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Chapter 820 0815 [Detailed Work]

The population of Liaoyang is dominated by the Bohai ethnic group.

The Han people come second, the Khitans come second, and the Jurchens the least.

A hundred years ago, Dayanlin revolted. He killed the consort and princess of the Liao Kingdom and established the Bohai regime centered on Liaoyang.

After the Liao State suppressed them, they forcibly moved the Bohai people in Liaoyang to the Western Liaoning Corridor. They also moved many Khitans and Han people to Liaoyang to reduce the population proportion of the Bohai people.

In recent years, not many Jurchens have moved to Liaoyang, mainly because of the resistance of the wealthy Bohai families, both overtly and covertly.

"No matter men, women, old or young, all come to the top of the city!"

"All Jurchen slaves, now you are free, pick up weapons and help defend the city!"

The few Jurchen people in the city were forced by Wanyan Zongxian to defend the city and distributed simple armors and weapons.

By the way, free all the Jurchen slaves in the city.

These Jurchen slaves were used by the Bohai clan before the Jin Kingdom was established.

In order to increase the Jurchen population, the Jin Kingdom issued an edict stating that Jurchen slaves could redeem themselves. At the same time, when they snatched slaves from other tribes, the Jin Kingdom used them to exchange for Jurchen slaves, but there were still many left in the Bohai prominent families.

Now that the situation is critical, we might as well liberate them all and quickly organize them into defense forces!

These Jurchens who had just gained freedom did not actually feel happy. They had no sense of belonging to the Jin Kingdom, and having enough to eat was their greatest hope. Isn’t it nonsense to ask them to defend the city now?

One or two, they carefully received their armor, then climbed up the city wall and looked around randomly.

As for the civilians of other ethnic groups, their weapons were confiscated and even their kitchen knives had to be handed over, and each family had to have some help transporting supplies.

Some people wept and demolished their houses and moved the pillars and beams to the top of the city to make rolling logs. Every household carried chamber pots or incense buckets, poured their excrement and urine into large wooden barrels, and transported them to the top of the city to be cooked and refined into gold juice.

The whole city was mobilized!

In the darkness, the rumble of horse hooves could be heard from the east.

Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng quickly led their troops to join together.

Wang Zheng said: "The Jurchen cavalry is back."

"The main force cannot return so quickly. There must only be a small number of light cavalry. They probably want to rush here to report the news." Gao Jingshan guessed.

"Then kill him!" Wang Zheng gritted his teeth.

They blew the horns and led less than a thousand Bohai cavalry to charge towards the enemy in the darkness.

The two sides had just fought, and more than two thousand Jurchen Qingqi were at a disadvantage.

Not only was the equipment inferior, but also the long march without much rest made both men and horses exhausted.

Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng set out with their elite tribesmen when the fire broke out in the camp. Wanyan Zongfu also led his troops to fight in the canyon for a while, then returned to the city to collect the defeated troops, arrange defenses, and then planned to kill people and burn them.

There was a time difference of several hours between the food evacuation.

The Jurchen Qingqi were beaten into several groups and fled. Two of them quickly approached the city and shouted in a hissing voice: "Gao, the two Wang clans have rebelled. Do not open the city gate!"

Wanyan Zongxian asked his soldiers to shout: "Go around the Wengcheng and come in through the Wengcheng!"

Yawuta originally wanted to wait for the opportunity, but when he saw the Jurchen reinforcements coming back, he knew that he could not delay it any longer.


He shouted loudly and rushed towards the nearby Jurchen soldiers.

Those Jurchen soldiers were in joy and turned to look in the direction of the reinforcements, not paying attention at all.

The Huangtou Shiwei suddenly attacked and killed the Jurchen soldiers by surprise. The brave ones tried to resist, but the timid ones turned around and ran away.

None of them are elites. The real elite Jurchens have long been transferred to the front line.

Yawu Pagoda killed the nearby Jurchens and did not continue the pursuit. Instead, he turned around and rushed towards the horse road.

There were still people carrying supplies on the horse road. The Jurchen officers in charge had been scared away, and only a few Liaoyang civilians were still standing there.

"Kill the Jurchens together!"

Although Yawuta can understand Chinese, it is very difficult for him to speak it, and his accent is so strong that it is almost indistinguishable.

Most of the people were frightened and ran away, while a few actually followed.

Seeing that they had escaped, Yawuta quickly shouted: "Set fire, set fire!"

One of the Khitan civilians, who was following Huangtou Shiwei to kill, reacted immediately after hearing this. He shouted to his companions: "Set the house on fire!"

These Khitans turned back to the city wall, where gold juice was being cooked, and the Jurchen soldiers had been killed and routed.

They picked up the burning firewood, picked up a pot of hot oil, and rushed to the street along the road. Then they poured the hot oil on the door of the shop, set it on fire, and went to the next shop.

"Set fire to kill the Jurchens!"

These Khitan people shouted all the way and rushed into another Bohai people's shop.

The shop owner hid in the backyard, crying and begging: "Don't burn my house!"

The Khitan civilians didn't care about this and asked: "Where is the woodshed?"

"I know, come with me!" said a Han slave living in a side house.

The woodshed was quickly set on fire, and everyone rushed out to continue setting fires, shouting for Jurchen rebellion along the way.

In the bitter cold land of Liaodong, there are many people who dare to fight hard.

The Liao Kingdom forced the people of Liaodong to rebel many times, and the Jin Kingdom had rebellions every now and then.

Because their life is too hard!

Huangtou Shiwei had not yet captured the city gate, but dozens of civilians had joined the rebellion.

Until the fire got bigger and bigger, many Khitans and Han people came spontaneously. There were also slaves who killed their masters and rebelled, then set fire to the house everywhere, grabbing some gold and silver jewelry and putting them in their arms.

"Go to Beicheng to suppress them!"

Wanyan Zongxian gave the order in panic. He had no idea how many people were rebelling.

"Huangtou Shiwei has rebelled, Huangtoushi Wei has rebelled!"

The defeated Jurchen soldiers shouted in panic.

It doesn't matter if you don't shout, but bad things will happen if you shout.

The Huangtou Shiwei led by Yawuta only had more than 200 people, and nearly 300 others were elsewhere.

Huangtou Shiwei, who had not rebelled originally, faintly heard the shouts of the Jurchen soldiers, and was so frightened that he quickly joined the rebel ranks.

Instead of killing the Jurchen soldiers, they rushed into the city and killed them randomly, and then set fire to create chaos. More and more civilians were killed and were forced to leave their homes and run for their lives in the streets. Neighbors near the fire point also came out one after another.

The whole city was in chaos, and fires broke out everywhere.

The rich people who were ordered not to go out didn't know what was going on outside, so they didn't dare to act rashly. They could only hide at home and wait anxiously.

"The Jin soldiers were defeated, and Emperor Zhu of the Han Dynasty came to kill them!"

Taking advantage of the chaos to rebel, there were more than ten groups of Han and Khitan civilians in the city, one of which had gathered more than two hundred people.

More than a dozen people hurried over and the leader shouted: "I am Ming Xia Zuo, and I have been ordered by the Ming Emperor to lurk in Liaoyang. If I capture this city, the Ming Emperor will give me a lot of rewards!"

When the Ming and Jin Dynasties negotiated peace, a large number of Youyan people were moved away.

Shi Yuangong took the opportunity to launch hundreds of crafts, disguised as Han people in the north, and followed them to move eastward.

At that time, the migration work of the Jin Kingdom was extremely chaotic, and there was no basic roster. It could only be carried out by the gentry and generals of various ethnic groups.

There are still many scattered people who have no idea of ​​their origins, and no one has been found in the detailed work.

Most of these more than 100 workers were placed in the countryside to farm, and this year they were even drafted into the militia.

The man in front of me was a carpenter and was brought to Liaoyang by the Jin Kingdom to be a carpenter.

The leader is called Song Yu, and he holds an ax in his hand.

He had just been forced to help demolish houses and use old wood to make fork poles and other simple tools for defending the city.

Seeing that there was chaos in the city, Song Yu immediately brought people over to start trouble. The ten people behind him were not craftsmen, but carpenters who he had deceived into rebelling.

"Are you really sent by the Ming Emperor?" asked the leader of this group of rebels.

Song Yu loudly said to everyone: "My name is Song Yu, and I am a carpenter. I am originally from Wanping County in the Liao Kingdom. My whole family was kidnapped by the Jin people and went to western Liaoning. Later, Zhang Jue rebelled and I was separated from my family. I fled back to Youzhou with the defeated army.

He became a soldier of Marshal Guo (Pharmacist Guo). Later, he joined Prince Zhu of the Ming Dynasty...it was Emperor Zhu. He became a craftsman and returned to Liaodong to look for his lost family members."

"Emperor Zhu is a descendant of the stars in the sky. He has never been defeated in a battle. No matter how powerful the Jurchen soldiers are, they can't defeat Emperor Zhu."

"Let me kill the Jurchens tonight, and everyone will be able to make meritorious deeds. When the Jin Kingdom is destroyed, drinking and eating meat every day will make you very happy..."

At this moment, more than a hundred Xi soldiers came to kill him.

Song Yu held an ax in his hand and roared: "Whose soldiers are in front of you? I am sent by the Ming Emperor. The Jurchen soldiers quickly kneel down to accept death! Bohai soldiers, Khitan soldiers, Xi soldiers, and Han soldiers can all avoid death. Come and kill with me."

Jurchens, all of them can make their wives and children their wives!"

The Xiren general stopped and asked in shock: "Are you a Ming army? Did Emperor Zhu lead his troops to kill?"

Song Yu said: "I was sent by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to lurk in the city. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are already dozens of miles away, with a total of 500,000 troops. There are also many Xi people among the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and all of them are favored by the emperor! Follow me.

I will kill the Jurchens together to ensure your prosperity and wealth."

The Xiren general was still hesitating.

Song Yu shouted: "What are you waiting for? Are you going to die with the Jurchens?"

The Xiren general gritted his teeth and said: "I'll do it with you. Sons, follow me to kill the gold thief!"


With the participation of more than a hundred Xi soldiers, the morale of the rebellious civilians of all ethnic groups was even higher.

Song Yu commanded: "Attack the city gate and welcome the friendly troops in!"

The more than 200 yellow-headed Shiwei who were the first to rebel were now at the city gate and were attacked from two sides by the Jurchen soldiers.

These guys fight with no regard for their lives, and are more brutal and fierce than the Jurchen soldiers.

Historically, when the Jin Kingdom expanded rapidly, they often captured Huangtou Shiwei as soldiers and put them in the front row to charge into battle.

Even when Lu You wrote patriotic poems, his vision was to capture Huangtou Shiwei: the yellow-headed girl was really dying of her soul, and she was bound to the army and wanted to die.

Huangtou Shiwei appears many times in Lu You's poems and is an object of reviling and curses.

Of the more than two hundred yellow-headed Shiwei who attacked the city gate, nearly half of them were dead or wounded and were still fighting bloody battles as they were attacked from both sides.

They seemed to have only one idea. They were determined to capture the city gate, and they would fight to the death to achieve their goal.

On the contrary, these Jurchen second-line troops have never experienced a real battlefield and are timid in fighting at this moment.

"Kill the Jurchen!"

Song Yu has led his troops to kill him.

He first observed the situation clearly before running to fool others into rebelling. Now he went straight to the city gate to cooperate with Huangtou Shiwei.

The Jurchen soldiers who originally had the upper hand were attacked from behind by Song Yu's troops, and they immediately showed signs of collapse.


This chapter has been completed!
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