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Chapter 366 0361 [Still selling food to the rebels]

The strategy for conquering the Red Thieves was finalized, and all that was left was to perfect the details.

All the yamen were put into operation quickly, and Wang Fu once again levied the money for free husbands. This time, it was levied based on the number of acres of land. The whole country had to collect 40 million yuan.

Don't think it's outrageous, ordinary people can scrape together the money if they work hard.

Historically, when the Song Dynasty redeemed the Yanjing area, it not only had to provide relief and resettlement for the Liao people, but also gave Guo Pharmacist money, food, and soldiers.

Where does this food and money come from?

Part of it is transported from Hebei, Shandong, and Hedong, and the rest is collected from the people of all walks of life. If the money is not enough, the government will levy the money, and if the money is not enough, then the general system will be invented.

After the official document on taxation was issued, the news that the red thieves were getting bigger could no longer be concealed.

Naturally, the people of Tokyo were the first to know about it, and they were talking about it in the streets and alleys. Especially when burning briquettes, people often thought of Zhu Tanhua, and then lamented about the Zhu thief in Hanzhong.

Zhang Tao was sitting at home drinking. After all, he was also a prostitute, and his family had many in-laws. Even though his father had offended the emperor, Zhang Tao had been promoted several times over the years, from Piyonglu to Secretary, Province Zhengzi, School Secretary, and Author. Shulang.

If he works step by step for another two years, he will either become a scholar in the middle school or be sent to the state magistrate. The starting point of his official career will be much higher than that of Qin Hui.

Now it's over, my brother-in-law rebelled, and my father became a thief.

After Zhang Tao was beaten, he didn't even get a casual position, and he was directly asked to wait for a job.

"Dalang, Yushi He is here." The servant reported.

Zhang Tao held the wine cup and said, "Invite him in."

He Su walked to the house, sat down around the charcoal basin, stretched out his hands towards the fire, and after his body had warmed up a little, he said, "What are your plans?"

Zhang Tao smiled bitterly: "What else can we plan? My brother-in-law rebelled and became a thief, and my father was also falsely accused of being a thief. It's good that I can stay in the capital and wait for my post. Others are avoiding me, why should Brother Wen Zhen wade into troubled waters? You come here My family will definitely be impeached."

"Someone has already impeached him. If you have many lice, you won't be itchy, and if you have many debts, you won't have to worry about it." He Su was quite tolerant.

Because he was appreciated by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, he was promoted quickly and was appointed by the emperor as the imperial censor within a few years. Some people in the Cai party were jealous and impeached He Su because he was a member of Su Shi's township party and agreed with Su Shi's knowledge, so He Su was expelled from the outside world. He was made the prefect of Suining.

Cai Jing stepped down and Wang Fu became prime minister, and He Su was immediately recalled.

Anyway, as long as there is no personal enmity, Wang Fu will reuse whomever Cai's party suppresses.

Nowadays, He Su is a high-ranking official of the third rank, the first official, and the censor Zhongcheng. Among Ju Ming's fellow Jinshi, he is the best.

Zhang Tao said: "Brother Wen Zhen, you, the censor Zhongcheng, had better resign as soon as possible. All the upright ministers say that your corpse is a vegetarian."

"What do they know?" He Su sneered, "Wang Fu's holy family is in full swing. How can we defeat him at this moment? We must seize the opportunity and attack again, so that Wang Fu and his henchmen will never be able to stand up again!"

He Su finally figured it out and was not as reckless as when he was first admitted to the top prize.

He has been forbearing and quickly gained the love of Song Huizong by showing off his literary talents. He also turned a blind eye to the criminal behavior of traitors. Anyway, he promoted his official position first and seized the best opportunity to stab him later. .

Historically, He Su wrote seven memorials in a row, finally overthrowing Wang Fu, and was demoted to the post of magistrate of Taizhou.

Zhang Tao poured wine for He Su and asked drunkenly: "Do you think my father will be a thief?"

He Su shook his head: "I don't know. I still haven't figured out why Zhu Chenggong wanted to rebel. He wants to help the country and save the people, so he can be as patient as I am. The officials love him very much, and he can do it in a few years.

He was promoted to the center. When the time comes, he and I will work together to sweep the traitor out of the court!"

Zhang Tao smiled bitterly: "How can a person who can write "Song of Righteousness" get sand in his eyes?"


He Su sighed, feeling extremely heavy.

After he was admitted to the imperial examination, he had been working as an official in the capital, and he didn't know much about the changes in the current situation. When he was accused of being a member of the Su Shi Township Party, he was sent out to serve as a prefect. What he saw and heard along the way finally made He Su feel

How difficult it is for the people.

At the same time, I also understand that if we continue to impose such excessive taxes, all states and counties will collapse.

After the defeat of the Liao Dynasty, thieves and bandits emerged all over the country, and the Zhu family and his sons even occupied Sichuan. How could the Song Dynasty be saved? I am afraid that the world will be in chaos before it impeaches Wang Fu.

Zhang Tao joked: "My brother-in-law has occupied Sichuan, so the Wang family is not worried?"

He Su said: "Why are they anxious? They have separated their families and moved away from Sichuan for two or three generations long ago. And there is no rush. As early as two months ago, officials from Sichuan in the DPRK and Central Committee had been communicating with each other at intervals.

Please ask the imperial court to send troops to suppress the bandits as soon as possible. The imperial court has no troops and no food, so what can it do to regain Sichuan?"

He Su is also from Sichuan, and his hometown has been occupied by Ju Ming.

Zhang Tao continued to drink, not only complaining about his brother-in-law Ju Ming, but also hating the foolish king. He drank around the charcoal fire until he fell unconscious.

Sha County.

Without waiting for Zhu Ming to rebel, Li Gang offended the emperor again and was thrown to Sha County to collect taxes for making irresponsible remarks on government affairs.

"Mr. Motang, you have taught a good student." Li Gang poured wine for Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan said angrily: "He is not my student!"

Li Gang smiled and said: "Your student can deny it, but I, the brother-in-law, have to admit it. Just wait, if the red thieves cannot be wiped out overnight, I, the tax supervisor of Sha County, will not be able to do my job. My father-in-law has really good eyesight, Qian

There are so many choices to choose, and you can choose such a son-in-law."

Chen Yuan lamented: "The study of Dao Yong has many criticisms against the emperor. Zhu Chenggong conspired to rebel, and Dao Yong study was completely reduced to the study of rebels. The magistrate of the state and the county magistrate came to my academy every now and then to search for banned books. I am now

To teach students, we also have to arrange for personnel to stand guard at the entrance of the village, and preaching and teaching are like plotting a rebellion."

"Then your Excellency, please stop teaching Taoist studies and teach Luo studies instead. The new study will be fine," Li Gang said.

Chen Yuan shook his head: "How can learning be neglected because of choking or neglecting people?"

In fact, there are other reasons. Fujian has a large population and a small area. Those who live near the sea can still go to sea to make money, while those in the inland mountainous areas can only farm.

Fujian tea is very popular, but the royal tea plantation is here, constantly encroaching on private tea mountains to expand the area, and forcibly buying private tea leaves at low prices as tributes. Coupled with constant taxes, the tea plantation owners have been unable to make ends meet.

Moreover, the generals under Fang La's command also ravaged half of Fujian.

As a Confucian scholar, seeing a large number of villagers becoming monks and making their own livelihood more and more difficult, everyone felt resentful towards the imperial court.

Many of Ju Ming's articles and works, as well as various theories of Tao Yong Xue, were easily accepted by Fujian scholars. Even if Ju Ming became a rebel, the scholars were unwilling to give up the theory, and even privately retaliated against Ju Ming.


Ju Ming's "A Brief Meaning of University Chapters and Sentences", "A Brief Meaning of Doctrines and Sentences of the Doctrine of the Mean", and "Song of Righteousness" are still spreading quietly in Fujian, and more and more scholars are exposed to these articles.

Chen Yuan looked to the northwest, poured himself a glass of wine and drank it, feeling a little expectant in his heart.

Maybe the Zhu family and his son can establish a new dynasty!


Qian Chen quietly came to the Wei family manor with a few personal entourage.

When he left home, he had a big fight with his wife.

The reason for the quarrel was, of course, that he was going to Hanzhong to become a thief.

Qian Chen's idea was very simple. Although he donated food and bought an official position, no one in the southeast region looked at him seriously. There were many wealthy people there, so what did it mean to be alone?

The family business is managed by his brothers, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all. Moreover, the brothers are respectful and have never had any conflicts.

Qian Chen was bored with nothing to do all day long, and he missed the days of serving as an official under Ju Ming infinitely.

What's more, if Ju Ming hadn't reminded him to flee, the Qian family's property would have been robbed by Fang La.

"Mr. Qian is going to Hanzhong?" Wei Yingshi asked in a low voice.

Qian Chen said: "To be honest, I planned to go there and have a look, but the government has blocked the waterway."

Wei Yingshi smiled and said: "How can we block it? The Xiang army responsible for blocking the waterway is smuggling grain to Jinzhou. I am afraid that a lot of the military rations raised on the South Beijing Road have been sold to Zhu Xianggong. Only Xiang can do this.

If the military can’t do it, at least the judges have to get involved.”

"At this time, how dare the transport magistrate to sell military rations for corruption?" Qian Chen felt it was outrageous.

Wei Yingshi said: "At this time, it is convenient to sell military rations. Where can I usually sell military rations on Jingxi Road?"

Qian Chen sneered: "The Song Dynasty should perish!"

Jingxi South Road is a sparsely populated area. Not only does it not have a transshipment envoy, deputy envoy, or even a transshipment judge, it also shares a transshipment system with Jingxi North Road.

In order to raise military rations, Li Shichang, the Jingxi Road Transport Commissioner, came from Luoyang to Xiangyang to take charge.

This guy found that Jingnan Road was as poor as ghosts. Normal taxes were paid by many officials, and local officials were responsible for buying grain. Even the military pay was uniformly stored in the Xiangyang official warehouse. What he could do was the military grain that was constantly being transferred.

He actually dared to sell it to Hanzhong in exchange for real money.

And it is difficult to detect. It is normal for food to be lost during transportation, not to mention that a lot of food is picked out from the mouths of officers and soldiers.

At present, Jingnan Road has relied on autumn taxes to recruit young refugees as Xiang troops, and has stationed nearly 20,000 troops. They only need to wait for the arrival of the imperial army, and they can all attack Jinzhou together.

But these 20,000 Xiang troops are currently starving because the military commander, together with the military generals, deprived them of military rations and secretly sold them to the bandits.

Wei Yingshi came up with an idea and said: "If you want to go to Hanzhong, I can help contact the Xiang army and go there on a grain smuggling ship."

Qian Chen asked: "Aren't you going to vote for Mr. Zhu?"

Wei Yingshi smiled and said: "It is more useful for me to stay in Dengcheng. All the detailed information from Hanzhong will come to my home. The information from all the southern roads, as well as the Lianghuai and Jingnan Roads, will also be compiled by me before being sent to


"That's it." Qian Chen suddenly realized.

A few days later, Qian Chen boarded a grain ship and swaggered through the checkpoint to Jinzhou.

On the other side of Tokyo, the Jin envoy Li Jing also arrived and packaged the entire Youzhou land for sale.

Although he was short of money, Song Huizong still wanted to buy it: "How much does it cost?"

Wang Fu replied: "Six million strings."

Song Huizong was very satisfied with the price: "But it's also cheap."

Wang Fu said: "It's six million yuan every year. The Jin people say that this money is tax rent."

"Every year? The Jin people are so poor that they are crazy!" Song Huizong was furious, "Tell the envoys of the Jin Kingdom that they can give up to one hundred thousand coins every year. The annual coins given to the Liao Kingdom can also be transferred to the Jin Kingdom. At the time of negotiation, two hundred thousand coins per year

It's fine, but don't expose our true identity."


Wang Fu bowed and retreated, assigning specialized personnel to take charge of the negotiations.

This chapter has been completed!
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