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Chapter 639 0634 [City Massacre]

"General, Hu Sha is standing still. He probably doesn't dare to come to the rescue."

"Siege the city tomorrow!"

Zhao Li had just made a decision, and a large number of rebels came to surrender from the south.

When asked about the origin, Hou Gai was overjoyed and said to Zhao Li: "Those are slaves and tenants of the Gao family. After destroying Jian'an City, we can attack the Gao family's Wubao."

Yeluyu saw him and asked, "Is that bastard Gao Biao at home?"

Hou Gai said: "He's not here, but his father is."

Yelu Yu saw that he suddenly knelt down and said: "General, if we break through the Gao family's Wubao, please kill all the Gao family!"

"What did the Gao family do?" Zhao Li asked.

Yelu Yujian said: "The Emperor of Daliao was captured by him."

Zhao Li was a little speechless, thinking that you were very active in hunting down Emperor Tianzuo back then, but now you are making trouble to avenge Emperor Tianzuo.

Of course, Yelu Yujian was not trying to avenge anyone. He urgently needed to establish a character and enhance his prestige among the Khitan people, and killing the Gao family could just achieve his goal.

Gao Biao was a fierce general of the Jin Kingdom. He had experienced hundreds of battles and had almost no defeats. He was good at defeating more with less.

When he was young, he joined the army for his father, fought against the Jin soldiers, and followed his father's family to invest in gold.

Historically, he not only captured Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom with his own hands, but the royal family of the Song Dynasty was initially imprisoned in his territory.

The most outrageous battle of this man was when he led 3,000 troops to attack Kuozhou. He personally took two domestic slaves and climbed the city wall at night. After being discovered by the defenders, the three masters and servants killed the defenders and successfully connected with the troops.

Capture the city.

When Jin Wushu fled to Huangtiandang in embarrassment, more than 30 warships under Han Shizhong chased him. One of them, carrying more than 200 soldiers, had already rushed to Jin Wushu. It was Gao Biao who led dozens of people to join the gang to fight back.

, to help the defeated Jin Wushu stabilize his position. Otherwise, nothing would happen later, and Jin Wushu would probably be captured alive there.

This guy is currently under the control of Wanyan Zongwang. Last year, half of the clan members were relocated to Yanshan Mansion. On the Gaizhou side, his father, Gao Liuge, stayed at the manor. Too many clan members were moved away and it has become destructive.

After all, he is a member of the Bohai tribe, so what if he has repeatedly made military exploits?

Still ordered to migrate by the Jin Kingdom, the whole family was split into two, and could no longer challenge the imperial court as a local snake.

Jian'an City was besieged on three sides, and artillery had been bombarding the city walls for many days.

There are several large holes in the city wall near the sea, and it is on the verge of collapse.

We could not wait any longer, because the forward scouts reported that the forward of Liaoyang Jinbing was already thirty miles away.

The shelling continued, and the Ming army was building a pontoon bridge to cross the moat.

Wanyan Goushi had only experienced two battles. With his only experience and ability, he judged that the Ming army should mainly attack the west. Because there were warships and artillery cover there, the city wall was about to be blown down, and today was probably a feint attack.


The people in the city guarded the city wall cautiously, and nearly a thousand Jurchen soldiers were divided into two teams.

One team was personally commanded by Wanyan Goushi and served as a reserve team for support. The other team was arranged within the west city wall and could fight with the elite main attackers of the Ming army at any time.

As for the remaining several hundred Jurchen soldiers, they were thrown to the countryside to recruit troops and food. Now they dare not return to the city and have gone to join the Liaoyang reinforcements.

Song Jiang led his elite troops and arrayed themselves on the shore, seemingly intending to attack.

The other two sides were all local rebels from various ethnic groups, led by Yelu Yujian and Hou Gai.

As a general, Zhao Li actually mingled with the Han rebels. This man planned to lead the troops himself first!

Seeing the enemy forces approaching from three sides, the people who were temporarily pulled to defend the city were already thinking about escaping. Most of them were Han Chinese and Khitan craftsmen who were forcibly moved here, and some were local Han and Bohai people from Gaizhou.

People are often bullied by the Jurchens, how can they be desperate now?

The siege rebels from the east and south rushed towards the city wall with flying ladders.

Song Jiang in the west also led his troops to start a feint attack.

The defenders in the city hurriedly threw wood and gold juice, and soon one of the city walls was attacked by Han rebels. Wanyan Goushi hurriedly led the reserve team to reinforce and drove back the Han rebels who boarded the city.

"Bang the drum!"

Zhao Li saw clearly through the telescope, immediately shouted and rushed forward with more than 30 elite soldiers.

As the drums sounded, Yelu Yujian and Hou Gai each led their warriors to attack fiercely.

Zhao Li led his troops and rushed to the nearby area. His troops were well-armed and they soon discovered something unusual.

Wanyan Gou Chamber actually left dozens of archers nearby, and they all came close to shoot arrows at Zhao Li.

The two groups of rebels were defeated, but Zhao Li continued to charge forward, and soon became the target of archers' fire. When he rushed to the city, he had six arrows stuck in his body, and he was even hit in the cheek by an arrow.

The golden juice here has been poured out, and the rest is not yet boiling hot.

The soldiers guarding the city hurriedly fired arrows, and the makeshift militiamen threw down trees in fear.

The flying ladder to avoid the beating had been set up. Zhao Li broke off the arrow that had shot into his cheek and climbed up wearing armor weighing dozens of kilograms.

The soldiers guarding the city wanted to push down the flying ladder with a fork pole, but found that there were iron hooks on the wall of the crenellation, so they went to pry the iron hooks of the flying ladder. The remaining soldiers were still throwing wood, but were knocked down by the flying ladder's avoidance pole.

Blocking it, Samu rolled to the side and injured a Ming soldier.

As Zhao Li climbed higher and higher, a spear came down. The tip of the spear hit his helmet and slid to the side.

He ignored it and continued to climb.

The defender stretched out his upper body and was still stabbing down with his spear.

Zhao Li grabbed the flying ladder with one hand and the enemy's gun barrel with the other hand. He used his strength to climb two more steps. The enemy soldier who drew his gun was almost torn off the wall by him.

Finally climbing up, Zhao Li took out the iron bone from his waist, jumped up the wall, and hit a defender so hard that his arm was broken.

He waved the iron bone flower in his hand continuously, and defeated the militiamen around him by himself.

The Jurchen archers drew their swords and attacked him, clinking their swords on his armor. Zhao Li knocked them to death and injured two people with his backhand.

In this short period of time, the more than 30 elite soldiers brought by Zhao Li, except for one who was injured by a tree, climbed up the city wall one after another.

The female main force led by Wanyan Goushi was rescuing another city wall, and Yelu Yuchi almost led his troops to attack it. The other female main force was on guard against the elite Ming army led by Song Jiang.

Zhao Li's side completed the first advance, but there were no strong soldiers to defend it. More than 30 people quickly defeated the defenders. They divided their troops into two groups, and led the motley rebels who subsequently climbed to the city to pursue them in the east and west sides.


The temporarily recruited city guard militiamen were so frightened that they fled back to the city. They were afraid that the Ming army would massacre the city, but they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape with their families.

Zhao Li had led his troops to the Wanyan Goushi section of the city wall. Yelu Yujian took the opportunity to attack fiercely. With Zhao Li's cooperation and restraint, he successfully led his troops to attack the city wall. Hou Gai led the Han'er rebels and attacked the city wall.

With the help of another advance Ming army, they ascended the city.

Li Kui, however, took advantage of the chaos to go around the northern city wall and attacked unexpectedly, where there was a gap between three and one.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

The beating of drums outside the city became louder and louder. A group of Ming troops ascended the city, killed the defenders at the city gate, and opened the city gate to let in more friendly troops.

Screams spread from the city gate to the streets, and the militia still on the city wall collapsed completely, and everyone panicked and abandoned their positions and fled towards their homes.

Wanyan's hook room was attacked by Zhao Li and Yelu Yu from two sides. The defensive area became narrower and narrower, and even became crowded with people as they continued to retreat.

Zhao Li swung the Iron Bone Flower mechanically, and his soldiers would help stab the enemies with their spears. Without any distractions, he almost hammered them one by one, and they were either dead or injured when hit by the Iron Bone Flower.

From time to time, spears pierced the gaps in Zha's armor, and more and more blood seeped out of Zhao Li's armor.

But he seemed unconscious and continued to shoot his head.

This group of besieged Jurchen soldiers had actually collapsed a long time ago. They were crowded together because they had nowhere to escape. The Jurchen soldiers inside were so crowded that they could not even hold their weapons, and the Jurchen soldiers outside were just stabbing and wielding randomly.


Wanyan's hook room was squeezed in the middle, and it was difficult to breathe. Suddenly he felt a looseness behind his back, but some Jurchen soldiers chose to climb over the city wall and jump out of fear.

At some point, Wanyan Goushi was confused, his eyes turned black, and he collapsed suddenly.

He was not done with a blow to the head, but another Ming army shot him in the throat.

To the west of the city wall, Li Kui had already joined Song Jiang in climbing the city. The two killers had elite soldiers trained by Zhao Li. They rushed forward with their soldiers. More than 400 Jurchen soldiers quickly fled and chased them all the way from the city wall along the horse path into the city.


Countless local rebels, as well as the man-eating demons from Salmon Island, have entered from various city gates.

They killed men when they saw them, snatched away women when they saw them, and looted the riches when they saw them. To put it bluntly, they wanted to massacre the city.

Reinforcements from Liaoyang's Jin soldiers are about to arrive. The Ming Dynasty will not defend this place, and quickly turning it into an empty city is the best option.

After sweeping the entire city, Zhao Li even ordered the houses to be burned down.

During the massacre of the city, discipline must still be emphasized, that is, everything looted must be handed over and distributed according to military merit.

Anyone who dares to hide it secretly will be beheaded if it reaches a certain value. Anyone who hides only a small amount of property will be beaten with a military stick!

In half a day, this place became an empty city.

Some of them, young and strong, escorted the old, weak, women, children and goods, and took boats in batches to Lushunkou.

The remaining troops and young men dragged more than a dozen artillery pieces to Gaojia Wubao, more than ten miles away in the south.

There are even more troops there than in the city.

Because the Gao family was also arranged to recruit troops, plus the Gao family's private soldiers, there were more than 2,000 defenders in Wu Fort.

Mainly the Bohai tribe, the equipment is not very good, because all the real elites of the Gao family have followed Gao Biao to the Yanshan Mansion.

Brother Gao Liu was already very old. Looking at the enemy troops outside Wubao, he could only hope that reinforcements would arrive quickly.

If half of the tribe had not been relocated, Brother Gao Liu would have surrendered immediately.

He had also fought hard for the Liao Kingdom at the beginning. Seeing that the Liao Kingdom was over, he immediately took his son Ma Liu to surrender the gold.

Why not surrender to the Ming Dynasty now?

But he cannot surrender. His precious son, half of the Gao family in Gaizhou, is now under the rule of Wanyan Zongwang!

You must wait for help.

The enemy troops outside the city rolled out strange equipment one after another. Brother Gao Liu looked out carefully, but he couldn't see clearly due to his old eyesight.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of gunshots fired, and the walls of Wubao shook violently.

The old brother Gao Liu couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground suddenly. His grandson rushed to help him and found that the old man had fainted.

This chapter has been completed!
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