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Chapter 200 0195 [Escort to Zhoucheng]

Ju Ming went on a killing spree at the gate of the county government office, which not only made the people in the city awe-inspiring, but also confused the Qian and Sun families.

Let's put it this way, the Qian and Sun families didn't take Ju Ming seriously at all at first.

Otherwise, the matter should be resolved through negotiation, or at least one should be polite first and then send someone to talk to Ju Ming.

They were used to being unscrupulous in the past. When the newly arrived Zhizhou arrested the Sun brothers, their first reaction was to give Zhizhou power. In the eyes of these guys, allowing the underworld to intimidate and intimidate at will, while the civil servants, political officials, and archers all stood idly by, they would surely be able to

Zhizhou was so frightened that he surrendered.

Ninety-nine percent of officials will be scared off by this situation - it means that both black and white take all, and the Qian and Sun families have completely controlled the county government. If they want to collect enough taxes, they have to be obedient.

They even waited at home for Ju Ming to visit and apologize!

Who knew that the next script would not develop exactly as they imagined.

"What is the origin of this person named Zhu?" Qian Jingde asked confusedly.

Sun Zongfu was very worried: "I don't know either, it's just baffling. I have sent people to Tokyo to find out about this guy. I'm afraid I have to wait a little longer."

In the eyes of these two people, Ju Ming is a lunatic.

First of all, there is a problem with the appearance. The magistrate did not go to Puzhou City to take office, but came to Leize County to worship Yao's mausoleum.

Even if you want to offer sacrifices, you should first go to Puzhou, handle the work handover, and settle your family members in the state government office. Then, through an official document, inform Leize County of the specific date, so that the county can make various preparations, and by the way, make sacrifices.

Make a fortune.

Secondly, instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to make money, Ju Ming also cut the cost of sacrifices, redefined the restricted area of ​​Yao Tomb, and allowed people to go into the mountains to collect wood and herd sheep. How can anyone be an official like this?

Third, after the sacrifice, the squire was asked to respond to the problem, and the Sun brothers were arrested without warning. How could there be such a random arrest of local powerful people?

Finally, there was that "bloody battle". The gangsters were just here to scare and scare them. Did they need to kill dozens of people on the spot?

Qian Jingde guessed: "Could this person named Zhu be Party Zheng?"

Sun Zongfu nodded and said, "It's very possible! My uncle is a doctor in the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a general under Prime Minister Cai Gong. He has become a thorn in Zheng Juzhong's side. Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong. This man named Zhu seems to be arresting me.

Brother, the target is actually my uncle!"

Neither of them thought Ju Ming was a fool, because Ju Ming's methods were too ruthless and smooth.

"Ms. Sir, Wang Sanlang would like to see you."

"Invite him in quickly!"

Wang Sanlang's name is Wang Changqing, and he is the nephew of Wang Keshu, a doctor in the official department.

This person was studying in Taixue. Because his mother was about to celebrate her fiftieth birthday, she asked for leave more than a month in advance to go home. At the same time, she also wanted to marry Puzhou Li's daughter.

The Wang family does not live in Leize County, but in the south of Juancheng County, more than 20 miles away from Leize County.

Wang Changqing exchanged greetings with each other, and then said: "When I returned to my hometown this time, in addition to wishing my mother a birthday and fulfilling my engagement, I was also ordered to inform the prominent families in Puzhou not to look good on the new governor. All ethnic groups

Don't turn in the unfinished summer grain for the time being, so that the person named Zhu will not be able to collect enough taxes. Then use thieves to pretend to attack the city, making this guy responsible for stirring up civil unrest. "

"Hey, why didn't you come earlier!" Sun Zongfu sighed.

Wang Changqing said: "I first went to Li's house in Juancheng, and then rushed to Leize County without stopping. On the way, I heard news that the person named Zhu seems to have arrived here?"

Sun Zongfu said: "I have been here for several days, and I have even put your two cousins ​​in jail!"

Qian Jingde asked: "Is this person Zheng Dang?"

Wang Changqing shook his head: "It's not Dang Zheng. This guy was last year's top pick. He refused Cai Xianggong's proposal of marriage, which has harmed the Cai family. His father offered thousands of years of Ganoderma lucidum to please the officials, but Cai Xianggong couldn't do anything to him and his son. It just so happened that he

When I was released to Puzhou, my young master asked me to come back and make arrangements so that this person named Zhu would not be able to get good luck in Puzhou."

Qian and Sun hurriedly recounted what had happened in the past few days.

Wang Changqing asked in surprise: "Is he so unscrupulous?"

Qian Jingde said: "We have to find a way to drive him away!"

Sun Zongfu said: "The county magistrate and the county magistrate also have to find a way to get rid of them. They have already taken refuge with Zhu."

Wang Changqing said: "The magistrate and magistrate are easy to deal with. They can be transferred to Guangnan and Jinghu to serve as officials. But the man named Zhu is not easy to deal with. He is the magistrate appointed by the officials, so he needs to collect some evidence."

Qian Jingde laughed and said: "Disobeying the emperor's order is a serious crime. The imperial court does not allow people to enter the mountain, but he demarcates the restricted area of ​​Yao's mausoleum. What authority does a prefect have to plan Yao's mausoleum? This is a crime of great disrespect!"

"Hold on!"

Wang Changqing clapped his hands and said: "Planning Yao's mausoleum beyond the prescribed limit is a serious crime! You two, please don't act rashly. I will write a letter and send it to the capital right now."

This guy immediately wrote a letter recording Ju Ming's crimes.

First, he overstepped the rules and privately designated the restricted area of ​​Yao Mausoleum, which destabilized the Song Dynasty.

Second, harming good people. Gao Huaguang was a good man in Leize County, but he was killed indiscriminately on the streets by Ju Ming. Brothers Sun Zongzhen and Sun Zongdan, one a dutou with meritorious service in anti-theft, and the other a law-abiding and honest squire, were all arrested by Ju Ming.


Third, killing good people and claiming credit. Dozens of innocent people were killed by Ju Ming as thieves.

After Wang Changqing finished writing the letter, he immediately asked his confidants to send it to the capital. Then he rushed back to Juancheng County to inform the Li family to be prepared and not to give Ju Ming any leverage.

The day after this guy left, Wei Dian came to the house with his bowman.

"How dare you, Shuzi!"

Qian Jingde was furious and scolded: "My ancestors followed Emperor Taizu to dominate the world. Is it something you and others can bully?"

Wei Dian took out the arrest document: "In the first year of Chongning, Qian Gong (son of Qian Jingde) was in Leize County. He got drunk and had a quarrel. He ordered his slaves to beat the scholar Shen Huaiyu, causing Shen Huaiyu to die from his injuries."

"In the fourth year of Chongning, Qian Gong molested Zhang Kuan's wife Fan in public outside Shanhua Temple. Zhang Kuan stepped forward to stop him, but Qian Gong ordered his slaves to beat him to serious injuries, and then took Zhang Kuan's wife Fan as his concubine.

.Fan Zhenlie hanged himself to death."

"Five years of Chongning..."

Murder cases were reported one after another, and Qian Jingde's son Qian Gong actually had seven lives on his hands.

Qian Jingde sneered: "These cases have been closed. They are purely false accusations. Even if there is a retrial, the Puzhou Siliyuan should be responsible. Even the magistrate does not have the power to intervene. You, the head of Leize County, dare to violate the imperial system.

Come to arrest someone?"

Wei Dian said: "The retrial is a matter for the Judicial Council, but arresting people is my business. There is an order from Zhizhou, asking me to arrest Qian Gong and transfer him to the Judicial Council for retrial!"

"Master Qian, I haven't said anything about what you committed yet."

"In the second year of Yuanfu, you colluded with the monks of Shanhua Temple and occupied more than 600 acres of private land, all of which were used as temple fields for Shanhua Temple. Afterwards, only 100 acres of land were cultivated by Shanhua Temple's tenants, leaving 500 acres.

The Qian family is collecting rent for the remaining acres."

"In the first year of the founding of the Jingguo Dynasty, the county magistrate provided relief work for the victims, reclaimed more than 1,200 acres of wasteland, and a nearby irrigation canal, all of which were forcibly occupied by you."

"The first year of Chongning..."

Listening to these old stories, Qian Jingde didn't even bother to quibble and said sternly: "If you have the guts, come and try to arrest him!"

"What are you afraid of? Take it!" Wei Dian shouted.

Wei Dian used to be Du Zheng in Wei Village. He led the villagers to defeat the thieves and killed two of the thieves' leaders with his own hands.

Those thieves are in collusion with the Sun family.

The Sun family fabricated the crime and sent Wei Dian to Hebei Province, causing Wei Dian to become lame in one leg.

Whether it was the Sun family or the Qian family, Wei Dian hated them so much that he would risk his life to take revenge.

Deng Chun was assigned to work as an archer in Leize County, specifically responsible for arresting people.

Wei Dian gave the order, and Deng Chun rushed forward with his archers. The Qian family's servants tried to stop him, but Deng Chun took a long stick and smashed it, knocking down several of them on the spot, and caught Qian Jingde who was trying to escape in panic and clamped him under his arm.


Qian Jingde finally got scared and shouted in horror: "How dare you? My ancestor was the founding general of the country!"

This guy still can't figure out why Ju Ming dared to arrest the descendant of Xungui.

They were arresting people for several days.

Sun Zongfu was also arrested and reunited with Sun Zongzhen and Sun Zongdan in prison.

The county government cells were full, so Zhu Ming simply released a group of thugs and just put a stop to those minions.

Everyone who should be arrested has been arrested, and it's time for Ju Ming to leave and personally escort the main criminals to the state capital for trial.

The remaining matters were left to the three county magistrates.

County Magistrate Wang Tian was responsible for hearing the remaining cases, continuing to collect confessions and evidence, and after the trial was completed, they were handed over to the State Court and the Judicial Court.

Cao Yuangui, the county magistrate, and Geng Dingchen, the chief registrar, were responsible for clearing the land. The people in charge of Sun Qian's family had been captured by Ju Ming, so they began to clear the land from the two families.

The more hidden fields of big families are cleared out, the less taxes the common people will have to bear.

Li Bao and Bai Sheng rode in front to clear the way, followed by Ju Ming on horseback, and Zheng Yuanyi and the maid sat in the carriage. Behind them was Wei Dian with archers, escorting hundreds of prisoners. All archers carried crossbows to guard against thieves who might kidnap the prisoners on the way.


The long queue went straight towards the north gate.

The people of the whole city came to watch and saw that the villains of the Sun Qian family were indeed arrested by Zhizhou. From time to time, people hid and cheered.

They all regard Zhizhou as the great master of Qingtian, but the power of Sun and Qian's family is still there, and the people are still afraid, worried that those evildoers will be acquitted.

Many gentry and merchants from the county came specially to watch the excitement. Their emotions were very complicated. They were respectful and afraid of Ju Ming, and they were also worried that they would also be cleared of land.

There were even thieves among the crowd.

"Brother, this is a good official."

"What's the use of a good official? He works for a few years and then leaves, only to be replaced by a corrupt official."

"Life will always be better for a few years."

"The good life has nothing to do with us. Who made us become robbers?"

"Brother, I want to work with Zhizhou."

"Don't be ridiculous. He is an official and you are a thief. I will arrest you when you get there."

"I want to give it a try, maybe I can find a future. Brother, I'm leaving."

"You really want to go, come back quickly!"


A thief squeezed out of the crowd and chased Ju Ming out of the city.

When he arrived at the outskirts, he bypassed the long queue and ran to the official road in front, where he knelt in the center of the official road.

Zhu Ming thought someone was stopping him to complain, so he ordered: "Let him come over."

The thief was brought to Ju Ming by Bai Sheng, and he knelt down again.

Ju Ming said: "If you have any grievances, go back to the city to find the county magistrate."

The man said: "My name is Yang Pu. I used to be a good man, but I was forced by the government to become a thief. Zhizhou is a good official, and I want to work with Zhizhou."

Zhu Ming couldn't help but laugh and asked: "If a thief dares to come to the government, are you not afraid of being arrested?"

"Don't be afraid. Although I am a thief, I only rob the rich and never the poor." Yang Pu said confidently and in a very proud tone, as if he was not guilty if he only robbed the rich.

Zhu Ming called Wei Dian over and said, "This man's name is Yang Pu. He is a thief. Do you know him?"

Wei Dian shook his head: "I don't recognize him."

Most likely he is an unknown person. There are countless thieves like this in Shandong.

Ju Ming asked again: "What are your abilities?"

Yang Pu replied: "I can run fast and can also climb trees and walls. Every time I go to the city to find out information, I am sent to pretend to be a woodcutter. I often climb over the walls to steal things from rich people's houses."

"Follow me from now on, and you are not allowed to do evil again." Zhu Ming accepted this person, even the crowing of cocks and dogs would be useful.

"Thank you sir for taking me in!" Yang Pu happily joined the team.

Everyone continued on their way.

Xu Er, the leader of the horse bandits, stood on a hill and watched them go further and further.

"Second brother, why don't you take action?" asked a horse bandit.

Xu Er asked back: "Why do you want to take action?"

The horse bandit said: "In the past, when brothers were arrested, it was the Sun family who helped release them. This time the Sun family is in trouble, we should repay our kindness."

Xu Er sneered: "You deserve to be caught, and only a fool rescues you. This Zhizhou is not easy to deal with, so you must be more careful in your future work. Let the brothers have a good rest, and we will take action at night!"

"Didn't you say you won't save people?" the horse bandit asked doubtfully.

"We are robbers, so of course we are going to rob things," Xu Er said. "The three brothers of the Sun family have been arrested. We just took the opportunity to rob the Sun family. There is a lot of gold and silver there."

Zhu Ming's journey was smooth, but the Sun family was robbed by horse bandits at night.

I don’t know how much property was robbed, but I only know that most of the Sun family’s ancestral home was burned down by a fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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