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Chapter 1205 Beheading Operation

"You mean there are still 4,000 party members more than three miles ahead?"

Chen Fengzhi and Qing Mulan were both shocked by Sanwazi's words.

"There are more than four thousand people, there should be four thousand sixty-seven!"

Sanwazi said: "There are only dozens of catapults on the top of the mountains on both sides, so we can't use that many people, so after the catapults were sent up, about six or seven hundred people went down."

"It seems that the party members really take us seriously!"

Chen Fengzhi gritted his teeth.

If Jin Feng hadn't asked Monkey to lead an ambush in advance, they might have had to explain everything here this time.

"It's not about us, it's about the students. Their main target should be the students!"

Qing Mulan also figured it out at this time.

"Are you looking down on our Iron Tiger Camp?"

When Chen Fengzhi heard this, he became even more angry and drew out his black knife: "Brothers, the party members look down on us, what should we do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The surrounding soldiers of the Iron Tiger Camp raised their weapons one after another.

Although there are still four to five thousand Dangxiang people, Luolinggou is a ravine. A dozen or so people standing side by side will look crowded. No matter how many Dangxiang people there are, they can only go up in rows.www.81zw.???


Jin Feng has never been stingy with his own people. After Tiehuying came back from Yuguan City, they all wore the same black armor and black swords as the bodyguards. They were really not afraid of facing the Dangxiang people!

What's more, there is a musketry team of female workers behind Tiehu Camp.

This kind of terrain is simply tailor-made for the Musketeers.

As long as the female worker fills and fires fast enough, no matter how many party members there are, they can't rush over.

So instead of being afraid, Chen Fengzhi was actually a little eager to try.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Qing Mulan glanced at Chen Fengzhi, then turned to look at the monkey: "Sir, do you have any plans?"

"Of course it's arranged!" Monkey grinned: "You should know it in a while!"

Three or four miles to the north, there is indeed a mountain col, and the leader of Heiyun is indeed waiting here with more than four thousand remaining.

Luolinggou is a valley and is not suitable for large-scale cavalry battles. If the escort throws grenades, the horses will be easily frightened, which may cause crowding and loss of control.

Therefore, the leader of Heiyun ordered all the cavalry to put their horses on the inside of the mountain col, while he led his men to gather on the outside of the mountain col, ready to take action at any time.

There are five or six archers lying in ambush near the entrance of the mountain. Their mission is to kill the scouts from Tiehuying who are exploring the way.

There was such a big noise on the cliff just now, and the Tiehu camp scouts in the valley became cautious. They immediately stopped the galloping horses, jumped down and hid under the horses' belly.

In this case, even if there are enemies ambushing above you, it will be difficult to hurt them with weapons such as bows and arrows.

As a result, the speed of the scouts became extremely slow. The archers in the mountain col waited for such a long time and did not see the shadow of the scouts.

"Third uncle, will something happen on the top of the mountain?"

A young man next to the leader of Heiyun couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, other party members around him also pricked up their ears.

In fact, they also wanted to ask, but they didn't dare.

Now the leader's nephew spoke, and they were ready to listen.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Leader Heiyun glanced sideways at his nephew.

"But I heard an explosion just now, it seemed like a grenade..." the nephew asked next.

"Maybe the black cripple accidentally blew up the grenade."

Leader Heiyun was comforting his nephew as well as himself.

Just as Amei thought before, although the party members seized some grenades when they surrounded the Zhenyuan Escort Agency, the number was not very large.

Fortunately, Li Lingrui took this ambush seriously and approved five boxes for the Black Cloud tribe.

There are only 200 grenades in the five boxes, so the Black Cloud tribe is naturally reluctant to experiment too much.

The leader selected a few confidants and threw a few pills each, and the training was completed.

In this case, it is not impossible to detonate by mistake.

The nephew wanted to ask more questions, but when he saw the leader glare at him fiercely, he was so frightened that he quickly shut up.

Only then did the leader of Heiyun look away.

He was not deaf, so of course he heard the grenade explosion.

But he has been in the col all the time. His nephew doesn’t know what happened. Does it mean that he knows?

If you continue to ask questions, the morale of the soldiers will be confused!

Leader Heiyun's two sons are dead. I originally wanted to train this nephew to take over, but now I suddenly feel that this nephew is a bit stupid, and I plan to look at the other nephews when I go back.

Just when Leader Heiyun was thinking about his other nephews, he suddenly heard a whistling sound in the air.

When I looked up, I saw a dozen black spots falling from the sky!

"No, it's a grenade!"

The guards of leader Heiyun reacted immediately and wanted to pull the leader away.

Unfortunately it's too late.

The grenades fell one after another and exploded!

The iron sand mixed in the grenade shot out in all directions like bullets, and the surrounding party members were almost beaten into sieves.

Leader Heiyun was not spared either. He was hit by at least a dozen iron sands in his neck and face. He was too dead to die!

Dang Xiang, who was not affected, looked up and saw a person appearing on the mountainside dozens of feet away. There was a small shelf placed on the stone in front of him.

This man was wearing khaki clothes, which looked exactly the same as the color of the stone.

If he hadn't stood up on his own initiative, the party members would not have been able to find him.

In fact, the leader of Heiyun also sent people to check the surroundings of the mountain col before entering it, and this bodyguard used his clothes to hide.

Using the environment to camouflage is also a required course in the escort reconnaissance camp.

This bodyguard scout had been climbing halfway up the mountain for several days and nights, and had already figured out the situation of the Black Cloud tribe.

Ever since he heard the monkey's explosion, he started assembling a mini catapult.

Afraid of being discovered by the party members, he assembled it very carefully and very slowly.

Fortunately, before the party members left the col, he completed the assembly and succeeded in killing the leader of Heiyun!

But he also exposed himself!

"Come here, catch him!"

A small leader in the distance found that his leader had been killed, and his eyes were red with anger.

Following his order, hundreds of party soldiers rushed toward the mountainside with scimitars in hand.

The archers didn't care about anything else, they turned around and shot towards the mountainside.

The escort scouts did not dare to be careless, so they threw down a smoke bomb and quickly climbed up the mountain.

But before he reached the top of the mountain, the scout suddenly stopped, turned and smiled at the party members in the col.

Three or four miles away to the south, Qing Mulan, Chen Fengzhi and others also heard the explosion of grenades, and they all turned their heads to look north.

I saw a cloud of black smoke rising in the direction of the mountain col.

But this black smoke was much smaller than the one created by the monkey just now, the explosion sound was also much smaller, and the ground only trembled slightly.

Qing Mulan was about to ask the monkey what was going on when he saw a black hot air balloon rising slowly in the northern sky...

This chapter has been completed!
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