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Chapter 363 0358 [Guan Zheng Six]

Baocheng County, Gaoyan Township.

This is the starting point of the second main canal of Shanhe Weir.

If we include the weirs and canals in Xi County, there are three main weirs in Shanhe Weir.

Team after team of farmers carried their tools and headed further upstream.

Some of them were sent by landlords. The landlords handed over the money and grain allocated to them, and then were responsible for sending tenants to serve as laborers. These laborers were uniformly paid by the government.

Some are self-cultivating farmers who cannot afford to pay or are reluctant to pay, so they can only hire people to dig mountains and rivers and weirs. They do not receive wages but have to take care of food.

Before dredging the weirs and canals, it is necessary to repair the three weirs and dams where Baoshui comes out of the mountain.

These three weirs are to raise the water level. After the water is stored, three main canals are introduced for diversion irrigation. A water quantity control device must also be built to allocate the amount of downstream water diversion per acre according to the irrigation volume of each main canal.

"If we want to irrigate the entire Hanzhong, three barrages are not enough. When the first phase of water conservancy is completed, I am afraid we will need to add two or three more barrages." A young man suddenly appeared at the construction site.

Fu Xingzhong was directing and dispatching when he heard this and turned around: "Who is your Excellency?"

The young man raised his hands and said, "Zhao Fengji."

Zhao Quan, who was recognized as "Water Conservancy 95" by Ju Ming, was recommended to be the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple. Because he said a few nice words to the prince, he was demoted to Suzhou to collect wine taxes.

Zhao Quan's son, Zhao Fengji, passed the Jinshi examination and was first awarded the title of Changyuan (Rongchang) county captain. However, he was captured by Lin Chong and Bai Qi's troops.

Zhao Fengji had lived in Daming Village for a few days and knew Bai Qi.

Zhao Fengji took out his badge: "Thanks to Zhu Xianggong's respect, I am now the deputy director of the Water Conservancy Department, assisting Fu Sizheng in dredging the mountain and river weirs. My father once served as an official in Hanzhong, and he also knows something about the mountain and river weirs, and has made corresponding plans. It's a pity.

The people don’t trust the government, and no landlord is willing to work or pay for it.”

Fu Xingzhong couldn't figure out where this person came from, so he held up his hands and said, "Please give me some advice."

Zhao Fengji said: "It is appropriate to increase the number of river dams to six. On the side of the main canal facing the river, two more overflow weirs must be built to prevent the main canal from diverting too much water, which will be detrimental to land irrigation in the lower reaches of the Han River. It can also be used during floods

To discharge floodwaters into the Han River, aqueducts and culverts for drainage and drainage will also be added. Stone slabs or pebbles will be laid at the bottom of the canal as a mark of the depth of dredging every year."

Fu Xingzhong knew as soon as he heard that an expert was coming, and said quickly: "Please elaborate."

Zhao Fengji took Fu Xingzhong to several key locations and conducted on-site analysis and explanation.

After a heart-to-heart talk, Fu Xingzhong was so impressed that he started talking about his various plans.

The combination of the two will greatly increase the amount of work, require additional funds, and delay the construction period. Only the first phase of the project will have to be completed until next autumn (work must be stopped during the busy farming season).

Zhao Fengji is a thief who is cleaner than many people.

Firstly, his father had been demoted and there were no important officials in the family; secondly, he knew Zhu Guoxiang and admired him; thirdly, he could immediately participate in the construction of mountain and river weirs.

Ju Ming also captured many officials on Chengdu Fu Road and Zizhou Road. Thirteen Jinshi officers were willing to join him. Such a large number was of course due to the capture of central Shu and the initial establishment of a separatist regime.

General Zhu doesn’t want everything. Among the thirteen non-commissioned officers, five had such a bad reputation that they were chopped off and used to appease the people. The remaining eight were sent to Hanzhong by Zhao Fengji, and the rest were arranged in

Become an official in Shu.

Zhao Fengji sat on the weir and looked at the construction site in a daze, feeling that the world was so weird.

His ancestor was Zhao Tingmei, the king of Wei, also known as Zhao Kuangyin, the fourth brother of Zhao Guangyi. Because he was dissatisfied with Zhao Guangyi's succession, he secretly made many resentful words and small actions. He was labeled as having evil intentions and was demoted to Fuling County Duke. He was not allowed to be placed in Fangzhou.

Running around is, to put it bluntly, under house arrest.

Not even being under house arrest, he died suddenly at the age of thirty-eight.

After Zhao Guangyi burst into tears, he also revealed that the fourth brother was not the biological son of the Queen Mother, but the son of the nanny Geng, completely destroying the legitimacy of Zhao Tingmei's lineage.

Zhao Tingmei left ten sons, and the fifth son, Zhao Dejun, gave birth to eleven more sons... The two generations of Zhao Quan and Zhao Fengji can no longer be regarded as a clan. They are not only collateral lines, but also descendants of common people.

But Zhao Fengji has the blood of Zhao Song after all, so choosing to become a thief now is really nonsense.

Zhao Fengji suddenly laughed at himself and patted the dust on his butt, got up and went to assist Fu Xingzhong in his work.

Chen Dong also came to the construction site and asked a laborer who was carrying mud: "Has the land in your home been cleared?"

The servant said: "I am a tenant of Liu Yuan's wife's family, and I don't have much land."

Chen Dong asked again: "Do you ever owe that member Liu money or food?"

The servant said: "I owe a lot."

Chen Dong asked again: "Do you know about the order to reduce rents and interest rates?"

"What order?" The servant shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

Chen Dong immediately took out his bamboo pen, and by the time he added ink, the laborer had already walked away carrying the mud. He quickly caught up with him: "May I ask your Excellency, which county, which township, which village, which village, and which village are protected?"

The servant said: "Bao Niutang Village, No. 1 Baoniutang Village, Gaoyan Township, Baocheng County, why do you ask these questions?"

Chen Dong said: "After the Prime Minister's order to reduce rents and interest rates, the usurious loans owed to landlords in the past will be repaid at an annual interest rate of one cent. If the interest repaid exceeds the principal, there is no need to calculate the interest, and only the principal will be repaid. The interest repaid exceeds

If you get twice the principal, you don’t have to pay back anything. From next year onwards, the annual interest rate for new loans shall not exceed two and a half cents..."

The servant immediately put down the burden and said in disbelief: "Is there such a good thing?"

Chen Dong said: "This order has been issued for a month and will be implemented from New Year's Day next year, but the government should have informed the people long ago. You didn't hear the slightest news. Someone must have deliberately concealed it. I have to remember it. New Year's Day next year

After that, if Liu Yuanwai does not reduce the rent and interest, you will go to Baocheng County to sue the officials. If Baocheng County does not care, go to Hanzhong Fucheng to sue the officials, and the Minister of Economic Affairs will make the decision for you."

"I will definitely go. If I can pay back less money and more food, I will sue the government even if I risk my life!" The servant's eyes were gleaming.

Chen Dong asked again: "How much wages and rations can you get when you come to work this time?"

The servant said: "Two meals a day, one dry and one thin. This work is very tiring, and I don't eat much. The wages are 30 cents a day, and I will pay them after the work is done."

Chen Dong suspected that someone had withheld food and immediately went to find Fu Xingzhong.

But Fu Xingzhong said: "I asked for it to be withheld. Mr. Jinglue's money and food have not been fully raised yet. There is still a lot of money and food allocated by the landlords that have not been delivered, so I can only save some for the time being. I will personally go to the dam.

Keep an eye on it, there will definitely be no mistakes in rations and wages. There are still several sections of the main weir and canal being dredged, and some officials have been assigned to take charge of them. You can go there and have a look."

Chen Dong made a mistake and went to ask other servants.

After working for a long time, a farmer finally said: "My family has pledged a total of six acres of land. This time, only four acres of my husband's land are left. The remaining two acres are missing. The government has given another land deed."

Chen Dong said: "If you can't find out about this kind of thing, you can report it to the official and you can get half of the field roots (field bones) back. In fact, when you marry the field, you should tell the official that you will automatically get half of the fields."

This is a problem left over from history. In order to quickly clear up the land, Zhu Guoxiang asked the officials to cut through the mess quickly. If the investigation was not clear, he would take half of it.

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, it was also planned to implement a land grant system. In principle, all land belonged to the imperial court.

But the resistance is too great and it is impossible to succeed.

As a result, the land that had been returned to the state was leased to farmers for farming, and the remaining private land was given land deeds. As time went by, farmers who farmed official land on leaseholds automatically obtained permanent tenure rights.

Official fields were often given to civil and military officials, who obtained ownership rights but could not obtain the right to use them. This led to the first batch of "one field and two owners", which were called Tian Gen and Tian Mian in the Song Dynasty and Tian Mian in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Bones, field skin.

In order to obtain funds for the start-up of the reform, Wang Anshi sold a large number of official land roots and fully privatized "one field and two owners".

At the same time, many landowners who owned complete land encountered difficulties and wanted to raise funds, but were unwilling to sell the land completely. Therefore, they sold the use rights of the land. This behavior is called "pawn sale."

Pawn sales generally have a limited number of years, and the owner of the land who owns the land can forcibly redeem the use rights when it expires, as long as he can afford the money.

If the owner of the land who has the right to use it does not redeem it, he will have priority to purchase the ownership when it expires.

If the owner of the field cannot come up with the money and the owner of the field does not want to buy it, the field will be sold to relatives or neighbors first. Only if the relatives or neighbors do not buy the land can other people be qualified to purchase the land.

Both field roots and fields can be resold regardless of the expiration date.

It is the obligation of landowners to pay taxes to the government, that is, land users pay taxes.

After signing a pawn sale contract, you must pay the transfer tax to the government, otherwise it will be difficult to clear the case in a lawsuit.

By the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the roots and surface of a piece of land had changed hands countless times, and it was a complete mess. That's why there were so many hidden fields evading taxes, so the eunuch Li Yan was able to collect rents randomly, because there were so many hidden fields.

It is difficult to confirm the ownership of some properties.

Zhu Guoxiang is now checking the acres of fields and has to sort out the roots and surfaces of the fields.

For those lands whose rights cannot be confirmed due to historical issues and if the land deeds or contracts can be produced, then one person can be divided in half, or even divided equally among multiple people.

Moreover, it is stipulated that starting from New Year's Day next year, the government will not recognize subsequent private deeds. When the land owner sells the use rights, if he does not report the transfer to the government, the taxes on the land will still be borne by the land owner, which is equivalent to selling the land and paying back the land himself.

You must continue to pay taxes, so as to avoid confusion in the management of land registers and taxes.

There must be countless ordinary people who have been harmed due to lack of information, but this is a labor pain and Zhu Guoxiang will not care about it.

In addition, landowners whose fields and fields are integrated into the same field, because they own complete land, will be charged the normal land tax when paying taxes. Landowners who only have fields and surfaces have to pay an additional "land separation tax", which forces the landowners to own the complete land.


Chen Dong comforted the warrior for a while and couldn't help but sigh.

If it weren't for rebellion, how could the land be sorted out? It's a complete mess!

Only by truly mastering the knife can you cut through the mess quickly.

At that time, Wang Anshi was Fang Tianling's last hope, because a large number of field roots were in the hands of the court.

Wang Anshi sold the government's field roots, and after the fields were freely resold, I couldn't figure it out even if it was replaced by the King of Heaven. Cai Jing's land tax equalization was bound to fail. Even if the grassroots officials were conscientious, they would not have the ability to straighten out the hidden fields.

Chen Dong suddenly felt that rebellion was the only way out.

(Thanks to the leader of Quqing Buyu for the reward O(∩_∩)O~)

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