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Chapter 179 Terrible, or Name?

Supported by Chun Zao, he returned to the bedroom. Feng Shui Qing lay down on the quilt, looking at the grape vine pattern on the top of the bed. He was slightly lost in thought, and then he explained to Chun Zao: "If I tell this matter, according to the devil's words

Due to his temper, he must stay in the imperial city. Third brother’s life is in danger, and I don’t want it to happen because of me..."

Hearing this, Chunzao understood, tucked her into bed, closed the window, put out the candle, and exited the room.

The house was dark and lightless, and the night rain came quietly.

The sound is clear and the sound is noisy.

It's raining again...

While sighing secretly, Feng Shuiqing turned her head and glanced at the thin line of rain shadow outside the window. She couldn't help but move up to her lower abdomen and rub it gently, with a happy smile on her lips.

"Good boy, wait until dad comes back and mom will tell him. If dad knows about your existence, he will be distracted! You grow up obediently and accompany mom until dad comes home."

After thinking about it peacefully for a few moments, she fell into a deep dream.

Half a month later.

After riding fast for more than half a month, Xunchen Mandrill was almost sleepless, and finally he was about to arrive at Xunjiang City.

August has arrived, at the height of the hot summer, but the continuous rain continues without any sign of letting up.

As they drove all the way, it rained all the way.

The combination of humidity and heat makes people irritable.

Seeing that His Highness's clothes were soaked by the rain, Pei Gao whipped his whip several times before catching up with him, who was galloping on his horse at the front of the team.

"Your Highness, it's raining too hard right now. Let's take a short rest before heading on. You haven't slept a wink all day and all night!"

Hyun Chen did not turn his head away, but instead accelerated his speed, "No need."

Just when Pei Guo shook his head and sighed, on the road ahead... an object curled up on the ground suddenly appeared!

When I got closer, I saw that it was a dying woman!

The woman's hair and clothes were soaked by the rain. She was skinny and skinny, and the exposed skin was pale and bloodless, like a puddle of soft mud, lying alone in the mud puddle.


Yuan Chen stopped his horse and stood still, with frosty brows and snowy eyes, staring indifferently from a high position, as if looking at a corpse.

Pei Jiao's soft-hearted and anxious reminder came to his ears: "Your Highness, this woman seems to be... dying soon. Shall we save her? Otherwise, with such a heavy rain, I'm afraid..."

Xuan Chen rode his horse around the woman, tilting his head and saying coldly: "As you wish, I will continue on my way."

"Your Highness!!!"

Pei Gao's eyes turned red with anxiety, and he quickly stopped in front of him and begged: "Your Highness! Have you forgotten what the princess told you before leaving? I told you to take good care of your health and don't try your best to show off your strength."

"I know that you are worried about His Highness the Crown Prince, and you want to end this matter quickly and return to the imperial city to accompany the princess! But you are traveling day and night, and you are exposed to the rain all the time. If you go on like this, your health will definitely be unbearable! If you are sick, the princess will know about it

How worried you should be!"

Speaking of her, Hyunchen Mandrill's heart softened suddenly.

He should listen to the little girl, otherwise if she finds out, she will lose her temper at him again.

Thinking of this, Hyunchen Mandrill himself was not aware that a deep smile appeared on the corner of his lips. At the same time, he also slowed down his horse and rushed towards the nearest inn.

Seeing that the persuasion was effective, Pei Jiu grinned and laughed, then wiped the rainwater on his face and ordered his attendants to rescue the woman.

After some treatment, the woman regained consciousness.

After arriving at the inn, Hyunchen Mandrill couldn't even give the woman half of his hair out of the corner of his eye.

At this time, he had rested properly, and as the rain gradually subsided, he got on his horse and prepared to continue on his way.

Before he could think of it, just as he was about to drive his horse forward, the woman came running wildly! She knelt down in front of the horse with a plop and kowtowed repeatedly.

"I beg you, please do well! My little girl's family members were all killed in the flood, and only my little girl is left alone in this world. Please take my little girl with you! You can also take her as a slave! Please!"

The woman knocked her head with a loud banging sound, but Xuanchen Mandrill's face was as cold as ice. He pulled off the reins as if he didn't notice, walked around her and continued to move forward.

But he didn't expect that woman to rush up again! She just happened to grab his foot in the stirrup, "Master, please..."

"Go away."

Huan Chen whispered in a cold voice, and without waiting for the woman to finish speaking, he kicked her away and ordered Pei Gao to get him a new pair of shoes.

Seeing this, the woman burst into tears, ignoring the pain in her chest, and mustered up all her courage to look up into the cold man's eyes...

"Sir... my little girl's mother died young! She was raised by her father, eldest brother, and second brother! Now they died in the flood! My little girl really doesn't know where to go. I beg you to be kind and take my little girl in. Please..."

The moment he saw the woman's face clearly! Hyun Chen's eyebrows moved slightly.

This person...qδ

How similar is he to his little girl?!

Pei Gao on the side just saw the woman's appearance clearly! The surprise passed from his eyes in an instant, and he quickly regained his composure.

He didn't say anything, just silently took the shoes and put them on for his master.

Huan Chenmand looked away and ordered Pei Gao to throw away the shoes that the woman had touched, while thinking quickly in his mind...

The route they chose was a shortcut to Xunjiang City. If she was truly a refugee, she would not have appeared on this road at all.

What's more, this woman not only looks similar to his little girl, but her life experience is also the same. She is clearly...

Deliberately arranged.

Ha, Hyun Chen Tae really loves to play such dirty tricks.

In this case...

"The place I'm going to is Xunjiang City, where your family died. Are you sure you want to follow me?" Yuan Chen asked with squinting eyes.

"Sir, you saved my little girl. My little girl's life is your life! I can work as a cow or a horse for you! I just ask you to take in my little girl!"

"Okay." Xunchen Mandrill's voice was as cold as jade, and he tilted his head and ordered to Pei Guo: "Take her with you and set off quickly."

Pei Gao: "I obey my orders."

In the next few days, the woman traveled with Xuan Chen and Mandrill's team, and she was randomly assigned to the attendants.

These attendants are all close confidants who have followed Xuanchen Mandrill for many years. They naturally understand their master's temperament and know very well that except for the princess, His Highness will not tolerate any woman in his eyes.

Therefore, they failed to take this woman seriously, and no one cared about her life or death at all.

Xu Shi had never ridden a horse. She was jolted by the horse and vomited many times. Her face turned blue and her eyes were black. She was extremely uncomfortable.

But he didn't complain even a word, he gritted his teeth and stood firm.

During this period, she also learned the true identity of Yuan Chendrill, and she worked even more diligently to please him.

The natural result is... a hot face pressed against extremely cold ice.

If it's not heated, it won't melt.

After days of rain, the rain finally stopped, and Xunchen Mandrill led the team to camp in the wild to rest.

The woman was quite ingenious, so she picked some wild vegetables and made a delicious meal. Even Pei Gao praised the taste and used three bowls.

Hyunchen Mandrill did not speak half of his mouth, silently leaning on the tree trunk, arms folded across his chest, staring at the moonlight, missing his little girl.

The woman paid careful attention to his handsome figure, filled a bowl of wild vegetable soup and came forward to greet him. She smiled sweetly and said, "Your Highness, why don't you want to eat? Do you think Qingqing's cooking is not delicious?"

"What's your name?" Hyun Chen's razor-sharp eyes instantly looked away, unable to conceal his disgust.

"Your Highness, my daughter's name is Wanqing. Baochengwan, Sanshuiqing."

Wan Qing answered timidly, the man's gaze was too sharp and terrifying, as if he was really cutting her.

Hyunchen Mandrill's eyes were filled with contempt, and his tone became more and more harsh: "Change the name."

"Your Highness..."

Wan Qing threw the bowl on the ground with a shake of her hand, tears welling up in her eyes, "Your Highness, this girl has been using this name for more than twenty years, why do you want to..."

"Your life or your name?"

Huanchen Mandrill groaned in a low voice, like an evil ghost in hell, which made Wanqing feel frightened.

She wiped away her tears with her sleeves and murmured in a choked voice, "Okay... I obey my orders, then let's change my name to Wan'er. Are you satisfied, Your Highness?"

Huanchen Mandrill remained silent, seemingly acquiescing, and turned his eyes and thoughts elsewhere.

Wan'er quietly picked up the wooden bowl that fell to the ground, thinking

It was so astringent that it felt bitter, and I left in frustration.

By the time of the third watch, everyone had gone to sleep. Pei Ji tiptoed to His Highness's tent. As expected, he saw that His Highness was still lighting up the meeting, and the desk was covered with secret reports from Xunjiang City and the Imperial City.

"Your Highness, it's late at night. You should rest early. You have to go on a journey tomorrow."

As he spoke, Pei Gao put a single robe on Huanchen Mandrill's shoulders, "It's wet and cold right now, so you'd better wear more clothes."


Yuan Chen responded with a deep voice, twisted his stiff neck, and continued to focus on sorting out clues...

Three months ago, perhaps due to continuous heavy rains, the Xunjiang River dam was washed away, causing flooding in Xunjiang City.

After the third brother and the fourth brother arrived, they were assassinated as soon as the disaster relief work started to improve.

The assassin knew their itinerary and residence very clearly, so he must have deliberately murdered them!

Moreover, these assassins are strong, well-trained, and have a clear division of labor.

He is obviously a professional killer who has been carefully trained and trained!

Thanks to the third brother's agility and superb martial arts skills, he was able to fight his way out of the encirclement!

From the letter, we learned that the third brother had suffered damage to his heart and lungs and was on his deathbed for a time. If he hadn't been thinking about his wife and children and desperately holding on for breath, he might have been...

Thinking of this, Hyunchen Mandrill took out the Life-Xuan Pill given to him by Feng Shui Qing from his sleeve. This thing was taken from another dimension and could save people when their lives were hanging by a thread.

Third brother, you must hold on! Definitely!

"Your Highness."

Pei Gao returned to the house again, with a letter in his hand, "This is a secret report sent by the spies of Chunxue Pavilion. Please read it."

Hyun Chen Mandrill has ten lines in one glance. After reading through it, his eyebrows became tighter and his mind was filled with thoughts...

Since he learned from Shu Lingyi a few months ago that Hyun Chentai was secretly communicating with Mingyou Prince Xu Haoyuan, he sent people to keep an eye on Mingyou.

I just reported in the letter that Mingyou Kingdom is secretly gathering a large army recently, with unknown purpose and unknown movement.

As far as he knew, Xunjiang City had a special geographical location and served as the last line of defense on the Dayao border, so the Xunjiang embankment used a lot of heavy materials and was of excellent quality.

How could it be washed away by a mere heavy rain?

In addition, the epidemic was so violent that it infected the entire city within three days. It was really strange!

Now I have received news of Mingyou's unusual movements.

The mystery is like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger!

Thousands of clues are intertwined with each other.

All this...

It's too coincidental and too deliberate.

There must be someone behind the scenes.

Suddenly! A handsome figure flashed before his eyes.

Oh, Hyun Chen Tae, you are playing dirty, right?

Xuancheng scoffed, wrote two letters, and gave them to Pei Gui with instructions: "One letter will be sent back to the palace as usual, and the other letter will be sent back to the palace secretly, without leaving any traces."

Pei Gua nodded: "Yes, Your Highness."

Half an hour later, Pei Guo saw that His Highness's tent was still brightly lit, showing no sign of rest.

He brought a pot of hot tea and went into the room to fill the tea cup for His Highness, "Your Highness, it's time for you to go to bed."

"That's right." Hyunchen Mandrill seemed to remember something, put down the letter, and tapped the desk with his slender fingers, "Keep an eye on that woman, someone should have secretly contacted her in the past few days."

Pei Gua nodded in response, and what he saw was that His Highness's brows were fierce and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty ferocity, which made him quite frightened. He finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked:

"Your Highness, I am confused about something. Why did you bring her with you? Our team is all men, and she is a girl..."

Xuan Chen lowered his eyes and stared at the golden tea soup in the porcelain cup. A tea leaf floated on the surface, like a small boat in the vast sea.

Small and humble, rootless and helpless.

His sharp eyes suddenly became sharp! He sipped the tea liquid from the cup and narrowed his eyes slightly...

"Since the second brother wants to play a game, I naturally want to disrupt the situation."
This chapter has been completed!
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