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Chapter 1091 Where did they come from?

It is easy to dodge open spears but hard to defend against hidden arrows. Once you are targeted by a sharp archer on the battlefield, it will be very dangerous.

Especially senior generals like Liu Tie are the main targets of the sharpshooters.

But Liu Tie did not hide. Instead, he snorted coldly, put on his helmet again and stood up.


The guard captain quickly grabbed Liu Tie.

"Let go!"

Liu Tie shook his sleeves and snorted coldly: "I can still be afraid of a few villains who hide their heads and show their tails!"

But the guard captain still held on to his sleeve and refused to let go.

Phew! Phew!

Two more arrows flew towards me.

But this time the target was not Liu Tie, but two female soldiers who were throwing grenades down.

The two female soldiers were wearing light armor. Although they had pulled down the visors of their helmets, their armpits were exposed when they threw grenades.

There is no armor protection here, so it becomes a target for archers.

Of the few female soldiers to begin with, two more have lost their combat effectiveness!

"Let me go! If the thieves come up later, no one will survive!"

Liu Tie kicked away the guard captain and rushed out with the knife again.

As a result, just as he was repelling an enemy, three more arrows were shot at him.

But this time Liu Tie was mentally prepared. When he saw the arrow coming, he subconsciously dodged.

Although there was still an arrow that he did not dodge, he had already pulled down his mask, and the arrow was blocked by the bars on the mask.

Liu Tie raised his fist downwards, opened his mask a crack provocatively, and spat downwards.

Then he used his backhand and slashed open an enemy who had just climbed onto the city wall.

Seeing this scene, the guard captain suddenly understood Liu Tie's plan.

It turns out that Liu Tie's step to stand up was not impulsive, but to attract firepower.

In fact, Liu Tie did have such a plan.

As a senior general, his armor is specially made and is difficult to penetrate unless several arrows hit one location in succession.

But at such a distance, Liu Tie was always active. Even if he was an expert archer, it would be almost impossible to hit the same location with several consecutive arrows.

He provoked the archers, which indeed attracted the attention of the archers to prevent them from attacking other female soldiers and personal guards.

Unfortunately, the opponent's sharp archer was not fooled at all. When he found that he could not kill Liu Tie, he immediately gave up and changed the target to someone else.

In the next few minutes, female soldiers and personal guards were recruited one after another.

Although none of them hit the fatal part and were not life-threatening, the person who was hit by the arrow temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

There were only a few people on the south wall, but several combat effectiveness was lost one after another, and the situation became more critical.

Seeing more and more enemies rushing towards the city wall, Liu Tie became extremely anxious.

If this continues, in at most half a stick of incense, the south wall will be occupied by the enemy!

By then all their previous efforts will be in vain!

Just when Liu Tiexin was dying, a group of bodyguards suddenly rushed out from the stairs of the city wall.

Although their faces were full of exhaustion and many of them were out of breath, no one dared to rest and pounced on the enemy as soon as they came up.

"Qin Fei, you bitch is finally here!"

Liu Tie looked at the man rushing at the front and grinned.

This man's name is Qin Fei, and he is also one of the earliest bodyguards.

After the Tiegongshan Soap Factory was built, he was arranged by Jin Feng to be a platoon leader in Tiegongshan, responsible for protecting the female workers in the soap factory.

Later, the female soap factory workers experienced the baptism of the Yangjungling battle and grew up rapidly. Zuo Feifei selected a group of female workers to form a guard. Qin Fei was dismissed and followed Liu Tie to Yuguan City.

The second general.

Liu Tie had a rest last night, so he was responsible for commanding on the city wall.

When Liu Tie saw the sounding arrow, he also saw it.

However, Qin Fei's work was not over yet. Seeing that Liu Tie had rushed to the south city wall, he did not leave.

But then the sounding arrows from the south appeared one after another, and Qin Fei immediately realized that there was an uncontrollable danger on the southern city wall.

At that time, part of the night shift and day shift had completed the handover, and Qin Fei immediately rushed to the south city wall with the escorts who had come off duty.

Only halfway through did he meet the personal guards sent by Liu Tie.

After more than half an hour of bloody fighting, the escorts finally killed all the enemies who rushed up the city wall.

Then a batch of grenades and kerosene jars were sent up from below. With the help of these items, the city wall was finally temporarily guarded.

Liu Tie put away the black knife and let out a long sigh of relief.

In the past half hour or so, Liu Tie couldn't remember how many people he had killed.

Anyway, the sharp and hard black knife was chipped in many places at this time, and the armor on his body was also full of dents from the enemy.

If the armor hadn't been strong enough, Liu Tie would have been hacked to death even if he had nine lives!

This high-intensity fighting was too exhausting for his physical strength. Although the battle only lasted for more than half an hour, Liu Tie felt that his arms were so sore that he could hardly lift them up, and his legs were also weak.

If it weren't for maintaining the image of a general and not affecting morale, Liu Tie would have sat on the ground long ago!

"Old Qin, quickly send someone to notify the logistics camp and come over as quickly as possible to load the catapult!"

Liu Tie gasped and gave the order.

The defense on the south city wall was lax, with only a few catapults installed symbolically. There were not many stones prepared, and they had all been thrown away long ago.

The ability to hold the city wall at this time was all down to the bodyguards throwing grenades and pots of kerosene down for free.

However, the reserves of grenades and kerosene are not large to begin with. If they are thrown at this speed, they may not be able to last even an hour.

If you want long-term defense, you still need to set up catapults.

Qin Fei also understood this truth and quickly arranged for someone to notify the logistics camp.

At this time, Mr. Tian also came to the city wall under the protection of the bodyguard.

As soon as he came up, he looked everywhere for Liu Tie.

Seeing that Liu Tie was fine, Mr. Tian finally felt relieved.

He walked over quickly and asked, "General, what's going on? Where did the enemy come from here?"

"I only know that these people include Dakang people and Eastern Barbarians, but I don't know where they came from!" Liu Tie shook his head. ⑧①ZW.????m

He had been fighting hard just now, so why did he bother to ask who the enemy was?

It was only from the enemy's clothes and shouts that we could tell that there were Dakang people and Eastern Barbarians among the enemies.

"Isn't it easy to know who they are?"

Qin Fei shouted to the side: "Old Qian, go grab some tongues!"

Lao Qian agreed, walked to a siege ladder, and stopped the bodyguard from throwing grenades down.

At this time, the enemy was climbing up the ladder crazily. In just half a minute, three cannon fodder climbed up the ladder one after another.

As a result, as soon as they jumped down from the ladder, the escort knocked them down and dragged them aside to force them to confess.

These people are just cannon fodder, and it is not difficult to pry their mouths open.

Just a few minutes later, the old money was back.

"Where did they come from?" Liu Tie asked quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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