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Chapter 201 0196 [Not connected with cause and effect]

Cai Jing sent people back to Puzhou to ask the officials and gentry to cause trouble for Ju Ming.

Zheng Juzhong also sent someone to inform Puzhou Tongpan Tian Ruyong and ordered him to try his best to win over Ju Ming.

Since Zheng Juzhong was promoted to prime minister a few months ago, the conflict with Cai Jing has completely intensified. Whoever offends Cai Jing, Zheng Juzhong will show goodwill, and even if he cannot become his own, at least he will become a potential partner.

Such an attitude has really won over many officials.

To use the original words of "History of the Song Dynasty", "Keep the discipline in the center, abide by the rules, suppress luck, stimulate the flood and stagnate, and the scholar's theory is clear and hopeful for governance."

That is to say, Zheng Juzhong was more disciplined than Cai Jing, paid more attention to the inherent procedures of governance, and knew how to promote those who were not recognized for their talents. Public opinion in the scholarly community quickly turned towards Zheng Juzhong, and everyone hoped that Zheng Juzhong could govern the country.

Although Zheng Juzhong was once a traitor, although Zheng Juzhong helped Cai Jing regain his prime ministership, and although Zheng Juzhong had traitors such as Wang Fu under his command, Zheng Juzhong was not as bad as Cai Jing in a comparison of worse situations!

As a result, Zheng Juzhong is quite like a scholar leader.

The most important thing is that Zheng Juzhong was trying to restore central order and get the three provincial institutions of the Song Dynasty back on track - his purpose was, of course, to compete with Cai Jing for power.

In addition, Wang Fu, who was returning home from the funeral, had only observed mourning for a few months, and was summoned back to the court by Song Huizong for his love.

Moreover, Wang Fu was specially promoted to be a bachelor of Xuanhe Palace. This honorary position was often held by dismissed prime ministers. Song Huizong was already paving the way for Wang Fu to become prime minister.

Although this arrangement was outrageous, it was a false position after all. Everyone could understand it and speculated that the emperor would gradually promote him. No one could have imagined that in two or three years, Wang Fu would be directly promoted to the eighth level and become prime minister, becoming an unprecedented leader in the Song Dynasty.


Now Zheng Juzhong, Liu Zhengfu, and Wang Fu are working together to fight against Cai Jing.

Liu Zhengfu was old and fearful and did not want to make any more troubles. He had resigned many times this year. Moreover, he was indeed ill. Song Huizong tried to persuade him to stay to no avail, so he began to consider agreeing to Liu Zhengfu's resignation.

However, it is said that Tian Ruyong, the general judge of Puzhou, received the order from Zheng Juzhong and immediately set out to welcome Zhu Ming to his post.

He waited and waited until he learned that Ju Ming was staying in Leize County and had arrested Sun Qian and his family.

Tian Ruyong is a little worried about this. He is the one responsible for collecting taxes. What if Leize County does not collect enough taxes?

When he heard that Ju Ming was about to arrive in the prefecture city, Tian Ruyong called all the officials at the prefecture and county levels and followed him three miles out of the city to greet him.

"I'm coming!"

The sun was shining brightly today, so Tian Ruyong parked the carriage under a tree to enjoy the shade. When he heard the movement, he immediately opened the curtain and looked out.


When Ju Ming's driving team approached, Tian Ruyong took a breath of cold air.

I have seen officials take office with a large number of entourages, but I have never seen officials take office with hundreds of prisoners!

Huang Guinian joined the army as a recorder, and Jin Tao joined the army as a manager. Seeing so many prisoners at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little headache. The former was in charge of the state court, and the latter was in charge of the judicial court, and both had the power to review cases. And if the prisoners appealed,

They will also conduct cross-examinations.

There are hundreds of fucking prisoners here, and there are some with good backgrounds. They won't be able to rest this year. If you don't pay attention, something will go wrong, and the executioner will definitely be alerted.

Judicial officer Shu Yifu was also worried. Although he was not responsible for the trial, he had to be involved in the whole process. After the trial results came out, he had to provide legal basis and recommend how to sentence. With such a large group of prisoners, what suggestions are there? No matter.

No matter how serious it is, it will offend people.

Tian Ruyong straightened his clothes and led the crowd to stand on the official road to greet him.

Zhu Ming rode his horse forward. When he got close, he turned over and dismounted to greet him.

Tian Ruyong bowed his head and said: "Puzhou judged Tian Ruyong to welcome Zhu Zhizhou into the city."

Zhu Ming bowed in return, took Tian Ruyong's hand enthusiastically and said, "Tian Tongpan is too polite, how can he mobilize troops and mobilize people like this? It really makes me ashamed."

Tian Ruyong smiled and said: "Why should you be humble when you know a state? Let me introduce you to Huang Guinian, who joined the army as a recorder..."

In the Year of the Turtle, Huang bowed and said, "In the Year of the Turtle, I pay my respects to Zhizhou!"

"There is no need to be polite when recording things." Zhu Ming couldn't help but look at Huang Yaoshi a few more times.

In addition to several Cao officials who joined the army, there was also an observer and recommendation officer who was also aware of Juancheng affairs.

Zhu Ming found that Zhou Tian Ruyong seemed to hate this observer and referee, and even deliberately introduced it later.

It was difficult to ask questions in public, so Zhu Ming invited Tian Ruyong to ride in the same car, and Tian Ruyong readily agreed.

The team slowly entered the city, and Zhu Ming asked: "What is the origin of Yao Guangshu, the observation and recommendation officer?"

Tian Ruyong opened the car curtain and took a look: "Dang Cai, I just came here two days ago."

Ju Ming sighed: "It seems that you are here because of me. Mr. Cai really doesn't want me to have an easy time."

The Observation and Promotion Officer can only be ranked from the eighth rank to the prefectural magistrate. It is not a permanent position under the general magistrate. It can be divided into the power of magistrate, general magistrate and recorder to join the army. Moreover, Yao Guangshu also served as the county magistrate of Juancheng and actually controlled the power of state governance.

, Ju Ming will be blocked no matter what he wants to do.

Zhu Ming offended Cai Jing severely, especially since Zhu Guoxiang's holy family was growing rapidly, which made Cai Jing faintly worried.

It is not convenient for Cai Jing to cause chaos in the capital, but he can arrange for outside party members to make it difficult for Ju Ming to exert his influence in Puzhou.

Accompanied by a group of officials, Zhu Ming came to the state government office to complete the formalities for performing his duties, and then took his family to stay in the backyard of the state government office.

Tian Ruyong also held a welcome banquet and invited him to have dinner in the evening.

As for the prisoners, they were divided into two groups, one group was sent to the State Prison and the other was sent to the Jili Yuan Prison.

The investigating officer Yao Guangshu stopped the prisoners and made no secret of his power-grabbing behavior: "All the prisoners named Qian and Sun will be transferred to the Judicial Yuan for personal trial by me."

Huang Guinian, who joined the army as a recorder, was very unhappy, but the observation official had this power, so he had no choice but to do anything about it.

Zhu Ming managed to catch a bunch of them, but was intercepted by Cai's party as soon as he arrived in the city.

Attending a banquet that night, Zhu Ming went home half-drunk and fell asleep holding Zheng Yuanyi in his arms.

The next day, Zhu Ming went straight to the Si Liyuan Yamen and asked: "How was the trial of the case?"

Under normal circumstances, the trial would not have started yet.

However, Jin Tao, the manager, joined the army, said: "Yao Observer reviewed the case overnight yesterday and has transferred the relevant case information to the Judicial Yuan."

Ju Ming rode to the Judicial Yuan again and asked: "What cases have been transferred?"

Shu Yifu, who joined the judicial army, had a sad face and asked someone to bring the relevant trial documents: "Prefect, please take a look."

Ju Ming quickly flipped through several documents. In all the cases involving Sun Qian's family, they all said there was insufficient evidence and asked the Judicial Yuan to acquit the suspects.

Shu Yifu said: "Prefect, I dare not sign or use my seal. But whether I sign or not has no impact on these cases."

The judiciary joins the army and only has the right to recommend penalties.

The observation officer sent the case over, it was just a process.

Ju Ming said: "Then you suggest that the case be handed over to the state court for review!"

Shu Yifu sighed: "This is the only way."

As a result, the relevant cases were transferred to the state court and handed over to Huang Yaoshi for trial.

Even if Huang Guinian is convicted, the Si Li Yuan still has the final right of adjudication. Si Li joins the army and is a fringe figure in the Cai Party, so it is very likely that the Qian and Sun families will be acquitted.

Huang Guinian took the file and was extremely angry: "Such a big case involving dozens of lives, Yao Guangshu finished the trial in one night? What a nonsense!"

Ju Ming said: "Just hold on."

"Drag?" Huang Guinian didn't understand what he meant.

Ju Ming said: "Even if you sentence them to death, the Judicial Yuan has the right to retry them, but in the end they will not be acquitted? Even if they are reported to the Criminal Division, the criminal prosecutor will still be Cai Party. Therefore, don't try too fast and keep dragging it out."

The trial will be slow and the two families will be imprisoned for a year and a half."

Huang Guinian said: "What's the use of locking him up? He has to be released eventually."

Ju Ming said with a smile: "Leize County is equalizing taxes on the farmland. If they are locked up for a year and a half, their fields will be finished."

Huang Guinian was startled, then pursed his lips in amusement.

This magistrate was so damaged that he locked up the people involved in the big family without trial, but took the opportunity to investigate their hidden fields.

After laughing, Huang Guinian was filled with anger.

Dozens of lives were taken, and there were a large number of testimonies and witnesses, but he could only be detained for a long time, and the prisoner would definitely be released without charge in the end.

Is there any royal law for this?

Huang Guinian clenched his fists and said: "The day the Court of Justice dares to release someone, I will go to the Supreme Court to impeach him. I will force the Criminal Division to retrial. If the Criminal Division still acquits him, I will continue to impeach him."

, take the case to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment!"

Historically, Huang Yaoshi even dared to impeach Qin Hui, and impeached him four times. He remained determined to be demoted every time.

Such a person, would he be afraid of Cai Jing?

Zhu Ming shook his head and said: "The Qian family is the founder of the country. Although it has been ruined, there are still people who are kind and serve as military attachés and guards. Unless the Qian family rebels, no matter how many murders occur, the official family will definitely show mercy outside the law. He must take into account the Qian family."

What you think. Honored relatives like the Cao family will also intercede for the Qian family. After all, this world belongs to those people."

Huang Guinian became angrier as he listened, because what Ju Ming told the truth was true.

No matter how shabby the founders of the country are, they are still the founders of the country. The emperor cannot kill them. At most, he can find a few scapegoats to kill them.

Ju Ming was able to arrest people, hold them in jail for a long time, and take the opportunity to investigate their hidden fields. This was already the limit. How could he bring down the Qian family just like that? Don't even think about it!

Even the horse bandits knew how to rob the Sun family, but they did not dare to attack the Qian family for the time being.

Ju Ming is considering whether Qian Jingde should be allowed to commit suicide out of fear of crime.

No rush at the moment, it depends on the situation.

Ju Ming asked: "I'm afraid the Li family in Juancheng don't abide by the law very much, right?"

Huang Guinian said: "For a hundred years, the Li family's family tradition has been relatively good, but it has become worse in the past ten years, and the good reputation accumulated by our ancestors has been ruined. There are currently no murder cases involving the Li family, and there may be some.

But he was suppressed and could not be sent to the prefectural court at all. There are various cases of Cao Cao in the prefectural government offices, as well as the Juancheng county government offices. They are all disciples and former officials of the Li family. It is more difficult to investigate the Li family than to investigate the Qian family!


Ju Ming curled his lips, he didn't follow any rules, because he could be completely reckless.

People who do not bear consequences often act unscrupulously.

Just like the Qian family, they don't have to bear any consequences just because they are descendants of the founding heroes.

Then let’s compare who’s fist is harder!

(This is the first time I am writing a novel about the Song Dynasty. It is inevitable that I will make many mistakes. I am learning every day. The county magistrates in the Song Dynasty must be officials in the capital or even court officials, and they can only be county magistrates. So I made mistakes in the previous chapters. For example, to the magistrate,

It should be to the county magistrate.)

(Those with the word "zhi" are basically those who are officials in the capital or above. For example, if someone is selected to join the army as a recorder, this is the official position. If a person from the capital joins the army as a recorder, the word "zhi" must be added in front.)

This chapter has been completed!
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