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Chapter 1048 Out of Control

Early the next morning, the Caishikou stage was crowded with people.

People in the feudal era went out less and had less access to information. At best, they were honest, but at worst, they were easy to fool.

When many people in the capital heard the storyteller's story, they really believed that Jin Feng was a god descending to earth who could spread beans and make soldiers.

This is a bit difficult for Jin Feng to understand, but it really happened.

The people in the capital are like this, let alone a place like Pingjiang County?

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau had already demonstrated force before, and with the two stage plays yesterday, most of the people in the audience already trusted the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, so the trial went very smoothly.

Han Feng believed that after the equal work was completed, the people had received substantial benefits and would trust the Zhenyuan Escort Agency even more.

With the cooperation of the people, the land distribution work went very smoothly.

Coupled with the fact that Xiaoyu had arranged enough manpower, it only took less than ten days for the land distribution work around the county to be completed.

The common people were even happier than Han Feng expected when they were given fields.

For them, happiness comes too suddenly.

The King of Wu and his powerful aristocrats have felt the pressure and have been exploiting and exploiting like crazy recently. Many people originally thought that their lives would be difficult to survive.

At this moment, Zhenyuan Escort Agency appeared.

Not only did he overthrow the rich and powerful, he also gave them land.

And the taxes are so low that people can’t believe it!

The streets and alleys of Pingjiang County are filled with joy, and the people are happier than during the New Year.

In order to thank the bodyguard, many people sent the food that their families could not bear to eat to the bodyguard.

When I wake up in the morning in the past few days, there are always various supplies piled up in the open space in front of the escort agency.

Tang Fei later felt that it was not good to do this, so he simply arranged for his bodyguards to guard the edge of the open space at night, and finally stopped.

"Seeing them so happy, I really can't bear to tell them the truth!"

Tang Fei stood at the door of the escort station, looking at the beaming people on the street, feeling a little unbearable.

"What needs to be said must be said sooner or later. We still have to go to surrounding counties to allocate land!"

Han Feng said: "Besides, the notices were posted yesterday."

"I just can't bear it. Just do whatever you want to do tomorrow!" Tang Fei sighed, turned around and entered the house.

After the land distribution work was completed, Han Feng had people post notices on notice boards throughout Pingjiang County, informing the people that a stage play would be performed at Caishikou tomorrow.

The people of Pingjiang hadn't seen enough last time. Recently, they have been obsessed with the stage play. When they heard that it was still available, they happily rushed to tell each other.

The notice said that the stage play would start in the afternoon, but before dawn, the area around the Caishikou stage was packed with people.

Han Feng was afraid that something might happen, so he could only temporarily decide to let the actors work hard, performing one performance in the morning and another in the afternoon.

While the actors were putting on makeup, the host ran onto the stage with a tin trumpet.

The audience in the audience consciously shut their mouths.

"The play the song and dance troupe brings to you today is called "Fan Jiajun", adapted from the Fan Jiajun in the Zhenxi Army..."

Before the host finished speaking, the audience began to look forward to it.

Many people in their family serve in the Fan Jiajun, or have served in the Fan Jiajun, and they feel friendly when they hear the word "Fan Jiajun".

After the actors finished putting on makeup, the performance officially began.

The first half of the story mainly tells the story of General Fan joining the army, returning to his hometown to recruit local warriors, establishing the Fan Family Army, and then leading the Fan Family Army to turn the tide in northern Xinjiang.

The people of Pingjiang watched with excitement, and many veterans who had served in the Fan family army were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

But two-thirds of the way through the story, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The fourth prince killed his father and usurped the throne, Dakang fell into chaos, and the city of Weizhou fell into a shortage of supplies.

For his own ambition, the King of Jin took advantage of General Fan's trust and wanted General Fan to open the gate of Weizhou on the grounds of reinforcements.

Seeing this scene, countless people in Pingjiang were heartbroken and prayed that General Fan would not fall into the trap.

Unfortunately, General Fan did not hear their prayers and welcomed King Jin's troops into Weizhou City.

Then the Jin King's men poisoned the well in the Fan family's military camp and colluded with the Eastern Barbarians to attack the Fan family's army.

Seeing this, it was like pouring a ladle of cold water into a hot oil pan, and the people in the audience boiled!

Some were jumping on their feet and cursing, some were kneeling on the ground and crying, and some wanted to rush onto the stage and beat up the actors playing the Eastern Barbarians...

The scene suddenly became chaotic!

Fortunately, Han Feng and Tang Fei had already thought of the consequences and took precautions.

The government soldiers who had just been reorganized rushed out from the backstage together with the bodyguards, blocking the front of the stage to prevent people from actually rushing onto the stage and injuring the actors.

The host of the song and dance troupe also asked people to bring up several big drums and beat neat drum beats.

The actors gathered together and sang "Serve the Country with Loyalty" loudly.

"When the smoke rises, the country looks north..."

As the bodyguards also joined the chorus, the singing became louder and louder, even covering up the drums and the voices of the people.

After singing once, the escorts did not stop, but started singing a second time.

The excited people gradually calmed down amid the singing.

This song is so consistent with General Fan and Fan Jiajun. When listening to it, many veterans remembered the days when they served in Weizhou City, crying and singing along.

The tune of "Serve the Country with Loyalty" is not complicated, and more and more people are singing along.

Soon, the chorus of escorts and actors turned into a chorus of thousands of people.

Every time I sang "How many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in a foreign country", the chorus would be out of tune.

It’s not that this line is difficult to sing, but when this line is sung, the veterans will think of their comrades who died on the battlefield, and the common people will also think of their relatives who died in northern Xinjiang and will never see them again!

The tragic singing spread throughout Pingjiang County. Many people who didn't come, or who came and didn't find their place and then went back, turned their heads to look in the direction of Caishikou.

The chorus lasted for almost half an hour before it ended.

I don’t know how many people’s voices have become hoarse.

Silence finally returned below the stage.

"Master Jun, was what was sung in the play just now true, or was it a story?"

A veteran who was very close to the stage asked in a hoarse voice.

When the people around him heard the veteran asking this, they also raised their heads and looked at the stage.

Eyes full of anticipation.

In fact, most people know that if it were not true, the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe would not perform like this, otherwise the people in Pingjiang would tear up the performers.

It's just that they still have a little bit of luck in their hearts.

What if this is just a story on the stage?

It's a pity that the host's answer shattered their last bit of luck.

"I regret to inform you that the stories just now are all adapted from real events. Fan Jiajun and General Fan both... died heroically for their country!"

The host said hoarsely.

"How could this happen? Why did King Jin betray General Fan?"

The veteran who asked the question cried and shouted: "Why?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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