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Chapter 177 Congratulations!

July 15th is approaching, and it will be Hyunchen Mandrill’s birthday in a few days. Feng Shuiqing has been secretly preparing birthday gifts for him in recent days. This is also the first birthday she has celebrated for him!

After breakfast, the devil was summoned to the palace by the emperor. Feng Shuiqing took out the congratulatory gift and continued to embroider it with needle and thread.

This is a shirt she made by herself.

Select fabric, draw lines, cut, hem, sew, embroider, inch by inch, foot by foot.

All done by her own hands.

The clothes are made of the finest Xueyuan silk and brocade. This kind of fabric is fine and soft, smooth to the touch, skin-friendly and follows the body, yet is stiff and stylish.

Even when worn close to the body, it feels soft and moist, which is truly a rare and exquisite product.

As for the embroidery thread, Feng Shui Qing also chose the chisel-made Ruyi thread embellished with gold and silver filaments, and supplemented with this fabric, it is a perfect match and complements each other.

Although her fingers were pricked many times by needle points, she felt happy when she thought about the excitement that the devil would show when he saw the birthday gift.

It turns out that this is the joy of preparing surprises for your loved ones.

She wanted to see her devil happy, and she also wanted to express her feelings to him.

She specially chose the unicorn palm for the pattern on her robe. This plant is majestic and looks like a unicorn, just like her devil king, who is majestic, handsome and heroic.

Chun Zao brought the hot lunch to the table. Seeing that she was still concentrating on her embroidery, she happily reminded her with a smile: "Princess, it's time for lunch. You can rest for a while and then embroider again."

"Well, okay."

Feng Shuiqing carefully put away the robe that was about to be embroidered, sat down at the table, and picked up the chopsticks.

She glanced around the dishes on the table and found that her favorite Bo Wan Cui Siong Fine Noodle Soup was available today!

She scooped up a ball and put it into her mouth happily. Before she could chew it a few times, her stomach suddenly started to churn!


"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Chunzao hurriedly took a handkerchief and wiped Feng Shui's mouth, then poured a cup of warm water and put it to her lips.

"It's strange...the meatballs taste so disgusting!" She spit the meatballs into the handkerchief, and Chun Zao helped her rinse her mouth. She slowly drank half a cup of warm water to feel better.

Chun Zao couldn't help but wonder, how could these meatballs be disgusting when they were obviously made according to the previous process? When cooking, she even tasted the taste. It was salty, delicious, fragrant, glutinous and soft.

Perhaps the weather was muggy and the princess had a poor appetite.

Putting aside his worries, Chun Zao picked up a piece of cold lettuce and placed it on the Feng Shui clearing plate. He frowned and said, "Princess, please try this lettuce again. It was just delivered to the palace this morning. It is especially fresh. When the slave made it,

No oil is added, it is refreshing and relieves greasiness.”


Feng Shuiqing trusts the Chun Zao craftsmanship the most. After putting the lettuce in his mouth, the stomach-churning feeling came over him again!

She quickly covered her mouth with her hands!


"Oh Princess!"

Chunzao reacted suddenly and exclaimed! She held Feng Shuiqing's hand with excitement on her face, "Princess! You... it seems you didn't come to Taogui last month! You just felt sick again... didn't you..."

"Uh..." Feng Shuiqing was confused as he retched and stared at Chunzao, "Is it something?"

"You are so happy! You are so happy!"


Feng Shui Qing just made a confused tone, but before he could say anything, he saw Chun Zao running out with a happy figure behind him!

After checking his pulse, the doctor smiled from ear to ear and immediately knelt down to salute, "Congratulations, Princess! Congratulations, Princess! You are more than one month old! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Good news...

Feng Shuiqing covered her belly with her hands, tears instantly filling her eyes, "I'm happy... I'm happy... I'm pregnant with the Demon King's child... I'm pregnant with the Demon King's child!"

"Yes! Congratulations! I will order people to enter the palace and report the good news to His Highness King Qinglin!"

The doctor said something joyfully and hurried out carrying the medicine box.

Feng Shuiqing hurriedly called him out: "Wait! Don't tell him in advance, I will tell him personally."

The doctor nodded and saluted, "Yes, Princess


As a result, Feng Shui Qing was extremely excited throughout the afternoon!

In their previous life, their children were brutally killed.

Now, their children...

It's back!

She is going to be a mother!

The devil is going to be a father!

In addition to the excitement, Feng Shuiqing's sorrow also came quietly.

The eldest brother had married Sister Chuquan three months before them, but there has been no news yet.

She and the devil have only been married for more than four months, but they are pregnant!

But with the frequency with which they were turned upside down, coupled with the seemingly endless terrifying energy of the Demon King...

This news was indeed expected.

There is no need to mention being intimate before going to bed every night.

Even when it was clear every morning, she was still in a deep sleep...

The smelly devil came to pester her again!

Thinking back to this point, Feng Shuiqing's cheeks were completely red with embarrassment, and she could only lower her head and caress her lower abdomen.

Baby, this is their baby!

In the blink of an eye.

The stars are sinking, the sun and the moon are changing.

Feng Shui Qing stood on the porch, looking up at the tranquil starry sky. It had been raining all day, and it had just stopped now.

The night sky is so clear that there is not even a cloud in sight, so it is a good time to appreciate the stars.

Chunzao put the robe on Feng Shuiqing and said with genuine concern: "Princess, you are a pregnant woman now, so you still need to wear an extra layer of clothes at night."

"Thank you, Chunzao! That's right! Have you and Pei Gao decided on a wedding date? I've prepared the dowry for you!"

She turned around and looked at Chun Zao with a smile as the blush on Chun Zao's face became darker and darker.

In recent days, Pei Guo and Chunzao have been preparing for their wedding. Her little maid has now become a big girl. It’s time to marry a good family and live a stable life!

I originally wanted to send someone to take care of it for them, but they refused. Feng Shuiqing had no choice but to respect it and let them do what they wanted.

She also sincerely regarded Chun Zao as her biological sister. She selected the best gold and silver jewelry and emeralds in the warehouses of the Royal Palace and Feng Mansion to give to Chun Zao as her dowry.

After all, Chun Zao is an orphan and grew up in Feng Mansion. She, as her sister, is Chun Zao's closest relative in this world.

"Princess." Chun Zao's eyes were red and she took Feng Shui Qing's hands, "Can I still serve you after I get married?"

"This... doesn't seem to work!" Feng Shuiqing patted the back of her hand, and her eyes became moist.

"When you get married, you become a wife. You have your own family and lover to take care of. Don't worry about me! You see there are so many servants in the palace, you just need to live peacefully with Pei Gua!"

"But..." Chunzao bit her lower lip, tears welling up, "I have always remembered the kindness you have given me over the years. Now that you are happy, I want to serve you until you give birth...Princess, please,

Otherwise, I really don’t feel at ease!”

"You girl." Feng Shuiqing scolded with tears in her eyes.

This silly Chunzao will always treat her sincerely.

"You are not in a hurry. Pei Guo is still in a hurry. You have to think about others."

"Princess..." Chunzao knelt on the ground with a plop, her eyes filled with sincere and clear tears...

"I have no family, and I have been alone since I was a child. Over the years, Princess, you have been like my sister. You will give me your hairpins, hairpins, jewelry, and precious clothes. You will leave the best for me."

"So, I have long treated you as my own sister! Princess, pregnancy and childbirth are a major event in a woman's life, and there is no room for neglect. There are indeed many slaves in the palace, but I have grown up with you since childhood, and I know you best.

I like my temper!」

"This slave will serve you until you give birth. Please, Princess... I really don't trust anyone else to serve you!"

After being together for more than ten years, Feng Shuiqing knew very well that Chun Zao was reserved and timid, but now he did it for her...

He actually spoke such resolute words.

Tears silently covered Feng Shuiqing's face. She bent down and helped Chun Zao up, "Okay, don't cry, silly girl. Thank you! My good Chun Zao, my good sister."

"Hehe..." Chunzao wiped away her tears and carefully supported her arm, "Princess, let's go back to the house. You can't stand for too long now because you are sick."


After dinner, Xuanchen Mandrill has not come back yet.

Maybe she had pregnancy symptoms, and the feng shui was very weak, so she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

This will be the case for the next period of time.

The devil goes out early and comes back late every day, and even if they meet, they say goodbye in a hurry.

Therefore, Feng Shuiqing never found an opportunity to inform him of the happy news.

July 15th has arrived quietly.

Xuanchen Zhu went to the palace early today, and Xuancheng Yu has now arrived at Xunjiang City. It is said that the situation there is not optimistic. In addition to floods, epidemics have also followed.

Therefore, the palace was also very busy. Not only did it need to study disaster relief matters, but it also needed to formulate a plan to rebuild the dam, and at the same time, it also needed to develop prescriptions to treat the epidemic.

If he hadn't really cared about his little girl, he would have been too busy living in the palace.

The birthday gift for the Demon King was prepared two days ago.

Feng Shuiqing wrapped the gift beautifully in colored paper. She looked at it happily for a long time and was very satisfied!

Now we just have to wait for the devil to return home, and then we can give him the gift!


Also at lunch time, Feng Shui Qing vomited before taking a few mouthfuls and could no longer eat even half a grain of rice.

Chunzao saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

While caressing her back, he said with red eyes:

"Princess, your joy is getting more and more serious. In the past few days, you have been unable to take a few bites at every meal. What can you do if this continues? And when His Highness returned home last night, you were not in bed yet. Why didn't you tell this matter?

Shall we inform His Highness?"

"I want to talk about it tonight..." Feng Shuiqing sipped the warm water with a small sip. Her heartburn was unbearable, and it was really uncomfortable. "This news can be regarded as a good birthday gift! He will be even happier when he hears it! But you... Chun


Feng Shuiqing raised his eyebrows and probed mysteriously: "Did you tell Pei Gao secretly about this? If you told me, I would be angry with you!"

"Of course I didn't." Chunzao was amused by her playful appearance and burst out laughing. "You specifically asked your servant to help you hide it, but I haven't revealed a single word to anyone else."

"Hey! That's good! Don't cry anymore!" Feng Shui Qing said with a smile on his face, and his heart was filled with warmth.

After learning that she was pregnant, Chun Zao was even more nervous than she was! The bottom of her eyes were always red but not white.

Especially when she was overjoyed, Chun Zao's tears seemed to form a river.

He also cooked new dishes for her in different ways every day, for fear that she would not be able to taste them.

This little girl's sincerity is sincere, honest and precious.

It made her... moved by it.

Dazzling for a moment.

The day passes quickly, and the bright moon hangs quietly on the branches.

Hyunchen Mandrill finally returned to the palace.

There were no candles in the bedroom, so it was extremely dark.

Feng Shuiqing hid behind the door and listened carefully.

Until I heard the familiar steady footsteps... getting closer and closer!

She covered her mouth in excitement, fearing that the devil would see through her if she made any noise.

When the devil opens the door and comes in, he will be shocked!


The door was opened from the outside, and the man's tall figure stepped into the house.

Feng Shui jumped out from behind the door!

She stood on tiptoes and covered the devil's eyes, deliberately lowering her voice:

"Guess~guess~who I am!"
This chapter has been completed!
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