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Chapter 364 0359 [Guan Zheng Seven]

Yangzhou and Yuandang Valley are also checking acres of land here.

The clerk directly handed over the status of his property to the handling staff.

And those officials also knew that Wen Wuguang's daughter had already been married to Zhu Guoxiang as a concubine. They did not dare to check too harshly, so they only randomly checked the field records provided by Wen Wuguang. If there were no problems after randomly checking more than ten fields, they gave up.


Zhu Guoxiang has repeatedly emphasized that no one is allowed to engage in favoritism, nor can he give face to any wealthy family. But if he really encounters someone with a profound background, how can the handling staff dare to show his sincerity?

There are also more serious ones!

For example, the Fangtian inspector from out of town.

Jin'anjie, courtesy name Yanheng, was from Xiuning, Shezhou. His family was severely damaged by Fang La.

Historically, this king served as a censor in the Southern Song Dynasty. As an official, he only dealt with matters and not people. He offended almost all factions - including two consecutive emperors.

He impeached Han Shizhong's son; Qin Hui's brother, he impeached; Ren Boyu's son, he impeached; and Yang Yizhong's strategy of defending against enemies was completely overturned by him.

He also offended Qin Hui and was dismissed from office for eighteen years.

After Song Xiaozong succeeded to the throne, Jin Anjie impeached himself!

He said, since Your Majesty came to the throne, the impeached officials have been punished both civil and military. There are also many people who have impeached me. Why don't you deal with me? Now I am impeaching myself. If Your Majesty does not deal with it, it will be difficult to calm the public opinion at home and abroad.

This is the fighter among trolls. If he gets too fierce, he will even troll himself.

When the officials began to inspect the fields of Yuandang Valley, Jin Anjie quietly observed them, and then immediately went to Hanzhong Fucheng and said to Zhu Guoxiang, "Do you want to take over the world?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer it."

Jin Anjie said: "In late life, I often hear people say that those who regard the world as their home do not regard one family as their own. If you are a public servant and clear your land, if you are selfish, it will be difficult to serve the people. If you cannot serve the people of Hanzhong, it will be difficult to serve the people of the world."

"This makes sense, please explain it clearly." Zhu Guoxiang said with a smile.

Jin Anjie pointed to the east: "Mrs. Wen's natal family is in Yuandang Valley. It occupies a large area. The officials can finish the land in less than two days. Isn't this partiality?"

Zhu Guoxiang put away his smile: "Is this really true?"

Jin Anjie cupped his hands and said: "It's absolutely true!"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I will write a handwritten letter and you will be responsible for inventorying the Yuandang Valley acres. As for the previous handling officials, they will be dealt with according to the rules."

Jin Anjie accepted the order and was very happy.

If Zhu Guoxiang protects his father-in-law, Jin Anjie will immediately return to his hometown to live in seclusion (no one will stop him).

Now that Zhu Guoxiang is unselfish, Jin Anjie has made up his mind to officially surrender after the field clearance is completed.

Jin Anjie took Zhu Guoxiang's handwriting and went to Xingdao County, Yangzhou to summon officials, and rushed towards Yuandang Valley: "Mr. Wen, I'm offended!"

Wen Wuguang was a little confused and returned to the study with a cold snort.

His wife, Su, didn't show any good looks either. She followed her husband to the room and complained: "This Zhu Guoxiang has turned his back on me before he became emperor. I'm afraid my daughter will not be favored by him."

Wen Wuguang criticized his wife: "This is the one who can do great things."

"Then why did you put on such a bad face just now?" Su Shi asked back.

Wen Wuguang said: "Don't I want to lose face? He does his big things, and I want my face. These two things must be discussed separately."

Su stopped talking, feeling that her husband was mentally ill.

Wen Wuguang said: "Go and call Dalang."

"No!" Su Shi was still sulking.

Wen Wuguang couldn't help his wife, so he had to go out to find his son. Wen Luan was currently staring at Qingtian at the Jin'an Festival.

"Dalang, come here and talk!" Wen Wuguang shouted.

Wen Luan trotted over and said angrily: "Dad, I'm just going to watch them measure to see if they can make flowers."

Wen Wuguang criticized: "Even if there is a discrepancy, it's just a few extra feet and a few extra taxes. If a man is still alive, just focusing on that few cents of land? What's the point of you!"

Wen Luan was a little confused: "Dad, what do you want to say?"

Wen Wuguang said in a low voice: "I am an old man and am determined to have fun in the mountains and forests. I will never be an official in this life. But you are different. You are only in your thirties. It is not your job to stay in the countryside until you grow old."

"Dad, what's wrong with you? I'm not allowed to take the imperial examination and become an official?" Wen Luan asked.

Wen Wuguang said: "When you are an official in the Song Dynasty, the salary you receive is money for committing crimes. Your brother-in-law is different. He is capable of big things. You should go and find an official position. Being a public servant can bless the people;

Being private can revitalize the Wen family."

Wen Luan said: "Two months ago, my father was still scolding my brother-in-law for his ambition. How can he say that he can do great things now?"

"What nonsense? If I tell you to go, just go!" Wen Wuguang said impatiently.

Wen Luan scratched his head and stopped looking at Zhang Tian, ​​the official. He packed up his luggage and ran to Zhu Guoxiang to ask for an official position.

Yangzhou Academy.

There are fewer and fewer scholars in the school, the entire Hanzhong has been occupied by rebels, and scholars cannot take part in the imperial examination, so there is no need to study hard anymore?

Some students returned to the countryside to watch.

Some students have already obtained official positions.

Some students became field inspectors.

Today, there are less than thirty people still studying in school, and most of them have the surname Min.

A servant ran to the academy out of breath: "The general has stationed in Chengdu City and sent troops to sweep the entire Chengdu Prefecture. After Lue Xianggong ordered a few days ago, Chengdu Prefecture was changed to Yizhou Prefecture. Between Hanzhong Prefecture and Chengdu Prefecture,

Brazil Prefecture was newly established. Lizhou bandits killed too many people and all industries were depressed. The administration of Brazil Prefecture was changed to Langzhong. Hezhou, Suining, Zhongjiang, Xichong, Nanchong, Guang'an and other places were newly established with Hechuan Prefecture, and the government was in Shizhao (Hechuan).


"Chengdu was won like this?" Min Wenwei felt that it was nonsense.

Chengdu is a large city with a high city and a deep pool. How can it be determined by sending a message? Even if only the residents of the city are recruited, the officials can recruit 100,000 people to defend the city.

However, if you read more history, you will know that this is normal operation.

In the past dynasties, armies from the Chengdu Plain were often drawn to guard Jianmen, Zitong, and Guanghan. Once these places were conquered, no matter how many soldiers were left in Chengdu, there would basically be no fierce resistance.

The reason is very simple. Jianmen and other places are all natural dangers. Being able to be breached means that we are at the end of the road. A series of defeats were reported back to Chengdu, and the people's morale and morale dropped to the extreme. The people in the Chengdu Plain had long ago not wanted to fight.

Min Wenwei asked: "Are there any appointments for the chiefs of these three mansions?"

After Zhu Guoxiang introduced administrative reforms, the prefecture was the same as before, and the power of the prefect was only slightly inferior to that of the transfer envoy.

Previously, there was only one Hanzhong Mansion, led by Zhu Guoxiang himself.

The servant replied: "There are appointments. The prefect of Hanzhong is Liu Yao, the prefect of Brazil is Zhang Gen, the prefect of Hechuan is Xu Fuyan, and the prefect of Chengdu is Jingyue (Gao Jingshan)."

Min Wenwei was shocked and said: "Zhang Gen, Liu Yao, and Xu Fuyan are all thieves? Then who is Jingyue?"

These appointments are outrageous. Xu Fuyan belongs to the Cai Party!

In fact, Xu Fuyan, the Cai Party member, was a label that was forcibly attached to him. Because he was proficient in the "Book of Changes" and the art of yin and yang, he was first appreciated by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty and became a close minister of the emperor. Cai Jingcai took the opportunity to win over and promote him.

Wang Fu excluded and demoted him.

Liu Yao even offended Wang Fu, a capable minister and official of Tong Guan, who was excluded by Tong Guan and demoted to Hanzhong.

Needless to say, Zhang Gen's father-in-law was demoted because he offended the emperor.

Including Gao Jingshan, everyone is capable.

Xu Fu said that Gao Jingshan was a little greedy, but not too greedy. Most of the time, he was just following orders to make money.

Zhang Gen and Liu Yao, on the other hand, are truly upright officials who do not even want the customary gray income. They turn over the gray income they can get as normal taxes to reduce the burden on the people under their rule.

These four newly appointed prefects all have decades of experience in governing the people, and they are really not the young ones like Fu Xingzhong.

Min Wenwei hurriedly went down the mountain to gather his clan members and said: "Mr. Yuan Zhang acted for heaven and asked for orders for the people. Now that three of the four roads in Chuanxia have been taken in, the violence against the Song Dynasty will definitely not last long. My Min family should also comply with the destiny and let the younger members of the clan do it."

If you really can't be an official, you can just become a subordinate first. In the early days of the new dynasty, when officials and local officials are still unclear, you can get promoted quickly just by working as a clerk."

The clan elders were speechless, and some even couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Three months ago, Min Wenwei privately scolded Zhu Guoxiang for being a wolf-hearted, ungrateful, and ungrateful traitor. He also strictly prohibited the children of the Min family from becoming thieves.

Two months ago, Min Wenwei was still calling him a thief, but he no longer said he was ambitious.

A month ago, Min Wenwei changed his name to Xianggong Zhu, and the bandits also became rebels, but they were still waiting and watching.

Now that the day lilies are cold, I say that Duke Yuanzhang is doing justice for heaven and ask the children of the Min family to hurry up and serve.

Min Wenwei added: "We must write a letter quickly to call Twelve Lang (Min Zishun) back. Twelve Lang and General Zhu Da (Ju Ming) are close friends. What does it mean for him to be a minor official in the Song Dynasty? He will be punished when he returns to Sichuan.

Reuse and promote!”

Finally, a clan elder couldn't help but speak: "Third brother, weren't you still complaining before that the red thieves were affecting Twelve Lang's career?"

Min Wenwei firmly denied: "Where have I said such words? When General Zhu came to the academy, I knew at a glance that he was an unusual scholar. Every time he said something, he would shock the world, and his rich knowledge would convince everyone. This is a strange person descended from heaven.

Wealth is so great that it cannot be compared to ordinary people. Duke Yuanzhang and the general are revolting in Yangzhou. God has given the Min family a great opportunity. Our Min family will definitely prosper from now on!"

The clan elders have deep resentments in their hearts. Some people have long wanted to send their descendants to join the Zhu family, but Min Wenwei has always blocked them.

The best opportunity has been missed, so what's the use of talking about it now?

Min Wenwei then solemnly said: "The government is conducting an inventory of the land, and all branches of the Min family must cooperate fully. They are not allowed to lose a lot for a few acres of land. Rent and interest reductions must also be done according to Yuan Zhang's instructions. Not only can Yuan Zhang win

Your favor will be of great benefit to our Min family’s reputation in every possible way!”

The clan elders sneered one by one. After listening to this guy's talk, they went home to make preparations.

As Min Wenwei walked around the room, he actually began to envy the Zheng family.

That old guy from the Zheng family is really lucky. He actually married his granddaughter to General Zhu as his concubine and gave birth to an heir early. From now on, he will have to be named a noble concubine.

Alas, why haven’t our Min family ever thought about marrying off their daughter?

This chapter has been completed!
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