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Chapter 1002 0997 [Newspaper]

Royal palace, garden.

The emperor was drinking tea with the eminent monk.

As soon as he had a drink, the Great Hui Zonggao said: "Your Majesty, there is a monk hiding stolen goods in Tianwang Temple. Please resign as the abbot."

"No, Zen Master doesn't know about it," Zhu Ming said with a smile on his face, as if he really didn't care, but he changed the topic, "Zen Master should continue to stay in Tianwang Temple as the abbot. If he feels guilty because of the monk's concealment of stolen goods, he will take back the title of 'Dahui'


No matter how profound the Dharma was, Mahawisdom Zonggao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard these words, and then smiled and replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for helping me eliminate the troubles and obstacles."

This eminent monk doesn't pay attention to food and clothing, so what if he can't become the abbot of Tennoji Temple? He can't go hungry anywhere, and many temples are rushing to invite him to go.

The real punishment is to take back the title of "Mahayi".

But Ju Ming stopped smiling: "Let's confiscate half of the goods in the warehouse of Tennoji Temple. There has been a severe drought in the north in the past two years, and all the confiscated goods of Tennoji Temple will be used to provide relief to the victims."

Zen Master Zonggao said: "If the court does not allocate food for disaster relief, as a rule, Tianwang Temple will also provide porridge. In recent years, the Ming Dynasty court has been effective in disaster relief, and monks no longer need to come out to provide porridge, and the temple has saved a lot of money and food. Your Majesty collected half of it today.

The wealth is actually what Tianwangyuan should have given you long ago."

Zhu Ming was in awe and praised repeatedly: "Zen Master is indeed profound in Buddhism. I will send someone to Kaifeng to tell these words to the abbot of Xiangguo Temple."

"Hahahaha, your Majesty's wonderful words!" Zen Master Zonggao was really amused. He planned to go to Xiangguo Temple to drink tea and talk about Buddhism another day.

One emperor and one monk seemed to be joking, but in fact this eminent monk was already dealing with it with all his strength.

If handled improperly, the Buddha tooth in Tennoji Temple will be taken back!

After several cups of tea, Zen Master Zonggao folded his hands and left.

Zong Gao walked out of the imperial garden. There was a middle-aged official outside who had been waiting there for a long time. The two nodded to each other and passed by.

The middle-aged official named Zhang Yuanqian was somewhat related to Song Huizong - he was Xiang Ziyi's nephew, and Xiang Ziyi was Song Huizong's cousin.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yuanqian, pays homage to your Majesty!" Zhang Yuangan bowed and bowed.

Ju Ming picked up the teapot and said, "Sit down and drink tea."

The emperor poured the tea himself, and Zhang Yuanqian quickly took it with both hands.

Ju Ming said: "I think your poems are very good. They are upright, upright, positive, and occasionally graceful without losing their temperament."

"Your Majesty is so complimentary."

Zhang Yuanqian still doesn't know why he was suddenly called back to the capital when he was doing a good job as an academic officer.

And as soon as he went to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to report, he was asked to enter the palace to meet the saint.

I met the emperor and talked about poetry with him.

Could it be that the emperor suddenly became addicted to Ci and wanted to follow the example of Emperor Hunjun of the Song Dynasty, who kept a lot of Ci ministers around him?

Ju Ming put down the teapot and put it aside, and immediately a eunuch handed him the newspaper.

"What is this?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhang Yuanqian glanced at him: "Di Bao."

Ju Ming asked again: "Who is the Di newspaper for?"

Zhang Yuanqian replied: "Officials at all levels."

The imperial court of the Song Dynasty encouraged officials to read the Di newspapers, firstly to let officials understand central policies, and secondly, to serve as a warning for officials (the newspapers contained information on official punishments).

Historically, Zhao Gou proclaimed himself emperor in Shangqiu and appointed Li Gang as his right minister.

Deng Su wrote to Li Gang: "I saw in the newspaper that you have become prime minister. Go and report to the new court!"

In this way, Li Gang learned from his friend's letter that his friend had obtained the news about him becoming prime minister through the newspaper...

Ju Ming said:

"I plan to reform the Di Bao. In the past, the content of the Di Bao was too concise and complicated, and it was mostly excerpted according to time."

"After the reform of Di Bao, it will be published once a month. Major events should be placed at the front and written thoroughly and in detail. Minor events should follow closely and be written in slightly more detail. Ordinary events should be placed at the end and simply described.


"There is also an editor's comment, which is like the Taishi Gongyan, a brief commentary on recent major events."

"You can also include one or two elegant poems and essays, as well as the latest academic achievements of various libraries in the Hanlin Academy."

"The writing should not be too difficult and must be understandable by children who have been literate for a few years."

"what do you think?"

Zhang Yuanqian thought carefully: "It is not so boring to read, and the priorities are clear and the details are appropriate. Even civil servants are happy to read such a newspaper."

Ju Ming said: "The most important reform is that anyone can buy and read it!"

Not everyone is qualified to read the Dibao of the Song Dynasty.

Officials can read it, but officials cannot, and even less so the people.

Of course, in practice, some officials, gentry and wealthy businessmen would also secretly read excerpts from the Di newspaper.

Folk tabloids have not yet appeared. They were something only available in the Ming Dynasty and required commercial development to a certain extent.

"You make this newspaper." Ju Ming said.

Zhang Yuanqian had already guessed it and asked quickly: "The former Song Di newspaper came from the Bibu Department. The Ming Dynasty Di newspaper came from the Tongzhengyuan. After the reform, is it still in the Tongzhengyuan?"

Ju Ming said: "Xingbu."

"Da Ming Yue Bao" is affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, and this decision is not outrageous.

Because in the Northern Song Dynasty, Di Bao had always come from the Bibu Department of the Ministry of Punishment.

If we only consider the convenience of collecting manuscripts, it would be most appropriate for the Tongzhengyuan to lead the newspaper, but Ju Ming considered a problem of speech.

The Tongzhengyuan already had control over the submissions and refutations. If they were allowed to control the newspapers, wouldn't it be too easy to fool the emperor?

Ju Ming said: "There is a newspaper department in the Ministry of Justice. The chief officer of the newspaper department is a higher level than the ordinary doctor. The doctor in charge of the newspaper is appointed by the emperor and the cabinet after discussion. Just like the censor of the Supervisory Council, he is not the same as the censor.

Return to the Ministry of Personnel for promotion."

Zhang Yuanqian completely understood that this organization was highly valued by the emperor, and even the Ministry of Personnel did not have the personnel power of the top leader of the newspaper.

Ju Ming added: "You recommend two officials, and I will arrange a few more for you to set up the Di newspaper department as soon as possible. It will be called "Da Ming Yue Bao", and the theme of the first issue is clean government."

Zhang Yuanqian asked: "Your Majesty said that ordinary people can also read Di Bao, so how can they get it?"

Ju Ming said: "Officials at all levels can receive it for free in the same way as before. When sending it to yamen at all levels, they can send more and leave it to the local post house. Booksellers will buy it in the post house and then retail it to the people. Post House

You can also sell it yourself, and keep 20% of the money from selling the newspaper as a subsidy in the post office."

Zhang Yuanqian silently remembered it in his heart.

He didn't know how big the circulation should be, so he decided to play it safe for the time being.

That is, on the basis of the original ones issued to officials, each county will issue an additional 100 copies. Seeing that there are not many common people, an additional 100 copies for one county should be enough.

If it sells well, it can be increased slowly.

Let the post houses in each place apply for additional issuance. Anyway, the more they sell, the more the post houses will make.

After asking for some more details, Zhang Yuanqian bowed and resigned.

The reason why Ju Ming chose this person to run the newspaper was because Zhang Yuanqian's writing style was very suitable for him.

Strong and upright, positive and optimistic, without losing compassion for heaven and earth.

Historically, Zhang Yuanqian was hailed as the pioneer of the Bold Style of the Southern Song Dynasty. His lyrics were inspired by Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji.

This man had been Li Gang's staff. After Yue Fei was unjustly killed, he also angered Qin Hui, ransacked his home and was imprisoned, stripped of his official status, and wandered around the world ever since.

Zhang Yuanqian in this time and space did not experience so many painful experiences, and his style of writing certainly did not turn to be tragic, generous and bold.

But still very positive!

Li Bangyan can't do it. If he were to run the official newspaper, he would probably cause political problems every now and then.

What is Li Bangyan doing at this time?

He drank tea in Dali Temple and entered the palace properly.

"There is absolutely no crime in Lan Ruoyuan," Li Bangyan said with a sad face. "Ever since I was stripped of my official status, I have been studying the "Da Ming Code" hard these years. I will not do anything that violates the "Da Ming Code".

, my family and employees are not allowed to do it either. There are some corrupt officials who really like to drink in Lanruoyuan. But they also drink in other restaurants, so we can’t close down all the restaurants in Luoyang, right?"

Wei Liangchen said: "There are several Bodhisattvas from corrupt officials' families who bought them from you and then gave them away."

Li Bangyan quickly retorted: "Wei Yushi, you can't talk nonsense. I have never engaged in human trafficking. Those Bodhisattvas are all my employees. Some of them are public employees of Lan Ruoyuan, and the employment contract is only allowed by law.

When I transferred the deeds to other trading companies, I did not resell any of the deeds. The rest of the deeds were privately hired by my family. They usually cleaned and sang. When I resold the deeds, they all

They abide by the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty" and never force them to renew their contracts. When the contract expires, they are free to leave."

Wei Liangchen was in a bad mood. During his interrogation of Li Bangyan, he found that the old guy was proficient in the "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

I really can’t find anything illegal!

Even with the anti-pornography campaign, top Bodhisattva Man not only lives alone in the courtyard, but even terminated his long-term contract with Li Bangyan and signed a short-term cooperative contract instead - which is equivalent to Li Bangyan being their manager.

It is difficult for ordinary pleasure seekers to get close to top-notch bodhisattva barbarians, and guests who are qualified to stay overnight all claim to be in a romantic relationship.

The most you can say is that they are immoral and engaged in extramarital affairs.

As for ordinary Bodhisattvas, they really don't sell themselves in Lanruo Courtyard. They always discuss where to go with their guests after get off work.

If you want to investigate and punish Li Bangyan and ban his Lanruo Academy, you can only violate the "Da Ming Law" to impose punishments, or use various methods to frame and arrange several charges!

Why does Wei Liangchen want to mess with Li Bangyan?

Because the confessions of many corrupt officials in Beijing show that they engage in power and money transactions in private, and they often choose to communicate in Li Bangyan's Lanruo Courtyard.

Wei Liangchen said: "This case is complicated and you have to stay in Dali Temple for a few more days."

Li Bangyan begged: "The Dali Temple prison is cold and damp, and I am old and in poor health. I am afraid I will get sick and die here."

Wei Liangchen was too lazy to say more and had Li Bangyan thrown into prison.

Li Bangyan was really scared. He was indeed old, and the conditions in the prison were not good. Even if the jailer didn't deliberately mess with him, he would easily get sick if he stayed for a longer period of time.

It's very possible that he could really get sick and die inside!

Those who make money by exploiting side projects should not blame the government for making money.

(Alas, I will write about industrial development in future chapters.)

(End of chapter)

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