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Chapter 1354 The way of being an official

"Master Tie, please get up quickly."

The Ninth Princess said: "You also know that we in Sichuan and Shu do not like the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping."

Who would have expected that Tie Shixin would also start acting rogue: "Your Majesty will not get up until Fang Lingjun is taken away!"

After Tie Shixin came to Xihewan, he was cautious in what he said and did. If he hadn't been forced to do nothing, he wouldn't be like this.

"Your Majesty, if he is willing to kneel down, then let him kneel down!"

Fang Lingjun glanced at Tie Shixin: "Since he became an official, he has forgotten his father's teachings and his original intention. It is indeed time to kneel down and reflect!"

"What do you know, you pedantic old man? Food is the most important thing for the people. The most important thing now is not to develop education, but to find ways to stabilize the world and let the people have enough to eat." Tie Shixin retorted. 81 Chinese net

"Mr. Jin said that in a century-old plan, education comes first. If children read books and have the knowledge to distinguish right from wrong, then a prosperous society can develop faster and stabilize faster."

Fang Lingjun said: "Look at Guangyuan, since the introduction of compulsory education, the people have not praised His Majesty for his wisdom and have not been grateful to Mr.

Apart from anything else, after His Majesty started recruiting troops, was Guangyuan the fastest to respond?

The common people are not fools, they all know whoever treats them well..."

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Of course I know the benefits of promoting education, but promoting education costs money!"

Tie Shixin interrupted Fang Lingjun's words, clapped his hands and said: "Build a school, please sir, who doesn't need to spend money, where does the money come from?"

"You are an official and an accountant, and you ask me where the money for teaching comes from?"

Fang Lingjun retorted: "Are you the official, or am I the official?"

Tie Shixin was so angry that he jumped up from the ground, jumped in front of Fang Lingjun, and started arguing with him.

Two scholars with good reputations in Sichuan, Sichuan and even Dakang were now like scolding shrews, quarreling and slobbering.

"Your Majesty, I made you laugh!"

Tie Shixin's wife said helplessly: "Lao Tie and my brother didn't like each other when we were young. We have been quarreling for decades. I didn't expect that we are still quarreling when we are old."

Tie Shixin once studied with Fang Lingjun's father, and the two were considered brothers.

If it was just this kind of relationship, Fang Lingjun wouldn't be able to just rely on Tie Shixin's family, after all, he had to avoid suspicion.

However, Tie Shixin's marriage was arranged by Fang Lingjun's father, and his wife was Fang Lingjun's cousin.

That's why Fang Lingjun dared to stay at Tie Shixin's house unscrupulously, without fear of others gossiping.

"Old madam, don't worry. If it weren't for Mr. Fang, I don't know that Mr. Tie would quarrel with others like this."

The Ninth Princess no longer paid attention to the two people arguing, but looked around: "Old madam, didn't I arrange a new place for you, why are you still living here?"

Jin Feng never thought about showing off his frugal life. On the contrary, he always advocated letting rich people build houses.

Although he hated real estate in his previous life, he had to admit that real estate was one of the most effective means of promoting economic development.

The only thing that can be compared with it is the national major infrastructure.

This is not a boy who slays a dragon but eventually becomes an evil dragon, but a necessary stage for economic development.

By developing infrastructure and real estate, not only can the workers involved earn wages, but it can also drive a large number of related industries, such as smelting, mining, and transportation.

Practitioners in these industries can also get rewards and improve their lives.

When people earn money, they will spend it, which can stimulate the service industry, catering industry, entertainment industry and other related industries.

Only when money flows can the economy continue to develop and the total comprehensive wealth of society continue to increase.

Take Jin Feng's previous life as an example. When he was in primary school, there was only one motorcycle in the whole village, but by the time he started working, almost every household in the village had a private car.

The money to buy a car is almost always earned at the construction site or factory.

This is the change brought about by real estate development and large-scale infrastructure construction across the country.

But later on, some over-reliance on real estate to stimulate the economy led to some deformities in the real estate industry and seriously overdrawn the potential of the people.

Jin Feng also worked as a house slave for a period of time in his previous life and knows what it's like.

In order to avoid the same situation in Dakang, Jin Feng decided to focus his development on infrastructure. After building roads, water conservancy and some livelihood-related infrastructure facilities, his team accumulated some experience before trying again.

Develop the real estate industry.

But he also encouraged wealthy people who were willing to build houses and improve their living conditions, and even took the lead in doing so.

Nowadays, Xihewan is full of mud-tile houses, 90% of which belong to Jinfeng's property.

There are so many houses that Jin Feng himself cannot live in. Most of them are used as dormitories for textile factories and bodyguards, and some are used to house migrants.

As the Ninth Princess's right-hand man, Tie Shixin was naturally assigned a very nice house.

However, Tie Shixin and his wife did not move there and still lived in the rented thatched house.

"Lao Tie said that this place is close to my husband's home and it is convenient to go back and forth."

The old woman smiled and said: "Actually, there are only two of us, so it's useless to have such a big house. It's good to live here."

"Old madam, I just saw that you still cook and serve the soup yourself, why don't you hire two servants?" Ninth Princess asked again.

Although Sichuan and Shu implemented the slave release order, many slaves were trained by their masters from childhood to only serve others. They had no other survival skills and no family members to rely on. Therefore, Jin Feng did not apply one-size-fits-all, but allowed the rich to hire servants.


It’s just that in the past, slaves had no status, and their masters could beat them if they wanted, and no one would say anything if they were beaten to death. Now, servants have legal status and have an employment relationship with their masters, who must pay them wages.

If a servant is not satisfied with the work or the wages, he can leave at any time without being stopped by his employer.

According to Tie Shixin's status and salary, it is very normal to hire three or five servants, not to mention too much.

But he didn't hire anyone, and his wife did all the household chores.

"Although I am old, my hands and feet are still handy, so I don't need to hire anyone."

My wife said: "Besides, Lao Tie said that Dakang is still in difficulty right now. Although the wages paid by Sir and His Majesty are very high, as a minister of the court, he cannot take the lead in extravagance and waste."

"What about his salary? Has it been saved?" Ninth Princess asked.

"No, he said that my brother needed money and asked me to give all my wages to my brother."

My wife pointed at Fang Lingjun.

When the Ninth Princess heard this, she couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Tie Shixin.

In fact, the Ninth Princess had already started to pay attention to Tie Shixin, and even sent people to find out what he did when he was an official in the capital.

At that time, Tie Shixin's life could not be said to be extravagant, but it was definitely not shabby either.

In order to build a good relationship with the officials in the capital, he often went to brothels to treat guests to dinner.

Such a big change now is not that Tie Shixin has really changed, but that he is well versed in the way of being an official and knows how to live in peace and harmony.

When he was in the capital, his bosses liked to have a good time and have a good time, so he would accompany them to do so.

When I came to Xihewan, I found that everyone lived frugally, and Tie Shixin could also live frugally.

This chapter has been completed!
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