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Chapter 1047 Appease the common people

General Fan is from Pingjiang. Many people from Pingjiang have joined the Fan Family Army, and some of them even have family members who have served in the Fan Family Army before.

They all know that Fan Jiajun is mainly responsible for the defense of Weizhou City, so even though most people have never been to Weizhou City, they are particularly friendly to this city.

In fact, "The Bloody Battle of Weizhou City" is a stage play adapted by Chen Wenyuan based on the Battle of Qingshui Valley. It mainly tells the story of Jin Feng leading the Tielin Army to guard Qingshui Valley, and after returning to Jinchuan from Qingshui Valley, he established the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

Although there are scenes with General Fan and Fan Jiajun, they are not many.

And this play wasn’t called this name before.

However, in order to cater to the people of Pingjiang County, Chen Wenyuan specially changed the title of the play, and worked overtime to make some adjustments to the plot, adding scenes of General Fan and Fan Jiajun.

On the way here, the escorts were resting in the cabin, while the song and dance troupe actors were familiar with the script.

Although the script has been changed, the main structure has not changed, and the stage actors have accumulated rich experience after more than a year of long-term performances.

Even though it was the first time to perform a new play, the actors performed very well and the audience enjoyed watching it.

When some wealthy landlords hold happy events, they also invite opera troupes to sing.

The people of Pingjiang County thought that the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe was going to sing such a big play, but after the show started, they realized that the stage play was very different from the traditional big play.

The biggest difference is that in traditional dramas, actors draw their voices, while stage actors speak like normal people, but in a louder voice.

This kind of performance method allows people to understand the lines more easily and become involved in the story.

When they saw the party members sneaking into Qinghuai and Qingshui Valley in danger, the people couldn't help but sweat.

For Qingshui Valley, and for Weizhou City behind Qingshui Valley.

When they saw Jin Feng setting up a Macedonian phalanx and using bamboo spears to repel the party's cavalry, the people applauded excitedly.

When they saw the party members holding the slaves from the Central Plains as a shield, the people cursed one after another.

When they saw Jin Feng's trick to save the slaves and defeat the party members, the people were happy again.

When they saw Jin Feng and General Fan formulating a battle plan together and trapping the party members between Jishui Lake and Qingshui Valley, countless people cheered. www.八一zw.????m

During the performance, many people's voices became hoarse. Several times, the actors had to pause the performance and wait for the audience to calm down before continuing.

After an hour and a half of performance, the people of Pingjiang finally understood who Jin Feng was and the origin of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

However, the vast majority of the people were still unsatisfied and felt that they had not seen enough, so they gathered around the stage and refused to leave.

"Everyone, let's go back to eat first. Our actors will also take a rest. In the evening, we will continue to perform. I hope everyone will come and support us!"

It wasn't until the host came out to explain that the actors needed to rest and promised to perform another show in the evening that the people finally agreed to disperse and go home for dinner.

Many people ran away on the way back and forth for fear that the good seats would be occupied after dinner.

Some of them didn't go back at all. They just bought something nearby to eat, and then took advantage of the lack of people to get a good seat.

There are also some people who want to occupy a seat but have no money, so they simply wait hungry.

In the middle of the afternoon, the open space around the stage was filled with people who came after hearing the news.

In the evening, the performance started as scheduled.

The play performed this time is "The White-Haired Girl".

"The White-Haired Girl" is the most classic play of the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe. The actors have performed hundreds of times in the Qin Dynasty and are very skilled. They can easily arouse the emotions of the people.

Especially when they saw Huang Shiren humiliating Xi'er and Xi'er being forced into the mountains and turned into a white-haired girl, the people's emotions were the most intense.

The actor who played Huang Shiren had his forehead broken by stones thrown from the audience.

The performance had to be paused for a long time before it started again!

Fortunately, the audience realized that this was an act and restrained themselves a lot, allowing the performance to proceed normally.

At the end of the story, when Jin Feng led the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to rescue Xi'er, defeated the bully Huang Shiren, and distributed his land to the poor, many people were moved to tears of joy.

"When will Mr. Jin come to Pingjiang and allocate land to us?"

Many people asked towards the stage.

"Didn't Mr. Jin send us here?"

The host stood on the stage and shouted: "We have arrested all the wealthy landowners in Pingjiang County. We will still be here tomorrow morning to conduct a public trial on them. After the trial, we will start the work of dividing the fields!"

"Great!" The people then left with satisfaction.

Tang Fei stood on a high platform not far away, looking at the people leaving in the night, and sighed: "Mr. Jin and Mr. Chen are still thoughtful!"

According to Tang Fei's idea, after capturing Pingjiang County, he would directly tell the people about the news about Weizhou City, and then attack the local tyrants to divide the land.

However, Jin Feng and Chen Wenyuan were worried that Pingjiang County was not familiar with the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and suddenly announced the news about Fan Jiajun. The local people did not believe it, thus causing trouble.

After discussion, it was decided to let the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe go first to calm down the people's emotions.

The play performed today was also specially arranged by Chen Wenyuan.

The "Bloody Battle of Weizhou City" in the morning gave the people a rough understanding of the origins of Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, and the "White-Haired Girl" in the afternoon explained to the people the abomination of the landlords and wealthy families, as well as the goals of Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, setting the stage for what follows.

To pave the way for the local tyrants to allocate their fields.

After the local tyrants are defeated and the land is divided, the people should completely trust the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and Jin Feng.

Then tell them about Weizhou City, which is safer.

Tang Fei thought it was too troublesome at the time, but now facts have proven that Jin Feng and Chen Wenyuan's decision was correct.

Many people were so excited that their eyes gleamed when they returned.

The same is true for the third of the three brothers.

Thinking that the second brother was busy carrying bags and didn't know the news, the third brother ran home as fast as possible after watching the show.

"Brother, why are you running so fast? Are those bastards from the Wei family bullying you again?"

The second brother was cooking a pot, and when he saw his younger brother running back panting, he was about to get up.

"No one... bullies me!" The younger brother gasped and held his second brother.

"Then why are you running so fast?"

"Because I want to come back and tell you that our good days are coming!"

The third child hurriedly said: "Mr. Jin, the national preceptor, admires General Fan and the Fan family's army. He cannot bear to see the suffering of the people of Pingjiang County, so he sent the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to our Pingjiang to attack the local tyrants and divide their land!"

"What to fight, what to divide?" The second brother suspected that he heard wrongly.

"Crack down on the local tyrants and divide the land!" The younger brother explained: "Mr. Jin sent people to suppress the local tyrants and landowners and distribute their land to us common people!"

"Really?" The second brother looked incredulous.

"Of course it's true," said the younger brother: "The escort has captured the county governor and many evil landlords. Tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock, there will be a public trial at Caishikou in the county town, so that all of us people can go and watch the ceremony.

Woolen cloth!"

This chapter has been completed!
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