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Chapter 368 0363 [Sichuan Barbarian Problem]


Several Qiang cavalrymen were galloping across the school grounds. They all hid in their stirrups, almost hanging upside down on their horses, and picked up their flat swords from the ground.

The Han soldiers, who were not good at riding, clapped their hands and cheered.

These Qiang people grew up riding horses, and their personal riding skills are really good. They can perform them from time to time, which can be used as entertainment for the military.

But their cavalry tactics are really poor, and they usually fight in the mountains, and there aren't that many wide terrains for them to gallop on.

There was a row of archery targets erected on the edge of the school ground. Both Han and Qiang cavalry quickly passed by on horseback and quickly fired arrows at the targets.

This is their favorite training content. Running in formation is collectively disliked because it is too boring and difficult to practice.

Yang Yun, a young man from the Qiang ethnic group, rushed over and shouted with a smile: "General, please show me your magic shot so that they can learn more about it!"

This man was from the Five Barbarians and was a die-hard fan of Ju Ming. He often accompanied Ju Ming on hunting trips when he was in Lizhou.


Ju Ming had already felt itchy after seeing it, so he rushed out on the cornucopia.

The Han and Qiang cavalry all stopped, waiting to admire the general's archery skills.

Zhu Ming held the horse's belly between his legs and drew his bow. An arrow hit him from a few dozen meters away. The soldiers immediately cheered.

This kind of fixed target is no longer a problem for him.

An official rushed into the school grounds and handed the frontline battle report to Gu San.

When Ju Ming came back from showing off, Gu San immediately handed it over: "General, this is from Li Tongzhi."

Ju Ming took it apart and saw that Li Bao had defeated Yun'an Army (Yunyang), and the officers and soldiers retreated to Kuizhou (Fengjie) in advance. Kuizhou City was dangerous and difficult to break for a while, but the rebel navy had achieved a great victory.

In addition, because the officers and soldiers on Kuizhou Road left, the rebels were busy attacking again. Many barbarians in the south took the opportunity to plunder the Han people, and Li Bao really had no time to deal with them.

"You guys keep practicing!"

Ju Ming gave an order and left the school with a smile. The generals will be responsible for the training.

On the way back to the city, he summoned Gao Jingshan.

When he returned to the General's Mansion, Gao Jingshan was already waiting.

Zhu Ming said: "First, the Mahu barbarians plundered Rongding Village, but were killed by Bai Qi's troops; then the Luo barbarians attacked the Lunan Yi, who sought refuge with Lin Chong and asked for help. Now the barbarians south of Kuizhou Road are also causing trouble.

, how should I appease you? I can’t spare the time to go out to conquer.”

Gao Jingshan said: "When the general reorganized the armies, he eliminated some weak soldiers and placed them in the strongholds in the south. They first occupied the strongholds for defense, and at the same time sent envoys to appease the barbarians. The barbarians also had conflicts with each other, and they were only trying to sow discord.

, just to support the weak and attack the strong. Set up another Jiazhou Prefecture to take charge of Jiazhou (Leshan), Yazhou (Ya'an), Lizhou (Hanyuan), Rongzhou (Yibin), and Rongzhou (Rongxian). There is only one county in Lizhou

In this land, the prefecture can be abolished and turned into a county, under the direct jurisdiction of the prefect of Jiazhou."

"The Luzhou Prefecture was then established to incorporate Fushun, Changzhou (Dazu, Rongchang), and the entire Lunan area into this prefecture."

Gao Jingshan asked Gu San to spread out the map and draw circles around Mabian, Leibo and Suijiang in later generations: "When the officers and soldiers are defeated next year, we will transfer the army back to attack the Mahu Department first. The mountains there are rolling, so there is no need to conquer them all.

, only need to seize the valleys around Mahu along the river. Order the prefectures and counties in central Sichuan to recruit 4,000 landless peasants and move their families to the Mahu military camp. They will serve as soldiers in war and for the people in leisure time. Mahu will be under the jurisdiction of Jiazhou Prefecture

, be sure to kill all the barbarians in the valley. As for the barbarians in the mountains, just appease them after they are frightened."

Then he pointed to the south of Yibin: "Laifu and Qingfu (northern Gaoxian County), Cai Jing established prefectures when he was prime minister, Wang Fuquan was deposed, and must be conquered again. Nanguang Department (Junlian) must also be conquered.

These two places were managed by Tuzhizhou, and they were merged into Rongzhou and placed under the jurisdiction of Jiazhou Prefecture."

Then pointing to the south of Luzhou: "The Luo barbarians occupy a very large area, with at least hundreds of thousands of barbarians. These barbarians can be divided and send large armies to conquer the northern part of Gui Laizhou (Xuyong). This area is hilly, and a military settlement of landless peasants can be built here.

The village fortress can control the entire Luo tribe. It is under the jurisdiction of Luzhou Prefecture."

Ju Ming asked: "Are there suitable candidates for the governors of Jiazhou Prefecture and Luzhou Prefecture?"

"Shi Shu was taken to Chengdu a few days ago and has been unwilling to return to his rightful ways. He is worthy of the heavy responsibility." Gao Jingshan said.

Ju Ming said: "Then let him be the prefect of Luzhou first. The Luo family is the most troubled. As for the prefect of Jiazhou, we can slowly look for him."

Gao Jingshan said: "Shi Shu has not yet converted. This man is quite foolish and loyal."

Ju Ming smiled and said: "He eats well and drinks well, and he doesn't bother to commit suicide. How foolish and loyal can a military minister be? Sooner or later he will be willing to surrender."

Gao Jingshan said: "When you win over and divide the barbarians, you can give them the best Shu brocade. The barbarian leaders cannot resist this temptation."

"No matter how good the Sichuan brocade is, it is still a dead thing. If you deserve a reward, you should reward it." Zhu Ming was not interested in that thing.

Shu brocade cannot be bought and sold privately, and the Jinyuan is directly managed by the Chengdu Fulu Transport Department. Most of the Shu brocade was given as tribute to the emperor, and a small number of Shu brocade was used to exchange for horses. But in recent years, all the Shu brocade used to exchange for horses has disappeared, and who knows where.

Which guy is greedy.

Gao Jingshan said: "Since the general has no desire for Shu brocade, he can sell some to the rich people in exchange for money and food. After the officers and soldiers are defeated, he can then sell it to other places. Rich people from all over the country will definitely rush to buy it."

"Okay." Zhu Ming followed the good advice.

The two discussed for a while, Gao Jingshan withdrew, and Ju Ming asked someone to bring Shi Shu.

This king was from Hengyang, Hunan, and served as the military commander of Nanping (Nanchuan, Qijiang and other places) as a military minister.

The Nanping Army had barbarians everywhere inside and outside the country. Shi Shu led troops to fight all year round and beat the surrounding barbarians into obedience.

When the Kuizhou Road Transfer Envoy transferred troops, he asked Shi Shu to lead troops to garrison Chongqing. Li Bao, Lin Chong, and Bai Qi could not defeat the siege.

Then we simply stopped fighting, and the rebels occupied nearby states and counties, turning Chongqing into an isolated city.

Being trapped in the city, reinforcements were cut off, the morale of the army was disorganized, and morale plummeted. The governor of Gongzhou directly offered the city to surrender. Shi Shu was also lured and tied up by the governor.

Not long after, a middle-aged man was tied up.

"How could you treat Shi Zhijun like this!" Zhu Ming immediately scolded him, then pretended to go to untie Shi Shu himself.

Shi Shu snorted coldly. Although he knew it was hypocritical, he felt a little better.

Surface respect is also respect.

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "Shi Zhijun, please take a seat."

Gu San asked people to bring a bench, and Shi Shu sat down, with his nostrils pointing to the sky, saying: "I am a military Jinshi appointed by the official family, and I will definitely not be a thief. If it were not for the fear of death in the big turban, Gongzhou (Chongqing) would be here today

It’s still in the hands of the imperial court!”

Zhu Ming said: "Zhijun is a loyal person, and naturally he will not betray that foolish king easily. The purpose of inviting Zhijun this time is not to persuade him to surrender, but to inquire about some information from Zhijun."

Shi Shu remained silent.

Ju Ming said: "There are many barbarians on Kuizhou Road. Whether it is managed by the Song Dynasty court or I, Zhu Ming, govern Sichuan, they are all Han people. We must not let the barbarians gain power. Does Shi Zhijun agree with this?"

Although Shi Shu hasn't spoken yet, his expression has softened a lot.

Zhu Ming asked: "The uncle and nephew of the Yang family in Bozhou are fighting against each other. What is going on?"

Shi Shu adjusted his sitting posture, tilted his buttocks and pointed at Ju Ming, and said: "About twenty years ago, Yang Guangzhen, the patrol inspector along the border, died of illness. His son Yang Wenguang was ordered to take over the post, and his younger brother Yang Guangrong was dissatisfied. Yang Guangrong bullied his nephew when he was young.

So he colluded with the Gaozhou barbarians to rebel. Although Yang Wenguang was only a teenager, he was a brave young man. He conquered various barbarians in the east and west, fulfilled the unfulfilled wish of his ancestors for generations, and more than tripled the territory of the Yang family."

Ju Ming clapped his hands and praised: "Duan is a fierce general!"

Shi Shu said: "Yang Wenguang died suddenly in his thirties, and his younger brother Yang Wengui succeeded him. Yang Guangrong claimed that Yang Wengui had killed his brother, and started another rebellion. The Yang family was divided into two."

"The imperial court took advantage of the opportunity and seized Zhenzhou (Zheng'an County, Daozhen County) and other places from the Yang family. In Bochuan (Tongzi County), Langchuan established Bozhou, with Yang Guangrong as the prefect; in Zunyi, the Zunyi Army was established, with Yang Wengui as its commander.


"Several state armies were set up in succession, and this great contribution to the expansion of territory was attributed to Cai Jing. Cai Jing dismissed the prime minister, Wang Fu came to power, and all the Bozhou and Zunyi armies were abandoned as military strongholds. Bochuan County, Zunyi County,

Langchuan County, these are all abandoned."

"Qinzhou (Yelang) and other Tuzhous were also abolished. From then on, the imperial court no longer interfered, allowing the Yang family and the barbarians to attack each other. The Qinzhou barbarians even crossed the border to Nanping to plunder, but I led my troops to kill and retreat several times.


Ju Ming asked: "How many Han people survive in Bozhou and Zunyi?"

Shi Shu replied: "I can't say clearly, but it's certainly not many. The total number of old, weak, women and children is estimated to be only twenty to thirty thousand. The number of barbarians in the surrounding area is more than ten times that of the Han people. The Yang family must support them and not let them fall, otherwise there will be

All the Han people will be killed."

It is obvious that it is not yet time to reform the system of native chieftains and return to local rule. The number of Han people is too small to change the situation at all. The chieftain system must continue to be used.

Moreover, the Yang family is currently relatively weak. The time for its real rise is when the Mongolian army ravages Sichuan and a large number of Sichuan Han people flee to Bozhou for refuge.

Zhu Ming asked some more questions about the situation in southeastern Sichuan, only to learn that it was worse than he imagined.

From Chongqing to Zunyi, from Yibin to Pengshui, they are all mixed areas of Han and Yi.

Ju Ming said: "If you are willing to return to Yi, you can become the prefect of Luzhou. The newly established Luzhou Prefecture will not only govern the counties of Luzhou, but also Fushun, Changzhou and other places. In the future, we will also attack the Luo clan's barbarian territories."

This is a big government, and it has military and political power, so it has a high degree of autonomy when deploying troops.

Shi Shu was already a little moved, but he was still very stubborn: "I am a loyal person to the emperor."

Zhu Ming said with a smile: "Why don't you go to Luzhou first to help the governor make plans and appease the Lunan barbarians there first. You won't be given an official position or a salary. This doesn't count as betraying the Song Dynasty court."

"Let me think about it again," Shi Shu said.

"Shi Zhijun is highly righteous." Ju Ming sent the military official out personally and invited him to a drink in a few days to settle the matter.

Ju Ming had already come into contact with many of these coquettish captured officials and gradually gained some experience.

As expected, Ju Ming hosted two more banquets and gave Shi Shu a piece of clothing made of Shu brocade, which finally made Shi Shu "cry with gratitude".

Shi Shu knelt down on one knee with tears in his eyes: "The general is so kind to the surrender, but I am not so hard-hearted, how can I turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear? Although that foolish king in Tokyo has helped me, he does not care about the lives of the people.

The present generation is like Jie and Zhou. Since ancient times, it has been difficult to have both loyalty and righteousness. I am willing to follow the generals in upholding righteousness."

"Mr. Shi is indeed a righteous man!" Zhu Ming helped him up with his own hands.

Shi Shu was even more moved that a military minister had such superb acting skills that he burst into tears on the spot.

Time passes day by day, and the New Year is almost here in a blink of an eye.

The civil affairs system is gradually getting back on track, but there is currently no land inventory in the Chengdu Plain.

There are too many big clans here and it is easy to cause chaos, but there should be no chaos at special times.

It can be enforced after the officers and soldiers are driven back next year. If any wealthy family dares to disobey, just kill a few of them. The knife of the rebel bandit does not depend on family background.

Tengxiang's troops are running more neatly in formation. It is estimated that they will need to practice for two or three months before they can look a little better.

The uncle and nephew of the Yang family in Bozhou were still fighting each other all day long.

They were miserably cheated by the Song Dynasty court, and they all sent envoys to submit to Ju Ming. Then they claimed that they were orthodox and the other party was rebellious, and asked Ju Ming to send troops to help fight the war.

This chapter has been completed!
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