also sincere and sincere, and truly doted on his precious daughter.

As a father, he can rest assured that his daughter will be handed over to him!

Feng Lushan took his daughter towards the gate of the mansion, while choking with sobs, he earnestly said:

"Qingqing, Daddy will send you to get married. Once you get married, you will become a real big girl. Daddy will always support you at home. Don't wrong yourself, don't bear your anger, that brat won't give you any grievance! No matter what

You can go home to Daddy at any time, no matter how big or small it is, Daddy will support you."

"Well...Dad, my daughter can't bear to leave you."

"Don't cry, girl! We won't cry on this big day!" Feng Lushan comforted with a smile, but tears had already filled the wrinkles on his face.

As Yiyi said goodbye, she followed her father to the door of Feng Mansion.

Feng Shuiqing raised his eyes and could vaguely see the familiar majestic and heroic figure through the Xipa.

Especially that blazing gaze full of love, which made her heart feel hot and her eyes swollen.


Came to pick her up.

Come to marry her.

Xuancheng Mandrill's slender figure moves from far to near. He is covered in a red embroidered brocade dragon pattern double-breasted wide-sleeved shirt, and his waist is tied with a gold silk rimmed jade belt.

Her thick waterfall hair is tied up high with a purple gold crown inlaid with rubies, and her green silk hair falls behind her. She is full of splendor and nobility.

His rosy appearance and moonlight charm, the beauty of dragons and phoenixes, and his awe-inspiring appearance caught the attention of everyone present in just a dozen steps.

His steps were steady and steady, but he could not hide his urgency and anxiety.

His unique fragrance gradually grew thicker and thicker by the nose, and Feng Shuiqing seemed to be able to hear the frantic heartbeat coming from his chest.

A pair of big, well-jointed hands, plump, white, thick and powerful, came into view through the gap under the silk handkerchief.

Then came the trembling voice of Hyunchen Mandrill: "My little girl, my Xiaoqing, I'm here to marry you."

His mellow voice was like cold jade falling into velvet, extremely gentle, and for the first time, it showed its surging passion.

This sentence is only about ten words.

They have been waiting for three lifetimes.

Just as Feng Shui Qing was about to put his hand on his palm, the father, eldest brother, and second brother standing behind him spoke one after another.

Feng Lushan: "Take Qingqing home more often! Come back more often to spend time with daddy."

Feng Shui Jun: "You brat, my baby sister will be handed over to you today. If she sheds a tear, I will never let you go!"

Feng Yunzhi: "Brother-in-law, treat my baby Qingqing well, otherwise I will beat you with my eldest brother!"

Feng Shuiqing couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and burst out of her eyes, and her hand was finally wrapped in the palm of the hand by the mandrill.

His voice was sincere and firm: "Father, eldest brother, second brother, I will love her and protect her for the rest of my life, please don't worry."

As soon as she finished speaking, Feng Shuiqing was directly carried by the Demon King to the eight-carriage sedan. She couldn't react for a moment, "Azhi, Prince Qinglin's palace is right next to Feng Mansion! Why do you still need to sit in the sedan?"

"Of course I want to tell the world and let everyone know that I have married you, the one I love."

Only when the sedan set off did she understand the meaning of what Huanchen Mandrill meant.

The entire imperial city was covered with bright red velvet carpets! He took her to every street in the imperial city!

Firecrackers and cannons were heard continuously, resounding through the sky with majestic momentum, clearing the way for them.

Along the way, there were loud gongs and drums, thunderous applause, and joy.

Hyunchen Mandrill rode a tall horse and led the procession with a high-spirited posture. Behind him were eight-carriage sedans and an invisible procession of welcoming brides.

Loads of wedding boxes painted with red lacquer and gold.

The wedding gifts are full of brilliance.

More than a dozen flower girls held flower baskets in their arms, their young faces red with smiles, and they jumped and threw flower petals into the air.

The bright red petals are scattered and dancing, and the city is filled with clusters of flowers.

Every house on the street is plastered with the word "happy", every tree is tied with a red silk ribbon, and red lanterns are hung high, adding brilliance to the joyful atmosphere. Looking around...

Like red flames burning a city, your eyes are filled with red.

Even the majestic guards on the roadside were dressed in bright red clothes to block the oncoming crowds and maintain order.

Crowds of people came from all directions and were shocked by this unprecedented grand wedding! Cheers and blessings came one after another...

"I wish His Highness King Qinglin and Princess Qinglin Luanfeng to sing harmoniously!"

"I wish His Highness King Qinglin and Princess Qinglin to be a perfect match!"

The makeup under the Feng Shui Qingxi handkerchief was completely covered by tears.

Such a pomp...

It is even comparable to the ceremony of an emperor marrying his wife.

This is a grand wedding that he promised her.

This is the love he and Ding Zhiyi promised her.

This is the ten-mile red makeup he promised her.

Two hours later, the wedding team returned to Prince Qinglin's Mansion.

The sedan curtain was opened from the outside. Feng Shuiqing stood up and was about to get off the sedan, but suddenly his feet were dangling in the air! He fell into a hot chest!

She was so frightened that she hurriedly whispered: "According to the rules, I have to leave by myself! Why did you carry me out of the sedan chair?"

Yuan Chen's eyes were even more endearing, and he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her little hand that held his chest, "I married you to my husband, and I love you with all my heart. How can I let my wife go one more step?"


"Humph!" Feng Shuiqing secretly pinched his strong waist, "Don't be ashamed! There are so many people watching at the gate of the palace! I'm so embarrassed!"

"What's the shame for a husband to hug his wife?" Hyun Chen's lips curled up in an ambiguous arc, and he leaned close to her ear, "If you are so embarrassed now, then during the wedding tonight, your wife will be so embarrassed that she dare not open her eyes?"

"Oh, shut up..." Feng Shui's voice was as clear as a mosquito's, and his face was as red as Xipa.

It wasn't until she entered the main hall of the palace that she was gently placed on the ground by the devil.

Feng Shuiqing was surprised to find through the hazy Xipa! The emperor actually came to attend the wedding banquet!

At this moment, Hyun Rui was sitting in the high hall with her father, waiting for them to worship together.

"My lord, see you..."

Feng Shui Qinggang was about to salute, but Hyun Rui smiled lovingly and said:

"From today on, you are Mandir's wife, and I am also your father. After all the hardships, you two have finally achieved enlightenment. I am happy for you! Today, I am only a father, and I am here to host the wedding banquet for my son. Shui Qing, girl

Don’t be formal.”

Suddenly, the big hand holding her trembled slightly. These words must have warmed the devil's heart.

Next, according to the rules, Feng Shuiqing and Chenchen Mandrill jointly completed the ritual steps such as burning candles and incense.

Every process, every action.

She was held tightly in his hands.

His palms were warm and generous, his palms were hot, and he felt full of security.

Her heart was also scorched with warmth.
This chapter has been completed!
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