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Chapter 367 0362 [Cavalry Training]

Before Qian Chen arrived in Jinzhou, Zhang Jinping took Chen Dong and other scholars, as well as some family members of soldiers, to go south to Chengdu.

In ancient times, if soldiers were going to be out in war for several years, they often had to be accompanied by their family members.

It doesn’t have to be a wife, it can also be a brother.

For example, among the guardsmen in the Ming Dynasty, the eldest son inherited the military status, and the second son and third son were military remnants, which was equivalent to the younger brothers serving as auxiliary soldiers for the eldest brother. The military pay and trophies obtained by the eldest brother were often placed with the brothers, otherwise they would not be able to keep it.

Fighting with a few kilograms of copper coins.

There are also places to store money in the military, but when soldiers die, they are easily hacked, and the money is often not sent to their families, or only part of it is given to their families.

Having family members accompanying the army can not only alleviate the soldiers' homesickness, but also allow them to feel more secure about their money.

These family members cannot enter the military camp and are often concentrated near the military camp. When not training, the soldiers can live with their families, and the troops can save some military rations.

Zhang Jinping and his party arrived in Lizhou and met soldiers heading north.

The troops from Hanzhong were sent back by Ju Ming to two armies (6,000 people). These people can be stationed near their hometown, which not only facilitates reunion with their families, but also allows these 6,000 elites to guard Hanzhong. Otherwise, it will be difficult to hold back the Western Army's troops.


As for Chengdu, Ju Ming organized the auxiliary troops into three regular armies (mostly surrendered Jianmen officers and soldiers), and recruited some young men from Shu as auxiliary troops.

"Mom, Dad, take care!"

Before Jiameng Pass, Zhang Jinping said goodbye to his parents.

She was going to Chengdu via Jianmen, while Zhang Gen and Huang were heading to Langzhong.

Mrs. Huang warned: "When you meet your husband, you will be treated as a good wife. Your current status is not ordinary."

Zhang Jinping said: "My daughter can save it."

Zhang Gen said: "If Zhu Chenggong is close to women, one or two is fine. If there are more, you should advise him. If you start a new career, you cannot indulge in pleasure, otherwise the good situation will be ruined."

Zhang Jinping said: "My husband is not a womanizer."

"People can change," Zhang Gen said. "At such a young age, he has occupied most of Sichuan. When he is satisfied, he will inevitably develop other preferences."

"Daughter, please remember this." Zhang Jinping bowed and saluted.

"Oh, go ahead."

Zhang Gen turned around and boarded the boat, sailing down the Jialing River.

He, Xu Fuyan, and Liu Yao did not say that they were willing to become thieves, and Zhu Guoxiang did not discuss it with them.

After observing the administration for a period of time, everyone's mood became relatively relaxed, and they even occasionally pointed out administrative errors and omissions casually.

One day, Zhu Guoxiang held a banquet to entertain guests. He didn't talk about anything serious during the whole process, but only talked about some old anecdotes.

The invited guests all drank happily, and Zhu Guoxiang suddenly announced his appointment.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and accepted it as it went. Everything seemed natural.

Now that he thinks about the situation at that time, Zhang Gen can't help but sigh that his father-in-law is so capable and makes people feel comfortable getting along with him.

Everyone was half-drunk that night, so they were inevitably a little impulsive, but their minds were clear. Coupled with the insights gained from observing politics and Zhu Guoxiang's personal charm, such a major decision could be made easily.

If it were not drinking, or if it were another formal occasion, the three of them would never agree so easily!

The water of the Jialing River flows slowly, and sleet begins to fall in the sky.

Zhang Gen was a little impatient. He had been an official for thirty years and had always been constrained by others. Now he was finally able to let go, as if his official career was ushering in a second spring.

But when Zhang Jinping arrived at Jianzhou City, he met thousands of people heading north.

Chen Dong was quite curious and stepped forward to ask the official: "Why do these people help the elderly and children go north in the middle of winter?"

The official replied respectfully: "Lizhou suffered a military disaster and its population was sparse. There happened to be too many unemployed people in Chengdu, so the general sent thousands of people to fill Lizhou. He also bought paper clothes and quilts, and distributed some military rations to them.

If the wealthy households in Chengdu donate some food, these people will surely be able to settle down in Lizhou."

Wei Liangchen said: "This is a good law. If you don't change your original intention, you will misappropriate military rations to resettle the people."

Chen Dong said: "Mr. moved thousands of people north and recruited troops in Chengdu. I think there are not many unemployed vagrants left in Chengdu."

The best sources of troops are of course farmers and miners.

However, the "urbanization rate" in the Song Dynasty was very high. Many young people who lived in Guo came from the countryside to work in the city. In fact, they were not much different from farmers. (This was different in the Ming and Qing dynasties. A large number of people developed throughout the country.

Emerging towns can absorb surrounding landless farmers without swarming into cities like in the Song Dynasty. It was only the rise of towns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties that established and improved China's rural economic ecology.)

When everyone came to Chengdu, the public security there was indeed good, and there were no unemployed people gathering together.

They went to see Ju Ming and each received official positions. Chen Dong and a few others stayed to work under Ju Ming, while the rest were assigned to serve as officials in various states and counties.


Zhang Jinping smiled. It had been almost three years since the couple separated.

Zheng Yuanyi and her two children did not come. We will wait until Sichuan settles down.

Zhu Ming took his wife to the back house. Zhang Jinping quietly observed for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "My husband is away all the time, so he doesn't have a concubine to take care of him?"

"I'm so busy all day long that I don't have time to take care of concubines. I just hire a few maids to take care of me." Zhu Ming got a headache just thinking about it. "Finally, dozens of scholars came over. They can share a lot of government affairs."

Zhang Jinping was very happy and said: "My husband should take a concubine. There are many famous families in Sichuan. It is just right to find one or two to get married. You can serve your husband and win over the big families. It is a double-edged sword."

Zhu Ming shook his head: "These prominent families in Shu are not comparable to small families. Even though I occupy most of Sichuan, they usually cooperate with my decrees, but they still regard me as a traitor. Every family has done some killing.

There are only a lot of people who assist the Third Duke, and they are unwilling to give up the benefits of the Song Dynasty easily, and they still hope that the imperial army will come back next year."

Zhang Jinping asked worriedly: "Is my husband confident that he can resist the officers and soldiers?"

Ju Ming smiled and said: "If it were the Western Army a few years ago, I would still be a little afraid. What is the Western Army now? Even if it comes back from the battlefield in Hebei, it still has a serious shortage of troops and has to go back to Shaanxi to replenish it. The temporary replenishment of the Western Army

, brought directly to Hanzhong to fight, what is the difference between them and rural soldiers?"

"That's good." Zhang Jinping said happily.

"Not to mention that there are many things, I'm going to take a bath first." Zhu Ming called the maid to boil the bath water.

Zhang Jinping's face turned red and he went to take care of the bath himself. He could guess what he wanted to do while taking a bath in broad daylight without even thinking.

After entering Chengdu, Ju Ming never had a good rest, so he gave himself half a day off today.

The couple stayed at home for half a day and a night, and woke up feeling refreshed the next day.

Ju Ming rode to the school field outside the city, which was originally a military training ground for Hou Shu, but also served as a training ground for the Sichuan Forbidden Army and the Xiang Army of the Song Dynasty.

The school field is too small and there are too many soldiers, so it is impossible to practice at all, so each army has to rotate.

Today, the Tengxiang Army is training, including non-combatants, who also have to practice riding skills and be ready to fight at critical moments.

In training this mountain cavalry, Ju Ming took reference from Guan Ning Cavalry and Napoleon Cavalry.

Every 25 people are organized into a basic combat unit, with the captain in front, the supervisor at the back, and the flag bearer and messenger soldier following the captain. The two captains are divided into four vertical and five horizontal lines, with 2 commanders on the left and right of the captain. 4 corps commanders

, leading the troops at the side and rear of Shizhang. This is the basic organization of the Guan Ning Cavalry.

During combat, the five horizontal rows can be transformed into two horizontal rows to expand the combat width, thus becoming the basic battle formation of Napoleon's cavalry.

The Tengxiang Army has 2,500 soldiers, divided into 100 combat squads.

It can be combined and arranged at will, but no matter which formation it is, it will be ensured that there are officers at the front, rear, left and right. The captain, supervisor, flag bearer, and commander will lead the cavalry under their command to advance, retreat or change direction according to the higher-level command flag. These grassroots levels

Officers are the core of the cavalry unit.

As for the specific details, they follow the European cavalry standards of the Napoleonic era.

The horizontal distance between cavalry is three feet. Every four cavalry squads form a group, and enough gaps should be left in the middle to prevent swarming at critical moments.

When the cavalry marches, their footwork is also strictly set, divided into slow steps, quick steps, and cantering.

These were summarized with blood by European countries during the Napoleonic era. Before that, European cavalry formations were denser and were constantly adjusted from actual combat.

As for the cavalry in the Song Dynasty, Ju Ming asked the cavalry commanders of the Xiang armies in various places. It seems that there are no strict regulations on the spacing of the cavalry, and they are all roughly arranged based on experience.

Because there is no clock, we can only use the hourglass to measure time, and calculate the speed based on the running distance in a fixed time.

At this moment, four hundred cavalry are training and the rest are resting.

After the four hundred cavalry were arranged horizontally in two columns, including the gaps between the four brigades, the width after expansion was 240 meters.


There was light snow falling in the sky. As the trumpet sounded, the captains of each squad ordered the flag bearers to raise the flag.

At the beginning, we advanced slowly, and the formations of each row were relatively neat.

Then when the flag order changed, the cavalry began to advance quickly, and the horizontal formation curved like an earthworm. Some were fast, some were slow, and they could not be uniform.

This situation is normal on the battlefield, but training should be as standard as possible.

The current Tengxiang army includes some Han cavalry and some barbarian cavalry. The former have never ridden horses, and the latter have never been in formation. It is too difficult for them to train them to follow a unified pace.


The sound of the trumpet became shorter and faster, and the flag bearer also waved the flag more frequently. The four hundred cavalry immediately accelerated their charge and turned into a mess. Some of the cavalry in the first column were already mixed with the second column.

The trumpet sounds and flag orders changed again.

The two brigades on the left and right, led by the commander on the outermost side, slowed down and changed direction, and the squad leader accelerated and rushed to the front to lead the troops.

The two brigades in the middle gradually reined in their horses and stopped. They all turned around and moved into the front line. The eight supervisors at the end temporarily led their respective teams to charge in the opposite direction.

Four hundred cavalrymen made three tactical changes, causing chaos in an instant.

There are even many cavalry soldiers who can no longer figure out where their squad leaders are. This kind of light cavalry can only bully weaklings on the battlefield, and it is difficult to make quick tactical actions.

You have to train slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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