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Chapter 818 0813 [The fraudulent city seems to be failing]

The city walls of Hesuguan City were once destroyed by the Ming army crossing the sea, and all the buildings in the city were burned down by fire.

The Jin Kingdom tried their best to make the city wall taller and thicker, thinking that it could withstand the artillery attack.

Now, without even firing a single shot, the Jin soldiers themselves became chaotic, and Ju Ming captured this place effortlessly.

The morning sun is rising and the sky is filled with rays of rays.

The fire in the city was finally extinguished. Fortunately, not many houses were rebuilt, otherwise it would not have been so easy to deal with the fire.

Countless soldiers collapsed on the roadside to rest. They had been tired, hungry and thirsty since last night.

"Everyone get up and kneel down, His Majesty the Ming Emperor is here!"

The Ming army's cavalry ran along the street shouting, and the surrendered soldiers were frightened and knelt on the spot.

The reputation of "Prince Zhu of the Ming Dynasty" spread throughout Liaodong a few years ago, and parents even used it to scare their children.

It can stop children from crying at night!

The surrendered soldiers were kneeling on the ground. When they heard footsteps coming from the front, most of them didn't even dare to raise their heads.

There were also a few brave ones who looked up secretly and quickly buried their heads again.

A few of them were stunned when they saw a majestic horse, riding a general who looked like a god. The red sun reflected on the golden armor, reflecting a red-golden light, just like the god descending to the world.

No wonder the Jurchens couldn't beat the Ming Prince... No, the Ming Emperor was a god descended from heaven!

Yang Yun galloped over on horseback: "Your Majesty, we have rescued half of the grain and grass, which is estimated to be more than 100,000 stones. The city was too chaotic before, and it was difficult to effectively organize troops to put out the fire. The grain warehouses everywhere were burned by fire for a long time."

Zhu Ming nodded in approval: "You have done a great job in saving food."

The Kingdom of Jin must have more than this amount of military rations. It is estimated that Liaoyang still has a lot of it, and Jinzhou also has a lot of it.

Yang Yun added: "All the heroes and marshals of all surnames have died, and their bodies are outside the Yamen."

At the government office on Hesuguan Road, Zhu Ming was temporarily moving in. The corpses had been moved to the street, and dozens of surrendered soldiers were brought to the lobby to wash the floor and wipe away the blood.

Ju Ming reined in his horse and assigned tasks, letting the Qingqi disperse to investigate the enemy's situation. Each unit camped inside and outside the city, waiting for the artillery and baggage to come and rendezvous. As for the prisoners, they were all escorted outside the city to be dispersed and guarded.

When he came to the street outside the Yamen, Ju Ming saw corpses on the ground. He couldn't help but ask: "Does anyone know what happened?"

Yang Yun raised his right hand, and several surrendered soldiers were brought.

Ju Ming pointed at one of them and asked, "What ethnic group are you from?"

The surrendered soldier knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I am from the Liaoyang family."

Ju Ming said: "I remember once beheading a big sword."

The soldiers pointed to a corpse and said, "That is Da Pan, the only son of Mr. Da Bian."

Da Pan’s nephew is Wan Yanliang!

Even in the Jin Kingdom, where corruption among civil servants was rampant and military generals were domineering, Da Pan's reputation was a first-class stinker: a violent person who repeatedly committed criminal offenses could not be reused.

But his father only had this only son, so the Kingdom of Jin could only let this boy inherit the title.

Ju Ming asked: "What happened?"

Jiang Bing replied: "I am Lang Jun's personal soldier. I followed Lang Jun to the Yamen for a meeting. Lang Jun and other handsome men entered the lobby. We personal soldiers were waiting outside. After waiting for a long time, we suddenly heard the cry of killing.

, everyone rushed in to save their husband."

"Halfway through the rush, I didn't know where the arrows were being fired. I was so frightened that I ran outside quickly. After running a few steps, I saw many Jurchen soldiers rushing in from outside, and there were archers on the wall drawing their bows."

"I was so frightened that I ran diagonally and tripped over someone. I fell down and pretended to be dead. The Jurchen soldiers didn't come to check. They killed the people and left in a hurry."

"When the Jurchen soldiers were gone, I dared to get up and found that several of them were also pretending to be dead. We hurried into the lobby and found that all the husbands of the families were dead. The city was also in chaos, so we guarded the corpses.

After a while, the general came in with his troops and tied us all up."

Yang Yun guessed: "It is estimated that various ethnic groups colluded to rebel against the Jin Dynasty. The female leader noticed it in advance and simply took the initiative to kill them all."

Ju Ming ordered: "Assemble the sea ships and come over. You and Deng Chun will lead 10,000 cavalry and immediately take the ships to attack Jinzhou. Cooperate with Li Jinyi there to attack the enemy forces in Jinzhou from front to back!"


Yang Yun took the order and left.

The city of Suzhou Guancheng was captured by Ju Ming's main force, and Wanyan Zongfu fled towards Liaoyang, so Jinzhou's Jin soldiers became isolated.

The leader of the Ming army in the Jinzhou direction was Li Jinyi, and the original plan was to attack Haiyang (Qinhuangdao). As a result, the Jin soldiers reduced their strength and voluntarily abandoned the Banghai Road. Li Jinyi led his troops to fight all the way to Jinzhou City.

Now let's attack Jinzhou from both front and rear. As long as we capture this city, the two Ming armies will join forces and their total strength will instantly exceed one hundred thousand.

Zhu Ming called Zhang Xian again: "You can take ten thousand cavalry and go to the mouth of the Yalu River by boat, and attack Posu Road with Zhe Yanzhi."

To transport 20,000 cavalry by sea at one time, including corresponding supplies and equipment, the Ming army certainly did not have that much transportation capacity - many merchant ships had already returned to Shandong to transport grain.

We can only transport some infantry to land first, form a vehicle formation with chariots, build a position on the shore, and then do the rest slowly.

However, it was said that Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng took advantage of the chaos last night and took advantage of the chaos to escape, leading their soldiers on horseback to Liaoyang.

The total number of cavalry they took away was actually less than a thousand, but they were all battle-hardened elites.

Even though Wang Zheng doesn't have many soldiers, he has good marriage alliances.

Several of his sisters and nieces either married into the wealthy families of Liaoyang or married into nobles of the Jin Kingdom.

Moreover, he had been fooling around with A Gu for a long time, and he had enough seniority among the Jin soldiers.

Currently, he serves as the commander of the guards and troops. He is usually responsible for "protecting" Wu Qimai and is also in charge of military resources (this power and wealth are huge).

"Let's take a rest."

After running for dozens of miles at a stretch, they came to a small river. Wang Zheng reined up his horse and blew the trumpet to deliver orders.

Everyone got off their horses and led their horses to drink water and eat grass.

I didn’t bring the essence, I only had a small packet of salt with me, which could be used to replenish the salt for the war horse.

Gao Jingshan was still in the mood to joke: "You have a bigger official position than me, how can you think of betraying your money and surrendering to the Ming Dynasty?"

Wang Zheng said: "If Gao Yongchang hadn't been too cruel, I wouldn't have invested money back then. Jurchens and barbarians, my Wang family is from a scholarly family."

Historically, the descendants of this guy were all civil servants of the Jin Dynasty.

His grandson Wang Tingyun was the leading painter, writer and calligrapher in the Jin Kingdom.

Gao Jingshan said with a smile: "Why talk so grandly? It's just that the Ming Dynasty gained power. This land in Liaodong can be won by those with strong soldiers and horses. The Liao Kingdom will occupy it, the Jin Kingdom will occupy it, and the Ming Kingdom will naturally occupy it. No matter who is the emperor, we

All the big families in Bohai need to work together. I have a daughter who is not married yet, and your young man is not married yet. How about..."

"It's a deal!" Wang Zheng agreed immediately.

The Wang family originally looked down upon the Gao family of Chengzhou, so their marriage partner was the Gao family of Liaoyang.

Now, the two families are getting married.

They will all achieve the success of capturing Liaoyang, and most of them will be reused by the Ming Dynasty, and they will join forces to develop together in the future.

After a short rest, the two men led their troops to continue the attack.

They bypassed Tangchi and Chengzhou and approached Liaoyang City on the afternoon of the second day.

Selecting a few war horses that were almost dead from exhaustion, Gao Jingshan ordered them to be killed, and then smeared their armor with horse blood.

Then he threw away some helmets and made the clan soldiers disheveled. Then they took off their armors and chopped and stabbed them, making them look like they had just experienced a fierce battle.

At this time, not only the horses were exhausted, but the soldiers were also almost dead from exhaustion. They had not rested for more than forty hours.

The whole army lay down and took a nap, and the war horses also took the opportunity to regain their strength, leaving only a few people to keep watch nearby.

Towards evening, these guys remounted their horses and ran straight to Liaoyang City.

Liaoyang is a big city. As long as there are no troops approaching the city, the city gates will definitely not be closed during the day. Woodcutters, vegetable vendors, etc. must be allowed to enter the city to sell daily necessities.

Seeing the army coming from a distance, the soldiers guarding the city quickly closed the city gate.

"Don't close the door and let us in!"

"Failed, our army was defeated..."

A group of ethnic soldiers shouted outside the city, causing the soldiers who defended the city to panic.

Not long after, Wanyan Zongxian, who was responsible for staying in Liaoyang, arrived.

Wanyan Zongxian followed A Gu on the battlefield, and worked as a guard for Wu Qimai for a long time. Later, he was also responsible for managing the treasury.

This person's fighting skills are average, but his ability to govern the people is extremely strong, and he knows how to appease the wealthy.

Wanyan Zongfu specially transferred him to guard Liaoyang, just to ensure that nothing went wrong.

"How come you were defeated and fled here?" Wanyan Zongxian asked.

Wang Zheng rode forward and said: "The southern bandits were cunning and landed on the boundary of Guangning Prefecture by boat. Tens of thousands of cavalry went straight to Chengzhou. Fortunately, they were discovered by our army's sentry cavalry. We were ordered to rush to Chengzhou's aid. As a result, Chengzhou was greatly attacked.


Gao Jingshan also stepped forward and said: "The southern bandits only sent cavalry to attack Chengzhou and did not bring siege equipment. They could not defeat it for the time being, but they surrounded Chengzhou and wanted to cut off the grain road from Liaoyang to Huosu Hall.


Wanyan Zongxian was shocked and doubtful, but he was always wary of the Bohai clan, so he said: "You guys just rest outside the city, I will send someone to deliver food."

Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng were a little confused. If they failed to defraud Liaoyang, their families would be completely ruined.

I couldn't think of a way for the moment, so I had to dismount and rest for a while.

Wanyan Zongxian's next move made the two of them even more desperate - he dropped grain and firewood in hanging baskets without directly opening the city gate to send them out!

Gao Jingshan was furious and shouted at Wanyan Zongxian: "We fought bloody battles and killed and injured countless clan members. Are you treating us as thieves?"

Wang Zheng also said: "When I was weak, I went to war with Taizu and suffered more than ten wounds all over my body. Now I almost died in Chengzhou. I fled back to Liaoyang but was not allowed to enter the city. Even the food I had to eat had to be hung in a basket. In this way,

Wouldn’t it chill the hearts of Dajin soldiers?”

Wanyan Zongxian was hesitant, and suddenly a Jurchen young man whispered a few words beside him.

Soon, Wanyan Zongxian shouted: "Since the two generals have fled back to Liaoyang, they can disarm. I will immediately send doctors out of the city to treat the injuries of the soldiers."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed.

They only tore the armor and clothes and poured a lot of horse blood on them, but they didn't expect that they would have to make wounds.

Once the armor and clothes are taken off and there are no new wounds on the body, wouldn't it be exposed on the spot?

When Wanyan Zongxian saw them standing still, he immediately shouted sharply: "There are no enemy troops nearby, and you are injured and exhausted. Why are you still wearing your armor?"


This chapter has been completed!
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