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Chapter 1074 Lost Contact

In the escort camp outside Weizhou City, Tieniu paced back and forth restlessly.

When the company set off, it brought four carrier pigeons with it, and agreed that no matter whether the flying team was found or not, one carrier pigeon would be released every two days.

According to the agreement, a carrier pigeon was supposed to come back yesterday to deliver the letter, but until today, the carrier pigeon has not returned.

This made Tieniu very uneasy, and he wanted to send another team to find the flying team and the first company, but the first company was filled with manpower he had forcibly transferred, and now he really couldn't find any more people.

"Batalion Commander, there is something fishy about this matter. I must report it to you sir as soon as possible and ask him to make a decision."

The deputy battalion commander standing aside suggested.

"Yes, you should report it to sir."

Tieniu nodded: "Notify the flying team and arrange the airship as soon as possible."

"Battal Commander, none of the Eagles and the others have come back, which means the airship must have encountered an accident. Let's send the airship back to deliver the message. Isn't it a bad thing if they intercept it?" the deputy battalion commander frowned.

In addition to the Eagles, the flight team also has two airships specially responsible for transmitting messages.

Previously, Tieniu wanted to send these two airships to Jin to look for the flying team, but was dissuaded by the deputy company commander.

The reason is that none of the many airships in the flying team have returned. Maybe the enemy has found a way to target the airships. If they send the airships over again, wouldn't it be like beating a dog with a meat bun?

"What about using carrier pigeons?" Tieniu asked.

"Not a single carrier pigeon has come back. I'm afraid the carrier pigeons are not safe either."

"Then what do you think we should use?" Tieniu asked.

"I mean flying airships and homing pigeons together."

The deputy battalion commander said: "In addition, it is best to send a cavalry team to follow the airship. If the enemy really has a way to target the airship, the cavalry can also send the letter back, and maybe they can also find out what the enemy uses to deal with the airship.


"This is a good idea!" Tieniu nodded repeatedly: "Then you arrange a cavalry team and go back with the airship!"

"Okay!" The deputy battalion commander nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, an airship and several homing pigeons took off one after another.

On the ground, ten bodyguards also rode war horses, heading straight from the west city gate to Qingshui Valley.

They wanted to follow the airship from Dangxiang back to Jinchuan.

There are many wastelands in Dangxiang territory, which are suitable for war horses to run wild. If everything goes well, it will only take a few days to return to Jinchuan from Xizhou.

It was already very cold in the north, and the carrier pigeons were in danger of freezing to death on the road. In order to increase the chances of the carrier pigeons succeeding, when passing by Qingshui Valley, the airship asked the escort stationed in Qingshui Valley to also release a few carrier pigeons.

Then the airship and the cavalry entered the Dangxiang territory from Qingshui Valley, followed the border line, and headed south.

Three days later, Jin Feng, who was far away in Xihewan, received the first letter.

"Sir, this is the flying pigeon message sent back from Weizhou City by Tieniu!"

Xiaoyu put the note in her hand on the table in front of Jin Feng.

"Flying pigeons delivering messages?" Jin Feng quickly put down his brush: "Is it an emergency?"

Although flying pigeons pass messages quickly, the weight that homing pigeons can carry at a time is limited. Even if they are written in very small fonts, it is difficult to explain complex situations clearly.

Sometimes it takes several carrier pigeons to send messages at the same time to make one thing clear.

In addition, homing pigeons are in danger of being injured by raptors or being captured during flight. Since the emergence of airships, unless it is an urgent matter, airships have always been used to deliver messages.

Weizhou City is in the north, and the wind has been blowing from the north recently, so using airships to deliver letters is not much later than carrier pigeons.

So when Jin Feng heard that Tieniu used flying pigeons to send messages, his first thought was that something urgent had happened in Weizhou City, so he quickly put down the pencil in his hand and picked up the note.

After reading the contents on the note, Jin Feng's expression became solemn.

The content on the note was written in classical Chinese. It probably meant that the flying team lost contact, and Tieniu sent the First Company to search for it, but the result was that the First Company also lost contact.

Nowadays, Weizhou City is short of manpower, and Tieniu wants Jin Feng to send more men there to investigate what happened to the flying team and Yilian.

But now we have to take care of the two battlefields of Qin and Wu at the same time, and Jinchuan's manpower is not enough. Where can we transfer people to Weizhou City?

Jin Feng was worried when the Ninth Princess yawned and walked out from behind the screen.

Tie Shixin is becoming more and more skilled at work and has helped Ninth Princess with a lot of unimportant government affairs. In addition, Jin Feng has also been helping recently. Ninth Princess is not so busy now and can take half an hour to rest at noon every day.


Seeing that Jin Feng's expression was wrong, he quickly asked: "Husband, what's wrong?"

"The flying team lost contact when they went to Jin to drop leaflets. Tieniu sent a company of armored battalions to look for it, but the company also lost contact. Tieniu sent a message back, asking us to send some more troops there."

Jin Feng said as he handed the note to the Ninth Princess.

"The flight team lost contact? How could this happen?"

The Ninth Princess immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly took the note. Bayi Chinese website

After a while, Princess Ninth suddenly pointed to the corner of the note and asked, "Whose seal is this?"

Although Tieniu is temporarily serving as the battalion commander of the Iron Armor Battalion, he is definitely a senior member of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. Many deputy commanders will take the initiative to salute when they see him.

According to the rules, such important information must be personally signed and stamped by Tieniu before it is sent back.

But the seal on the note is not from Tie Niu.

"This seal belongs to Chu Lianfeng. He is the company commander of the third company of the Iron Armor Battalion. According to the rotation list sent back by Brother Tieniu, Chu Lianfeng has been responsible for guarding Qingshui Valley during the recent period."

Xiaoyu explained: "It's cold in the north now. I guess Brother Tieniu is afraid that the carrier pigeons will freeze to death, so he released a few more to send messages."

"So this homing pigeon came back from Qingshui Valley?" Ninth Princess asked.

"Yes!" Xiaoyu nodded.

"How many have come back in total?" Princess Ninth asked again.

Xiaoyu thought for a moment and replied: "It seems to be four. If Your Majesty wants to know the exact number, I will send someone to the pigeon house to ask."

"Go and ask now," the Ninth Princess said: "Also ask if any of the homing pigeons that came back are from Weizhou City!"

In order to prevent the loss of information caused by accidents to the carrier pigeons, a few more carrier pigeons are usually sent out for more important information.

When Zhong Ming's team is sorting out information, when they encounter the same information, they will only select one report to Xiaoyu, and the rest will be kept in the archives.

Although Xiaoyu didn't know why Princess Ninth wanted to see other similar information, she still ran out obediently and sent someone to the pigeon house to confirm.

Xiaoyu's assistant acted quickly and came back ten minutes later with several other notes.

Not only that, she also asked the pigeon breeder to bring some of the carrier pigeons that were used to deliver the message.

The Ninth Princess spread a few pieces of paper on the table, frowned and said, "Something's wrong! Husband, come and see, these seals are all from Chu Lianfeng, not even one from Tieniu!"

When Jin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

He understood what the ninth princess meant.

There is something really wrong with this!

This chapter has been completed!
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