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Chapter 1401 Force Deterrence

Zhang Liang's attitude made it clear that he did not want to return the food.

But Xie Lingfeng still wanted to struggle a little longer: "Marshuai Zhang, they say that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is dedicated to the people and never takes a single step from the people. You can't do this!"

"If you are ordinary people, our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau will naturally not touch you even a single needle or thread, but are you ordinary people?"

Zhang Liang asked in a cold voice: "Don't think that we don't know why you are hoarding food. You know it in your own hearts, so don't pretend to be stupid and pitiful in front of me. I look disgusting!"

Xie Lingfeng and He Dingliang looked at each other and fell silent.

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why.

What's more, the aristocratic family is not responsible for this matter.

Just as Zhang Liang said, their motivation for hoarding food is indeed disgraceful.

Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that they cannot beat Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

The aristocratic families appear to be sanctimonious on the surface, but in reality each one is more ruthless than the last.

If the private soldiers under the grain merchants could defeat Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, Xie Lingfeng would never come to Zhang Liang to say good things in a low tone, but would mercilessly skin and cramp the bodyguards who robbed the granary.

"To tell you the truth, I came here just for food. If I come here to cry and feel disgusted, I wouldn't mind going to the Xie family's old house and letting you have a good cry!"

Zhang Liang scolded: "Get out! Don't be an eyesore in front of me!"

Xie Lingfeng had never been scolded by someone pointing his nose like this since he was a child. His face turned red and white, but he didn't dare to get angry. He could only grit his teeth, saluted Zhang Liang, turned around and left.

He Dingliang didn't even dare to let out a fart, and ran away dejectedly after Xie Lingfeng.

"Sir, you are right, these children from aristocratic families are all hypocrites!"

Zhang Liang sneered and said: "You obviously want to chop me to death, but you still pretend to salute!"

The guards behind him all looked at their noses and noses, pretending not to hear anything.

In the Battle of Zhuangzigou, too many bodyguards died, many of whom were old comrades Zhang Liang had known when he was in the Tielin Army.

Jin Feng was sad, and Zhang Liang was even sadder.

The guards were the ones who accompanied Zhang Liang the most. After that battle, the guards could clearly feel that Zhang Liang's hostility and murderous aura was getting stronger and stronger.

If Xie Lingfeng dared to talk back just now, maybe Zhang Liang would really kill him.

After Xie Lingfeng returned, he told the old and current head of the family exactly what he saw and heard.

Xie Lingzhong was first stunned by the two explosions of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. Then he learned that Zhang Liang was going to take away the grain as trophies, and he was so angry that he cursed.

The old head of the family had already guessed this outcome, so he behaved relatively calmly, but he seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

When Xie Lingzhong finished cursing, the old family leader sighed heavily and said: "Zhong'er, inform the clansmen in the village to evacuate Xie's Village as soon as possible!"

"Yes, I will arrange for everyone to evacuate tomorrow!" Xie Lingzhong bowed and agreed.

"No, go now. All clan members must leave Xiejia Village before nightfall today!"

"Now?" Xie Lingzhong glanced outside: "Father, it's almost dark, can't we leave tomorrow?"

"If Zhang Liang goes crazy and really brings people to kill him, we won't even have time to start the seed plan!"

The old family leader stomped on the ground with his crutch and said loudly: "Everyone should not take anything else with them except gold and silver, and they should spread out when evacuating."

"Yes!" Xie Lingzhong also realized the seriousness of the matter and ran out quickly.

Then, the sound of gongs and drums rang out in the village.

At the same time, He Dingliang also returned to the He family.

The head of the He family made the same choice as the Xie family and evacuated the clan members immediately.

The same scene happened in many places in Jiangnan.

This operation to rob the granary and suppress the bandits was planned by Jin Feng, Zhang Liang, Qinghuai and others, so when Zhang Liang took action, other escort units also took action.

Said to be a bandit suppression, it was actually an armed show targeting the Jiangnan family.

Jin Feng hopes that through this performance, the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River and the green forest bandits will have a more intuitive understanding of the force of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

In this case, before they want to target Sichuan and Shu, they will first weigh whether they can withstand the revenge of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

In fact, Jin Feng's move is still very useful.

After this exercise, the wealthy families in Jiangnan and the green forest bandits were all frightened.

In the past, bandits were entrenched in dangerous areas deep in the mountains. As long as they occupied the intersections going down the mountain, they could sit back and relax.

But in the face of airships, those dangerous places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack become not worth mentioning.

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has always been ruthless in dealing with bandits, especially those bandits who seek food from the common people. As long as they are targeted by the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the only outcome will be destruction and capture.

Many bandits were worried that if they continued to exploit the people, they would be blamed by the bodyguards, so they slowly declined and disbanded.

Through the shock of this military exercise, although the situation in Jiangnan has become more chaotic and complicated, without the oppression of aristocratic families and bandits, the situation of the people has become much better than before.

Zhang Liang and Qinghuai led the bodyguards and Tielin troops, hired a large number of civilians, and arranged for the transportation of food to the Yangtze River day and night.

Zhenyuan No. 2 also traveled back and forth between Jiangnan and Sichuan and Sichuan, transporting grain to various places in Sichuan and Sichuan.

Jiang Nan was very busy, and Jin Feng was not idle either.

After I came back, I only spent one day with my wife and children, and then I plunged into the steel factory.

During the construction of the steel plant, he had been fighting in the field. He only left a stack of drawings and asked Mancang to build according to the drawings.

Although the drawings are detailed, many problems will still arise during the construction process.

After sorting out all these problems, Jin Feng went into the laboratory to guide Wan Heming and Zuo Zhiyuan and others in upgrading machine tools and preparing to build a rifle production line.

Whether the rifle can be mass-produced will directly affect the future situation of Dakang, so Jin Feng attaches great importance to it and takes Zuo Zhiyuan and others to live and eat in the laboratory.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, there is work.

Fortunately, conditions are better now. Guan Xiaorou not only separated several rest rooms in the laboratory, but also arranged for several female escorts to take turns on duty. No matter when Jin Feng and the others were hungry, they would have hot meals to eat.

Jin Feng woke up that day, yawned and came out of the room. He was about to find something to eat, but he found the Ninth Princess standing in front of the machine tool, watching curiously.

"Wuyang, why are you here?"

As the king of a country, the Ninth Princess is also very busy.

Guan Xiaorou came to the laboratory several times almost every day, but Princess Ninth only came once.

The Ninth Princess turned her head and looked at Jin Feng's disheveled hair, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

Walking forward, combing Jin Feng's hair, he replied: "Can't I come and see you?"

"Yes, but you definitely didn't come to see me today," Jin Feng frowned and asked, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

This chapter has been completed!
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