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Chapter 1007 Are you here to divide the land?

Jin Feng has always believed that the people are the foundation of everything, so since the establishment of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, Jin Feng has repeatedly asked the escorts not to take advantage of the people, let alone bully the people.

Escorts have always done this.

Whenever you go to a place, if you can do it without bothering the people, you will never bother the people.

If there is really a shortage of materials, they will also use purchasing methods to obtain them.

Since the establishment of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, there has never been a single incident of robbing people.

After the Ninth Princess ascended the throne, Jin Feng emphasized this rule again and put forward some slogans in the army.

"The weapons of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau must never be pointed at the common people" is one of them.

Swish, brush, brush!

Following Han Feng's order, all the surrounding bodyguards put away their weapons.

The heavy crossbows and catapults on the airship were also equipped with safety bolts to prevent them from being accidentally triggered.

The airborne company is the elite among escorts, and everyone can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles.

With so many bodyguards drawing their swords at the same time, even the bandits would be scared to the point of weakness, let alone the common people who had already been tortured in many ways.

Even though Han Feng asked the bodyguards to put away their weapons, they were still frightened and took several steps back.

However, supported by the idea of ​​dividing the fields, he did not turn around and run away.

"Fellow military lords, are you from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency?"

A brave commoner asked tentatively.

"Yes! We are from Zhenyuan Escort Agency!"

Han Feng raised his loudspeaker and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. They just came down from the battlefield. They were a little too nervous. They thought the folks were coming to attack us. They scared you. I'll apologize to everyone!"

After speaking, he bowed and bowed to the people.

"Oh, the military master is too outrageous to say that!"

"Yes, I was a soldier back then, so I can understand!"

"When I was guarding the city gate, if a large group of people came running towards me, I would have to draw my sword!"

The people waved their hands one after another.

"It's good if everyone can understand!" Han Feng continued: "The Imperial Master said that regardless of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau or the Zhenyuan Army, the soldiers are all sons and daughters of the Dakang people. We are the soldiers of the Dakang people! So the weapons of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army

, will never face the people!

Also, please don’t call us military lords, we can’t afford it! We are soldiers who are the sons of the common people!”

"What the Master said is great!" Many people nodded secretly: "This is what a soldier should be like!"

"Master...well, strong man, I heard that the Imperial Master is allocating land to us people. Is it true?" said an elderly commoner.

The surrounding suddenly became quiet.

All the people raised their heads and looked at Han Feng silently.

This is their biggest concern.

"Of course it's true," Han Feng said with a smile: "Master Guoshi once said that Dakang belongs to all Dakang people, not the wealthy landlords!

The wealthy landowners are like lice and bedbugs lying on the bodies of us common people sucking blood!"

For a long time, wealthy landowners have looked down upon the common people, and many of the rich and powerful's children would refer to the common people as untouchables.

The common people also call themselves Cao Min when facing officials, which means common people as humble as weeds.

Now Han Feng said that wealthy landowners were lice and bedbugs, and his words suddenly reached the hearts of the people.

Many people laughed!

"So a few months ago, the Imperial Master began to allocate land to local tyrants, and now the land in Sichuan, Shu and most of Qin has been allocated to the common people!" Han Feng said.

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, the people became excited.

"What Xingshang said is true!"

"The Imperial Master is really dividing the fields!"

"Long live the Imperial Preceptor!"

When the people calmed down, Han Feng raised the tin trumpet again: "Not only will the local tyrants divide their land, but Mr. will also open free schools in various places. From now on, our children will be able to go to school for free!"

"Free school?" Someone asked: "Can I take the merit test in the future?"

"Yes," Han Feng said, "Master Imperial Master has said that he wants to build a new society where everyone is equal. Everyone's children can go to school, and of course they can also take exams for merit!"

"Great!" Someone asked: "Are you here to allocate land for us to build a school?"

The surrounding suddenly became quiet again.

This is the issue that people are most concerned about.

"Fellow folks, I don't want to lie to you. We are not here to divide the land, we are here to capture fugitives!"

Han Feng couldn't bear to see the people's expectant eyes, but he still said: "However, the work of dividing the land in Qin has been completed for more than half, and it will take at most two months. Our people will definitely come and divide the land for everyone!

Everyone must believe me!"

Hearing what Han Feng said, the eyes of the people suddenly dimmed.

Some people with weak psychological endurance could not help but cry softly.

"Army...hero, it's not that we don't believe you, we really can't hold on any longer!"

An old farmer cried and said: "Master Huang led a group of bandits to search the house every day, and they almost wiped out all the mouse holes in the house!

Our family has long been out of food. We have been eating bark and wild vegetables for seven days. I am not afraid of the military master... I am not afraid of the strong man's jokes. Old man, I haven't been to the latrine for five days, and my stomach is harder than a stone!"

After saying that, he lifted up the hem of his clothes and patted his belly.

The dark belly is as stretched as a rubber ball, and it makes a bang bang sound when slapped!

"Old curtain, you've only been there for five days, and I haven't been to the latrine for seven days!"

Another old farmer also lifted up his clothes, revealing a bigger belly than the first old farmer.

"Stop it, you two. You started quickly and cut off all the good bark. We started slowly. Now we can't even eat the bark, so we can only dig the roots!"

Another old farmer said: "Our whole family dug for two days, and we were exhausted. We only dug half a dustpan to eat."

Hearing what the people said, Han Feng subconsciously looked around.

Sure enough, the bark of the trees around the village was basically stripped off.

There are also many large and small deep or shallow pits under the tree trunks.

Han Feng and the bodyguards were basically from poor families, and they knew that the bark and roots of trees were taken back and pounded into powder by hungry people.

Before the rise of Jin Feng, Han Feng and most of the escorts had eaten it.

Han Feng couldn't help but feel bitterness in his mouth when he thought of tree bark and roots.

The anger in my heart couldn't help but surge upward.

"One class at a time!" Han Feng shouted coldly: "Get out of the queue!"


The squad leader led the squad out of the team.

"Ask where Mr. Huang lives and send a message to him and his bandit master. Within an hour, I will see them kneeling here to be judged!"

Han Feng pointed to a millstone next to him: "If they don't come after an hour, I'll let them know what it means to live without dying!"

"Sir, we are here to catch fugitives..."

The squad leader reminded in a low voice.

"Do as I say, and if anything happens, I will be responsible for it myself!" Han Feng shouted through gritted teeth.


The first squad leader didn't dare to say anything, so he turned around and left with the first squad.

"Can any fellow countryman give me some directions? Where does Mr. Huang live?"

This chapter has been completed!
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