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Chapter 1075 Sealing the Border

Even if Tieniu asks Qingshui Gu to help pass the message, he will definitely pass it on himself, and the number should not be lower than that of Qingshui Gu.

Weizhou City is very close to Qingshui Valley. All the carrier pigeons from Qingshui Valley have flown back. Why haven’t any of the pigeons from Weizhou City come back?

The first thought that came to Jin Feng's mind was that someone outside Weizhou City specifically captured carrier pigeons to prevent Tieniu from sending messages to Jin Feng.

But that’s not right. Homing pigeons don’t stay together when they return to their nests. Once released, some fly this way and some fly that way. The outside of Weizhou City is so big, how many people must be sent to block all directions?

If this is the case, there is no way Tieniu could not have discovered it!

Moreover, once the homing pigeon takes off, it flies at a high altitude, making it difficult for hunters to damage it with their bows and arrows, and it is very difficult to catch it.

"What is it that can prevent even one of the homing pigeons from Weizhou City from coming back?" Ninth Princess asked with a frown.

"I don't know either," Jin Feng shook his head: "Didn't the letter say that Tieniu also sent an airship and cavalry to deliver the message? When they come back, we can ask carefully and we may know."

"Then let's wait a little longer." Ninth Princess nodded helplessly.

The road back to Jinchuan from Weizhou City is mostly wilderness, which is very suitable for cavalry to run.

According to normal calculations, at most three days after Pigeon returns, the cavalry and airship sent by Tieniu should also return.

If they were in a hurry, they might be back in two days.

However, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess waited for three days, but they still did not see the airship or cavalry. Instead, they waited for Tang Xiaobei who was tired of travel.

"Mr. Sir, what's going on with the party members?"

As soon as Tang Xiaobei saw Jin Feng, he asked: "Why did they suddenly not allow our people to pass the border? They also detained our goods in Tiefeng City!"

Ever since Tieniu invaded the royal city of Dangxiang and forced Emperor Dangxiang to agree to the four conditions proposed by Jin Feng, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has been exploring the Dangxiang market.

Although it is not yet possible to set up supply and marketing cooperative outlets in every town and town like Sichuan and Sichuan, many big cities in Dangxiang have outlets of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce.

At first Emperor Dangxiang thought that Jin Feng was planning to use the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce to infiltrate Dangxiang, but later he discovered that the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce was really doing business.

They transported a large amount of salt cloth and other daily necessities from Sichuan and Sichuan, and herders could exchange them for dried beef and mutton, as well as cowhide and sheepskin.

And the price is not very high.

For example, those fine salts could definitely be sold in Dangxiang for ten taels of silver per catty in the past, and the supply exceeded demand. However, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce only sells them for one hundred taels of silver per catty, and there is no limit.

In the past, there was no salt, so herdsmen could only make beef and mutton jerky in autumn and winter. If they made it in spring and summer, it would probably smell bad before it was dried.

With enough salt, herdsmen can marinate jerky in other seasons except during the hottest period of summer. Moreover, jerky with salt is more delicious and more durable than without salt.

This is great news for herders.

Emperor Dangxiang once read Jin Feng's information and knew that the salt sold by the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce was ten cents of salt produced in the Xihewan Salt Factory, which was sold in Dakang for only ten cents per catty.

But he didn't think the price sold by the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce was expensive. After all, Dangxiang was so far away from Jinchuan, and it would take a lot of manpower and material resources to send the salt there.

Therefore, Emperor Dangxiang gradually relaxed his resistance to the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and even allowed the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce to build a large warehouse in Tiefeng City.

Tiefeng City is located in the middle of Dangxiang, and there are several large cities within three hundred miles of it.

Tang Xiaobei plans to build this place into a transfer station, so that supplies can be uniformly allocated and management can be facilitated.

After returning from Xichuan last time, Tang Xiaobei only stayed in Jinchuan for a few days. After having enough madness with Jin Feng, he hurried to Xizhou City to take charge of this matter.

Because of the tacit approval of the Dangxiang royal family, the warehouse matter has been going smoothly. However, the day before yesterday, Tang Xiaobei suddenly received news that Dangxiang sent a cavalry to block the border and did not allow the chamber of commerce's caravan to go to Dangxiang anymore.

The Chamber of Commerce store was also closed by the party, and the clerk in the store was also detained by the party.

Tang Xiaobei immediately arranged for the escort company commander responsible for guarding Xizhou City to send people to negotiate with the party members.

After several previous battles, the Dangxiang people had been defeated. If it had been before, the Dangxiang people would not have even dared to show off when they saw the escort.

But this time when the company commander sent people to negotiate, the attitude of the party members suddenly became tougher.

Although they did not directly expel the escorts, they did not agree to reopen the border, nor did they agree to release them. They just used the excuse that the higher-ups had sent orders, and they were just following orders, and asked the escorts to ask the higher-ups.

The company commander was furious when he heard the news, and subconsciously wanted to gather his bodyguards to deal with the party members, but was stopped by Tang Xiaobei.

Because there is only one company in Xizhou City, and there are more than a thousand party members blocking the border, and they are all cavalry.

The airship guarding Xizhou was transferred to Weizhou City by Jin Feng. Without the airship, it would be impossible for a company of escorts to defeat the party's cavalry. Bayi Chinese website

Tang Xiaobei realized that there was something fishy about this matter, so he immediately left Xizhou City and rushed back to Jinchuan.

Jin Feng has been thinking about Weizhou City in recent days, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this matter is not simple.

Knowing that the party members had blocked the border, Jin Feng felt even more uneasy.

Knowing that this matter involved a lot, Jin Feng immediately summoned the Ninth Princess, Zhang Liang, Tie Shixin, Xiaoyu and others to come over for a small meeting.

After listening to Tang Xiaobei's narration, everyone present felt incredible.

"Is Dangxiang's little emperor crazy? He dares to detain our people?"

Xiaoyu was the first to speak out: "Isn't he afraid that the Nineth Company will blow up their royal city again?"

After Tieniu led his men to the city of King Dangxiang, he left a bodyguard at the tomb of King Dangxiang to intimidate the Dangxiang court.

This escort team is equipped with several airships. As long as Jin Feng sends a message, they can bomb the Dangxiang King City again in minutes.

Hearing Xiaoyu say this, several people in the room sighed at the same time.

"Why are you sighing?" Xiaoyu was confused.

"Master Tie, please tell Xiaoyu." Jin Feng nodded towards Tie Shixin.

"Yes!" Tie Shixin cupped his hands and stood up.

He knew that the first impression he left on Jin Feng was not very good, so after arriving in Xihewan, Tie Shixin seemed to be a completely different person.

Not only is he active and hard-working, but he is also extremely low-key. No matter what job the Ninth Princess assigns to him, he never complains at all and tries his best to do his best.

Tie Shixin is very capable and sincerely wants to do big things. Everything he handles has no problems, and his reputation in Xihewan is getting better and better.

Jin Feng was very satisfied with Tie Shixin's changes, and his attitude towards him also changed.

Although Tie Shixin's current official position is still not high, being called to a small meeting by Jin Feng is a kind of trust and affirmation.

Tie Shixin also cherished this opportunity very much. He stood up and said to Xiaoyu: "Miss Xiaoyu, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple!"

This chapter has been completed!
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